
PH Balance Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"Our body is a perfect balancer of pH in your blood at all times."
"If you have enough of this neutralizing agent to have the pH one, it actually implies that the cloud droplets are potentially much more habitable."
"A toner is super important for helping to bring back the correct pH balance on your skin."
"The pH plus the pOH always adds up to 14 at 25 degrees Celsius."
"Feminine washes alter the pH downstairs and can cause a lot of irritation."
"Toner is just really gonna help you with pH balance."
"Toners tighten the pores, it also restores the balance of the pH of the skin."
"Harsher cleansers with a higher pH can end up being disruptive."
"Lowering the pH balance of your skin helps to control and balance what the normal structure and function of the flora should be."
"Our hair's optimal pH is actually more on the acidic side."
"I quite like the pH balance, it makes me feel good, it makes me feel, it makes me feel like I've done extra fresh."
"You don't have to micromanage everything in there and constantly be thinking about adjusting pH. Plants can also somewhat adjust their habitat and pH with the kinds of acids that they produce."
"The pH of your cleanser does make a difference."
"Change pH, rotate the correct crops, and you get incredible results."
"Buffers resist changes in pH. If you start with a weak acid, then you're going to quickly rise in pH for just a short time until you have formed some of the conjugate base in solution."
"Your pH dictates everything that happens in your tank."
"Boosting my pH in my system, every single coral that had that issue, it disappeared. It's gone. And for five, six, seven years, I battled it."
"Start with a healthy pH of about 5.2."
"The conversion of ammonia and nitrite to nitrate produces acid and your alkalinity is like tums, it's an antacid, it consumes it, and when your antacid runs out now your pH is going to drop."
"Nailing your Mash pH not only will give you the greatest possible Mash efficiency in overall Brewhouse efficiency but it will also give you the greatest expression of flavors for the particular style you're trying to make."
"Give them the right amount of nutrition at the right pH level and make sure it's all mixed in really well."
"It's kind of a stress absorber or a shock absorber for the acidity of a solution."
"When you think pH is 7.4 neutral, and if it goes down anything less than 7.4, I'm automatically going to jump on acidosis, right? No brainer."
"The purpose of buffers is to counteract small changes in the pH."
"The arterial pH is approximately equal to the venous pH plus 0.03."
"A pH above 7.45 will give us alkalosis and a pH below 7.35 is termed acidosis."
"The buffering system... if your pH is high or low, it brings it back to normal."
"The rate and depth of breathing will increase to get rid of excess CO2."
"Significant changes in blood pH will interfere with cellular functioning and if uncorrected will lead to death."
"I think we can all agree that pH and the nutrition, whether it be the ions, whether you're measuring EC or PPM, that's important."
"We really need to assess both pH and redox potential at the same time."
"Your body is smart and it's designed to cleanse itself and maintain its own pH balance if you leave it alone."
"Maintaining a proper pH is the number one most important factor you need to keep your eyes on during a grow."
"A water formulation with a pH and acidity similar to the skin maintains that oil moisture balance during cleansing."
"The pH balance should be between 7.4 and 7.6."
"The respiratory reflex center regulates not only the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels but also very importantly the pH."
"A buffer solution is most effective in the range of the pKa plus or minus one."
"A buffer is a solution that maintains approximately a constant pH."
"The purpose of a buffer is to keep the pH pretty much constant."
"Apple cider vinegar, when applied topically and diluted, has the potential to restore the skin's natural pH balance."
"Apple cider vinegar's acidity makes it useful for maintaining a healthy pH level in the body's tissues."
"We have a pH of 5, this is exactly what we are looking for when we are using solid shampoo on our hair."
"What if I told you there was a chemical out there that would buffer your pH, prevent algae growth, make your water sparkle, and be more enjoyable to swim in without any drawbacks or side effects?"
"Apple cider vinegar is also really good at restoring and balancing that pH level."
"Almost every protein that we have in our body functions at an optimal pH."
"The balance between these two ions is what is measured by the pH scale."
"Remember, the pH is 7.35 to 7.45; that's your range."
"Once you get the pH right, you can move forward from that point forward."
"Xylitol simply stimulates a flow which stimulates a flow of better pH saliva in your mouth."
"It's pH balanced, the water is clear as a bathtub."
"We need to adjust the pH of this solution to somewhere between 6 and 6.5."
"Bicarbonate serves a crucial biochemical role in our pH buffering system by helping to maintain a healthy physiological pH."
"A buffer is a solution that resists changes in pH when a small amount of acid or alkali are added."
"If your blood was really acidic, what could your lungs do to help keep your blood pH from getting too acidic? Breathe more quickly."
"Life is only possible within a narrow range of change in pH; your normal pH is about 7.4, you can survive between 7 and 7.7, less than 7 you're dead, more than 7.7 you are dead."
"Our system relies on a buffer system to effectively maintain the pH of 7.4."
"Sodium bicarbonate, also known as baking soda, can actually improve your endurance quite dramatically."
"Supplementing with sodium bicarbonate can actually raise the pH levels of your blood when they're coming down due to the acidity of the lactic acid buildup."
"If what you are seeing is that by paying more attention to your pH and your alkalinity you're seeing great growth, then I would encourage you to keep doing it the way that you're doing now."
"It's gonna make it a million times easier if I can just peg the pH of this thing to 6.5."
"If the pH is equal to the Pka, then we have a fifty-fifty meaning half the molecules are protonated and half are deprotonated."
"Many commercial toothpastes contain alkaline components which raise the pH of the mouth."
"Maximum buffering capacity will occur when pH equals pKa."
"A buffer is a system that resists change in pH."
"A buffer is something that has the ability to resist a change in pH."
"The biggest problem with bar soaps is that some of them will leave the pH levels like the acidity versus neutral levels on your skin is really important."
"Baking soda is the unsung hero of soil pH management."
"Apple cider vinegar helps to lower the pH, which will help to close the cuticle and improve your hair's moisture and strength retention."
"Conditioners tend to be more acidic; they help rebalance the pH in your hair and help bring that back down to where it seals your cuticle."