
DeFi Quotes

There are 207 quotes

"This is part of a really hot trend in DeFi right now called yield farming or liquidity mining."
"The benefits of DeFi include privacy, security, censorship resistance, and trustlessness."
"DeFi or decentralized finance has absolutely sparked in 2020, reaching a total locked-up value of over 14.5 billion dollars."
"Decentralized finance has exploded, predominantly led by the excitement of AMMs or automated market makers like Uniswap."
"Ethereum is deemed to be generation two... it allows DeFi through smart contracts, which is kind of cool."
"We're barely in the first inning of DeFi adoption; we've basically proven it works."
"Still at the top of the first inning regarding DeFi."
"DeFi is helping build really a new financial system from the ground up."
"It's going to be forced on us because we're going to say, to do any business outside the United States, we have to do business in this DeFi world."
"Cardano's best bet is capitalizing on DeFi and building the ecosystem."
"Volatility trading on crypto is the next big thing in DeFi."
"So I think it's way more beyond just 1559, right? DeFi is definitely growing and is still in its infancy right. And all the biggest players are still on ETH or using an ERC20 token."
"The SEC chair says innovation around DeFi could be real, wow, wow, wow, that is really cool."
"UNI token surges 50% in one week, becomes the first DeFi token in crypto's top ten."
"Remember, almost all the DeFi is going on on Ethereum."
"2021 showed that altcoins are not just a method to pump Bitcoin. DeFi is here to stay, it's disrupting the banking industry."
"Chainlink is critical to the DeFi smart contract space."
"I think when you take DeFi and you take NFTs and then you sprinkle, like I said, a little bit of EIP1559, then you get the most powerful narrative in crypto."
"But I do think that they're doing all the right moves right now. I do think their ecosystem is growing with DeFi, with NFTs. They have some big players, they have their bridge and they have many other things going for them, such as coin burning."
"Imagine if you could build Aave, Uniswap, SushiSwap, any kind of application you can think about in the DeFi space, in a matter of just a couple of hours versus multiple weeks."
"Decentralized Finance is going to usurp the role of most financial services companies today."
"If Chainlink disappeared, every single DeFi project would literally stop working right now."
"Ethereum is going to remain the king when it comes to DeFi and those other blockchain uses."
"Building multi-chain is a new necessity for DeFi products... The winning DeFi projects will be those that build experiences connecting as many blockchains as possible."
"At present, your DeFi product needs to be multi-chained to be competitive... The market is shaped by user demands."
"I like to be transparent about these types of things because I think not a lot of people really understand DeFi."
"Hard Protocol is part of Kava, like an all-in-one DeFi ecosystem."
"Being that last market cycle was with speculation, the new market cycle is going to be with DeFi."
"You have one DAP that exceeds all DAPs combined on Ethereum. And that's PancakeSwap. So I mean, you put two and two together, it just makes a whole lot of sense that this is gonna go a lot higher."
"Glitch is pretty promising. It's like a layer two for DeFi DEXes. They're very small cap, I looked into them, and something about the project just sounded right to me, so I actually do like Glitch."
"Ether is the platform upon which most of DeFi is taking place as well as stable coins and NFTs."
"Do I think DeFi will pump again? Yeah, I think so. I mean, look, we've been calling out the DeFi innovation."
"This could be the start of the next center of the DeFi world."
"The biggest decks on Ethereum is Uniswap valued at over 10 billion dollars."
"Decentralized exchange uses something called an AMM or an automated market maker model to allow two users to swap tokens."
"DeFi might actually grow faster than Bitcoin over the next several months."
"Bitcoin acts as a great emerging store value. It's the largest asset, it would be silly not to bring it into DeFi, use it as collateral as an asset."
"Crypto has an incredibly bright future, do you not think that even in the DeFi space?"
"Expect the DeFi is far from over, because DeFi is a developing space."
"Banks should be scared of cryptocurrency-based DeFi."
"Do you expect to see DeFi basically existing on Polkadot by the end of the year?"
"L1s and DeFi projects will continue to get stronger."
"TVL is an indication of demand for the protocol, especially with DeFi."
"Rising TVL means rising usage and confidence in the protocol."
"The most mispriced opportunity in all of the crypto industry is DeFi on Bitcoin."
"And when Wi-Fi starts to move it makes me think that the entire DeFi ecosystem might be primed for a massive pump."
"Decentralized finance offers a way to earn interest on your crypto in a decentralized manner."
"The Rug Dock provides insight into the risks associated with DeFi, helping you manage your risk."
"Yield farming maximizes profit off existing cryptocurrency investments via decentralized apps."
"Staking tokens in liquidity pools contributes to the liquidity of trading pair pools."
"Decentralized lending offers immediate, direct earning potential with higher interest rates."
"I preach this time and time again, and that is why seeing a newfound approach to allowing for people's money to go where it's best treated and have a bridge between DeFi and the centralized fiat worlds to me is incredibly bullish."
