
Byzantine Empire Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"The Byzantines were the direct descendants of the greatest power the Mediterranean had seen in a thousand years."
"The Byzantine Empire was in very bad condition, the Slavs had heavily invaded and migrated into much of the Balkans during his time as well, going as far south as modern Greece, reducing Byzantine territory to half of Anatolia, along the Taurus Mountains, some coastal territories of the Balkans, and some Mediterranean and Italian lands."
"The Byzantine Empire would endure, lasting for another thousand years."
"Byzantines could maybe even be better than Persians."
"Justinian is really sort of a paragon of a ruler."
"Byzantine India, yeah, the Byzantine Empire is the dominant power in the world."
"This is a proper divinity, a Byzantine ruler God you can look up to."
"The Strategikon describes the final formalisation and readjustment of a Late Roman Army into its typically Byzantine form."
"The Strategikon is particularly important because of its profound influence on later generations."
"Through soft power, Byzantium had turned a potential pagan threat into a steady Christian ally."
"Another crucial factor for the Byzantine military was its fortifications, especially the Theodosian Walls of its capital."
"Rebuilding the ancient Byzantium as a new Rome, a Christian Rome, Constantine the Great laid the foundations for the noble Christian civilization of the Byzantine or East Roman Empire."
"Their main inspiration is the Byzantine Empire, although they do seem to pull here and there from earlier periods in Roman history."
"Constantinople became a city of gold; its artists and craftsmen the finest in the world."
"The Byzantine Empire managed to bounce back with a mini golden age that would last for another 200 years."
"The populous of the Byzantine Empire considered themselves to be Romans."
"Ladies and gentlemen, that's right, the Byzantine Empire has been split in half simply because a horse went over there and told everyone that they smelled funny. It's fantastic, it just works, ladies and gentlemen, just works."
"Before the 18th century, Byzantine history was actually very popular in Europe."
"Gibbon’s 'Decline and Fall' ingrained the idea of Byzantine inferiority in the minds of academics."
"Greek fire became known as one of recorded history's earliest secret weapons, playing a major role in the successful defense of Constantinople."
"Constantinople was the new Rome, the symbol of Christian dominance in the East."
"Basils I’s reign would be the most successful that Eastern Rome had seen in centuries."
"Byzantium would grow at an immense rate and by the beginning of the fifth century, the city had spilled out even beyond Constantine's ambitions."
"The walls he built in the following years would be one of the most imposing defensive structures ever to be built."
"These walls were so formidable that they would not be breached for a thousand years."
"The Byzantine Empire quickly established a monopoly on silk in Europe."
"If they had married, it could have led to a unification of the Frankish Empire with the Byzantine Empire, which certainly would have changed the course of world history."
"The mysterious Greek Fire, arguably the most legendary incendiary weapon from the Byzantine Empire."
"And of course the Roman Empire eventually becomes in the East the Byzantine Empire."
"If you're looking for someone who may be the most interesting of the Byzantine emperors Basil the First has to be at least in your top five if not in your top three."
"What if the Byzantine Empire never collapsed?"
"So we know that at this point they sort of break away from the Byzantine Empire."
"The last definite mention of the Varangian guard is all the way in 1330 when there's an imperial coronation for a child Emperor."
"The Byzantine Empire was the Roman Empire."
"Zeno was absolutely pivotal... one of the primary reasons why the Byzantine Empire was able to survive whereas the West fell."
"This was a decisive victory and never again would the Caliphate lay siege to Constantinople."
"Konstans II, the bearded, ruled from 641 until 668."
"The gift that the Byzantine Empire left for Western civilization was profound; it preserved learning and philosophy, history, science, the wisdom of the past."
"From Rome to Byzantium, Byzantine is its own study, its own beast you could say."
"The Byzantine Empire had survived the great siege of 717."
"...the Byzantine response to it will have a massive impact on what the map will look like for the next several centuries."
"...the fall of Egypt now puts the byzantines at a master strategic disadvantage for a number of reasons."
"The Venetians managed to extract a commercial clause from the Byzantines... they basically have control over all of Byzantine foreign trade."
"I'm really hopeful that if the Ottomans can't take Constantinople, that will allow Byzantium to essentially thrive."
"The history of the Byzantine empire is often overshadowed by the Western Roman empire."
"Basil employed typically sharp Byzantine diplomacy to encircle his foe."
"The conquest of Melitene was a great victory for Byzantium, no two ways about it."
"Zoe would soon become a very popular Regent and earn a spot as one of the greatest women in Byzantine history."
"The political dynamics within this age are unique and different than what we would normally think of as being the reign of any normal Byzantine Emperor."
"The Byzantines managed to restore about 75% of the former Roman Empire at its height."
"The Eastern Romans are known to us in the English-speaking world as the Byzantine Empire."
"The Basilica Cistern... this incredible architectural marvel is a leftover from the days of the Byzantine Empire."
"1453 is a must-know AP date; it is the year that the Byzantine capital of Constantinople falls to the Ottomans."
"The most decisive victory to have been won by a Byzantine army since the days of Basil II."
"The Mona Marcus Crown is a fascinating and priceless artifact from the Byzantine Empire."
"Byzantine armies increasingly took the fight to their Muslim foes."
"So dominant and defendable were these walls that no army was able to capture them for over 1,000 years."
"Despite the brevity of his reign... Nikephorus the First is one of the most important Byzantine emperors of his era."
"The Avars first popped onto the view screen of history when they arrived on the Danube frontier of the Byzantine Empire."
"The Byzantine emperors saw the peoples to the north as their subordinates and really tried to stage manage affairs to maintain a balance of power."
"The fall of Crete in 961 was one of the most important events in Byzantine history."
"The Scholai was considered the most important and oldest of the tagmata descending from the Scholae Palatinae that was created by Constantine the Great."
"Basil II ruled the Byzantine world for half a century."
"Justinian... perhaps the greatest emperor of the Byzantines and the last of them to dream of a restored Rome."
"Clever diplomacy was the sharpest weapon in the Byzantine arsenal."
"At no point in Byzantine history was it too late to care, or too late to try."
"The young general Alexius Comnenus had made it his mission to save the Empire."
"Yet he isn't remembered as one of the greatest Byzantine emperors in history for no reason."
"Alexius had proved himself as the savior of Byzantium in its hour of need."
"Byzantium would go on to stage a remarkable recovery under Alexius and his descendants, known as the Comnenian Restoration."
"Basil II returned and brought Byzantine fortunes to their absolute apogee."
"Ruling from A.D. 1328, Andronicus III Paleologus led one of the Eastern Roman Empire's last genuine revivals before its decline and fall in 1453."
"One of the remarkable effects of the Byzantine Empire is able to constantly reform and reconsolidate and update its legal systems."
"Basil represents the zenith of the empire and the zenith of the golden age of the empire."
"Just over a hundred years ago, we were setting out to bring aid to the east, to even bolster up the Byzantine Empire, now suddenly the Byzantine Empire is being conquered by a crusade."