
Public Transportation Quotes

There are 135 quotes

"Electric is obviously better, but what we should be leaning on is public transportation."
"It would be wonderful to give the cities back to the people rather than keep them strictly for cars: larger sidewalks, more people walking, and some actual public transportation."
"I used public transportation as one of the reasons to bust my ass to make it because I knew that was an expense I would have to incur one day."
"A good public transportation service will make people spend less money, use cars less often, and cause less damage to the environment by decreasing the level of pollution."
"We had to download apps also to use the subway system to get back into our own building complexes."
"Whether you want a dehumanized railway that's just there to clinically deliver that service at a profit or whether you want a human railway that looks out for its passengers."
"Riders are terrified, and that's having a major effect on subway ridership as a whole."
"Most people want a convenient, affordable, fully regulated, hopefully publicly owned bus service."
"I'm sorry for the delays... LNER is owned by the DFT after franchise was handed back in 2018, so they are publicly owned."
"The infrastructure here is great, and what might even be better is the city's commitment to continue building more great infrastructure so they can provide safe and comfortable rides for everyone."
"Flying in a plane nowadays is about as safe as catching a ride on a bus or commuting on the subway."
"It's the largest investment in passenger rails since the creation of Amtrak itself and transformative impacts in traffic safety will be achieved."
"One tram is like having three buses pull up at once."
"Here's Ringo with four big cases on the bus in the middle of the night, and his bus stop is about a half mile from his house."
"Donald Trump's numbers suck lit up tonight in blue for the workers of the MTA who keep the buses and rails moving through the mostly stay at home city of New York."
"Excellent transit network, amazing utilization for both residents and tourists."
"North American light rail costs are often high with lower ride quality."
"Dublin, one of the largest cities in Europe around Metro is finally gonna be getting a metro and I think that's kind of cool."
"It's important to realize the city loses $690 million a year to Fair evasion."
"The sky is very ample and very empty and very free. So the vision is, can we build a socially acceptable mass transit solution for daily transportation that is affordable?"
"Public transportation is absolutely amazing but what it does to a country is something even more amazing."
"A lot of cities are moving towards a free public transportation option, realizing that the amount of money you generate from fares isn't necessarily big enough to dissuade people from taking transit."
"What we need is public transportation and we need public transportation which is accessible to all which is fast frequent that goes where people need to go and which is publicly owned."
"New York is undergoing its biggest subway expansion in 50 years with the Second Avenue subway."
"Creating a logical route system for efficient public transit."
"Bidirectional service for accessibility and convenience."
"Expanding transit network to serve diverse community needs."
"The awesome thing about it is that they're all connected by the Metro system, which is dirt cheap to use, incredibly efficient, so don't be afraid to stay in the JBR area."
"The subway's been a little crazy, especially after the Covid situation, people are pushing people in front of the trains, people are stabbing people in these subways."
"The Subway should be free. Public transportation should be free."
"Buses reduce the number of cars on the road."
"The Empire Builder Plus is basically just running more trains on the same route."
"The people mover is the perfect vehicle for people watching."
"The subway was London's lifeline during the Blitz."
"London Underground's problems today come from its age."
"When we design other things, say a subway car or a bus for municipal use, it's going to be used 50 to 90 percent of the time."
"Our spider transit hub, getting busier and busier as we build."
"Unfortunately, despite its great size and the number of people it moves every single day, the Delhi Metro is woefully underappreciated."
"The Delhi Metro is one of the world's great Metro systems."
"It's not just Londoners, it's any city that has a train system."
"I don't know what kind of metro system, but some kind of metro system would be nice."
"We have 39 billion dollars to modernize American transit."
"Welcome to the front of the bus. I gotta tell you, that is [__] hilarious."
"Making Transit the most convenient, affordable, and reliable choice for people."
"I guarantee you if we ever reached a point where European style commuter rail was actually on the table, that would be one of the naysayer talking points."
"That is not too bad, let's also take a look at our metros."
"Electric city bus helps the company cut its fuel costs by 68%, maintenance cost by 50%. So let's call that 70% less in fuel, 50% in maintenance costs. That's a pretty good incentive."
"Hong Kong has arguably the best subway system..."
"If we have good public transportation system, it's like the core spaces for people with different backgrounds, different class, different gender, race, ethnicity to interact and to encounter."
"Every couple of years, the MTA has to reach out with its hands out because there isn't a fully committed line of funding that really ensures the ability of the MTA to provide operations and capital improvements on a regular, consistent basis."
"Gay couple kissing in Mumbai local train found to be straight men who were lip-locked due to heavy rush."
"The point is that if you're on the 11:30 train out of the city and there's a women's only carriage and you're a bad bloke who wants to do damage, well, you go straight in. You're not going to respect the pink."
"Large Avenues with bus lanes: perfect for city planning."
"Give our citizens the modes of transport they deserve."
"His imprint on the nation's Transportation infrastructure and policy reforms will be remembered as foundational to the advancement of American public transit systems." - Mortimer L Downey
"Access to mass transit is crucial for city growth."
"San Francisco is opening, I mean a lot of shops are open, the stores are open so the cable cars will attract more business."
"It's phenomenal. The trains are clean, fast, frequent and not expensive."
"I think people are going to absolutely love that for getting around the city."
"Fantastic now we get access to monorails trains cable cars that everyone's been crying out for we will give those a go let's have a look down here."
"Portland put together one of the most tourist-friendly public transportation systems for a reason."
"The city is exceptionally well run when it comes to public transportation and green living."
"They're in the stations on the lookout for people jumping turnstiles."
