
Obscurity Quotes

There are 199 quotes

"Your average person knows basically no history, and even most history buffs are normally clustered on a handful of topics like World War II or the Roman Empire. The sad thing here is that a lot of truly incredible events just end up falling through the cracks."
"Groundbreaking inventions and their creators have mysteriously faded into obscurity."
"Chubby is not well known at all - in part, because Chubby and the game he starred in were actually designed to be forgotten."
"There was one legend that Paul felt drawn to more than others, and it was a rather obscure one to say the least."
"Sunk like a stone. Nobody saw it, but it's very good." - Bruce Wayne's greatness.
"Anything to do with the stuff hidden underground in this game like stuff is so obscure to begin with I never would have found that."
"It's pretty impossible to start talking about weird obscure pieces of Star Wars media without discussing the original weird obscure piece of Star Wars media."
"It's a little too obscure for my taste. I wish it was more common."
"Tier seven: games that either only have a few thousand plays at most or don't exist anymore."
"It's weird to have your life exist for so long that there are these chapters that nobody even knows about."
"The events described as having taken place at Rendelsham Forest... might well have gone on to be forgotten altogether."
"Nobody cares that you were on the brink of stardom."
"The Rorschach test remained relatively unknown outside of a small circle of psychoanalysts."
"Cosimo was arguably the greatest ruler you've never heard of."
"Unveiled with large fanfare, then quietly swept underneath the rug."
"There is no way that you know about this I mean mean like there's no [ __ ] reason to know this I don't even know why I know it other than I saw a gif of some guy doing it like a decade ago and it never left the back of my mind."
"It's a sobering reality that if it were not for Tik Tok the name Jeff Jackson would be utterly inconsequential to The Wider populace."
"I feel like nobody really would have seen this... no adult really would have seen this."
"Nobody's ever talked about it you know you're just never gonna see a comment."
"Everything else sank into darkness and vanished."
"The game's plot pulled from an obscure area of the source material."
"The obscure ones are sometimes the interesting ones."
"Games are just full of weird secrets and easter eggs, some of them so obscure and hard to find it took years for fans to finally decipher them."
"Living a life of relative obscurity... suddenly, Jesus Christ would change Life as we know it."
"Nobody's talking about this [ __ ] show except us right now."
"Obscurity, a fate worse than death for a hero such as myself."
"Stay in position, stay working, stay developing in this season of obscurity."
"For every amazing gaming experience on the Super Nintendo, there was a Sega counterpart you just didn't hear about."
"The unifying aspect among all of these have been that they are all relative obscurities made to cash in on something ultimately mainstream."
"But by today's standards that's stuff's sort of low-hanging fruit no no the real [ __ ] was the pokemon bootlegs."
"There are so many movies that get made and then you never hear from it."
"The iceberg format traditionally begins with the most well-known surface level information that even Outsiders tend to know before descending in a tier 4 format with things growing more obscure and weird."
"Out of the darkness, he heard grunt over and over again."
"There is no greater shame than disappearing into obscurity."
"The most beautiful things in this world are not well known."
"If you want to hide a piece of information, an easy way is for obscurity."
"Shepherds who have labored in obscurity, who love sheep and smell like them."
"And some have gone down as just footnotes even on dedicated sites like the now defunct F1 reject site for how bad they were."
"It doesn't get worse, it just gets more obscure."
"Giulia Tofana: the most successful serial killer whose name you've probably never heard of."
"Like, no one's heard of it. No one watched it."
"It's almost kind of something that been forgotten to time."
"Leaving as abruptly as he came, ADAM faded into obscurity. Or so we thought."
"In an ideal world, Valentine's Day would pass by swiftly and silently as Casimer Pulaski Day."
"Revolt is a constant confrontation between man and his own obscurity."
"Reality is, there are a colossal amount of songs from smaller bands that will never see the light of day."
"And for every one of them that you read about, there's 1,000 of them that got squashed."
