
Convergence Quotes

There are 877 quotes

"ReLU is computationally very efficient and converges much faster than the sigmoid and the tanh."
"The Orange Box is a tale of convergence, in part due to Valve's meticulous detail and seal of quality."
"The convergence of so many signs of the times is truly astonishing."
"Science and spirituality are converging now."
"Modern Warfare really shows that convergence between console and PC gaming, and nobody's been left out."
"This was the moment that eternity and time clapped their hands together."
"Given all this convergence, evolution appears to have a rational structure, and if that is the case, why would it contradict Christianity?"
"Recognize that's not just happened by accident, it happened because of a convergence of interest."
"Everything's gonna be coming together."
"Multiple POVs coming together at the end of a narrative and meeting up... when it's done well even when it's done poorly though I still can appreciate like ah the team's all here."
"Science and fiction are about to meet in the middle."
"It seems all about confluence, various streams coming together, it seems more and more that I run into fewer people who only read one thing or only watch one thing."
"Accelerationism: Embraced by both extremes, where left meets right."
"Celebrities now want to be media people. You know, everything has merged."
"Instrumental Convergence: any intelligent agent tends to converge toward similar behavior in pursuing goals."
"It tells each of their individual stories and then we also get to see where their stories converge and it is truly one of the most beautiful books I have ever read."
"Jerusalem-- it's the holiest city in the world, the place where Christianity, Judaism, and Islam converge."
"Real disruption occurs when multiple technologies converge at the same time."
"Movies are turning into video games, and video games are turning into movies. What the [__] is happening?"
"Science is catching up to the truth of God's Word."
"Spirit is saying everything wants to come together for you. All you have to do is know what you deserve."
"I think these are important events... extreme convergence and a time of great chaos."
"Art is the convergence between viewer perception and artistic intent."
"This is the fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres."
"Mobile gaming, there's going to be a day when your smartphone is your portable device. It's going to become everything one day."
"Embryo reveals his plans to merge the two worlds."
"We still have our own lives; they just have to converge."
"It's the same freaking blob. Silicon Valley and the military and intelligence communities have openly fused now."
"Artificial intelligence actually sits at the center of this convergence."
"Isn't it great how all these things come together?"
"The world is converging on a new global standard."
"Once this would have been the realm of the spiritual and perhaps our time will be somehow metastasized then actualized when the language of science and the language of spirituality coalesce."
"You've got two things or kind of multiple things that fell into place at once."
"The intersection of electronic devices with biological devices is becoming really important."
"The horseshoe theory is real. Authoritarian systems merge into one another."
"Saturn and Pluto conjunct in Capricorn is like a convergence of radical conformity and newfound freedom."
"Neural networks converge on something useful as they get trained better and better."
"They are an extremely disruptive company with convergence of multiple disruptive, innovative technologies all at the one time."
"Convergence in evolution: nature constantly brings out the same forms and structures."
"It's cool that those sorts of things kind of have come together in a way."
"A disruption is essentially when there is a convergence of technologies that make something possible."
"It's the greatest opportunity in human history because we can see these cycles converging."
"The more concepts you get to converge in an area the more secure the more confirmed the entry will be."
"Nature has separately evolved crabs like multiple times. Everything's trying to evolve, eventually everything is crabs."
"I fell in love with the internet and digital technology because at the time, I realized both of these were really converging in a really cool way."
"This is all of these prophecies coming together simultaneously."
"If religion had anything to do with a real supernatural agent communicating his will onto our species, then you'd think we would see a gradual convergence of theologies over time."
"Technology and art may have a process to meet each other again."
"This completes a collision of two different universes."
"Everyone starts in like a different space and then they all kind of crash together at the end which I loved."
"From a super high level about a year and a half ago I kind of put this thesis together of these three revolutionary cycles that are converging right now."
"When you've got the convergence of two strong events, that favors that cryptocurrency."
