
Multi-dimensionality Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"To be free, to be present, and to do that which you came here to do is to be as fully present in your body as a multi-dimensional being can be."
"Humility is so important in recovery because of so many reasons. This is a multi-dimensional universe; you are not just physical, you are vibrational."
"Afghan women are not one-dimensional; they are an economic powerhouse."
"I believe that we're living in a multi-dimensional universe and there's at least 11 Dimensions."
"We're stepping much more fully into our divinity, much more fully into our multi-dimensionality."
"String theory, multi-dimensional reality, and matter displacement all real."
"Every moment in time past present future being stacked on top of each other."
"Contradiction isn't a bad thing... there is a multi-dimensional being."
"Ascension is multi-dimensionality; starts with your Consciousness."
"We are multi-dimensional beings, we are the ground crew and we're here to have contact with other beings so that we can awaken each other."
"It's the ability to transcend linear time and see the past, the present and the future as one."
"He claims that he can incarnate in any dimension in any time frame."
"Every decision becomes so critical once we become tuned in to our multi-dimensional selves."
"Becoming simultaneously multi-dimensional, experiencing chaos and perfection, personal and collective timelines."
"We're coming into the recognition that we're not different from each other. It is time now to actually recognize that we are multi-dimensional."
"The wave function of two electrons is a single function in a higher dimensional space."
"An affecting ode to the multi-dimensional nature of black women everywhere."
"We are all multi-dimensional, every single one of us."
"The arcturians specialize; they are the adepts when it comes to multi-dimensionality."
"They had concluded by 76 that some of these visitors very well might be multi-dimensional in their source."
"The power is within you, experiencing yourself as a multi-dimensional being."
"Our Consciousness is more like a quantum computer... it's multi-dimensional."
"She was multi-dimensional and I think that's the reason why I really liked her."
"We are going to see our multi-dimensionality emerging."
"All realities, all dimensions are open to me." - Prince Malchezaar
"The crystal skulls are interdimensional portals... you can go anywhere, anytime, any place."
"Human beings are multi-sensory, multi-dimensional beings. Spirit infuses all things, and your soul's job is to discover those essential truths here on earth, where we all agree to play."
"Truth energy works both ways, up, down, inside out, every angle, just like geometry."
"It would not be justice for Gricelio if we merely remembered him for his ability with weapons."
"You are not a Workhorse; you are a multi-dimensional human being."
"There's a lot more to who I am than being a scientist. But it's not all of who I am."
"I'm multi-dimensional, I'm not just filth, you see what I mean? I'm not just, I'm multiple things."
"You don't have to flatten it out; it can be three-dimensional in its inception."
"Sometimes he's the protector of the jungle queen sometimes he's the codependent companion of Julie winters sometimes he's a homeless man that tells stories to children so like a trickster the max is figuratively multi-dimensional however he's also literally multi-dimensional."
"The tricky thing about multi-dimensionality is realizing we can't be everything all the time."
"I have such a high level of respect for Floyd it goes beyond Just Sports it's him as a father it's him as a provider it's him as a friend it's him as a brother."
"Celebrating the fullness of black people's humanity, which has often been diluted or presented in one-dimensional ways, and I think it's a great time to focus on that."
"You are a climate scientist, but you're also a human that cares about our future."
"Your higher self is actually experiencing the multi-dimensional reality of you as a soul."
"I just don't believe God put us on this Earth to just do one thing and be one dimensional, it's so boring."
"It's like being a multi-dimensional being and getting paid for it."
"It's a little hard to really understand it all, it's so multi-dimensional."
"We live in a multi-dimensional world."
"I see myself as a multi-dimensional human being."
"Where he is, where the Gateway is, all spheres, all dimensions, and all worlds meet."
"You're always going to have this infinite bond that you are always connected on these multi-dimensional levels."
"Experiencing nonlinear time and multi-dimensional awareness marks a pivotal point in one's spiritual journey."
