
Water Conservation Quotes

There are 307 quotes

"It's really important for you and I to help keep the water nice and clean."
"Now more than ever, it's important to recognize that water connects us all and it might be the one thing that unites us all."
"Water is life. There are eight billion people live on this planet, and we all depend on the water to survive and prosper."
"Why should clean water go to waste, especially since these fish require exceptionally high quality water to survive?"
"There's only one man that can save all the water types of this region, that's me, Hydration Man."
"For every one percent of organic matter that we increase per acre of soil, we increase the water holding capacity by eight to ten thousand gallons of water."
"The advanced swap is to start thinking about conserving water in your household."
"Water is becoming a scarce commodity and we're literally sending trillions of gallons of it right back to the ocean. I think we can do better."
"This system of growing food can be used to address food security while also directly addressing water conservation, the environment, and eliminating those barriers to healthy eating options."
"We are all accessory to the murder of rivers."
"If you're carrying soap, don't use it directly in a water source."
"A floating shade cover... can cut evaporation rates by some 80 percent."
"Reducing the sprawl reduces the length of pipes needed and thus reduces the chances of leakages and the problem can be attenuated further by creating buildings with self sustaining water supplies."
"This design ideology helped the Taipei 101 to decrease it’s potable water consumption by at least 30% compared to the average building consumption, saving about 28 million liters of potable water annually."
"Every time I buy something second hand, I save enough water to make 74 matches."
"Beans take 10 times less water than beef to produce the same amount of food."
"People are going to start realizing... we have to be better with our water sources."
"Going vegan will save 1,100 gallons of water a day."
"Water needs to be a number-one priority, especially nowadays where you have ground wells and aquifers drying up all around the world."
"Water is a human right, stop stealing it from communities around the world."
"Mulching is the easiest way to significantly reduce water use in the garden... and it doesn't cost a thing."
"Shade balls are an unusual method for conserving water."
"Pay more taxes like at a certain point you got enough you got enough what do you need more want know who's walking the walk Ed Begley Jr Ed Begley."
"They all of them are [] Hypocrites is there any of them who just get [] filthy rich and go I'm staying in my apartment in Venice Beach California McConnell but Ed Begley Jun Ed Begley junior walks the walk."
"His house has a sister which is like a buried think about a medium-sized submarine buried in his backyard just to collect all runoff rainwater all gray water."
"If it's yellow let it mellow if it's brown flush it down it down baby yeah and flush with a friend right."
"Water is the source of life on this planet. Without liquid water, we would not be here."
"Repricing water to its true value so people can start using it more efficiently."
"Not only is it mesmerizing to watch workers empty bags and bags of balls into the water but they also prove useful for some surprising reasons."
"But here's the important part... even though the water level is mega low in the pond, the leak is still wet."
"Vertical cannabis farming, sure... especially if you can use less water."
"Nebia is a revolutionary shower head that saves you money by using 45 percent less water but with a stream of water that's way more powerful than what you get with other shower heads."
"Smart water management is not just about using less. It's also about maintaining the massive stores of fresh water beneath our feet."
"Pressure washers also use up 80% less water than a garden hose—powerful and efficient."
"We lowered our water bill by limiting the amount of time for showers and by placing more than one child into the bathtub at the same time."
"Water we depend on it. Water is precious and you don't realize it until you don't have it."
"Aquaponics reduces water consumption by 90% compared to traditional agriculture."
"We must look to icebergs if we were to find almost perfect water stored and packed for thousands of years."
"Drip irrigation, a technique that saves up to 60% of water while improving crop yields."
"We just want people to use water efficiently."
"We have no choice but to figure out how to use the water we're already extracting from the system more efficiently."
"Water is life, water is the key for the globe, for our planet."
"We're not battling the Assyrians, but we are winning the war against Israel's water crisis."
"It's a mood, it's a vibe, I really do feel like lighting up an autumnal candle right now."
"In other words, you would save more water by skipping a single chicken dinner for your family, than by skipping six months of showers."
"Less water evaporates into the air in the cool morning."
"This toilet tapping into the already existing gray water is like life-changing to me."