"We're set up for an absolute epic rally because you're getting a convergence of so many various things all simultaneously happening."
"In the last year, we've watched multiple events converge at once, the likes of which not seen in several generations."
"The fact that the online world and the real world of antiques and vintage is coming back together is just really, really satisfying to me."
"We are in the age of the convergence or the blurring of the realms."
"They're the same, they become the same."
"We're in the age where science and spirituality are going to merge."
"The Sunset Strip is fantasy; it's old Hollywood and new Hollywood, the SpaceTime Continuum just meeting every night at this particular place."
"The simple thesis of this book is that it is the convergence of these ten technologies and events with these new business processes with these three billion new players that is really going to define and shape the brief history of the 21st century."
"It was The Perfect Storm of circumstances."
"It's kind of the perfect storm in a way for the cake."
"At some point, they're going to converge, which is really interesting."
"This is just the way the worlds collide."
"The lines between Web 2 and crypto are going to be a lot more blurred in five years."
"Athletes wanted to be rappers, rappers wanted to be athletes. Everyone had a clothing line and a record deal. Musician, entertainer, movie star - those things are seamless now; they've really merged."
"The distinction between what they are and their technology will be less marked as it is for us; biology and technology will start to merge."
"We may be at the point where... we get to the all at one part now."
"You're not trying to get to the truth necessarily, like you hope that over time it can converge to the truth."
"Legend tells us one thing history another but every now and then find something that belongs to both"
"...so you have lines and and the points that are collected together and if you look at any of those points any of those vertices there are so many lines that coming in together and meeting at that point."
"I'm beyond thrilled that all of the stories are converging so quickly like this."
"The Bohemian Club of San Francisco remains a significant junction where arts, business, and politics converge."
"The Capital Club continues to reign as the epicenter of Dubai's elite circles, it's where business tycoons from across the gulf converge to carve out empires."
"For the first time ever, it brought together both geeks and nerds."
"Convergence between Bitcoin and AI."
"Powerful growth trajectories with technology convergences."
"Convergence refers to an area of conscious responsibility, as opposed to divergence which refers to an area of conscious irresponsibility."
"There are many learning algorithms out there. If you give them the constraints that we have on the brain in terms of the units and the connectivity patterns, ultimately they probably will all converge to the same small set of classes of solutions."
"A perfect storm of evil bastards."
"If we go back to our grid, notice this is not absolutely convergent."
"I think psilocybin is deeply spiritual, and I believe there's a convergence of Science and spirituality."
"They coalesce in the person of Yeshua."
"It's like all my childhood stuff crashing into each other."
"There is something almost supernatural about the way so many kinds of beauty come together right here."
"Duality, relativity, science, and spiritualism. This is where they meet."
"The final act is like full-on Avengers End Game. It's just like all of these stories just kind of come together."
"What if someday you didn't need to budget for a laptop and phone separately because the smartphone finally killed off the one other piece of mobile tech it had yet to vanquish?"
"It was like the perfect storm of all the things that came in."
"The big risk here comes from this argument of difficulty of alignment and instrumental convergence."
"It's insanely coincidental how all of these things just converge on this one point."
"All these things have just come together in just like the perfect harmony."
"Evolutionary convergence is a very interesting topic."
"At the moment we're experiencing a period of convergence, and convergence of course follows from an earlier period of so-called great Divergence."
"Humanity has many enemies converging against them."
"The conflict brought world history together for the first time."
"It's a big story, it's all coming together."
"All of these different paths are going to converge into one. All of these different skills that you have acquired, all these different experiences that you've had, are going to reveal themselves as instrumental to whatever it is you're trying to do."
"There's something poetic about it, like reality and fiction converged into an awful reality."
"We're living through an astonishing great reconvergence in economic fortunes."
"It's gonna be the convergence of these exponential technologies."
"We all like to congregate at boundary conditions. Where land meets water. Where Earth meets air. Where body meets mind. Where space meets time."
