
Attunement Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"Attunement is really like two musical instruments that are tuned to one another."
"Laughter is occurring because it's a signal of like really rapid attunement between two organisms, where they're actually learning each other on a much deeper layer than even verbally is going to offer."
"They feel attuned to themselves, they feel committed and responsible for others, and they go forward in life with the synaptic circuitry that allows them to feel connected, to have a sense of equanimity, to have wisdom in their life, and a sense of responsibility for all living beings on our planet."
"The great secret of magic practices is the knowledge of how to actually attune yourself to these frequencies in such a way that you can cause change in conformity with will."
"The single most important thing that men need to understand, if they want to have a relationship with a woman, is that they have to learn attunement."
"Tune to the reality you want and understand the vibration of it."
"Jake seems very attuned with the realm due to his time alone surviving in the forest."
"But you're saying is that those that pay attention to the natural aspects of them are much more deeply in tune with understanding the power of their feminine energy."
"Attunement for me refers to the song of someone's body; it's the pitch, the tenor, that that person resonates at."
"Children are biologically wired for attunement... they need that deep sense of undivided attention, of presence, and of connection."
"George Lucas needed to be more attuned he needed to be more in control he needed to be more on hand yeah and say this is this is bad I'm in control because he didn't yes he has failed."
"Therapy becomes the provision of empathy and effective attunement."
"How we respond to these energies will shape their outcome and how they manifest so it's very important that we attune to the deeper meaning of these energies to access their gifts to be working in concert with them rather than resisting them or trying to control them."
"Being attuned to them, being present to them, being able to meet their emotional needs."
"Part of attunement is I have to be able to listen, and the sad reality of our world today is that most of us just aren't good listeners."
"The essence of truth grounded in attunement."
"The goal is to achieve something like becoming a sort of person so attuned to everyone around."
"...I truly can’t think of any other Vestige that gets this level of detail when the player character attunes to them - but I think it’s awesome."
"Living in your van, it's like the van is an extension of your body and you can feel everything that happens to it. It's so strange, like I'm so attuned to everything that the van needs and every sound it makes and what's normal for it and what's not normal."
"...the more kids you have, the less love and Attunement you can spread out among the children."
"The mistreatment of children occurs when the parent doesn't have connection to self and they're not attuned to themselves and they don't understand how precious and important those first few years of life are."
"We found ourselves more attuned to families."
"He's so in tune with his motorcycle."
"The goal is being in tune with God."
"I'm far more forgiving and far more attuned to the people's needs."
"Listen to your body and work hard."
"Attunement is very different from simple imitation... to let him know you sense how he feels, you have to play back his inner feelings in another way."
"Attunement is really a system of communication between the parent and child."
"Fearful avoidants can appear anxious, hyper-tuned to others' needs, and can fluctuate between being very present and very shut off."
"It's attuning your ear to client language that helps them move in the direction of the change they want to make."
"The clutch amounts to an attuned relationship with another human being."
"The enigmatic girl was attuned to the subtle frequencies governing life and death."
"It's hard to have a bad trip when you're that in tune with things that create."
"In the quietude of solitude, away from the dissonance of everyday life, one can attune to the subtle energies that pervade the universe."
"We have got to get in tune and in touch with God."
"You will be more in tune with the Holy Spirit."
"Taking someone's perspective, that's what attunement is. Can you see the world through their eyes? A powerful, powerful skill."
"Cycle syncing is basically getting in tune with where you are in your menstrual cycle and then acting accordingly."
"Listening to the body, listening to the breath."
"Having built the airplane, you become in tune with it."
"Having a proper setup is paramount to being able to be in tune as well as you can."
"We need to reassure them, love them, have fun with them, be in tune with them, and I think that can help."
"Akali is partially spiritually attuned to Ionia."
"You're in tune with the universe."
"It's amazing how in tune they are with their surroundings."
"The moon person feels that the Sun person's behavior and the sum total of their personal expression is very much in tune with their emotional needs."
"It's almost like I'm more tuned into everything around me."
"It's only since I discovered that we are part of something far greater than ourselves that my attunement with that greater reality has truly opened up."