"One big benefit of agrovoltaics is reducing the amount of water needed."
"For every 12 packs sold, Coors helps restore 500 gallons of fresh river water."
"The drought has started...thankfully we completely filled our water storage."
"Aquaponics uses between 70 and 95 percent less water than farming in conventional soil systems."
"Water shortage looming, stock up containers. Rainwater collection is key."
"Water is the most important thing in the world."
"Save water and take a shower with your horny neighbor."
"Make sure you limit your showers to no more than 10 minutes and use lukewarm water."
"The steps you could take... drip irrigation matters a lot."
"Rinse your hair out which is awesome, but it's going to cut your water bill down a lot."
"Water storage is the next place you want to think about spending your money."
"Water is the most important treasure we have on this planet."
"Water needs to flow through here all the time to keep the river alive and keep the river healthy."
"They use less water than in open cultivation, climate risk is decreased for the farmer, and more crops can be grown in a smaller space."
"The importance of water rotation and its benefits."
"Doing rainwater harvesting is definitely better."
"Use reusable water bottles for eco-friendly hydration."
"Earthships collect and store rainwater and snowmelt in cisterns to supply all their demand."
"Water is the source of life, without water mankind will not be here."
"We harvest over a million gallons of rain each year that previously ran out of the neighborhood."
"The Lake Mead third intake project secures Southern Nevada's water supply in the midst of a severe drought and the onset of climate change."
"You need to respect the land, you need to respect the water, you need to respect life."
"...recycling paper this way uses 95% less water than traditional methods."
"Water for everything, right? So you don't want to use that all in the shower."
"Every stream, every river is like a vein of the earth, and when we cut the water off from that vein, we kill that part of the earth, it's happening all over the world."
"Capturing every inch of rain that I can."
"The only waste is the waste water that comes out of the check valve and that just goes right back down into the creek."
"Try going number one while you shower. Depending on whether that you have an older or a newer model toilet, you can save between one and a half to seven gallons of water by avoiding that one flush."
"In xeriscaping, you are reducing turf areas to where they are appropriate."
"Mulch reduces evaporation, keeps the soil underneath cool and damp, conserving water."
"Over half of residential water use goes to landscape watering xeriscape is a thoughtful approach of using lower water using plants maybe minimizing the amount of turf that you have in your yard."
"To save water what we do is wet yourself down and then turn the tap off."
"...that's gonna drastically reduce the amount of water that that particular basket needs."
"Tide Pods are wonderful for the planet because they save water."
"...I'm saving roughly 5 to 10 liters of water every time I fill up that sink so that's amazing isn't it?"
"We all need to stand up and mend the green shawl, and to ensure that the water stays clean."
"Rinseless washing is allowing us to clean the car safely without a need for excessive amounts of water."
"...they actually harvest the rainwater and use it to flush the toilets, which is crazy."
"Honestly, the biggest way to save water: if the water's running, you're not under it, the H shouldn't be on."
"I would think that walking around stinky is not a good desirable thing and trying to at least giving the effort to stay clean uh and not smelly would be definitely worth a quart of water."
"I firmly believe the drip irrigation pays for itself if you consider the amount of water I would be using if I tried to keep this plot happy with an overhead sprinkler."
"Buying one item thrifted as opposed to new saves enough water to make iced coffee every day for four years."
"Rainwater harvesting: reduce your home's dependence on the central water supply without having to invent anything new."
"We got the stock on water price which is like a Nobel Prize for water reduction."
"Instead of a lawn or grass that uses up our precious water or looks brown and dead if it's not watered, isn't a planting like this far more interesting?"
"Using gray water today makes sense because it conserves our clean water."
"Preserving water sources is a tribute to nature's gifts and acknowledges the sacredness of all life."
"By reducing our water consumption, conserving water, and supporting policies and programs that accomplish the same, we can mitigate risks and guarantee access to safe drinking water for future generations."
"Through thermoseverance, Celerubus keeps the water cool and significantly reduces evaporation, allowing small pockets of water to accumulate around it."
"I have a patent for a shower that turns off when you step out of the water to save water."
"Conserve water while you're showering by turning the shower off during the shower."