"The biggest use case right now is DeFi. DeFi is vast, there's so many things that's part of DeFi."
"Uni steak is a decentralized token protocol that empowers DeFi projects and DeFi liquidity."
"In the DeFi world, you can trust nobody but the code and yourself."
"I would have to pick the DeFi one. It's more being my own bank."
"Ethereum being defined by DeFi is better than Ethereum being defined by nothing, but it's time to go further."
"Get rid of the banks, guys. Use DeFi. Tis what it tis."
"Automation is going to be big because there are only so many people that can keep up with DeFi."
"Arbitrum has been the ideal environment for decentralized finance applications."
"Arbitrum leads all layer 2 scaling solutions by total value locked."
"What I think will go on to define 2.0 versions of DeFi, 2.0 versions of trafi, 2.0 versions of gamey, 2.0 versions of every smart contract thing you can really come up with."
"In essence for defi it's bringing defi smart contracts to bitcoin."
"It's important from for D5 from a user perspective from a developer's perspective from a technology perspective right if you if you're not able to take these different different D5 instruments and put them together in interesting ways then you're."
"This looks like a TVL volume absolutely spiking into 2024."
"All across DeFi, you see this design pattern emerge as a very dominant form."
"Liquid staking removes the lockup and bonding period, allowing you to use your coins in DeFi to try and get higher yield from them."
"A simple trusted gateway into the world of DeFi."
"You can see Phantom is obviously doing more in the whole realm of DeFi, which is where I believe the most valuable use case will be."
"Uniswap X formalizes a new kind of player in making trading in DeFi maximally efficient."
"With all of this, is it possible that the worst is behind us and we are at the brink of a DeFi renaissance?"
"Layer 2 scaling is clearly one of the big developments and can dramatically increase the adoption of DeFi by lowering the cost and increasing the speed of transactions."
"In the search for yield in DeFi, users are keen to bridge their assets into other chains."
"NFTs, metaverse, and DAOs can also fuel DeFi, which could become the backbone of these nascent ecosystems."
"The decentralized finance space, despite the current market cooldown, keeps evolving with astonishing speed."
"During these seemingly quiet periods, it's extremely important to stay up to date with the latest trends to benefit the most when the attention eventually comes back to DeFi."
"Defi just got way easier with Vault craft popcorn's no code defi toolkit."
"I think the major underlying thesis is DeFi is the biggest product-market fit for permissionless blockchain and crypto."
"They will definitely play a lot of influence in the decision of other DeFi protocols."
"It is my hope that DeFi's reputation will move away from these really risky bets on risky assets."
"You really get excited around it. All the smartest people are now going into it plus the capital from smart venture capitalists means that there's no stopping this movement of peer-to-peer computing, more transparent world, all the DeFi applications that are being built."
"If you don't have enough funds to pay back the loan, the entire transaction gets reverted, and so there's little to no risk of losing money."
"Anyone can become a liquidity provider by depositing their tokens into liquidity pools and earning a profit."
"And finally, there are flash loans, so I definitely encourage you guys to explore Aave and learn about all the cool things that you can do with this protocol."
"We could actually send the funds out to another contract after receiving the loan, do something with them, receive them back into the contract, pay off the loan, and hopefully walk away with some kind of profit."
"We'll have plenty of tokens to pay back the loan and we should walk away with a profit of about 110 dollars, give or take."
"If you guys like this kind of content and want to see more about blockchain, DeFi, Web3, and all that kind of good stuff, definitely encourage you to subscribe to the channel."
"Going forward, a DeFi project is probably going to be a big trend."
"That's how we do it: DeFi, DeFi, DeFi."
"Decentralized finance is about trading with your peers... it is really about financial democracy."
"I think that's better for the world and that is what a lot of DeFi is trying to do at the core."
"The world is tilting towards digital currency and DeFi."
"The key is the multi-trillion dollar opportunity is connecting DeFi and real-world assets."
"We need to build a financial plumbing layer, and that's what DeFi, open decentralized finance, is doing."
"It's mind-blowing how fast things can move in DeFi."
"Some Ethereum projects you should know about at the moment, many of the top projects developed on the Ethereum platform are focused on DeFi."
"If DeFi is going to have any success, insurance is something that people will have to use."
"DeFi is about earning passive income."
"DeFi is perhaps the most exciting thing I've seen in a decade."
"The biggest and most powerful trends in crypto over the last 18 months to 24 months has been DeFi."
"D5 lending out your money and earning interest on that money... is going to fundamentally change things."
"Thorchain clearly looks like an interesting protocol and a missing piece in the DeFi ecosystem."
"DeFi gained real traction with users, with DAO tokens reaching over a billion dollars in market cap."
"We're definitely excited about DeFi at Coinbase, and we want to make sure we help build the future of this technology here in America."
"DeFi is really the first fully encapsulated use case that can take the world's existing value and provide superior financial products to people all over the world."