"Some things we would expect to converge, at least for high-tech civilizations. A motivation for curiosity, personal survival, survival of one species or kin or allies, a desire to socialize, these we might expect to be quite common."
"I ended up with filmmaking because it combines all of my interests."
"All paths lead to the same place."
"It was kind of like the perfect storm."
"Eventually those timelines collided, and I was like, 'Oh, there's a bigger purpose for everything that I've done.'"
"An algorithm is converged when the loss stops changing that much."
"The desperation of some and the possibilities of others come together."
"Real truth is when you see this converging knowledge."
"There's no better time, there's no better place to be looking at this whole confluence of ideas."
"Convergence is such a beautiful concept."
"Euron's gonna steal Viserion or try to, and Euron also might become a Night King so you can see how these things will come together."
"Alexandria, a city of intellectual ambition, where scholars and ideas from around the world converged."
"In a world where four friends talk around four mics, all roads lead to this."
"I know I've got a good photo when I've got a lot of things that have all converged together at the same time."
"Make sure you're always thinking, is the limit actually equal to zero because if it's not zero we definitely know this thing doesn't converge."
"They do end up coming together because we start off in media res."
"This right here actually converges."
"Even though there have been wars in the past, this is the time when we see all those features coming together at one time."
"There's where life and research and everything came together."
"Welcome to our center, where history, theology, and philosophy converge."
"The convergence of everybody... it's so impressive, it's one of my favorite moments in stories."
"We're going to see a convergence of the streams in the body of Christ."
"This is like a fandom Singularity, radioactive doses of infamous and famous fandoms alike."
"Having NASCAR and IndyCar at the same racing venue at the same time."
"Everything that rises must converge."
"There is a kind of emerging theory of intelligence that is developing in this kind of strange area where computer science and neuroscience and the world of the commercial world and the academic world coming together."
"We are seeing now the convergence within algorithm clearly of traditional finance and decentralized finance."
"Converge these two to a point where dreams can be made."
"We see the convergence of global internet scale behavior at this one location deeply inside the internet. That's pretty cool."
"When you look at the world of too many parts to count that are very very large numbers you sometimes get dynamics that are convergent."
"It's nice to see these worlds collide and in some cases clash."
"Convergence that's more impactful than some trend line or some kind of indicator."
"It's a real meeting place of Roman roads, all roads lead to Sarum."
"TV and movies are becoming one, like now it's just great storytelling."
"Convergence happens when your gifts, talents, and abilities come together."
"There's a point, a nexus, the lines on the chart cross."
"It's a trail that goes in different directions but it all leads to the same place."
"We have ice and fire finally crashing into the two sides of Westeros."
"The end game has to be a viable global civilization that is pluralistic, cosmopolitan, tolerant of difference, and yet convergent on the same answers to the most important questions in life."
"The phoenix... the readings from the arctic and the star brand from spectrum's battle in space... the atmospheric disturbances with the asgardian... the trail of the daywalker known as blade... all of it leads back to this single location."
"Imagine a world where Netflix marathons, swiping right on Tinder, epic game showdowns, and even that Amazon shopping spree all converge."
"Each is an independent vector, but they all intersected on that vessel in the middle of the Atlantic."
"Absolute convergence is stronger than convergence. You can have a series that converges but is not absolutely convergent. What that means is that anytime you know that a series is absolutely convergent, you know for sure it is convergent."
"Absolute convergence is about the strongest thing we can do right now. If we say it's absolutely convergent, that's the strongest we can say. That shows that it's convergent all the time."
"If something converges absolutely, it converges all the time. Absolute convergence is the strongest that we have."
"Science and spirituality coming together today are giving me a very powerful signal of how important this particular time in history is."
"When things come together, it can become magic."
"I actually think I would even go further and I would say not only I think are we about on the cusp of multiple major technology breakthroughs converging."
