
Age Gap Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"To solely base your relationship and your life off of what other people think about an age gap relationship is just silly."
"Age gap relationships aren't inherently bad, but it's just so easy for them to go wrong."
"That would be really bad about that particular one, I don't know, I mean, age gap is kind of a weird subject."
"Anyone is thinking about getting an age Gap relationship, I'll just say go for it."
"Regardless of the age gap, making a sixteen year old kid have to defend the relationship between him and his girlfriend days before the biggest moment of his life is just shit."
"I mean like the only thing is that we accept as a society so much an older man marrying a younger woman."
"So there it is again, and I know that most of you will disagree with me on this culturally speaking, but empirically speaking, there's no harm or problem with a big age difference in two adults being in a relationship together."
"So let's get away from just using age gap as an automatic indication of something is wrong."
"The age difference between husbands and wives is associated with increased depressive symptomatology."
"Late in life, that is to say after he had passed his 60th year, Sir William took an old man's fancy for the daughter of his parish clergyman, a girl of scarcely 17."
"What exactly could a grown man in his 40s have to do with a barely there teenager that could not be disclosed?"
"I almost said I am not going to date someone that's 8 years younger than me, that is weird."
"Rapunzel is 18 which we think makes total sense I'm turning 18. Flynn however is 26. pretty weird there Flynn ouch."
"Age Gap love is the secret to Eternal youth."
"Me being 13 at the time, 3 years was a big age Gap."
"If you're younger and he's older, look classy like wifey, not like his mistress."
"I know I'm going to get a lot of trash for the absurd age gap and the way we started, and I agree and I deserve it, but I would really like some genuine advice past going to counseling."
"I think sometimes one reason why age Gap romances work in the romance genre is because most of the protagonists who are a little bit younger in the relationship they are the ones pursuing the other person."
"Unique problems can arise from couples with big age gaps."
"Scott tells him about his new girlfriend Knives Chau, a 17-year-old high schooler five years younger than him. Ouch."
"At only 17 years old, Lindsay Lohan was spotted kissing a 24-year-old Wilmer Valderrama."
"The age gap or the difference makes him nervous but it does not turn him away."
"Most people don't end up with somebody that's exactly their age, so that's not really a mismatch issue. I still date women 25, 30 years younger than me. If a girl likes you, she likes you. If you like her, she likes you. Or if you like each other, it doesn't matter."
"I think she ended on a confused note about Sam because there is an electricity and an ease between them, but is she perturbed enough by the age gap to leave it behind or reignite it? Who knows."
"I didn't have a ton of experience with women and I had zero experience with a woman this age."
"I just wonder, is it a societal thing when they see a younger woman with an older guy, they automatically equate that with being a gold digger?"
"I need an older man that's just me, you know? My man is 58. I'm loving it now."
"So she met him in her mid-50s and he was 15. That just doesn't sound legal."
"...how was that not a red flag, how was their age Gap not a red flag, she was 19 he was 32 anyway."
"If my son came home with a 40-year-old woman with children and one day he decides that that wasn't for him, he still has that opportunity."
"Everyone's talking about Leonardo DiCaprio, dating a child, but okay, she's 19."
"No amount of shaming is going to make a man feel bad for marrying a younger woman."
"A 10-year age gap seems to be pretty common nowadays."
"If a mid-30s guy can pull a mid-20s girl, why wouldn't he?"
"I would go for the age gap, a recent one that I'm a little bit like I wish were a little bit older. And you know, obviously I'm in a relationship, whatever, is Timothy Chalamet. I never thought I would be one of those girls, but apparently I'm one of those girls."
"When you date a man younger than you, once you hit three years younger, you're already a fantasy."
"When you have an age gap between a man and woman you're like gross but like a 19-year-old can date a 90-year-old gay man and you're like oh of course that's so funny."
"So, what's driving this isn't necessarily that males want younger females. It can be that younger females want older males because they are sitting on higher resource capabilities."
"Are we those weird older guys that try to hang out with high school kids?"
"Men live healthier and happier lives with younger women."
"Date younger women, run a harem of younger women if you can."
"That's not the case when you date a younger woman she will let you leave she will she'll let you you know feel like you're a man she'll let you bask in your masculinity while she basks in her femininity."
"I would see it as a red flag if my partner was attracted to an 18-year-old and we're in our 30s."
"I truly do, but he's 20 years my senior but he has that you know older man swag that I really appreciate. He's established, he has his own home and he treats me really, really well."
"He met Alice Keppel, a woman 26 years his junior."
"Well, I think most folks in modern culture would see like a 21 year old and a 50 year old as somewhat problematic."
"Age is a factor because obviously if she's like 14 I understand that that's scary to tell your parents that you've got a boyfriend."
"There is nothing empirically scientifically factually wrong with an age difference like theirs in a relationship."
"Hayley Mills said her love for a man so much older was true, but not everyone is so lucky."
"Twenty years are separating them; they are much more experienced, much more capable."
"It is age gap forbidden romance perfection."
"It's got age gap, forbidden love, Jam dark hour is always so good at writing dark romances, dark mafia romances."
"It's just all kinds of forbidden, and I love the age gap aspect, I love the small town aspect."