"Institutions will end up seeing financial products in the DeFi format that are simply superior, they're easier to use, they're more secure, they have less risk, you have better guarantees."
"That's the same reason the internet won and it's the same reason Linux won and it's the same reason DeFi is going to win."
"It's inevitable that banks and fintechs will have to adopt DeFi, or all your business will go to people that have adopted this."
"Terra is attempting to bring the advantages of crypto, DeFi, and all of those decentralized applications, but without the volatility and unpredictability of the prices."
"The benefits of DeFi are so large, and whenever someone seems to become an owner of cryptocurrency, they seem to invariably delve deeper into it."
"We should be looking at what's the next big NFT thing, and what's the next big DeFi thing."
"I think this project is extremely innovative and going to be very disruptive going forward in DeFi."
"Now I think this protocol has a good chance to reshape the entire borrowing market in DeFi."
"With DeFi, anybody can go do savings and lending without having to be whitelisted."
"Now you can use Uniswap V3 swap router in your own code to be able to execute swaps."
"The more of these DeFi protocols that you explore and sort of master, the more building blocks you have to work with in your own applications."
"DApps clients... make it easy to interface with all these DeFi applications."
"Business enterprises on a global level are trending towards DeFi, decentralized finance."
"One of the promises of DeFi is financial freedom."
"He meticulously researched many DeFi protocols, figuring out exactly how they worked and how he could exploit them."
"One of the big selling points for DeFi and crypto is that anyone can verify the integrity of the chain."
"Bitcoin is the true DeFi, that's decentralized finance."
"We are responsible for our money in crypto on DeFi; we don't trust banks, we don't trust centralized exchanges, but we are responsible for the money."
"If you invest in DeFi or just interested in it, it is an absolute no-brainer."
"Technically the amount of money being drained from the DeFi space is actually larger than the ransomware industry."
"We're going to see a DeFi summer... everyone loves tokens in a bull run."
"Zapper.fi is a DeFi dashboard and it's awesome."
"DeFi is an opportunity and it shouldn't be hindered by the gas and everything else."
"If you're a DeFi project right now and you don't have product market fit, you can start an L2 and create this ecosystem play."
"I think freedom is worth fighting for. I think DeFi is worth fighting for."
"The bankers hate crypto because people are pulling their money from the banks and putting it into DeFi protocols."
"TVL is a key indicator of increasing market interest and adoption of DeFi protocols."
"TVL provides a great way to measure the size of the DeFi ecosystem."
"Airdrops can generally be quite fruitful."
"The entire point of this DeFi Llama application and all these features is to give you an edge."
"Defi stands for decentralized finance."
"The DeFi is exploding, and the beautiful thing is, we're doing things the right way."
"This audit has so many common DeFi bugs packed into one that we're going to learn a ton."
"The Thunder Loan protocol is meant to do the following: give users a way to create flash loans and give liquidity providers a way to earn money off their capital."
"I'm excited to see some real world applications bringing DeFi to the real world."
"This can unlock the ability for a full-on Bitcoin DeFi ecosystem."
"Freedom is worth fighting for; DeFi is worth fighting for."
"Super powers for DeFi developers."
"We're focused on mobile... we've seen a lot of adoption particularly around DeFi use cases."
"DeFi, which means Decentralized Finance, is finance re-invented on the Blockchain."
"The promise of Defi is really two things. The first one is security and the ability to keep assets secure away from adversaries."
"In Defi, you don't need to rely on the reputation of a counterparty because you can verify the smart contract that represents your relationship."
"Defi is the future, RWA is going to be the future."
"Defi is the future and that is something that the entire market is realizing now."
"The beauty of DeFi and decentralized finance is that you get access to sophisticated financial products and instruments in a decentralized context."
"The main thing is that DeFi is permissionless, open-source finance and to me, it is the absolute best thing about smart contracts."
"I'm really excited for the future of DeFi and for the future of stablecoins."
"This sideways action was called the DeFi summer, and this is where altcoins absolutely ripped."
"The average person will have apps on their phone that give them access to DeFi where they'll be able to engage in financial transactions without banks, brokers, with lower fees, global liquidity, the internet but for finance."
"Decentralized Finance, the growth of web3... it is very much a reality."
"Ethereum is always going to be home to powerful DeFi Primitives and lots of liquidity."
"Properly built DeFi is much harder to regulate."
"If we're going to make DeFi truly decentralized and truly inclusive, we need it to be as cheap as possible and as seamless as possible."
"Unlike the traditional financial system, DeFi works exactly like it's supposed to work."
"The beauty of DeFi is that the protocol will just carry on doing what it's supposed to do in a decentralized way."
"Our mission is to build solutions that solve the fundamental issues in DeFi and traditional finance."
"Remember, DeFi is exciting but we're early, be careful out there."
"We're here to build a sustainable, accessible, and inclusive future of DeFi not just for traders but really for every player in the ecosystem."
"We're essentially here to revolutionize the DeFi marketplace and bring it really to the masses."