
Unresolved Issues Quotes

There are 201 quotes

"The quantum measurement problem is the gaping hole in the theory of quantum mechanics."
"Whatever happened to the cocaine they found in the White House? Where is it?"
"This story hasn't ended, Rick Harrison this isn't over, he's going to try again."
"A lot of people leave [expletive] unsaid that should have been said, unaddressed and then when the finality of death shows up these [expletive] be wanting and lacking."
"There was karma between the two, it had never been worked out."
"There's still something unfinished, something needs to be talked about, a secret needs to be confessed or something."
"One of the biggest gaming Mysteries to ever occur."
"All those unanswered questions have lingered for years."
"Whatever it is that haunts him seems to have no intention of letting him go."
"The missing Big Mom pirates are a loose plot thread that does need to be addressed."
"Presidential terms end, but old grudges still fester."
"I've been needing to talk about this, I know he's been holding it in for all this time, he's like 'yo we have to talk about it, it's the big question'."
"Life doesn't always give us closure and in the real world there are many mysteries that may never be solved."
"He's literally just teenagers. The tension between them is so insane, aren they not going to acknowledge the elephant in the room?"
"Many questions need answering, some that David's family have spent thousands of dollars trying to get the conclusions to."
"Not everything will be resolved. We may have more questions than answers."
"Y'all are both still holding The Grudge. Y'all are both still pissed off at each other about whatever it was that happened."
"A problem that is out of sight and out of mind does not get fixed."
"No one is getting the two other Americans who are there."
"Just be willing and ready to accept apologies that you've never gotten."
"Unfinished business lingering - do you really want to manifest this soul connection right here?"
"This ending doesn't fix anything. If anything, it only leads to more questions."
"I still endure, I mean I literally have night terrors every night, nobody, adopted criminologist, law enforcement, nobody's been able to help me."
"Not knowing what happened is pure agony, but I need to know."
"There are still a lot of mysteries and unresolved plot threads in Wano."
"Breaking them can leave lingering complexities and loose ends."
"There are several unanswered questions... Isn't he smarter than this? Murder is not justice, there is no solace in revenge."
"There's unfinished business here, whether you feel that way or not, that's your call."
"Take action towards the things that are still bothering you that need to be dealt with."
"If someone on their deathbed wanted to clear their conscience before passing, without that, it appears... will remain unsolved."
"We're not getting any answers, and we're not gonna settle for that."
"It's definitely uh it's definitely a one that uh makes you stay up at night even though we're not directly connected with it because again you want closure for the family you want some type of resolution."
"We will be talking about some of the same themes and same issues because they're not resolved at this point."
"The longer issues go unaddressed, the worse it gets for Hansen."
"The conclusion of the Great War seemed decisive, but beneath the surface, it was anything but."
"The root causes of the conflicts haven't been addressed."
"It was a 45 second conversation in the lobby a handshake and we left I don't know I don't know what this is and it's running me crazy."
"Life is short, but if there's some unresolved things or someone you need to call... you know, what I'm saying."
"A horrific past is one thing, but not truly addressing it."
"Someone here does need to speak their truth or communicate something because some things have been left unsaid."
"I think that there was some sexual harassment she didn't actually reported but in fact clearly we're finding out now that that was the case and that could have very well been the motive behind her murder."
"You would hope that they would reopen the investigation because not guilty means that there's someone else out there."
"There's obviously something else going on here."
"We still do not have an understanding of the motive."
"If you're looking for like a hard reason why it never got completed, me too."
"Unresolved trauma of the past burdens the present."
"She truly wanted to get along with her sister, however, that grudge and those feelings of anger were hard to let go of."
"It's a complicated issue... it's a significant issue."
"He said, 'I just want to say this isn't Justice for Lindsay.'"
"That man made some very good points. There's a lot of unanswered questions around this tragedy." - Silver Joystick
"This is a really sad story all around, and I thought this was the ending of it, but now I genuinely don't know."
"The last chapter in this story has not been told."
"Her family still seeks answers on what really happened that day."
"I had to return home with an aching body and no resolution to my case. I never expected my attacker or attackers would ever be tracked down."
"This is a wound that we are actively choosing not to heal."
"This war is not about our freedom. The core issue why this war arose still continues."
