
Family Responsibility Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"What makes you soft is not being there for your fucking family, not stepping the fuck up and making shit happen."
"I have family members who got kids who are not working and not showing up for those kids and that is so unfortunate."
"Having a fully funded emergency fund is like a basic level of responsibility when you have kids to take care of."
"Stop having so many children if you can't look after them all and stop making children act like parents when they're still kids themselves. It's that simple."
"We as Black people, for some reason, we feel this need to take care of everybody in our family."
"No more excuses, no more denial. I need you to be the big brother that you're supposed to be to this family."
"If my house is in complete chaos and my kids can't eat, how dare you tell me that it's wrong to want to care for my own first?"
"How do you think the money should come? Do you think it should be each individual family do you think it should be somebody who invests the money for us if you had a choice how would that money come to the people..."
"The fact is we've incentivized women to marry the government. We've allowed men to abandon their financial and moral responsibility. That's why we have these problems."
"I just want to go home and take care of my responsibilities."
"I cannot give up on my children now, they both need me living."
"How you gonna love the kids but you ain't got a life insurance?"
"Despite your skills and my family needed bread, I had to come correct."
"When you become an adult, you take on adult responsibility towards your parents."
"He doesn't want to go back working three, four jobs, not be able to put food on the table at the end of the day. It's about being able to take care of your family, pay your bills."
"I'm just trying to get my money... to take care of my son... period."
"Child support is for individuals who don't take care of their children."
"Leo must get out of prison and set things right for his son, his wife, and for himself."
"But you gotta take care of each other, and your mom and dad are gonna be right here waiting on you when you get home."
"He's got to look after his ailing dad, dad brick dad Rick."
"Especially the fathers, we're called to be leaders, providers, and protectors for our family."
"I have to do my job so that I can be the man my wife thinks I am so I can be the father that my children believe me to be."
"My biggest responsibility in my life is my brother."
"Legacy is on the line at the end of the day. You got to put in the work to be able to take care of your family."
"I actually had three sons on the time of 22 so I had to grow up very fast."
"My nephew, you know now I'm the only man left in the family and we're feeling bad for this family okay."
"Being the breadwinner is a responsibility of a man."
"Keep your commitment to creating wealth for yourself, to taking care of your children."
"I am sorry for taking our parents and our sins... I wish I could take it back... reality is that we can't."
"Take care of your body, take care of your health for your spouse's sake, for your family's sake, for your children's sake, and for your own sake."
"What do you guys think? Should Olivia's parents be punished for this hardcore?"
"Allah has a right upon you, your family has a right upon you, yourself has a right upon you."
"No child should endure this kind of violence at the hands of people who are supposed to love and protect him from harm."
"The biggest thing you can do for your kids financially is make sure they don't have to take care of you in your old age."
"I will not leave her again... I was the man of the family, it was up to me."
"Men need to step up and take care of their families and their kids."
"He wakes up every morning at 7:00 in the morning takes his kids to school I think that's a good sign of a really reliable dad great parent."
"Gohan realizes that he must sacrifice his studies and dreams of being a scholar to focus more on getting stronger for the sake of his family."
"You're financially down right so I was down 90 000 of the [__] now I'm hungry I gotta make this back because you know maybe uh my family won't be able to eat."
"Babysitting a family member takes it to a whole nother level."
"It's my duty as her big sister to provide her with the best 21st birthday party in the world."
"Let's stop doing this well i don't know why i got all these kids it should just be happening no it don't happen that's that plantation talk i really want us to get off this plantation [ __ ] women and dudes."
"I never wanted this for you, I worked my whole life, I don't apologize, to take care of my family."
"The pursuit of professional ambition becomes sinful when it compromises responsibilities to family."
"I could lose my job here like what am I going to do for my family I've got these two little girls who are now relying on me it's no longer just like being selfish and worrying about me I'm worrying about those around me."
"Now it's kinda different, you feel me? Because now I got a kid."
"Life is fragile, trust me when I say. I thought, what if I leave this family? Are they taken care of? Is your family taken care of? That is exactly what this point is."
"Sean, you gotta find your brother. That's all it is."
"She has a much greater motive and impetus to be a normal person she has to for her daughter's sake."
"A man that can't provide for his family or doesn't take that seriously is a turn-off."
"Prepare, it's your obligation for your children."
"If you have four children, you should have four houses."
"We all grew up loving the Rock, but then I realize that everything I do, every move I make, is a situation where I am keeping food on my family's table and a roof over their head."
"Gangsta is taking care of your family and doing all that. You feel me? That's gangster, just [__] being able to provide for the ones you love and everything."
"I just worked a lot because I didn't have a dad in my life, I needed to provide for my family."
"Even if they deserve it because that's who your kids look up to and that's who's going to take care of your kids if anything happens to you."
"I'm not saying I didn't have a family then or people that I love, but having people I am responsible for just changes your outlook on everything."
"I had the responsibility of my brother and that really meant everything to me."
"We have a responsibility to take care of our family and we have a responsibility to take care of one another in the family of God."
"He was working at KFC; he has four younger siblings and an older brother."
"If your kid hit the lottery at 18, they don't owe you a thing, but you owe them the world."
"True grandparents are supposed to raise their children right to where when y'all start having kids, y'all can financially provide for your own children and secure their daycare."
"I'm the older brother, and it's my job to watch over my little sister."
"It's my turn... To show them what you have to do... For your family."
"A child should never ever have the weight of supporting a family on their shoulders."
"I have to do what I have to do for my family."
"You get tired cooking for us every day. I think my brothers and I should leave and we should take care of ourselves."
"Choose to be a king, one that learns to take care of himself, one that takes seriously the responsibility of taking care of his family."
"Cleaning and looking after my elderly parents, you know everyone knows what that's like."
"The job of raising grandchildren is both a joy and a challenge."
"Every time I cheat myself and I cheat my business, I'm cheating my son."
"I'm 5 years old but you got to always protect your sister."
"It's a different lifestyle completely when you got dependents out there that literally cannot help themselves."