"I am attuned to the abundance of success."
"May the Holy Spirit guide us and be in tune with his voice."
"Feels so in tune with himself and his bike."
"The more you are attuned to somebody, the more they're going to feel a connection with you."
"Men of prayer, powerful men of prayer, are men who are tuned to the voice of God."
"Attune each thought with your highest potential."
"I firmly believe that when people get on a certain plane of thinking or are attuned with their subconscious minds, they automatically become en rapport with one another."
"We just are always in tune to nature."
"We want to be so in tune with the spirit that we feel it constantly."
"I had a really good final workout; I was super just in tune with myself, knew what I had to do, like the right amount, it felt perfect."
"It felt like that compassion where it's like this guy, he's so in tune and he's always checking in on everybody."
"If during deep meditation you focus your thoughts upon the guru and visualize him in the spiritual eye, even if you don't see him, you will achieve attunement with him and feel his presence, his guidance and his blessing."
"To really attune to our heart, it's learning how to drop in."
"The goal of life is to find how to attune ourselves to that infinite consciousness."
"It's one of the biological systems that we that's fascinating because it continually attunes us to like an orchestra."
"You're more spiritually tuned, and your intuition is on point."
"You're so tapped in and tuned in with God, the universe."
"As God's people, we have to be in tune with the Holy Spirit."
"When it's in tune, it blossoms and creates this beautiful thing."
"He's giving you the opportunity to turn to Him and get yourself on tune with Him."
"Intuitive awareness is not to do with a cognitive understanding but it's a quality of attunement and a sensitivity to the situation."
"Listen to the voice of Nature and tune in to the greater nature."
"Power rushed through me, the circle and the boxes attuned to me."
"Prayer is giving your ear divine frequency to things that are not visible."
"Lean in, tune your ears to the frequency of heaven to hear what God has to say."
"It was more of a case of some people just being more in tune with nature."
"Every movement of his eventually becomes worship because he's so in tune with Allah."
"She was just so in tune with people's feelings."
"The mind's attunement to the living situation guides things in a way that would bring benefits for this being and for others."
"In a matter of just a few days, Mackenzie seems to have attuned herself to Cheryl."
"To be in tune, to surrender your will, these are not easy things, and yet they're the easiest thing in the world."
"The more nature I saw, the more in tune I got with my spirit."
"You're coming into a moment of flow and attunement."
"Make sure you're in tune with yourself."
"Just keep listening to your body and do what feels good."
"Good energy is out there, I'm just really feeling in tune with everything."
"It puts you back in tune with yourself."
"I feel like I'm just really trying to get in tune with everything and just do what my body actually needs."
"We get more open and more in tune when we're amongst the trees."
"The wise sage was someone who was in tune with things rather than someone who knew lots of good logical arguments."
"You're going to have to be in tune with the body, which requires experience."
"It's all about being in tune with them, everything is about being in tune with them."
"Feeling incredibly in tune with your home space."
"You work with the angels; you're very in tune with the frequencies and the law of attraction."
"Many of you are very spiritually in tuned."
"You need to develop ears to hear, eyes to see, and be in tune with the Lord to recognize His voice."
"The more that you guys are in tune with that, the more you're going to see magic in your life."
"You're someone that's very intuitive; you're someone that's in tune."
"It's not something that you attain; it's something you tune into."
"Stay as much as you can in tune with your intuition."
"When you attend the zikr, the shaykh is going to attune you to his light and his frequency."
"Fasting is just becoming more in tune to what God wants to do in your life."
"This is an energy of just really being in tune to the subtleties, to the little things."
"Being in tune with others brings lovely harmony and balance."
"Being more in flow with life, being more in tune with life."
"The main thing is listening to your body."
"You're more in tune with the vibes of the universe."
"It's about entombment, it's about connecting deeply with their inner knowing."
"You're going to feel more tuned in than ever before with your spiritual gifts."
"This helps me to be even more in tune."
"You found your light, you're really in tune with your power."
"Spirituality is just getting in tune with your beliefs."
"You're very intuitive; you're in tune with energy."
"Allow yourself to be attuned to the abundant life force that resides within the center."