
Time Zones Quotes

There are 468 quotes

"Great, that's 4:00 a.m. in the morning for us people in the UK."
"We're in a different time zone now, and we're at the point of contact."
"I hope you're having a lovely morning afternoon evening wherever you are in the world."
"Thank you so much and have a great evening or great morning depending on where you're at. All right, bye-bye folks."
"One day we'll start a stream at 11:59 and it will go from morning to afternoon, and then I'll pull the Simpsons 'Good morning, good evening.'"
"Like, as someone who has had to live in a vastly different time zone from the person I love and doing a long-distance relationship it hit me so hard, like I've been there."
"Merry Christmas and I hope you having a wonderful day night afternoon depending on what time zone you are living in."
"Good night to those they're gonna sleep and have a great day for those in daytime right now."
"Rip your Americans, 8:30 a.m in South Australia."
"Let's get into some things okay, it's you know evening afternoon somewhere."
"Good morning, good afternoon, good evening to everyone, wherever you may be."
"Canada spans across not one, not two, not even three, four or five, but six time zones."
"Surf the web in any country in any time zone."
"When you're sleeping, that's when Russia is about to wake up."
"I hope you're all doing well. Thank you for joining me this evening or morning wherever you are."
"Have a great evening, morning if you're in Australia, evening wherever you are, just have a great day, take care."
"Well, good morning, good night, or good afternoon viewers, depending on your time zone."
"The International Date Line now runs in between the Samoan Islands, with American Samoa continuing to remain only 1 hour behind Hawaii and only 4 hours behind California."
"Hope you're having a nice morning, afternoon, evening, night, whatever time of day it is wherever you are."
"I'm really glad you guys are here, especially for those of you in western time zones; this is pretty early."
"I hope you guys have an awesome day, evening, afternoon, or night wherever you are in the world."
"The railroad industry standardized our time zones."
"Well guys, good morning, good afternoon, and good evening to all."
"Have a great evening, morning, afternoon, or night, depending on when in the world you are."
"At night, I'm going to sleep, so Indonesia has a 12-hour time difference, so it's like, totally flipped, you know, it's like nighttime when this game happens there, so I'm going to sleep, it's midnight, and I'm on my phone."
"Australia, they're always in the future over there, you know?"
"We staying up so we can drop on schedule but it is it's it's just I don't know like how we fly all the way over here and when we when we flew it was like the sun came up and went back down or something like that."
"Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, or good night, wherever you are in the world."
"We hope you all have a good day or night depending on where you are."
"Central time zone is where it's at, ladies and gentlemen."
"Shout out to my Europeans who are awake, and to the Americans who are up in the middle of the night."
"And if we have one, it'll be 4 30 to 5 30 Eastern Daylight Time."
"The morning over there, it's gonna be like when it's like 8, 9 p.m. over here."
"what a champ coming on it's like five in the morning over there so thanks buddy"
"Good night to everybody, good morning to those that are somewhere else where it's morning."
"Good morning sir hey uh I was watching the London open at 3:00 uh I guess my time or whatever you want to call it."
"Bro, I ain't going to lie, bro, I ain't going to cap, bro, you making me want to cry and [ __ ], but you feel me, he 6 hours ahead, it's 11:49 in the US, it is 5:49, let me see how good my math is, let me see, boom, 5:49 in the US, damn, 5:49 a.m. in the US, what time is it?"
"Have a good morning evening afternoon wherever you're at."
"Have a good day, night time, whatever time it is for you guys. Bye."
"People watch all over the world like really no matter what the time is because it's like people watching like 12 hours."
"Don't forget about time zone changes. Consider what time your body might think it is and plan accordingly."
"It was like, we were doing it over Zoom, but it was on Korean time."
"Remember there's only a 4-hour time difference between the US east coast and Great Britain right now."
"I'm good, this has been fun, everybody have a great evening or morning wherever you are, bye bye."
