
Fleeting Moments Quotes

There are 135 quotes

"Happiness is moments... it's peaks, it spikes."
"The moment between moments, the perfect moment."
"I watch sea beams glitter in the dark, neither 10 house or gate. All these moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain."
"There's no happiness in life, there's just a glimpse of happiness, and do cherish it."
"The moments are rare, the moments are fleeting, but the moments are worth it."
"You can't. They go by fast. It goes by quick, and then it's gone."
"Those fleeting moments... when you really feel like a superhero."
"Each composition is a tip of an iceberg – a momentary and fleeting glimpse into an entire ecosystem."
"Relationships are choosing to put effort in and make conscious decisions every day to be a good partner."
"I felt good about myself finally for a moment."
"It reminded me that the fleeting moments you spend with others are one of the most important parts of living."
"I feel like I'm dreaming. I never thought this day would come. I wish this would last forever."
"But if Pinochet ever seriously flirted with being an artist, the dream didn’t last long."
"Enjoy yourself, bro. Enjoy yourself, sis. Enjoy yourself. Have a nice time. Hey, we're not here for a long time."
"We fight for every second we get to spend with each other, whether it's two minutes or two days." - Riley
"This fear that it will stop, that if you relax too much... this explosion will pass your grasp."
"The good things in life are unique and fleeting and once you lose them they're gone forever."
"The moment is not recorded, the moment doesn't exist for anyone."
"Opportunities pass by all the time. If you don't pay attention, it will be gone."
"All good things come to an end indeed it was so much fun like two days flew by and I honestly enjoyed it like it was so nice being out close to nature."
"As I stood upon this moment in time, it seemed to pass in a flash."
"The silhouette of a person passing the doorway."
"Like a shooting star, it all happened so fast."
"Every moment is fleeting and to acknowledge this is to acknowledge a kind of sadness, but there is also beauty within that sadness."
"Darkness... flashes from the gun or the light to see glimpses of what was happening..."
"Please let me be with you, May, even if our happiness might be short-lived."
"Just for one day, we can be heroes, forever and ever. What do you say?"
"It was nice while it lasted, eat the turtle."
"Enjoying moments like these now because you'll never get them back."
"She knows that their time is fleeting and that, to me, hit me so hard."
"I made a run for it, watching it vanish as I went through it."
"You'll never be in this moment again; you'll never work on something that feels like this."
"I'm talking about people who are right in front of someone and then in an instant they're just gone."
"The most profound events of our lives take place in those fleeting moments."
"the main event is over just like that"
"He wished these days would last forever."
"I wanted to very much go hand in hand with my mothering of my children as they're little because they will only be for a blink of an eye now."
"A moment of inspiration or Awakening that quickly Fades if we do not catch it."
"There's just nothing like those fleeting moments, and it may be longer than that, it may be shorter, but those moments of just the interchange of love. I don't know anything better in all of human existence."
"We enjoyed tremendous success and like everything in life, you know, the great moments go too quickly."
"I feel like time just Clos by so fast. Like remembering How I Met Your Mother when he's like 'time is fleeting through our fingers'."
"As quick as the wind started, it faded away, leaving behind a tranquil evening."
"They grow up fast. This was worth the trip."
"Your kids are only going to be young for such a short period of time."
"The chief problem with capturing the twilight is that it doesn't last very long, a few minutes at best."
"Everyone was happy for the moment."
"And for that one moment, everything was perfect. And then that moment ended."
"Enjoy it because it goes by so fast."
"You see a girl standing in the moonlight, that's it forever. And you see a man coming towards you in the moonlight, and that's it forever. And suddenly there isn't any more, the man's gone. You don't care what happens."
"The sun peeks through the clouds for a fleeting moment. All is well."
"Every great moment in life is also accompanied by a feeling of sadness that it can't go on like that forever."
"It's amazing how quickly time ticks by."
"It's a special, really cool time to be able to do this. We will probably grow out of these spaces soon, but I'm going to treasure this time we have."
"Enjoy this stage, it's going to be over before you know it."
"She'll only be this small once. Soon she'll be running around like Paisley, freaking out about chickens or tracking dirt in the house and won't sit down for a minute with you. Gotta capture these moments while you can."
"And I will cherish these few specks of time."
"You'll never see it again. Relish that moment, because you'll never see it again."
"Between the cradle and the grave is but a moment, a moment in time, the tiniest tick of eternity. But sometimes there is a moment that may last forever."
"The key is just to somehow learn to enjoy all of those moments, because you know, they only happen once."
"One of those things where it was just an actual blink of the eye."
"I dare say, let's all savor this nice blue sky because you and I later may not get to see this again for some time."
"She brought a moment of joy, such as strikes deep to the heart on the river's bank when the kingfisher suddenly flares across the water."
