
Civil Engineering Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Civil engineering encompasses large public works like bridges, tunnels, dams, roads, airports, railways, and pipelines."
"This game, because it's a realistic civil engineering simulator, we've just got to fix roads."
"Working as a civil engineer is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world."
"The Chinese quickly found the energy produced by these materials quite mesmerizing when used in fireworks display, and in civil engineering projects and mining."
"Certainly, this incident is going to give America's bridge builders and engineering community a lot to think about."
"The Indus Valley had long since made great Public Works and figured out zoning laws!"
"There is a thin civil engineering blue collar worker line that keeps society polite and civil from collapsing."
"Every single person who crosses over either one of these bridges, once they’re complete, will do so as an act of trust in the engineers who designed them."
"The Millau Viaduct: world’s tallest bridge, designed like a huge, slender yacht."
"In 1836, America's foremost civil engineer, Lyomi Baldwin, came to Glenn County to survey the Brunswick Canal."
"If we wish to finish the railroad, it is certainly better to suit the greatest possible number, always with the understanding that the minority has all possible opportunity to advocate its ideas."
"Staying up-to-date on current technologies and tools is an important aspect of being able to be productive and working fast and smart as a civil engineer."
"I think the thing I loved about civil engineering personally is that it's a really really nice balance between being able to work outside and indoors."
"I'm actually very very happy I became a civil engineer, even if I ultimately ended up transitioning."
"A civil engineer builds the world around us."
"They dug out canals, piled the land to create dams, and introduced a gating system so they could control the flow of water."
"I'm hoping by seeing the test drive here you can better evaluate Civil 3D workflows versus the workflows that you're using with your current software."
"My goal with this video is to give you a holistic approach on what it is to be a civil engineer."
"There is a ton of opportunity for a civil engineering major."
"Choose civil engineering if you feel like you can see yourself doing this job in the long term."
"Civil engineering is a people-serving profession that is what makes it both challenging and extremely rewarding."
"We have some constant acceleration equations... those are fair game, projectile motion, very fair game on the civil test."
"Those diagrams really show the complexity of civil engineering involved in these projects."
"Project Explorer generally speaking is a one-stop shop where you can view, query, edit, create, and report on the civil data in your Civil 3D file."
"Everything you see that is man-made, civil engineers had probably had a hand in designing it."
"It's rewarding work to know that you had a hand in designing that building or that structure."
"Civil engineering is a good major for the right person."
"If you love solving problems all the time and you're pretty smart, then I think civil engineering would be great for you."
"Japan has made significant advancements in the use of high strength steel and composite materials in bridge construction."
"Compaction is usually done with heavy machinery and equipment such as vibratory compactors, rollers, or compacting plates."
"The maximum value of dry unit weight that a soil achieves is called maximum dry unit weight."
"It was a civilization that not only could make mighty fortresses but also major hydraulic works."
"Civil engineers work with any sort of infrastructure."
"It's very broad. Civil engineers can work anywhere and with anything."
"Civil engineering is actually recession proof."
"We are at a unique time in the civil engineering field in earthquake engineering; we can make a big difference in how that city survives the next earthquake."
"We're maybe where civil engineering and bridge building was 100 years ago."
"The peak discharge, just how high is that peak going to be, is what we would use to size channels, pipes, and understanding the sizing required for culverts."
"Based off our soil properties, based off of the amount of time that's passed, and based off that drainage height, I'm gonna say that about seventy two and a half percent of that settlement is expected."
"This is the end of our first lecture; it was an introduction about designing of reinforced concrete columns according to the British standard."
"It's very fulfilling to be a civil engineer and to do civil engineering work."
"That makes you a good engineer and a good civil engineer."
"This changes the game for roads in Revit because you can use the railing tool to create the curbs."
"Let's get into the wonderful world of civil engineering."
"The time required to stop for the full settlement or settlement up to a certain limit is a crucial part of consolidation analysis."