"you were sleeping at this time and then now you're on a 12 hour time difference and you just ate breakfast when it was dinner time"
"My part of the world, Toronto, Canada, completely, I think it's like 9 hours behind."
"All right, Jim. It seems that it's too late wherever you are. I am in California, so probably a little late..."
"Good afternoon, good morning, and good evening depending on where you are in the world. I hope you're all having a fantastic day."
"It's five o'clock somewhere, everywhere, right? Check over in Brazil, down in Australia, it's always five o'clock somewhere."
"Question is, is Central Time uh the best time zone to watch football and sports? Yes, by far."
"Canada straddles not one or two but six time zones they are Newfoundland time zone Atlantic time zone eastern time Central Time Zone Mountain Time Zone and the Pacific time zone."
"Time zone wise if I can make it work... we'll find out when I'm in Malaysia."
"Good morning or good evening, depending on where you are from, which part of our globe you are watching this live session."
"It's always fun dealing with time change."
"The only thing it said Sunset is 3:49, but that's here. It would probably be different on the west."
"Thank you for joining us this morning or this afternoon or this evening or tomorrow morning or whatever the heck. It's a global audience. I still can't believe it, but I'm so glad you're here."
"We're here to serve you regardless of your time zone and geography."
"At the North Pole, all 24 time zones collide at a single point, rendering them meaningless. It is simultaneously all of Earth's time zones and none of them. Time has no meaning at the North Pole. That's where I want to live."
"Good morning, good afternoon, or even good evening if you happen to be on the dark side of the planet at this time while you're viewing."
"Everybody just have a great evening and get some sleep, probably depending on your time zone."
"The entire domain that falls under the UK's sovereignty spans across nine time zones."
"The office and the workspace are changing; we will work and communicate with distributed teams, even work between different time zones."
"Welcome everyone, depending on your location, good morning, good afternoon, and good evening."
"The first thing you need to know about France is that it's not just European, but a transcontinental country that spans across 12 time zones, more than any other country in the world."
"Good morning from Australia. Well, it's already tomorrow in Australia."
"Good morning or good afternoon to all the viewers depending on where you are."
"Good morning, good lunchtime, good afternoon, or good night, I guess, wherever you're from."
"I flew from New York to LA which is like going back in time."
"Good afternoon, good morning, good evening, and welcome wherever you are in the world watching."
"Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, depending on your favorite time zone."
"One country, three different time zones, what is going on?"
"It's always morning somewhere. That's how the world works 'cause the rotation of the world, you know that?"
"Good evening, good morning, good afternoon, rather for some of the people around the world."
"Thank you so much for tuning in this morning, or this afternoon, or this evening."
"Good morning, good evening, whatever it is, wherever you are."
"Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, to everybody who is online depending on which part of the world you are online from."
"Friends in different time zones: Good morning."
"Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, depending on what side of the water you're in."
"Thank you for coming and attending early or late, however it is at your place in your time zone."
"Good morning everyone, or good afternoon, or good evening, depending on which side of the planet you're joining us from."
"Good morning to all, good day to all, good evening to all, whatever timezone you're in, you're here, you're welcome."
"Good morning everybody, or good afternoon, depending on where you are in the world."
"Hello everybody, good morning or good evening depending on where you are in the world."
"Happy Monday! Well, it's Monday for me, which means it's Tuesday for you guys."
"Believe it or not, in the past 11 days, I have been in all four time zones."
"Good night, good morning, good evening, whatever it is for you."
"Good morning, good afternoon, or good evening, whoever you are, wherever you are."
"Map of time zones of the world, because some of them are crazy."
"Good morning, afternoon, good evening, depending on what side of the world you're in."
"Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good day, depending on where you are on this big wide planet of ours."
"Good evening everyone, or good morning, or good afternoon, depending on where you are in the world."
"It's 10 o'clock; it's five o'clock somewhere."
"Hello everybody, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, wherever you are."
"Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, based on the location you have joined."
"Good afternoon, good evening, and good morning."
"Good day from Australia, what time is it where you guys are? Because for me, it's like right about 3 P.M."