"Use rainwater to water your plants. The great thing about rainwater is that it's just got far less treatment chemicals."
"At 10 bricks of sugar, you will be able to reduce your water by 30 to 50 percent."
"I saved water, I saved lives. Maybe a few decades from now, there'd be entire villages in Sub-Saharan Africa singing songs of praise over how much water I saved."
"Don't run the water while you're brushing your teeth or washing your hands."
"You can't take 75 per cent of the water out of the river and expect it to be healthy."
"A one percent increase in organic matter... you'll get to hold 27,000 gallons more water."
"...a drip system can eliminate water changes depending on the system. If not, it could potentially prolong your water changes and the space in between them by a drastic amount."
"By choosing the right plants and putting them in the right place, you can certainly reduce water use, fertilizer, pesticide use, and the great thing is you also reduce the amount of maintenance, so you're saving time too."
"The fresh water... is the only water we can actually use and drink."
"I'll never leave the water on again when I'm brushing my teeth; I'll just use the water I need."
"So once the five rain barrels have filled right to the top and there's no more room, right on the back here I have a 2-inch ABS pipe that's connected into there."
"The good part about this first flush is that it automatically resets itself."
"You want to preserve all of the rainwater that you've collected."
"On average, with all of our containers full, we can go three to five days without refilling on water."
"For every kilowatt of electricity we expend, we're going to remove a two-liter bottle of water."
"Why conserve water you don't need to use? This is an idea behind Xeriscaping."
"This precious Liquid Gold of Life called water."
"If we even source a fraction of the water from industrial and agricultural use to Urban use, the water would be better protected."
"Save water, have a bath with a friend."
"There is no risk of fuel or oil contaminants that get into our beautiful waterways."
"The greatest resource we have is water."
"Nearly every drop they use here is recycled."
"If you're going to live here in the desert, you need to value water and you need to live responsibly and make wise water choices."
"There's enough water in this system to share properly."
"It's just a really easy way of reducing the weeds but also reducing the amount of water that these plants need."
"You have to learn how to make it into fresh water, can't we be clever and figure it out cheap?"
"We have this collaborative governance structure, we have this community of people... we have significant successes in water conservation and water sharing."
"It's not just that native people have a spiritual relationship, I think all people... understand the value of water when you live in the desert."
"Fresh potable water is the most valuable commodity in the world; it's more valuable than gold, oil, or diamonds."
"We are 70% water, but we still have water shortage."
"Innovation is the key to building a more sustainable water future in California."
"Water, in this day and age, is becoming a very extremely valuable and yet elusive commodity."
"Thoughts on water barrels that are fed from downspouts to water gardens, I love them, very efficient, anything efficient I love."
"No water, no life, no property value."
"The conservation of the groundwater of the state is an imperative."
"Stomata are blocked by the petroleum jelly, preventing water loss."
"Well, what's more important than water? Happy World Water Day, clean water warriors."
"They do truly care about our waterways."
"Where would we be without clean water to drink?"
"They want you to share the water, save water, that's important."
"Our water is important to our world; it needs extra care."
"Every time I shop second hand, I save enough water to make 74 matcha lattes."
"We use rinse water to push the brew to the next vessel, but that water rather than going to drain, it becomes part of the brew, so you don't waste any water."
"We have a very big mining industry... they could replace 100% of the diesel they burn with green hydrogen producing that hydrogen with less than one percent of the water the mining industry already consumes."
"It's a great way to help you find free water refills in your area, can save some money, stop you having to buy some fresh water in single-use plastic bottles."
"These measures alone help to save approximately 80% of water use over a regular office building."
"You're going to be saving water over the course of a season, and that is completely true."
"I love thinking about baby children's showers because I think about how much water is used and how little it is, how they love to save the Earth with their small bodies."
"I have 166 gallons of fresh water which is unheard of."
"Their vertical Farms are designed to maximize efficiency and minimize waste, using up to 95 percent less water than traditional agriculture."
"Bounty Gel is a soil additive that uses a proprietary technology that results in soil that absorbs up to 150 times its weight in water."