"Only a couple of the songs are released or found, and most of the tracks don't even have titles or lyrics."
"The final destination of a sorcerer is one of two things: they either die in obscurity or they become one of these guys."
"Complexity is a form of obscurity."
"Building an online business is significantly harder because of obscurity. Most people will never know who you are in your local town. No one's going to see your website, very few people are gonna even know you exist on social media."
"I'm excited that after proving obscure for most of the 20th century, it's finally receiving extensive scholarly treatment and a variety of studies over the past 15 or 20 years."
"Systems that rely on security through obscurity can never be truly secure."
"It's not saying too much to note that this seemingly ordinary New York house is one of the most important and least known addresses in American history."
"The toe kicks will never see the light of day."
"Tommy Dunbar, some of these guys I don't even remember anymore like Tommy Dunbar I would if you asked me who he was without having access to the Internet I would have no idea who Tommy Dunbar is."
"So why haven't you heard of them? Well, their eye-popping performance is matched only by their extreme secrecy."
"The best part about being president is not being president, cuz afterwards you just fall off in the general obscurity unless you're Trump."
"I'll actually give the highest chances and that is maybe a character some of you haven't heard of maybe some of you have it's a character known as the maker."
"Obscurity was the best of the best security."
"The object of desire must be not just distant but also obscure."
"The Lost media Rabbit Hole goes deep and it's one that I feel will keep growing as more and more lost media is discovered lost and then found."
"The man was a ghost, he couldn't be seen to be big time."
"Due to changes in trade routes, earthquakes, and more, by the 14th century Petra became somewhat lost and obscure to the rest of the world."
"History never recorded his thoughts."
"This is a video about Peanuts specials that haven't had staying power. This is a video about the Peanuts specials time forgot."
"The island of relevancy rests in the ocean of obscurity."
"As I said before, they weren’t famous."
"He vanished into battle rap oblivion, disappeared into the night without a trace."
"It's still kind of dark and faded then."
"Such an interesting and really obscure piece of lost media that no one has really talked about ever. It seems that these games have become completely lost and forgotten."
"...the commercial hasn't resurfaced anywhere within the internet and is now considered lost not seen the light of day since the '90s."
"Theories here are going to get a bit more obscure and dark. That's the way the iceberg chart works."
"History proceeds unevenly. There's a group of Cossacks called the Chuguy of Cossacks who no one talks about today because they went extinct in the 18th century."
"Few people are talking about it. If you go to tobacareviews.com, there are not many reviews of Cobblestone Kentucky Plug or any of the Cobblestone blends."
"It was like Anthony Bourdain. Wow. Nobody knows about this place."
"Ultimately Fading Into Obscurity."
"Where does that anointing come from? It comes from the Dark Room of anonymity and obscurity and crushing."
"Consider how many obscure straight-to-video movies like Max Magician and the Legend of the Rings there are nowadays. This would be straight to 2B and we'd forget about it whenever streaming advances past 2B."
"There's a whole generation of teens out there who don't know who Huckleberry Chicken was."
"Just another band where I just think they're absolutely godly. They should have been huge. But it's just too obscure to be super huge like a Max Webster, even like a King's X really in a lot of ways."
"It's often difficult to track the exact histories of mystical, occult, and esoteric ideas for reasons that should be kind of obvious—they are hidden or at least obscured by nature."
"The kingdom will start very small in obscurity, no glory, no show, no worldwide publicity."
"There are some good ones out there that we've never even heard of because they weren't on video."
"He lived most of his life in intellectual obscurity, finding recognition only in his sixties when he was awarded the international publishers prize."
"I wish I would have been lost in the annals of history."
"The literal Japanese translation to the title of the series is actually called 'I want to be the Eminence in Shadow'."
"Five crazy obscure aliens that don't get nearly enough attention."
"I don't think many people know about them."
"You ain't been talked about in years."