"After all of this there are still no fucking answers."
"Many people believe the mystery is still unresolved."
"If you don't resolve this now, it'll continue to haunt you for the rest of your life."
"An unsolved mystery can be a small sliver right underneath the skin - annoying, perplexing, and curious all at the same time."
"What if they hadn't taken the title away from my dad in the garden? I think it's a great topic, a great question."
"There has not been a whole lot of resolution, which has kind of left a bit of a hole in the family, you know?"
"Who killed Malcolm? Are they trying to rip open the wound again and have us fight each other again?"
"Be sure that the former issues are dead before you really bury them. There are issues that cannot die without the death of the people, of their honor, their civilization, their greatness."
"There is no closure." - A haunting reminder of the lingering pain caused by unanswered questions and unresolved mysteries.
"If they still haven't picked up their stuff or if they still have some of your stuff... it's a good sign that they're pretending to be over you but they still have one foot in the door."
"This was not a small deal and this is not going anywhere."
"National unity without addressing underlying issues is worrisome."
"Just because somebody accepts your apology doesn't wipe away the situation."
"This thing was just gone, no logical explanation."
"Everything regarding this Joe situation doesn't sit well with me."
"Is there really a Dylan Klebold to his Eric Harris still running around loose somewhere in Idaho?"
"They just want answers at this point. They know their community, and they know that someone knows something."
"Your family is important," he had told him. "You never hurt family."
"I felt like there was unfinished business here."
"The Latino vote will not be the same if this issue is not resolved."
"Unaddressed grief often leads to resentment."
"I feel with United something died on Sunday but we haven't laid it to rest yet."
"There's still a lot of mysteries to be resolved."
"Nothing will come out of this situation. The answers you need are coming."
"But that's the nature of this line of work. Things don't get wrapped up and topped off with a neatly tied bow."
"The land is still there and it's in somebody's family but ain't nobody talking about that."
"Just because you think you're done with your past doesn't mean your past thinks it's done with you."
"Whoever's coming towards you feels like there's unfinished business."
"Monique's still waiting on that apology today, and the fact that Oprah and Tyler Perry are buddies doesn't make things any better."
"Why is that happening? Why, a year and a half on from the problems that happened?"
"You've gotta get that, that's a side issue. The rest of this stuff's still sitting there."
"Many of us still to this day haven't even fully processed it."
"Something is not right and detectives refuse to let the matter rest."
"Unexpressed pain will keep you revisiting what you've already resolved."
"One thing is for sure, I don't think this story ends anytime soon."
"I never did figure out what it was... perhaps it's better that way."
"Leaving it hanging just leaves the question mark and it gets bigger and bigger, doesn't it?"
"We end 2013 with Greg not being able to move on from his past mistakes with Greg still blowing up at anyone criticizing him," the narrative sums up.
"The old grievances of the Great War were never settled and were now enhanced with revolutionary fervor against the idea of empire and monarchy."
"Towards my conclusion, I am the first one to admit that there are loose ends here, things do not add up."
"Someone may be appealing something that was supposed to be final - something needs to go to court."
"She realizes Paul won't be able to tell his side of the story."
"Jeffrey Epstein took a lot of secrets to the grave with him."
"As any therapist would know, unresolved conflicts tend to fester."
"Someday, somehow, there may be Justice for Mickey."
"The main problems just persisted over and over and over and four months later it wasn't better getting better."
"Both of us haven't spoken about this event since, not to each other and not to anyone else, that is until now."
"Even though they were now aware that such unaccountable things were happening, this didn't seem to appease whatever was causing them."
"Justice has not been served. It will never be served."
"It still seems like there's going to be some amount of working through that needs to take place."
"You need to let go of something before moving forward because there's still unfinished business."
"The Red Lotus leaders and sentries had returned into hiding and still remain at large with no way of knowing how many are out there."
"The civil war did virtually nothing to settle the issue of white supremacy."
"There is no resolution to something like that. Tensions get high, people's emotions are involved."
"This is yet another one of these stories that illustrates that this battle is far from over."
"Three decades is far too long to go without answers."
"Even issues former false flag events... you cannot put this issue in the rearview."
"This issue is not going away, that's for sure."
"There is a specific chapter in your life that you may have thought was over and done with, but you've got to finish it better."