"Good day everyone who's following the channel, good afternoon to some, good morning to some, and good night to others."
"Hello everyone, good morning, good afternoon, good evening."
"3:30 AM in India but Checkmate 401 is watching."
"It's going to be a great afternoon and into an evening for those watching on the East Coast."
"Good afternoon, good morning, good evening, depending on where you are on the globe."
"Their tagline is 'Where America's day begins' because it's in the same time zone as Japan and Australia."
"I love spending my Saturdays with you guys, whether it's the morning, afternoon, evening depending where you are in this crazy world."
"Have an amazing day or evening, depending on where you are."
"It's High Noon somewhere in the world."
"Good morning everyone... well, it's morning here right now, but good afternoon or evening, or whatever time it is wherever you're at."
"Good morning, or afternoon, or evening, depending on what time you night owls have decided to watch this video."
"Good morning everybody, or good evening, or good afternoon, wherever you might be around the world."
"What's up everybody, welcome back to another Tuesday evening, morning, afternoon, depends on where you are in the world."
"I hope you have a good night/morning even an afternoon or whatever time it is wherever you are in the world, take care."
"I'm in the Philippines right now at 6 a.m. on a Saturday, I'm a day ahead."
"Good evening from Namibia, well good morning from the USA."
"If it's my Friday and it's eight o'clock, the time difference for you guys, that'll be 2022 when coronavirus is definitely not here anymore."
"Have a great morning, afternoon, or night, wherever you are."
"Good morning my friends in Europe, good afternoon in the East, and good evening even down there in New Zealand."
"And good afternoon to some of you, good evening to some of you, and sorry I got you out of bed for some of you."
"Have a good morning, afternoon, and evening wherever you are."
"Good morning, good evening, or good afternoon, whichever the case may be in your specific time zone."
"Have a good morning, afternoon, and evening wherever you're watching this video from."
"Good morning everyone, or good afternoon, or good evening, wherever you're and whenever you're deciding to watch this, I hope you guys are having an awesome day."
"It's literally 10 a.m. for me right now here in Melbourne, Australia."
"Thank you everybody, glad to be here to present to you tonight / this afternoon / whatever time it is where you live."
"Hello everyone, hello, hello, good morning, good evening, good night, whatever time zone you're in right now."
"Have a good day, night, or whatever time zone you're in. Bye, my guys, girls, and non-binary pals. I'll see you in another video. Bye."
"Good morning everyone, good afternoon for those in other time zones, good evening."
"Good morning all, or good afternoon, depending on where you are."
"A day can last 50 hours from the beginning of when that date starts in the earliest place in the world to when it ends in the latest place."
"It's always just about lunchtime somewhere in the world."
"Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening from wherever you are in the world."
"Good morning to you, maybe good evening, or good middle of the night, depending on where you've joined us from."
"It's half four here, which means it's half three back home."
"Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, whatever the case may be in whatever time zones you reside in."
"Good morning to everyone everywhere else in the world, and good afternoon, good evening as well, if you're watching in different time zones."
"Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening to those of you who are watching this today."
"Good afternoon to my friends in the UK, and good evening to those of you in Australia."
"We do this 5 pm PST Saturdays, which is Sunday for me because I'm in the future."
"Have a fantastic evening, morning, afternoon, or day, depending on where you are in the world."
"You're heating up your breakfast when I'm heating up my dinner."
"Good morning everyone, good afternoon, and perhaps even good evening. Thank you so much for dropping by."
"England is six hours ahead of America, why can't they just tell us the future?"
"I'm always thinking on New York time."
"I hope that you also have a nice evening, day, night, morning, wherever you are."
"Good morning everyone, or afternoon, or evening, wherever you are in the world."
"Good morning, noon, or night depending on where you're viewing from."
"Two babies born at the same time but on different sides of the world could mean that they have a different birthday."
"Welcome to our live stream, wherever you are in the world, whatever time zone you're in."