"If we can get that biology back into our dirt, convert our dirt back into soil, then that means anything coming out of your land is going to be clean water."
"Growing cover crops may save you water in the long run because you're greatly improving the soil's water holding capacity."
"It's the soil biology that regulates about 90% of the soil's function of moderating the flow and storage of water, nutrients and energy... in your backyard, in the farm field, on our planet."
"You need a way to collect rain off of a surface, typically a rooftop and gutters, then you need a container to put the rain in."
"You can take water, send water, help water settle, help water take the burden off itself and put it into meaningful storage spaces for ecosystem service, recreation, beauty, and security."
"Mulching will make better use of your irrigation water by 50%."
"Look for the areas that are naturally collecting water and enhance those areas and that's how we can actually achieve the best results."
"Our future completely depends on 80% of the world's fresh water reserves."
"Water harvesting is really, really important."
"I saved lives, maybe a few decades from now there'd be entire villages in sub-Saharan Africa singing songs of praise over how much water I saved."
"California's water is a precious commodity."
"It's not going to need so much of the supplemental watering that our traditional lawn grasses need."
"Modern water reclamation systems may require significant upfront investment but also offer substantial long-term benefits."
"It's so amazing to be able to reuse the rainwater in this way."
"Your chances to stay alive are much higher than you might think. Just turn off the tap."
"They have had to become masters at harvesting, storing, and conserving water."
"You're going to have really really good rain water and I highly suggest you do it."
"As the foundations were laid, phase one set the stage for the next phase of the DTSS project, positioning Singapore at the forefront of global excellence in water management."
"Water, a precious natural resource, without clean water society as we know it would not exist."
"It is a waterless Saturday, but we have something big coming to the ranch today, stay tuned."
"It's a really great system, it saved me a lot of water."
"The farm's aeroponic system uses up to 95 percent less water compared to traditional agriculture."
"Rain barrels seem to be the obvious solution to this problem."
"A six foot tall, a two meter, mound with logs doesn't need to be watered at all during the growing season."
"You can actually do something to make our water cleaner."
"Protecting these essential sources of fresh water is an ongoing initiative."
"These lakes are more than their beauty and economic value; this water has history and ultimately connects us all."
"Being away from water on tap for days at a time and relying on the rivers and lakes for our water gave us new appreciation for how we use water in our daily lives."
"If people want clean drinking water, it's vitally important to protect all of those types of waterways."
"Don't let the water leave your land."
"There is on every single landscape a line that will allow you to manage the most water with the least amount of material moved."
"Water is never good to waste, whether it's in your house or the river in front of you."
"I use the water that my crops need and nothing more."
"Nothing is more precious than fresh water; it's an integral and crucial part of our natural environment and supports all of Florida's treasured ecosystems."
"With help from the public, the Springs initiative is working toward a more promising future for our treasured springs, so that clean, fresh water will be freely flowing for generations to come."
"The government is working to educate farmers on more efficient practices such as drip irrigation."
"Hey, remember when we almost died of thirst out on the road? Now look, I can waste all the water I want."
"Las Vegas is actually one of the most water-efficient cities in the world."
"Mandatory targets on water leaks, more regulatory powers to keep water bills down, make sure the company pays for the failures, not the consumer."
"The entire point of this series is to raise money for water.org."
"Water is becoming an increasingly sparse resource as the 21st century approaches."
"The whole solution to solving this water problem is how this part of the garden comes to be."
"Find areas where water is flowing out of your land and stop it and hold it there."
"Israel has the best rate of reusing water of any country, more than 80% of the water that is sent to farms and homes is recycled."
"Our app can actually learn how water is being used in the home and where the water is going."
"Attitude actually stands for eco attitude because organic clean bamboo recycles 98% of the water it uses."
"If you haven't put in one of these low-flow aerators, I highly recommend it."
"If everybody went vegan for one day, it would save a bunch of gallons of water."
"In hydroponics, up to 80% of water is saved compared to other conventional crops."
"Sustainability is evident in its annual collection of 15 million gallons of water repurposed for irrigation."
"We can in fact implement and have a much lower water footprint while still living healthy lives with parks and enjoyment."