"If you ever wondered what if the BBC's 'Luther' was about uncovering the old money corporate vampires from the first 'Blade' movie then 'Ultraviolet' is the obscure show for you."
"He opened this hotel in 1918 in the silicon of Colorado Springs and nobody comes here."
"Fame is fragile; Edward Bulwer-Lytton, once a major influencer, is now forgotten."
"There's a season of obscurity, a season of hunger, a season of dreaming and of small things, and that's a beautiful time. I learned to thrive there."
"Perhaps you've never even read that passage. I don't think in my life I've ever heard a message on that passage."
"He went from that dungeon of obscurity to the greatest position ever, King of Kings and Lord of Lords."
"Welcome to Pointless, the show where we are always striving to find the most obscure answers."
"It's also just really cool to see a more obscure series that not many people talk about getting an English release, and especially by a pretty smaller publisher as well compared to the bigger ones."
"They're the coolest house in the Seven Kingdoms that no one actually knows about."
"If you're a horror fan, you know the feeling of excitement you get when you mention some really obscure movie to somebody and the person you're talking to has actually seen it."
"Tell someone you like Warhammer, they'll say what the [ __ ] is that."
"Chances are you wouldn't have heard of it or even knew of its existence."
"Welcome to Burnley! It's in no man's land."
"Honestly, it seems like the U.S. tried to forget about the 30.6 Model 1918. I found no manuals, almost no opinions."
"The world went back to forgetting that a Bad News Bears television show even happened, and that's too bad 'cause I quite enjoyed my time with it."
"I want to be like John the Baptist in obscurity declaring the kingdom of God."
"These are very underrated, I never hear anybody talking about them."
"For every success story, there are countless others toiling in obscurity searching for a break."
"...companies that aren't really talked about, that don't have a short write-up in the past, that don't have a lot of short interest, that are kind of off the beaten path and are boring."
"God has a way of pulling people out of obscurity."
"Opportunity only comes to those who manage obscurity with responsibility."
"In the dim light, I could barely see anything but the silhouette of trees all around us and the ink black water of the lake."
"There are around 30 games released on Steam every day, and if you look at the new tab on Steam, you get a chance to see these games before most of them slip into obscurity."
"We're going to see people come out of obscurity."
"Nazareth was such an unknown little place; it's never mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, it's not on a map or anything."
"Mystery is something difficult to understand and comprehend because it's hidden from the natural mind."
"Time so long, so immeasurably long, reveals everything that has been obscure, conceals what has been obvious."
"Jack Stauber is an artist that thrives in obscurity."
"The fog was so dense you couldn't shine a light through it."
"This is one of those campaigns that is out in the weeds and gets lost to history, unfortunately."
"These two weapons, incredibly unknown to most people these days, but 2,000 years ago in China, incredibly well known."
"You are trying to find the least well-known answers and score the fewest points."
"It had been out in the wild for a year without drawing anyone's attention."
"The real mythology of Pegasus' birth and ensuing adventures has never been shared in mainstream media."
"For every Joe Rogan, there's 20,000 people that you've never heard of."
"During my times of work, I often deal with the most obscure phenomena of the human mind."
"He likes the obscure things, you know, things that are unique, things that are different."
"The things that make for peace... are hidden from your eyes."
"He gradually kind of falls into obscurity and he doesn't paint much for the final decade or so of his life, sadly."
"The more obscure something becomes, the more precious it is."
"A film that could have been a cult classic had people known it existed."
"It's challenging to find information about them since they aren't well known."
"A balanced view relies on the acceptance of obscurity."
"A shooting star is brilliant for a tiny moment and then fades away into obscurity," laughs the Flying Scotsman.
"One of my favorite lesser-known but immensely powerful teams in the Marvel universe is The Sisterhood, also known as The Sisterhood of Mutants."
"The God Squad is about as powerful as they sound but still they remain one of the lesser-known teams in the Marvel Universe."
"Sadly, George Benny died in a nursing home, alone and in obscurity, at the age of 65 without a penny to his name."
