
Confirmation Bias Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"Confirmation bias is where you look for and find confirming evidence for what you already believe and ignore the disconfirming evidence."
"We all usually have some confirmation bias, meaning that if you see something and you hear something and you agree with it, that tends to be the answer and the view of something that you decide to settle on."
"Confirmation bias is when you look for information or data that supports your existing hypothesis and you reject data that disagree with you."
"You can't just become an expert at research by Googling whatever singular study fits your confirmation bias and call it a day."
"The networked world encourages confirmation bias in a way that is really quite frightening."
"People tend to stay in their groups that will confirm what they already want to believe or what they already think to be true."
"Our views are often shaped so they agree with the beliefs of the groups with which we most identify. The more challenged our views are, the more we defend them."
"Everybody enjoys confirmation bias... it releases endorphins, it releases a literal chemical drug release in your mind which is addictive."
"People want to hear the thing that they already know to be true. They don't want to hear any new information."
"We don't want information, we want confirmation."
"Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, and focus on and remember information in a way that confirms your own preconceptions about the world."
"His belief has come first and he's searched for facts and theories that then fit that belief rather than the other way round."
"Confirmation Bias: The tendency to interpret new information so that it becomes compatible with our existing theories and beliefs."
"He finds enough information to confirm his narrative of leftist media pushing the destructive agenda and then he moves on confident that his audience won't do the basics to fact-checking."
"Some people only talk to people who share the same exact views."
"Why do people want their political beliefs to be reinforced all the time?"
"Conspiracy theorists tend to predict every possible outcome and then claim they knew it all along."
"Extraordinarily instructive with regard to confirmation bias."
"Quit being sheep. The problem with America today is that people say, 'I believe this,' so I have confirmation bias."
"It's easy to end up in a spiraling path where we only seek and give credence to that evidence which supports our preconceptions."
"Seeking to confirm what you want is not the way to go about life."
"Deep down each one of us is based on confirmation bias we naturally go out into our world and we seek things that agree with what we think rather than looking for things that disagree with what we think."
"We keep getting overwhelming confirmation that we was right."
"Audiences want to hear things that confirm what they already believe."
"Filter bubbles may lead to the creation of insular bubbles where people are only recommended information that already conforms to their pre-existing beliefs."
"When a story cannot be confirmed by any independent examination, then we have to be careful."
"The way we use those apps tends to keep us surrounded by information we’re primed to believe and agree with."
"Data that does not support their beliefs is dismissed, and their confidence in being correct grows."
"Everything that you liked about this company before, everything that you hoped it was going to be, has been confirmed with this announcement."
"People will always be about as fired up and assured of the accuracy of their political position in response to messages that originate from a politician they already agree with."
"Confirmation bias is a big problem in science."
"If you make it too firm in your mind then you kind of see what you want to see."
"It's important no matter if you see a piece of information that you think confirms something that you already believe."
"All this is completely normal to you because the people with whom you surround yourself all agree with your positions on things."
"Cherry picking things that fit your narrative."
"Can you piece together cherry-picked facts that are consistent in an act of compromise confirmation bias with your already existing conclusion that he's guilty? Sure. Is that how criminal trials work in America or supposed to work? No."
"Whatever you think is going on, and we're going to confirm it like I said, it is accurate."
"People choose the facts they want, come up with an opinion, and then search for information to verify it."
"You're not going to be able to change their minds; they want to hear verification of their own beliefs."
"People want to make sure that their particular thing... It's like, let me go to the person that's gonna agree with me."
"Confirmation bias is the tendency to gravitate towards information that supports what we already believe."
"Most people are looking for people who will confirm what they already believe."
"As human beings we kind of like to surround ourselves with people who agree with us, don't we?"
"You most people are looking for people who will confirm what they already believe."
"Satire is used to fight confirmation bias, to prevent us from digging ourselves into an ever deeper hole of our own decisions."
"People only get the information they want, and the bad thing about this is that they only get the information they agree with."
"Most people are interested in things they already agree with."
"Debates serve more as a function to prove to your group that it is right rather than a function to convince the other group that it is wrong."
"This is why you always have to wait for a confirmation before you enter or exit a trade."
"If I already have something of intent in mind, I can kind of Google with certain keywords and so I do that and then I get the results that I expect. That would be a confirmation bias."
"You can just find yourself migrating into those sections of the internet purely because it's reinforcing an established belief."
"If you really want to believe something to be true, don't just look for things that are going to confirm your beliefs, search for the things that are going to prove you wrong, sure."
"People just want to look for things that reinforce what they're already looking for."
"Confirmation bias: once we think we know what we're looking at, we start overplaying confirming evidence and fail to see things that undermine our assumptions."
"Your personal confirmation and revelation of Truth is likely influenced by the fact that you want it to be true in the first place."
"The scientific method is the method by which we've come to destroy the processes of confirmation bias, anecdote, and emotion."
"Information which fits our beliefs, we see very quickly, immediately. Information which does not fit our beliefs somehow becomes almost invisible to us."
"Confirmation bias is the tendency to process information in a way that supports the ideas and beliefs we already have."
"Beware of confirmation bias, do your own research."
"Many people will often get carried away with first impressions and seek to confirm them."
"We all tend to prefer the kinds of information that confirms what we already believe."
"It's very easy to trap yourself in confirmation bias."
"Human beings are very good at confirming their bias."
"It's good to like not just consume the ideas that support and confirm what you already believe."
"The deepest existential risk is that the thing that's best at capturing a human being's attention is going to show them an individual reality that confirms their world news."
"...it happens during times when you're strongly thinking about this God concept that you strongly believe in, and then sure enough, you are feeling the thing you expect to feel."
"How easy it is to be manipulated when the ideology being pushed aligns with your gut feelings on the world, confirming your fears and your biases, telling you that you were right all along."
"Based on a very limited set of data, we form strong beliefs and hypotheses in our head, and then automatically what we try to do is we try to confirm those beliefs by seeking out confirming evidence."
"Our brains ignore what aspects don't fit with our conclusion and favor those aspects that support it."
"Understanding a psychological phenomenon called confirmation bias... basically just comes down to showing you share and support the beliefs and opinions of your audience and customers."
"One way to find out that you read more literature and get a bigger, wider field of view on a particular topic is not only search for things that affirm your confirmation bias."
"We're kind of just testing it towards things that we want to be true and analyzing the results in a way that will help confirm what we want to be true."
"It's mainline and confirmation bias where you believe what you want to believe, or what you fear to believe, especially in times of crisis."
"When he's giving information that sort of already aligns with something that you feel comfortable with, then you're much more willing to accept that information than something that challenges your current belief system."
"We only look for evidence that supports what we believe and we dismiss evidence that negates it very quickly."
"The echo-chamber phenomenon... just reinforce each other's views without ever challenging them."
"I think a lot of people just want to hear what they want to hear, regardless of if it makes sense."
"We actually have a tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and even remember information in a way that confirms our pre-existing beliefs or ideas."
"The filter bubble makes us all see things that confirm our worldview and surround us with people who think the same way we do."
"People research only to the point where they confirm their own bias, and they move along."
"The stories that we tell ourselves become true because of confirmation bias."
"People don't necessarily seek information, they seek confirmation."