"Sometimes you come across angels and you never see them again."
"It's so true, those times are so fleeting."
"Just enjoy that moment 'cause it would never happen again, right? I mean, yeah, I don't know, it might not happen again for sure, that's not promised."
"Every job in the end becomes fleeting moments of joy. You're lucky if you have any joy."
"At that, the Night Lord's entirely dark eyes flashed white, a lambent glow emitting for mere fleeting seconds."
"I hope this face doesn't last very long. They're only like tiny babies for a very short while, so I need to make the most of all the cuteness."
"When I do have those wonderful moments of like catharsis or bed rest, these meditative moments where I realize I can stop and just enjoy my life for a second, it's so fleeting."
"Moments like these are so precious and I wish that they could last forever but then they wouldn't be precious anymore."
"Enjoy every single minute because this goes by well."
"If only certain moments in life could last."
"I was enjoying seeing the sun there for a second."
"Everything happened so fast. I saw the deer and the wolf cross the trail within a time span of five seconds at most before they vanished into the dark."
"How do you hold on to a fleeting moment of human passion?"
"It's like you've been on this whirlwind adventure, it turned into so much more than you expected and it's like it went by in the blink of an eye."
"Enjoy the hell out of being a kid because when that's over, you'll never get it back."
"This past summer went by really fast, and so did the time that I got to spend with my family."
"If you don't act on that information some way... the moment just passes you by."
"The time goes by very, very fast."
"It was a huge moment and now it's over."
"Amazing how time flies when you're enjoying yourself."
"How quick the month of Ramadan has passed; it felt as if it was just yesterday."
"Sure, for a few seconds, everything would make sense."
"It feels like yesterday. I mean, honestly, time just goes so fast."
"Don't take those one years for granted."
"A reminder that I was loved and it was real, if only for a moment."
"I feel like my life is just flashing before my eyes."
"I love to be with my kids and I really want to be the one spending the most time with them when they're little; these years are so fleeting."
"You enjoy every moment because it all goes so fast."
"I tried to snap a quick picture, but the alligator was already gone, leaving only bubbles and ripples in its wake."
"Hand on the throttle, thought I caught lightning in a bottle, but it's gone again."
"You can go back in time to a specific moment but only for as long as the coffee stays warm."
"I love you so much, I'll say it to the dog, and I know you won't be here long."
"Time is flying by when you're having fun."
"Just soaking up all of that newborn cuteness because it goes by way too fast."
"The camera is an incredible tool to have for holding on to these disappearing moments."
"I feel like this year has flown by."
"Time is flying so fast, literally."
"You're gonna miss the sunset; it's almost down."
"It's all kind of this blur; certain things stand out, maybe a picture in my mind, but I never took the time."
"Soak it all in... it just flies and goes by so fast."
"I was the man, I was the winner, time it happened so fast."
"We have just a flash in time, a brief glimpse here; we don't know what happened before, and we don't have any idea what happened after."
"Dreams really do come true, guys, for like one second at least."
"A time was had, and I'm so sad it's over with, it just came and went so quickly."
"It's a good time, not a long time because we sail off tomorrow."
"It really does feel like it goes by in a blink."
"Though the night was made for loving, and the day returns too soon, yet we'll go no more a-roving by the light of the moon."
"The moment I seize, they're gone."
"This week is flying by, seriously flying by."
"2022 has just gone by so incredibly fast."
"Wow, January flew by. I don't think I've ever had a month go as fast as that one did."
"It's time flies in no time at all."
"Time [__] flies... enjoy it because it's going to go like that."
"Time gets away from you very quickly."
"It really felt like time seems to fly."
"Enjoy it, everything truly goes by so fast."
"Time is going by so fast, flipping through your fingertips. Time, slow down, please."
"Go now, go now, go now, because in a moment, in an 'umbop,' life will be over and have passed you by."
"That was over in the blink of an eye."
"Time flies by, isn't that weird how like time flies by like that?"
"Time flies, you guys, like you just be living your life and doing your thing, and then before you know it, life has passed you by."
"I only get so many summers with my kids before they're gone and out of the house."
"These times that we're going to share like this are going to get less and less as time goes on, and so it really is amazing."
"I'm so loving the ages they're at right now and I know that it's so fleeting."
"Oh boy, time just goes by too quick, it really does."
"Let our love stop by the most beautiful moment."
"Your children will only be like this for maybe four years, and before you know it, it's gone."
"Memories just as fleeting as a breeze."
"Time is as fleeting as the sunset hiding in the evening clouds."
"I can't believe how quick time is going at the moment."
"Every year I feel like June is one of the fastest months; it's like I didn't even realize that it started, then I blinked, and it was already gone."