"Convergence is a wonderful thing."
"George R.R. Martin seems to be hinting that all characters' storylines will converge in 'The Winds of Winter.'"
"At a high level, 'The Winds of Winter' is about bringing all storylines back together, squashing them into intermingled narratives."
"Some people gravitate toward the movie actress side, and some people gravitate toward the healing channel side, and every once in a while, the two shall meet, right?"
"A combination of practice and theory seemed to converge on making synchronized communication the standard."
"The litfest is truly stepping into its space of being a melting point for all of these diverse individuals."
"For the most part, once you find the typical set, it's very rare that one variable converges and the others don't."
"It's therefore pretty incredible how they evolve to look so similar overall, again demonstrating the power of convergent evolution."
"If we make A_R Hurwitz, Z_P converges to command as T goes to infinity."
"Science is catching up to the Word of God."
"Once in a blue moon, you are a part of a piece of machinery where all the talents converge together."
"I think about how so many things came together at one time that I don't know if I professionally will ever see anything like it again."
"The independent evolution of similar structures is something that's gonna be made more common rather than less common by the unity of the toolkit."
"Evolution does repeat itself, convergent evolution is the term for when two unrelated lineages Converge on the same adaptations and evolve the same structures or behaviors independently of one another without sharing a common ancestor with those traits."
"This was such a cool convergence of things that I love."
"There's a gathering taking place."
"Considered the build-up and all of the characters who are meeting in one location at the exact same time, a big story event is definitely going to be taking place in York New City."
"Everything is coming together, thanks be to God."
"Very fortunately, just like in MC, we ultimately converge to the right answer."
"London is the kind of place where everybody from everywhere comes here at some point."
"Additionally, regardless of where the economy starts, so whether it starts at a point where investment dominates depreciation or vice versa, the economy will always converge to a steady state."
"Whenever we use the advantage function, it will allow us to converge faster empirically."
"There's still a divide between emerging and developed markets but that divide is far smaller than it was 15 years ago 20 years ago 25 years ago."
"In the hyperbolic pieces, Richie flow is converging nicely to the hyperbolic metric."
"Boston, where the past meets the present."
"Heaven and earth will merge together."
"The paths do converge. All the great Vedantists, most of them, are dynamic, they're loving, they're also meditative. So, the paths do converge."
"Move of the spirit with the time of refreshing, there's going to be a convergence of all those things at one time."
"Regions of convergence are always going to be circles in the Z plane and they're always going to be bounded by pole."
"Their stories seemingly separate converge in a narrative that is as baffling as it is intriguing."
"It's not just one piece of evidence, it's many different pieces pointing to the same thing."
"Your stars are aligning, eight of Wands and the Stars really does show things coming together in your life."
"The Buddhists and the Stoics came to a lot of very similar conclusions independently, and I think that gives us a greater confidence in their validity."
"The worlds are colliding! World's are colliding!"
"Good and evil will come together."
"Scholars from all over the world flocked to Baghdad."
"At the convergence of discipline, development, and decision is the place called destiny."
"Look at all this serendipity coming together."
"Convergence: Multiple chains converge to the same distribution."
"So many different stories and they all are about to intersect here."
"It's where the Prairie meets the mountains and where elk graze in the morning."
"We're living in a Divine intersection in human history."
"When you look with divine eyes, parallel tracks meet."
"...they're just all converging... that's when he's coming."
"Even the wild mountain stream must someday join the big river."
"Where power, control, healing, and love meet is where we live for the next two decades."
"Where on earth did evil, justice, love, and forgiveness converge at one moment in history? On the hill of Calvary."
"The separation between the medium of moving images and physical space will probably dissolve a little bit."
"I believe in value because I have faith that the price will converge on value."
"The arrival of digital technology has led to a new kind of initiative: the parallelism, intertwining, and convergence of techniques of visualization and rendering in both the architecture studio and the film studio."