
Cultural Studies Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"The most beautiful Hebrew word in the whole vocabulary talks about God's 'hesed' - loving-kindness, steadfast love, grace, mercy, faithfulness, goodness, devotion, generous, patient loyal love."
"Gramsci is often credited with this idea that politics is downstream from culture."
"Cargo cults thus emerged in order to secure said cargo for the islanders..."
"While none of these parties really matter much at all hopefully learning about them has given you some insight into some of the fringe subcultures"
"Ideas, cultures, and histories cannot seriously be understood or studied without their force, or more precisely their configurations of power, also being studied."
"Not every language or culture has the same color terms."
"Rap music is not just music rap music is a subculture hip-hop it's a style of dress an attitude a look a language it's more than just music."
"Legends of giants and androgynous beings with six fingers and toes found in various mythologies."
"Biblical archaeology continues to uncover evidence supporting stories and events mentioned in the Bible, sparking new debates and discoveries."
"Cross-cultural comparisons are pretty much worthless."
"What is a Revival, if not a product of our present?"
"If you try to understand the Chinese version of Islam, you have to study Buddhism, you have to study Confucianism, you have to study Taoism."
"Despite the werewolf’s widespread appearance in folklore, I’ll admit I haven’t really given the werewolf the attention it deserves—until now."
"UFO religions represent an intersection of religion, science fiction, and cultural responses to the advance of science and technology."
"The fear of being buried alive weighed heavily on the people of the 18th and 19th centuries."
"So I think the history of Mexico is far more complicated and fascinating than what basic history has told us."
"Concepts like Satan evolved within an interrelated network of societal, cultural, and political influences."
"You're studying classical Arabic poetry and why don't you look into the Quran?"
"He is a social psychologist at New York University's Stern School of Business."
"His research examines the intuitive foundations of morality and how morality varies across cultural and political divisions."
"Quite why these ancient people had such specific beliefs about feathers and the afterlife is unknown."
"The prevalence and consistency of these stories across cultures and time periods suggest the idea of giants may have been rooted in reality."
"Critical race theory builds on the insights of critical legal studies and radical feminism, drawing from European philosophers like Antonio Gramsci and Jacques Derrida."
"The religion and mythology traditions of the modern Pueblo peoples have been studied by academics for generations."
"While gendered social structures are ancient, a binary framework of biological sex didn't actually exist in Western culture until the late 18th century."
"There was much more going on in these places... likely in times before the Inca even ever emerged as a culture."
"The evil eye represents an expansive constellation of beliefs, practices, and symbols in cultures all over the world."
"The osteology does... these shield maidens that are talked about in these regards... are very much real."
"Believe it or not, archaeologists and historians are still arguing about these things. They're called cup and ring marks."
"Deep bird language is an ancient discipline perfected by native peoples the world over and science is finally catching up."
"I don't know about you, but I really enjoy studying about different cultures, and in many of them, there are depictions of mythological creatures."
"Mythopoesis is defined primarily by its structural evolution, not by its origins."
"Through the centuries, the Jews have endured terrible persecution, and you know that we've all read it, we've studied it, they've gone through a lot."
"Important rewriting of our understanding of culture and history."
"There's evidence of at least two civilizations at work here, perhaps more."
"Language families are a tremendous place to start in understanding ancient peoples."
"Our fascination with doomsday theories is way older than any conspiracy website."
"Magic goes far beyond spells and demons, spanning areas as diverse as psychology, language, and art."
"Focus on the beliefs and practices of the common folk, the unextraordinary stories that survived through time."
"As someone who is Black queer, has ADHD, and studies African-American history and culture, it's one of my favorite things to talk about."
"There's so much more research in the modern era not just about the pilgrims but so much that it's been uncovered about the Native Americans of that time."
"This is outrageous, like this is because the suggestion... why is flood mythology a thing that everyone shares isn't that weird?"
"The cultural and intellectual history of humanity is a common resource."
"Rajiv ji has pioneered a new approach in the study of India and Hinduism."
"And last but not least, we're finally discovering what the tribe uses the skull's nose for."
"Each aspect of the culture being studied was an essential part in the understanding of social worlds."
"The world of linguistics... can be a fascinating subject that teaches us not only about languages used in other parts of the world but also the traditions that go along with them."
"Transculturation as a concept is at the very center of the formation of many cultural realities that we can experience today in Caribbean islands."
"Rose is an internationally respected scholar of post-Rights era black US culture, popular music, social issues, gender, and sexuality."
"Amber was very interested in the lessons on the culture of the other three Clans."
"Sperm whales share more cultural similarities to humans than any other animal on the planet."
"The six dimensions of national culture."
"Masculinity versus femininity doesn't really have to do with men and women; it has to do with certain character traits."
"The study of other cultures, even ones that don't resemble ours, helps us in understanding ours better."
"This comprehensive approach provides a new nuanced understanding of the dietary habits and cultural practices of first-century Judeans."
"Studying different cultures can save us from falling into the trap of assuming certain human behaviors are necessary or a law of nature."
"Having an African-American name increases the lifespan by more than 3 years in Alabama."
"Cultural materialism explores signifying practices in the context of the means and conditions of their construction."
"African-American culture history and studies is a part of the American history."
"Cultural and linguistic phylogenies remain incredible. Incredible in the sense that there's a lot of value to them."
"By Orientalism, I mean several things, all of them, in my opinion, interdependent."
"Folk culture is isolated and small; popular culture is made for the masses."
"Native American Studies as a discipline anticipates that there's an intelligence in the cultures of the indigenous peoples of the Americas."
"It would be wrong to conclude that the Orient was essentially an idea or a creation with no corresponding reality."
"The phenomena of Orientalism... deals principally not with the correspondence between Orientalism and Orient, but with the internal consistency of Orientalism and its ideas about the Orient."
"Orientalism is not an airy European fantasy about the Orient, but a created body of theory and practice."
"It's quite a useful thing to think about the difference between cultural deprivation and cultural capital."