"Hope you guys have a nice rest of y'all's day, night, or morning, depending on what time zone you are in."
"Good morning, good evening, and good afternoon everyone, wherever you are."
"Have a good night or day, whatever; I don't know what time zone you're in."
"Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, and good night wherever you are around the world."
"Have a good night everyone, or a good day."
"Thank you for being here, I know it's kind of early for some of you and it's late for some of you."
"Have a good day or night, depending on where you're at, and uh, I love you."
"I hope that your day's getting off to a good start or wrapping up, depending on which part of the world you're in."
"Good morning, buddy. Oh yeah, morning for you, evening for us."
"Good evening, good morning, good afternoon, good middle of the night, wherever you are in the world."
"Hello and good morning, good afternoon, and good evening, depending on where you live on Earth."
"Good morning everyone here, good very early morning to everyone on the west coast of North America."
"Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening, whatever time zone you may happen to be in."
"I hope everyone is having a great day, great night, great morning, afternoon, evening, wherever you are in the world."
"Top of the Monday morning y'all, if you're in India happy evening on Monday, and if you're in Australia, happy Tuesday."
"Hope you have a good night, morning, evening, afternoon, or whatever time it is wherever you are in the world."
"Hello hello, welcome! Good afternoon or good morning, wherever you're located."
"Good morning to everyone, well it's good morning for me, good evening to some of you, or a good middle of the night."
"Good morning everybody, or good afternoon, or good night, it depends on where you are."
"We have attendees from all over the world today, so good morning to some of you, good afternoon to others, good evening."
"Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good middle of the night."
"Have a good evening or morning wherever you are."
"Good afternoon, good morning, good evening, good very late night, whatever time it is in your country."
"Noon, midnight, sunrise, sunset are all observed at the same moment somewhere on Earth."
"Have an amazing evening/morning/afternoon wherever you are in the world."
"Have a wonderful rest of your night, morning, day, wherever you are in the world."
"This is great to see the times for the F1 races and it's especially useful since most of the time it's in a different time zone."
"Good morning everyone, afternoon, evening depending on where you're tuning in."
"It is quite magical actually to be able to connect instantaneously and simultaneously with all time zones across the globe."
"Good morning everybody, or a good evening, wherever you are in the world."
"Why doesn't the sun set on the British Empire? Oh, because it's in so many time zones."
"It's Monday morning, I'm waking up. I don't know what time it is where you are, maybe Monday night, but happy Monday."
"Good morning, or afternoon, or evening, depending on what part of the world you're in."
"You select your time zone, and the clock does the rest."
"Good afternoon my time, good morning for those who are just waking up, and good evening to the Australians."
"Enjoy the rest of your night, your day, wherever you're at in the country, wherever you're at in the world."
"Good afternoon, morning, evening, or night."
"Good morning, guys... good afternoon, whatever part of where you're joining from, and good evening too."
"Good morning for those who are in the United States and Canada."
"Good morning from Australia, what time is it there, or what day is it? Is it a different day?"
"Good afternoon, good evening, and good morning to some of you as well."
"Have a good evening, a good day, depending on where you are."
"Good morning all, depending when you're watching this, good afternoon, good evening, or good night."
"Good morning, good afternoon, and good night depending on where you're watching from around the world."
"Good morning, and afternoon, good evening, depending on what side of the world you're in."
"Good evening lovely people, or good afternoon, or good morning depending on where you're watching it and what time you're watching it."
"Take care everyone and have a great night or morning depending on when you're watching this."
"Good evening, good afternoon, good morning, wherever you may live, or good night."
"Good afternoon, good evening, or good night depending on whereabouts you are in the world."
"The new version of this will have the five world time zones that you can have instead of just one."
"I hope you guys all have a good night or morning whatever time you guys are watching this."
"Goodnight depends upon where you are in this world."
"Have a great Wednesday, and I'll have a great Tuesday evening."
"Hello everybody, good morning for those of you on the west side of the country; good lunch time to those of you on the east side of the country."