
Radar Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"There are even texts suggesting that the pilots of the Vimana aircraft were capable of what we today would call radar and radio communication."
"If they had continued the development of their radar without interruption..."
"Radar, of course, would eventually offer extremely accurate course bearing and range data."
"Democrats were defeated by a group of voters that hadn't even made it onto their sophisticated radar."
"The cavity magnetron: the single most important invention in the history of radar."
"Radar gave the RAF 20 minutes warning of a German attack... it allowed Fighter Command to send the right amount of aircraft to the right place at the right time."
"He pioneered the development of a long-range early warning system called radar."
"The Allies developed radar sets that were small enough to be mounted on board aircraft."
"The ground penetrating radar revealed a regular internal structure beneath the surface."
"The Aegis combat system uses computers and radar to track and guide weapons to destroy enemy targets."
"But that radar is a really, really useful tool for seeing where the showers are now and if you're about to get hit by one."
"FAA radar had tracked a gigantic object at least 524 feet long, traveling through the sky 50 miles Southeast of Stephenville."
"The APG 77 radar on the F-22 is special because it can track multiple targets in any weather."
"Alright, now weíre going to go through a radar simulation to sum everything up. This will touch on almost everything weíve learned in this module."
"They have over-the-horizon radar, so what does that mean? That means the radar bounces off of the ionosphere and it bounces back down on the Earth."
"It's primarily acting as a support structure for radar."
"It's a name that's popped up on my radar many many times over the past few years."
"Everything in this series is going to be CW radar, but to understand these concepts I think it actually makes more sense to first start with pulse radar."
"When the plane was last detected by radar, it was crossing the Mikasa Strait."
"Radar, or radio detection and ranging, uses radio waves to detect objects beyond visual range."
"What we've done here is take about a 10-minute chunk of time on a busy morning at this class D airport and we listen to the tower Communications while viewing the radar positions of the aircraft as they fly around this airspace."
"...full speed radar Dynamic cruise control here as standard so adaptive cruise used to be a really extravagant feature that was only on luxury Vehicles just a few years ago and it's now standard on a Corolla and it's really impressive that you have this as standard..."
"A typical fighter has a radar cross-section of about five square meters. The stealth is less than 0.01 square meters, the size of a small bird, virtually undetectable by radar."
"Radar can't see the air itself, so the only way it can determine what the winds are doing is if there's precipitation that it can see being blown around."
"The radar beam emitted at a very slight angle, and to a lesser degree, because of the curvature of the Earth, the further out from the radar site the beam goes, the higher up it's actually scanning."
"Ground clutter suppression is a great tool to be able to eliminate a lot of that but it is not ground clutter elimination."
"If you are looking for a super luxurious pickup truck, this is definitely one you want to keep on your radar."
"We're not going anywhere. We have to be good boys though for three months because that's how long it takes for a strike to expire. Our last one already expired by the way, so we're at one. We've got to be good boys for the next three months and then it's off the radar."
"Determining range, velocity, and direction depends on the radar's ability to receive the weak reflected signal and pull it out of the noise."
"P-band will penetrate further but overall in general, the wetter the surface, the less the penetration."
"And telling me you're going to be watching me and like all this crap... Like what, I'm on the radar?"
"The data collected by these radars has revolutionized our understanding of tornadoes and lengthened warning times."
"You want to know whether or not they're actually running radar and this thing kills it."
"Ground clutter is not a bad thing, we just have to understand it and be able to differentiate it between weather threats."
"It's especially important that you not rely on the radar for your safety. If you lose your visual bearings on the storm, take your escape route."
"...the most amazing bands and musicians that often flew onto the radar..."
"As long as we have a radar lock, we can assess range."
"AI is not gonna have perfect sensors. But something has to be able to solve for range, angles, and closure without the benefit of a radar because 90 percent of what we do, you don't have that benefit."
"You are not invisible, you are just harder to see for radar."
