
Terraforming Quotes

There are 134 quotes

"In a lot of ways, I'm almost thinking they're terraforming, kind of like the first foray into learning how to build habitats on Mars."
"It was nothing short of a miracle, a terraforming module capable of producing life from complete lifelessness."
"We always say on the Show that ‘The Sky is not the Limit’ and people can dream big, like terraforming or building entire worlds simply to allow it to be used as a nature preserve."
"We hold, in principle, the eventual ability to colonize our star system and even terraform some of the worlds present within it."
"In the far future, it’s an attractive candidate for terraforming and may someday end up as true twin of earth, and like earth, inhabited by humans."
"The only way for us to inhabit Venus would be to terraform it."
"To create a backup plan in case our ecosystem fails, humans decide to change the atmosphere of Mars and make it suitable for human existence."
"We're terraforming our planet, changing the very environment that we live in."
"The moon has long been considered a potential site for terraforming."
"New Horizons lets you terraform your entire island."
"If you wanna turn a planet into something that can support her life, you've got to give it something that will turn the environment and turn oxygen."
"We're terraforming the moon out here, straight up!"
"Terraforming anything would have to start within our own solar system. Everything in space is just too far away to take gigantic risks like that with what would have to be gigantic quantities of material and people and things."
"Terraforming Mars is the ultimate goal for making it habitable."
"Within days he basically terraforms the entirety of phobos and turns it into what is essentially humanity's foothold out in space so it gives humanity the ability to spy on mars to spy on the mutant population."
"Building planets, or even moons, sounds like a huge project, but so is Terraforming in general."
"The terraforming everywhere just makes it look almost like a swamp."
"Terraforming Mars... Musk's vision... altering the planet's environment."
"It's slowly going to resolve itself, that's the terraforming there so things are looking up."
"The technologies we’ve discussed for terraforming and colonizing other worlds."
"In this series, we will cover colonizing oceans, greening deserts, thawing polar lands, and overhauling several other sorts of terrain."
"I absolutely love being able to terraform the planet like that, that's so cool!"
"A lot of planning, terraforming, trial and error."
"The first step to terraforming Mars and bringing it back to life would be for the Martian colonies to warm up their planet."
"It's kind of fun to come in here and just sort of terraform things."
"Real and genuine terraforming of worlds is going to be a possibility."
"Venus is a pretty hostile place, and the folks working to terraform it one day might be exposed to great risk."
"Personally, I think there’s a good chance that some Martian human will be the one to come up with practical terraforming solutions."
"They're called The Embers of Genesis nutrient-rich Cosmic dust from an ancient Supernova with the power to terraform entire ecosystems."
"Elon Musk has just managed to find a way to terraform Mars... I don't know, he nuked the poles."
"Terraforming Mars into a lush land like Earth is the goal."
"Alex Howe, an astrophysicist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, has proposed an idea that would potentially allow for the terraforming of Venus."
"Godzilla established himself as the sole ruler of Earth, terraforming the planet to his liking."
"I love this - how they're terraforming. So well described!"
"You could make it look like the Earth has an atmosphere but it's just a sterile atmosphere."
"Mars has been terraformed... Humanity has created a second Earth."
"Venus has been terraformed... Humanity has created a third Earth."
"Planetary engineering could become commonplace."
"AI civilizations may be more advanced than ours, managing the complex logistics of interstellar travel and the ecological balance of terraformed worlds."
"Mars would begin to gradually turn from a lonely desert into Earth 2.0."
"Imagine a world where the red barren landscape of Mars is transformed into a lush and verdant garden."
"Project Genesis is humanity's first successful attempt at terraforming on a small scale."
"Individuals on Mars experience the Newfound Liberty of walking Outdoors."
"The Monumental task of terraforming Mars has reached completion."
"Perhaps in the future we will be able to alter the atmospheric density through terraforming."
"Make Mars into a place where we can breathe without a spacesuit, where we can stand outside in our comfortable summer clothes, and create a whole new world for us to live on."
"Terraforming is perhaps the ultimate way to create a new Garden of Eden in outer space."
"The dream of turning a barren inhospitable planet into a habitable paradise."
"Terraforming is also an inherently devastating process, tearing up the terrain and altering the atmosphere in a way that would make a nuclear war look mild."
"We may be able to come up with tailored blends of those organisms, that could take a mix of water and the local regolith and break it down into soil and nutrients for more picky terrestrial plants."
"…terraforming a built-up and colonized Moon…"
"I wasn't really qualified to hand out government secrets. It's not the end of the world though. The colony ship was also capable of terraforming and city creation."
"A worldhouse is where para-terraforming of domes on a planet, such as Mars, have encompassed the entire world inside a massive greenhouse."
"First, there’s two basic camps of terraforming, which are meant to make them more Earth-like."
"We were discussing the differences between terraforming and para-terraforming today and part of that line between them is their susceptibility to damage from poor maintenance, sabotage, or attack."
"Once we don't have to worry about the solar wind and radiation, we can concentrate on forming a lunar atmosphere and carrying water to the Moon."
"Working on lunar terraforming will make us gain experience and opens the door to the terraforming of other similar satellites where the solar wind and gravitational context are more beneficial for the task."
