
Florence Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"Florence, what an incredible city, immense history, delicious food."
"Florence is the birthplace of the Renaissance."
"The Italian Renaissance began first in Tuscany, that was in the city of Florence."
"Florence was the epicenter of the Renaissance, that cultural explosion that propelled Europe out of the Middle Ages and into an economic, intellectual, and artistic boom time."
"This movement was about Humanism, and what Florence may have lacked in power compared to its neighbors, it more than made up for in its people."
"The Renaissance began with Florence securely at its center."
"Florence... my favorite city in all of Italy."
"When he was three, Michelangelo returned to live with his family in Florence."
"Florence is located in the heart of Tuscany and is the birthplace of the Renaissance with a population of around 400,000"
"You're immersing yourself in Florence. This city has inspired dreamers and artists for centuries."
"Best time to visit: The ideal time to explore Florence is from April to June and September to October when the weather is blissfully mild and the city is adorned with the vibrant colors of spring and Autumn."
"Piazzale Michelangelo offers striking views of Florence."
"The Church of Santa Croce has a rich history and is a true gem that must be seen."
"Florence is undoubtedly one of the world's most beautiful cities celebrated for its Rich cultural heritage Renaissance art and architecture and romantic Ambience."
"For $100 you got a double room two blocks away from Michelangelo's David in downtown Florence, and you're a guest of this woman's."
"Nestled in the heart of Tuscany, Florence stands as an enchanting testament to the Renaissance era's artistic and cultural Brilliance."
"Visiting Florence, you'll be feasting, eating Like A Champion, dining like a god."
"Cosimo established the powerful Medici Dynasty as the rulers of Florence."
"Florence, if you've not been to Florence, you must visit. One of the most beautiful, if not the most beautiful, cities we've ever been to."
"Florence, the birthplace of the Renaissance, is incredible."
"What had begun in Florence a century earlier was coming to a peak, an exciting time known as the high Renaissance."
"This is the city where civic pride and abundance of genius, lots of wealth, and a passion for merging art and science ushered in an age of humanism."
"Michelangelo's David, that's where Michelangelo's David originally went. I mean, this is obviously a copy. But when we look at David, we've got to remember, that's the mascot of Florence. It's so important to understand who paid for the art and why."
"It's Michelangelo's Madonna and child and it's the only piece of art that has left Florence while Michelangelo was still alive."
"So far, I love Florence at night."
"This prolonged period of instability in Florence led to the rise of the Medici to power in 1434."
"Florence should not be deprived of the praise due to her... there began the study of painting, sculpture, and architecture."
"You'll appreciate the passion and expertise of your guide when it comes to understanding the art and history in a place like Florence."
"Every year I took a holiday, I'd go to Florence."
"Welcome back to the channel, and I'm here in Florence, Italy, at this amazing flea market."
"Like the Athenians, the Florentines loved beauty."
"The discovery of the individual was made in early 15th century Florence. Nothing can alter that fact."
"The story begins here in the Palazzo Vecchio, the city hall of Florence, on a cold January day in 1537."
"I love Florence. It's cute, it's old, it's beautiful."
"Florence, Italy, it's my favorite place on earth."
"The Palazzo Medici in Florence, a palazzo is always three stories, it's always in town, and it's always built around a courtyard."
"This is the beginning of the blossoming of the concept of humanism in the early Renaissance, which is absolutely in Florence, Italy."
"In Florence, the cradle of the Renaissance, scholars had developed a renewed interest in classical civilization."
"Florence was sitting on the rubble of ancient Rome, and it was painfully aware that they were great people here 1,000 years ago."
"Florence is also the birthplace of gelato."
"We American students felt that we had to help save the treasures which have made Florence the art capital of the Western world."
"Florence is a great area as far as what it offers; it has so much to do, especially in the way of outdoor activities."
"The birthplace of the Renaissance, the Republic of Florence, was the foremost banking power in all of Italy and perhaps Europe."
"The Republic was oligarchical, ruled by a council called the Signoria, composed of noble families and chosen indirectly by the leaders of the city's guilds."
"Florence is my favorite city in all of Italy; it's considered to be the birthplace of the Renaissance."
"The history of this city is endless, and without its influence, our world would probably be very different today."
"Florence was the birthplace and burial place of Michelangelo, the greatest artist of the Renaissance."
"The building that dominates all views of Florence is the Duomo, the cathedral that we now see as a great monument of the early Renaissance."
"Well, good welcome everyone and good evening, and thank you for coming again in such numbers for our summer series called Art in Florence."
"We're gonna take a beautiful sunset evening boat tour along the river through Florence."
"The choppa is constructed of silk damask, a very common choice of fabrics for Florentine ladies of a certain status."
"It took a perfect storm of brilliance for Florence to change history and give birth to the Renaissance."
"No one sees Florence like this. I think this is the absolute coolest thing I have ever done."
"Florence without Arno is not the same; it wouldn't be the same."
"The Ponte Vecchio, an enduring symbol of Florence, survived both World War II and the devastating flood of 1966."
"It's my pleasure to introduce and show Florence from this point of view."
"Florence is honestly one of the prettiest cities I've ever visited."
"Florence is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe."
"What could be more local, what could be more special than a perfume shop in the heart of Florence?"
"You absolutely have to visit a place like this once you're in Florence."
"Florence is probably the most amazing city in the world."
"The true style of Florence, you know, the art and culture, the mix of tradition and modern."
"If you go to Florence, Italy, you will go to 'Duomo di Firenze' without exception."
"The official name 'Santa Maria del Fiore' means 'Mother of Flowers'."
"In particular, there is Brunelleschi's tomb, which completed the dome of Florence Cathedral."
"This is the end of the explanation of [Duomo Ticket], a must-have item for Florence."
"Florence originated as a Roman city, founded by Julius Caesar no less in 59 BC."
"According to UNESCO, almost a quarter of the Western world's most important art is from or in Florence."
"Near Florence along the gentle line of Apennine hills which sear the horizon, there's a small village of farmers."
"Florence is at the forefront in Italy and in Europe."
"...gelato was invented in the 16th century in Florence, and so you should try all of the flavors."
"I'm on Panzer Becky and usually there's queues of people here just to get right where I'm at which is here and there aren't any, which means I get to get here and show you wonderful amazing Florence."
"I'm so excited, um there it is, you can see Ponte Vecchio there."
"We are going to Florence for our wedding anniversary."
"...Florence however fundamentally changed both the focus of arts and the system of its creation."
"Florence is the freaking coolest."
"That is incredible. That's Florence down there."
"Our first impressions of Florence were it looked absolutely amazing."
"Spectacular views of the Florence skyline and one of the most famous landmarks, the Cathedral Santa Maria del Fiore with its huge Dome."
"Florence gave us Dante, Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci."
"We managed to get two tickets on the train into Florence."