
Atomic Structure Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"Every single thing in the universe is made up of atoms; we're talking electrons, protons, and neutrons."
"Atoms are made of just three things: positively charged protons, neutrons, which have no charge at all, and negatively charged electrons."
"If you connect the carbon atoms one way, you get graphite, which is soft and dark; connect them another way, you get diamond, which is hard and clear."
"Atoms were made up of three things. A dense nucleus of protons and neutrons, surrounded by a fuzzy cloud of electrons."
"The value of a material is not in the atoms itself; it's in how those atoms are arranged."
"This was the first time that people had seen the interior of matter had seen the atomic arrangements inside a piece of crystalline matter."
"It was a major breakthrough this was the first time that people had seen the interior of matter had seen the atomic arrangements inside a piece of crystalline matter."
"Everything in our universe is made of energy, atoms are made up of vortices of energy vibrations constantly spinning."
"Every time we add a proton, we get a new element."
"So you can always recognize a 1s. You have this symmetrical thing."
"One orbital can't hold more than two electrons."
"Chemistry is a fascinating subject. It's essentially the study of how atoms and molecules change."
"99% of the mass of an atom is to be found in its nucleus."
"The elements of the periodic table are defined by the number of protons in the atomic nucleus."
"This is the force that holds together the nuclei of atoms."
"The fact that the higgs mechanism makes the neutron a little heavier allows you to have a stable proton, stable hydrogen."
"Inside the billiard ball of Dalton, there are electrons and protons in a mash that neutralizes themselves out."
"But sir Ernest Rutherford in 1911 sought to understand this, the interior of Thompson's Plum Pudding bottle."
"There must be some dense heavy thing that the alpha particles knocking off of."
"Graphene is a single atomic sheet of graphite. Graphite is a chunk of material that's made up of sheets. If you take off one of those sheets, it is graphene. Graphene is one atom thick. It's a sheet of carbon atoms that are arranged like chicken wire."
"Quantum physics keeps atoms apart due to electron movement."
"Everything is made of atoms. Yes, even you."
"Schrodinger's wave equation allowed a new and deeper understanding of the orbitals shells and subshells within an atom."
"Atoms, molecules, protons, neutrons, electrons, anything like that, they all want to be in the lowest energy state possible."
"Electrons revolve around the nucleus in fixed circular orbits of fixed radius and fixed energy."
"So you are made of these same things that is in a block of wood, the same fundamental building blocks called atoms."
"Chemists had noted that some clusters of atoms, some groups within molecules generally survived intact through multiple reactions as if they were especially tightly joined to one another."
"That's a very important aspect of Rutherford's work to really show us that there was this nucleus at the center of the atom and if you like that's really the birth of nuclear physics because that's the first time we realized that there was sub structure within the atom."
"Electrons orbit nuclei in a discrete set of possible orbits."
"Atoms were later revealed to have a small nucleus with electrons around the outside."
"Electron orbitals have different shapes and energy levels."
"There is therefore a stronger attraction between the nucleus and the outer energy level electrons."
"The conscious recognition and use of the I am presence which you are steadily raises the vibratory action of your atomic structure."
"Copper is the number of protons in the nucleus because that means there's also 29 electrons surrounding that nucleus."
"There is a second discrete group of very great importance in understanding atomic structure, which is based on the fact that electrons are all the same... and therefore, a system containing two or more electrons must be indifferent to their interchange."
"The S orbital is spherical in shape, with the radius increasing with the principal quantum number."
"Atoms are composed of nuclei, protons, and neutrons, with electrons orbiting around them at different energy levels."
"The atomic number is equal to the number of protons in the atom."
"X-ray crystallography is the science of determining the three-dimensional position of atoms in a crystal."
"Magic numbers are numbers of protons or neutrons where all available states of energy are pretty much filled."
"The structure of atoms... consists of a core, the nucleus, which is a very dense, heavy part of the atom."
"The atomic number is actually the number of protons found in an atom."
"An isotope will have the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons."
"The atomic number is the number of protons that defines an element."
"Electrons always go around in pairs, which tells us how many electron pairs there are around the central atom."
"Hydrogen is the simplest atom and all of us know this element very well."
"The reason that lead is so stable is because it has a magic number of protons."
"Each atom has its own characteristic atomic spectrum."
"The structure of the atom has changed over time as new evidence has presented itself."
"Electron shielding or electron repulsion: electrons are all negative, and the inner ones repel the outer electrons, reducing the attraction."
"Where are all of the atoms going in a piece of metal when you stretch on it and force it into a new shape? It's actually pretty incredible."
"Bond length increases as you move down the periodic table."
"The environment is determined by the groups of atoms that exist near the nuclei being examined."
"The atom is made up of a nucleus; the nucleus contains neutrons and protons."
"The ionization energy decreases as we go down a group."
"The ionization energy increases as we go across a period."