"Never underestimate the financial opportunity that can be found in some very obscure industries."
"The most forgotten about shipwreck in maritime history."
"It's a remarkable phenomenon and not many people know about it."
"...the SS1 could not be pushed through to a more favorable position against its rivals and would instead languish as an obscure little machine but one fondly remembered by those who recognize it."
"You either evolve or you regress into obscurity."
"You retired your jersey and nobody even knew your number."
"This S60 Polestar is one of the most interesting and character-full cars that basically nobody knows about."
"Truth is so obscure in these times, and falsehood so established, that unless we love the truth, we cannot know it."
"The ring of void renders the wearer invisible and grants them the ability to banish objects into obscurity."
"Music industry can be wonderful to you; it could be cruel to you. After a while, people forget about you, you become unsung."
"Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever."
"The more obscure a town I visit, the greater appeal it has for me."
"A true hidden gem, Hill of the Red Fox remains under most people's radar."
"My hope is located somewhere else, in obscure books, films, and performances, in small communities that exist under the radar of the media."
"I have lived as you see me living now, and the world has forgotten me as I have forgotten the world."
"Memories of television's past, destined to be forgotten about forever."
"It looked almost endless, the area ahead of me was blurred and obscured by the thick fog hanging in the air like stone-cold smoke."
"It's one of Paul's very much lesser known songs, growing up falling down, but it's a beautiful song."
"Suffering is permanent, obscure and dark, and shares the nature of infinity."
"Everyone likes to talk about the flag, but actually, there was a much more famous painting than the American flag, although it's been forgotten."
"It may sound like kind of an obscure and unimportant detail, but it's really, really important."
"This is a small town that not even Italians know exists."
"The thing was so dark that it was nearly invisible, save for the glint of moonlight finding its edges."
"If you're looking for a very off-the-radar destination in Europe, Kosovo is truly one of the last places that's still little known to travelers."
"In the gloom of the morning, it was difficult to see the boat on the lake."
"The dust storm enveloped us, obscuring the sky like the hands of God."
"And so that brings to a close the somewhat brief, somewhat weird history of Farman's often forgotten heavy bomber."
"Race with the Devil is definitely the best horror movie you never saw."
"If it's a strong dream, it creates a fog, so when people are in your fog, they can't see things clearly, they only see what's in that fog."
"...it's definitely lesser-known and for good reason, like it's so mysterious."
"The more intelligent a creature, the more likely he is to remain less well known."
"Of all the characters in the Bible, Nehemiah may not have been one that some of you had ever even heard of."
"The veil over my eyes was thick and heavy; I was closer to the truth than I had ever been before—I could feel it all around me, I just couldn't see it."
"It's a country that most people in the world know nothing of, but world leaders can't get enough of because it's chock-full of oil and gas."
"They are very good vacuum cleaners, a lot of people haven't even heard of SIBO."
"This part of the Lake of the Ozarks disconnected from the internet two decades ago; as far as the collective is concerned, it doesn't exist."
"This Iceberg has some of the most obscure, surreal, disturbing, and interesting games ever created."
"Paths were easy enough to see... but after nightfall, however, shadows had a way of obscuring signs and swallowing light."
"Mountains raced to the sky, encompassing the valley floor, a heavy mist permanently suffocating daylight from view."
"Andorra is one of the oldest countries in the world, yet everyone keeps forgetting about it."
"That obscure Marvel superhero that no one knows who he is and jokes that he's Batman, but he's always been on my list."
"This is a great example of the kind of things that Origins can do, where they take something really obscure and bring it to the forefront."
"This little-known old city is inconspicuous in the world."
"It's another one of those obscure shows that for whatever reason just didn't get a lot of press when it was originally out but has since developed a fiercely devoted fan base."
"Magna is the largest Automotive OEM that you've never heard of."
"The most dangerous thing for a writer is not piracy; it's obscurity."