"Perhaps we can't terraform every celestial body in our solar system, at least not for now, but achieving it would be the most remarkable human feat."
"As with Mars, it comes down to three major goals. They include: Reducing the atmospheric pressure, Lowering the temperature, Converting the atmosphere to something breathable."
"The first thing that must be solved is the absence of a magnetic field so that the solar wind won’t snatch away any atmosphere that we can create."
"Eventually, the planet will have the potential to sustain large human colonies with air, water, and food available."
"Terraforming Mars takes some work, hefty resources, and probably a century or ten."
"Someday we will learn to tame the very planet itself."
"...those 1500 and counting exoplanets of more than 1 but less than 10 times Earth’s mass that we call Super Earths, virtually none would be even as promising as Mars or Venus for terraforming."
"Is it possible to terraform the moon to have green lands, blues seas, and white clouds, just like Earth?"
"Indeed this is one of our coolest features of a black hole, we could build a shellworld around it of that radius and terraform that and have an Earth-like planet with that black hole at its core that had one million times the surface area as Earth."
"If turning the Earth into a desolation like Mars is a horrible act, then turning a place like Mars into a living Earth is a wonderful act."
"They terraformed barren planets, making them habitable."
"What if we take Venus, one of the most hostile and deadly places in the solar system, and turn it into a colony? Not by building lofty Cloud cities, but by creating a proper second Earth."
"One day Mars could look like this, allowing humans to comfortably live on the planet."
"Even if we create more carbon dioxide in Mars's atmosphere, it still wouldn't be nearly enough to heat the planet."
"Terraforming is not a gentle process on a planet and is not something that makes the place look the same except for seeming to spray paint it with ocean blue, plant green, and cloud white."
"What is required to terraform a planet? Terraforming is when you take a dead planet and then you turn it into a planet that is habitable for life."
"If we have the power to turn another planet into Earth, then we have the power to turn Earth back into Earth."
"Why don't the mutants just go somewhere else? Why don't we terraform Mars and essentially create an entirely brand new ecosystem on a dead planet and call it our home?"
"This theory believes that the One Piece is a terraforming machine that was possibly used during the Void Century."
"The AI tools that we use today have profound implications for how we are terraforming ourselves, our culture, the earth itself."
"Let's see how well you do on Mars before it's terraformed by Elon Musk."
"We don't just bring life to Mars, we bring Mars to life."
"Now instead of spending decades and billions or trillions of dollars... it was possible to have a planet ready for the first stages of seeding in less than 10 Venusian years."
"Our terraforming technology can make this place more hospitable for all of us."
"How are we going to terraform another planet if we can't keep Earth terraformed?"
"We could terraform the moon or Mars."
"Very popular game, this. After all, who doesn't like terraforming? I know I do."
"Environmental Impact and Responsibility: The process of terraforming could have irreversible impacts on the existing environment of a planet."
"Resource Exploitation and Sustainability: Terraforming would likely require massive amounts of resources."
"Cultural and Philosophical Perspectives: Different cultures and philosophical perspectives may view the idea of terraforming in varying ways."
"Terraforming involves complex ethical considerations across every aspect of human life."
"The data collected from these experiments would be critical in understanding the potential habitability of the planet and the prospects for future colonization or terraforming efforts."
"Terraforming being the process through which we can enhance a planet's capability to sustain life as we know it."
"An advertisement in space invites the people to relocate to Rhea, a distant planet that's been terraformed to inhabit humans after the Earth's ecological collapse."
"The company did terraforming and exploration; they invented synthetics, the future of humanity."
"Mars has the volatiles that you would need if you were going to terraform a place."
"Mars is terraformable and would be great to do so, but it might take 10,000 years."
"And yeah, and over time, terraforming Mars and making it really a nice place to be."
"...if we can find a way to somehow release this water, it will probably turn into oceans, turning Venus into a terraformed world."
"...we could maybe terraform it one day and change it into an earth-like planet."
"...it's actually capable of sustaining long-term atmosphere without losing it so that's really really important for terraforming planets."
"It looks like a terraformed alien landscape."
"The general consensus is that terraforming is required for global colonization and global colonization is required for terraforming."
"Coping with climate change may seem daunting, but it’s a doddle compared to terraforming Mars."
"By using advanced technology and resources, we could potentially turn deserts like Mars into beautiful earthlike worlds."
"Terraforming isn't exactly a quick process; it would take lots of time and resources to make any significant changes to a planet."
"We could put oxygen on other planets and create other planets that are hospitable."
"A barren rock becomes a world with water, atmosphere, and a functioning ecosystem capable of sustaining most known forms of carbon-based life."
"I like that you don't have to be a super badass; you can terraform a planet with science and be a badass."
"Everything is interconnected. If we can see these connections and do our part, it means that we can terraform even Earth, let alone Mars."
"Terraforming Mars, you're basically playing with other players, and you're trying to make Mars livable."
"That's what happens when you terraform a planet, you bring it to life again."
"Iceman... can help to effectively terraform a planet with his abilities."
"Welcome to my unknown planet which I'm gonna be trying to terraform over the course of the game."
"Terraform is a cool metaphor for an incremental rewrite, kind of like terraforming an uninhabitable planet to a habitable one."