"Now let's start off with deriving the radar range equation. What we're going to do is to go over from basic physical principles how the radar equation evolves. We're going to just need algebra in our reasonable good physical intuition."
"The signal-to-noise ratio, we call it SNR, is the standard measure of a radar's ability to detect a given target at a given range from a radar."
"Pulse width allows us to see further but sacrifices resolution."
"The new bomber would appear to be less than 1% of the size of a B-52 on enemy radar."
"If you don't have any of these on your radar, definitely put them on your radar."
"Areas of precipitation and thunderstorms are observed by radar on a routine basis."
"Having good solid instrumentation and especially radar is... super crucial."
"This radar should have some really key things that we have been looking for."
"You probably started with the Legacy APG 73 radar, then you retired with probably the ISA radar. It was like cheating."
"Constructive interference can double the radar's range, while destructive interference can diminish it."
"Radar is an acronym for Radio Detection and Ranging."
"Radars are really cool; they're in a lot more places than you think."
"Would you rather radar be sensing a bird or a fighter jet? Bird, okay, but it could always end up being a fighter jet."
"Hello everyone and welcome to the radar system design and analysis with MATLAB webinar."
"The phased array system toolbox is a system toolbox that provides algorithms, models, and visualization tools for designing, simulating, and analyzing systems with distributed sensors, including phased array radar systems."
"We just saw that a complete end-to-end radar system can be easily modeled and simulated."
"The radar's signal processing can do great things to help you see small targets in the presence of clutter."
"The radar operates in tandem with the beacon system, sending out a signal to the aircraft, asking for identification and altitude."
"The quiet bird effort began long before... and as a result, that's exactly what Boeing did: they built their quiet bird and stuck it in front of a radar array."
"Radar-equipped British aircraft operating at sea at night from very early on would help find the target by radar."
"Since its first use in World War II, radar has evolved a lot, and each technology evolution was because there was a problem to fix."
"The F-35 is equipped with the APG-81 phased array radar manufactured by Northrop Grumman."
"Small particles not much backscatter; larger particles, you get a lot of backscatter."
"We're going to be watching the radar like a hawk."
"This storm looks crazy right now on radar."
"Willis Lee became the first naval commander to manage a gunfight mostly by radar remote control."
"I am the inventor and developer of what is known as radar."
"Radar represents the radio direction detection and ranging."
"It'll detect things from almost unlimited height."
"The actual air pressure directly in front of the missile forms this plasma cloud which absorbs radio waves and that makes it difficult to detect by radar systems."
"The radar is absolutely top-notch."
"It's quite literally a radar-controlled cruise missile, it's very very nimble."
"I hope that the course has been very useful to you and it will be useful to you in the future and that you've learned an awful lot about radar systems."
"The antenna is the point where the electromagnetic energy leaves the radar and goes out into free space towards the targets."
"The sensor transmits a microwave or radio signal towards the target and detects the backscattered portion of the signal."
"Because of the flying wing's smaller cross-section, it could also have a smaller radar profile, making it the world's first stealth bomber."
"The radar signature went back to nothing, which is exactly what they predicted."
"All together these features reduce a B2's radar cross section to roughly 0.1 to 0.05 meters squared."
"Patriot stands for Phased Array Tracking Radar Intercept On Target."
"The word RADAR is an acronym for Radio Detection and Ranging, or in other words, finding and locating targets by means of radio waves."
"It's always good to show you what we're seeing on radar."
"It's a coined word taken from the first few letters of the phrase 'radio detection and ranging'."
"That is the most intense tornado debris signature we've seen on radar all day today."
"The radars can almost see around corners, even when the laser and the camera or our human eyes can't."
"The aircraft also demonstrated the invaluable role of Airborne Intercept Radar."
"The R9 is extremely responsive on both Ka band and on K Band."
"Stealth makes an airplane not invisible, but invisible to radar."
"There are so many bats that emerge from the natural caves around here that they show up on weather radar."
"...it followed the contours of the hills off to our right, staying above them, always equidistant from them, as if using some kind of radar technology."