"The time has come to give up on the 19th century idea of public transportation and leap for the autonomous future."
"This video is inspired by all of you who've asked us about riding public transportation out on the beaches."
"Can we build a new cheap public transportation system to unite the city?"
"The train to my work and back costs £34 a day, and the machines have had trouble taking change in the past. So for about five months, I've decided to not pay for a ticket."
"Every single high school in the country needs to have a flying etiquette class. It's unbelievable what people will do on public transportation."
"Some of the best comedy comes from the craziest that you've seen on public transportation."
"It really puts Montreal on the map in terms of best transit systems in North America and across the world."
"Public transportation in Japan is one of the best in the world. So you can easily live in Tokyo without having a car. That's why we don't have the traffic jam, we don't have air pollution here. So this is a good thing."
"Every carriage is meant to take 150 passengers which includes those sitting and standing. But at rush hour we push capacity to 180%."
"Having a station like Fort Totten, a transfer station that's not downtown, means that for certain cross-town trips, your trip is a lot shorter."
"When I go to the continent I see how it should be done: fast, clean, punctual trains. Why can't we have the same here?"
"The public transportation systems in the cities over here in Australia are so much better."
"The concept of public transportation around here is about as foreign as letting strangers in off the street into your house and offering them a five-course dinner."
"Just north of Union Station is Metro’s first infill station, NoMa-Gallaudet University, where you’ll find one of my favorite secrets on the Red Line–a piece of abandoned track."
"...Dutch Stations don't fail at other factors either they're impeccably clean and there are plenty of toilets benches and stuff and the architecture is either modern or respectful to the Past trench stations are on the whole incredibly Pleasant."
"When you're on the bus, you need to signal the bus to stop."
"Uh, we have a pet rat that was threatening folks on the MBTA. Hey, I'll stab you, jeez, pet rats. Oh, this is nutria that's in trouble."
"I tend to feel dizzy whenever I'm on a bus, but I think walking or using public transportation is more environmentally friendly."
"Despite this uncertain beginning, the project was eventually completed, and today Philadelphia has one of the better rapid transit systems in the country."
"I'm gonna be using a mixture of my bike, trains, buses, any public transport, not airplanes."
"We highly recommend taking the metro any chance you get."
"Express transit is so important to talk about because it's one of those things that takes an existing transit network that might be good or good enough in some people's opinions and takes it to the next level."
"...if you work from home and you're in reach of a good, reliable, affordable public transportation option, maybe you could save yourself a lot of time and money by ditching your car completely."
"The Orange Line is entirely enclosed like the rest of the Montreal Metro and carries more riders each day than the rapid transit networks of other Canadian cities such as Vancouver and Ottawa."
"If we want GO to be frequent like a subway, it needs to use trains that are more like those on the subway."
"In a way, Sound Transit 3 represents fixing past mistakes and creating a transit system that better services the people who live in the King County region."
"Trolleybuses were ideal for the city's hilly terrain and they were clean and quiet."
"One of the great things about France though is the public transportation is fantastic."
"We've changed the streets; now it's for people and public transportation."
"We must provide a law which will permit the organizing and financing of rapid transit facilities."
"Each bus replaces 36 individual vehicles on the road, with a net savings of 4,800 gallons of gas per bus being used."
"Europe's public transportation systems are usually thought of as superior to the United States."
"The Staten Island Ferry is free to ride, but beware of scammers trying to sell you tickets as no tickets are required."
"Transit should obviously serve all parts of a city, but it should make an especially big effort to serve major trip generators like hospitals, universities, and event centers."
"Make sure you're by a train line that can get you there every day without transferring three, four, or five times and then hating your life."
"When people think about metros in North America... the Mexico City metro is an impressively large network that you should get to know."
"The Healthline is still a success story."
"If you want to be part of building a more equitable and connected Cleveland, join Clevelanders for Public Transit."
"Open gangways provide more space for passengers and improve passenger flows."
"Increasing the capacity on the platform at heavier loading times without risking people getting pushed onto the track."
"We can increase public transportation too, so there's all these ways that you can make energy use more efficient in your country."
"What we need now is for people to get on that train and travel safely to their destinations."
"This is your golden ticket to accessing all of the public transportation in the Bay Area."
"The punctuality performance of Delhi Metro was 99.97%."
"The most spacious articulated bus for 155 passengers in its lineup was shown in a new gas modification."
"A ticket that, for €49 a month, will let you travel on any local train, pretty much any bus, tram, U-bahn, anywhere in Germany."
"Buses can do a lot of the same things trains can do, at a fraction of the capital cost."
"The standout features of Berlin's tram system start with the trams themselves."
"Temperatures on the tube average 10 degrees higher than outside."
"We're on our way to save the world, and it's all thanks to California's reliable public transit system."
"We're working hard to make sure that our transportation system in Chicago increases ridership."
"Public transit has basically universal acceptance; it's no longer a question of should we build transit, but what transit should we build."
"Networks can be found in all walks of life, a city's public transportation system, the London Tube is a great example of this because it is a very well and interconnected network, and it's a very big one too."
"Trams are a big part of the city, and this is a great way to get around."
"For the average New Yorker, the new subway system was a success and it put New York City on the map for having completed a great public work."
"Hong Kong's MTR is a 99 station, 174 km system that allows access to almost all of the country."
"Public transport can be faster, more comfortable, and cheaper than the private automobile."
"BRT is a public transport system designed to offer fast, comfortable, and low-cost urban mobility."
"Public transport is amazing, you people in America should really try it out."
"Public transit is just obviously a good thing to have."
"It's amazing trying the MRT trains here in Indonesia, it's such a nice experience."