"We are powerful multi-dimensional beings having a human experience."
"By doing the work of recapitulation, you free yourself to be that multi-dimensional being that you truly are."
"There is a thing called a tesseract, which is a four-dimensional cube unraveled into three dimensions."
"...you are multi-dimensional. It is you activating more of you."
"...you are infinite. You exist in infinite multi-dimensionalities."
"...the more you open up to the multi-dimensional you, the more you begin to realize some of these other dimensions of you."
"We probably exist on many dimensions."
"It just adds another dimension to your projects."
"The world exists in 11 dimensions."
"Nature in general tends to be multi-dimensional."
"All of us are playing a multi-dimensional game of chess, but the average person is only aware of two levels: the physical and the non-physical."
"We're multidimensional beings, we kind of have to take care of all the dimensions."
"We exist simultaneously on three dimensions: coarse, subtle, and very subtle."
"We're running parallel and we can jump through the different planes of existence."
"The embedding space doesn't have two dimensions; words have many more dimensions of meaning."
"We're perfect supreme beings, we're multi-dimensional, living many realities all at the same time."
"There are so many more dimensions than just population density that make a place comfortable."
"Sometimes as multi-dimensional beings and entities, we go through processes that we can't describe or put into words."
"We are so incredibly powerful; we can not only change our outcome and existence in this life, we can change it in other dimensions as well."
"I feel like we're multi-dimensional."
"It's like the frequency that is creating this time-space reality is literally like this thin veneer over all these other aspects of reality."
"There is only the now moment; it's all happening on different levels, on different planes."
"Getting to talk to her was fantastic not only because she has really used her multi-dimensionality in her career but because she's just a very bright and warm-hearted light."
"My understanding and to some extent, my experience of creation of life, is that it is multi dimensional."
"Our healing energies are not limited to the physical body but extend to the emotional, mental, and spiritual dimensions of existence."
"You are all realities, you're a multi-dimensional being, one superimposed over the other, and you can move to any of those realities right now."
"We're living in a 3D world, but there are all these other dimensions existing out there."
"You are mighty, multi-faceted, multi-talented, and multi-dimensional. You can be all that you came here to be and then some."
"We are all multi-dimensional beings all at once."
"We are multi-dimensional beings; we don't just exist on this physical plane."
"But of course, we want to be able to describe more interesting problems that require three dimensions and more than one particle."
"Our womb is more than a physical organ; it's a multi-dimensional doorway, a portal between realms, our Stargate."
"We have an infinitely big space, negative energy everywhere, and a theory of gravity of quantum gravity in that space is dual to a theory with no gravity at all in one less dimension."
"You are all realities; you're an infinite multidimensional being."
"They are not the physical body. They are multidimensional consciousnesses."
"You become a person worth knowing, worth listening to, and worth loving in all your dimensions."
"You a multi-dimensional being, you can be in one place or multiple places at one time, all you got to do is go there in your mind, in your kingdom."
"We are Celestial beings, multi-dimensional, currently experiencing a temporary limited body."
"You're here to choose which version of that multi-dimensional infinite you you desire to experience now."
"I always liked Gordon Freeman; he looks great no matter what dimension he's in."
"Unify it, put it back in a framework which is spherical and multi-dimensional."
"We have to understand that we are multi-dimensional human beings."
"You're in multiple places at once, or you're becoming aware of this."
"We are made to energetically hold and experience all of these expansions, all of this multi-dimensionality."
"It speaks to absolute transformation between reality to reality - it's multi-dimensional."
"We have very multi-talented graduate students, multi-dimensional, and they can combine various ideas they have into various interesting directions."
"We're multidimensional because we're spirits having a human experience."
"...we're starting to collect or have a sort of compilation of what Neville says or has envisioned in this new world where we don't eat, we have unlimited energy, we can exist multi-dimensionally in multiple places at the same time with full focus."