"I dare you to try to blame something on me that has nothing to do with me. I dare you to accuse me of some [ __ ] I didn't [ __ ] do just because you have trust issues that you haven't healed from. I dare you."
"We never resolved that. There's still a murderer in the streets."
"It's not only going to redirect you but also bring some kind of unfinished business back."
"But the victory in court has done little to heal the financial wounds."
"Sometimes it's enough to struggle with an issue. Not every issue has a resolution."
"Everybody had a plan, but nothing is solved because of investors."
"They feel like an unfinished business with you and they want to basically uh tie it up between you two."
"That doesn't absolve America though of the debt just because people have died and generations have gone on."
"I don't think she's begun to look for forgiveness."
"We never really have time to really ever fully unpack any of these things."
"Love and opportunity, but things still need to be healed and worked out."
"Fully at peace with the reality that this problem is probably never going to fully resolve."
"There is no wisdom or philosophy. Nothing is resolved by the end. It’s just pain."
"When we don't deal with it properly, it sabotages our present and our future."
"Unresolved issues that are left on the back burner become toxic. If you leave something to fester, it's going to get worse."
"Little issues become big issues when they are unaddressed."
"Ghosts represent unresolved issues that continue to linger."
"The relief has been short-lived, the thing that keeps me up at night is that whoever or whatever did this is still out there."
"I think it's difficult to just, um, try to pretend that all of that stuff has been left behind when it hasn't."
"People who have affairs are like that, right? People who haven't healed yet or people who haven't gotten in touch with the terrible feelings that brings up."
"What's even darker is that Andrea escapes Batman, so the film ends by showing that she will continue down the same road, never finding peace or happiness."
"I think you owe me a conversation."
"There's a lot of unfinished business tying you down."
"There's unfinished business here."
"Unresolved heart issues will create great heartaches."
"Deactivating isn't about some fear of the future fear of commitment fear of being trapped in the future or stuck it's actually about unresolved subconscious wounds that exist from the past."
"It's the unfinished business of the past."
"Resentments are like unresolved issues that bleed into every relationship, stemming from childhood hurts."
"The things that we don't deal with don't go away, we just take them into adulthood."
"Until we deal with it, it's always going to be there, always dragging us down."
"If you've not resolved it, you've only stuffed it, you're setting yourself up as a ticking time bomb physically."
"I think a lot of people who are angry and are not letting go of it, I think, are waiting for a kind of resolution with family, with connections, that are not resolving itself."
"A lot of us are dealing with unfinished combat."
"Resentment often hides unresolved emotional issues."
"It would be fascinating if they did that it would actually make for an even edgier darker book if they did they just haven't done that yet and I know why it's because of Commerce but the more they don't address it the ickier it gets flirted with it all the [ __ ]."
"Everything you haven't dealt with is traumatic to some degree, merely because you don't understand it."
"I've always reported it. They said they would take care of it, but it was really never taken care of."
"Unfortunately, it sounds like there are a lot of questions to that experience that you're never going to have the answers to."
"...it makes it feel like we're coming here to solve something that everyone else has moved on from but which we haven't."
"It's like a fire that hasn't been put out, it continues to smolder for months and sometimes years."
"When it comes to your loved ones, there is such a thing as unfinished business."
"If it's something that's not solved, it's never a bad idea to talk about it because you never know."
"There's a lot of things that we haven't really come to terms with; we kind of bury it inside."
"Patience, something still needs to be dealt with for this connection to manifest."
"We repeat what we do not resolve."
"I know troubled spirits can hang around for some of the same reasons that they would have taken their own life to begin with, not being able to let go, etc."
"You think you're done with the past, but the past is not done with you."
"Unresolved grief is the source of much of the depression that we see."
"What we don't work out will act out."
"The cases in Washington stopped as suddenly as they had begun; in a sense, it was over, in any other sense, it would never be over."
"Our emotions come from our unresolved things, any unresolved situations that have occurred in our life."
"Healthy relationships are marked by conflict, but unresolved conflict marks the lives of unhealthy people."
"I can't just leave it, nothing, all of this has happened."
"Something out there is still wrong."
"Colorism is a big issue that hasn't been sorted out yet."
"The veils between the worlds are thinner right now and whatever is unresolved for us individually or collectively is right on the surface."