"Most of an atom is actually made up of empty space."
"The isotopes of an atom have the same atomic number but a different number of neutrons."
"The positive charge has to be in the middle, and then the electrons must be far away."
"We can see the gold atoms arranged in the crystal lattice."
"The principal quantum number describes the energy level of an electron inside an atom."
"TM gives you an opportunity to see atomic structures of very small objects."
"Atoms are composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons."
"The modern periodic table is arranged by atomic number."
"The majority of alpha particles pass through the gold sheet undeflected, which tells us that the nuclei must be very small or most of the atom is empty space."
"Elemental identity comes from the number of protons."
"The noble core electrons have the same electron configuration as a noble element."
"An atom is a whole lot of empty space."
"The arrangement of electrons in an atom is known as the atom's electron configuration."
"Mass number is the number of neutrons plus protons."
"It's a mighty mite, yet it becomes immense when we look inside it and compare the whole to its parts."
"Each carbon atom is bonded to four other carbon atoms in a tetrahedral arrangement."
"The only difference between any one kind of element and any other kind of element is the number of protons that it has."
"Oxygen is just what we call an atom that has eight protons."
"As our nuclear effective charge increases, we're essentially saying that the pull towards the nucleus is actually increasing."
"Electrons occupy orbitals which are arranged in energy levels."
"Most of an atom is just empty space."
"The 3d electron actually has a higher effective nuclear charge; it's more attracted to the nucleus."
"Electrons in a particular energy level are actually not all the same."
"Most of the atom consists of empty space."
"In the modern periodic table, the elements are arranged in order of atomic number or proton number."
"The nucleon number is the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom."
"We know that an atom consists of a central nucleus which is positively charged with orbiting electrons."
"That Z gives you the periodicity, right? And that gives you also the number of protons."
"The same carbon atoms, when it has a different type of bonding, change the properties to such an extent."
"The understanding of how atoms absorb and emit light reveal secrets of the electronic structure of the atom."
"The difference between the two, then, is the binding energy, or the strength of the bond that held the electron into its orbital around the nucleus."
"Electrons, the negatively charged particles that reside around an atom's nucleus, can move charge from one place to another."
"Carbon has four valence electrons... it's going to be able to make four bonds in order to fill that outer shell which can hold eight."
"By seeing how bodies scatter x-rays, one could argue back the way the atoms are arranged in these bodies."
"What if, alright, the nucleuses and electrons are actually just planets and we are just made up of universe, we are a universe ourselves and we just zoom in and everything is a planet within ourselves?"
"The specific light energy that the atom's electrons can emit or absorb depends on the organization of the atom itself."
"Twin boundaries... have a mirror-like arrangement of atoms across the boundary."
"The number of protons is equal to the atomic number."
"The entire nucleus acting as a whole can have an effect."
"An element on the periodic table of elements is just given based on the number of protons in the nucleus."
"The atoms in the sample seemed to be arranged in a pattern that had fivefold rotational symmetry, which is interesting because that's an idea that we saw earlier in Penrose tiles."
"Most of the alpha particles passed straight through the gold foil, indicating the nucleus is mostly empty space."
"The strong force binds protons and neutrons into nuclei. It's so powerful it can overcome the natural repulsion of protons."
"Gravity and electricity are so much alike that an atom, with a little rearranging, looks almost like a little solar system."
"Energy levels can be degenerate and this is very important for building up atoms."
"The mass number gives the total number of protons and neutrons that are present."
"An atomic number simply is the number of protons in the nucleus of the atom."
"To understand atoms we must know their structure in terms of electrons and nuclei."
"When elements have filled octets or filled shells, they are more stable than those that don't."
"The nucleus was positively charged, and the electrons are somehow outside of it."
"The atom is electrically neutral. The negative charge is carried by electrons."
"Electrons, protons, and neutrons are the three particles that make up an atom."
"The strong interaction is responsible for holding protons and neutrons together."
"Each time you go down, you add an electron shell."
"X-rays... match the size of an atom and that makes X-ray so interesting to use because we can actually look into matter and understand what the atomic world is doing."
"Isotopes are atoms of the same element that have the same atomic number or number of protons but have different mass numbers or number of neutrons."
"Atoms are neutral; protons equal electrons."
"The hexagonal close packed structure can be described as a lattice plus a motif consisting of two atoms."
"The atom which is neutral must contain the bulk of the material is positively charged, but the small part of the material is negatively charged."
"Reconstructive transformation means that you have to break all the atomic bonds and rearrange the pattern in which the atoms are arranged into a different pattern."
"As you go down a group, the atomic radius gets bigger, not because of more protons, but because you're adding an extra shell."
"It describes the number of orbitals in a given subshell."
"Crystallography is the determination of the atomic structure of a crystalline solid."
"The charge on the nucleus and the charge on the electron are usually equal and opposite, which means that the entire atom is neutral."