
Virtualization Quotes

There are 287 quotes

"I'm going to take the virtual machine as a container, if you lightly use that term."
"With virtualization, you can now install multiple different instances of operating systems onto one piece of physical server hardware."
"Cloud computing separates the application from the hardware, while virtualization separates the operating system from the hardware."
"With containers, we're virtualizing the operating system. With virtual machines, we virtualize the hardware."
"So now we are looking at my Windows 7 computer... VirtualBox is a free piece of virtualization software."
"Cubes OS lets you have these different digital profiles at the same time and it lets you keep them separate with virtualization."
"WSL2: running as a Virtual Machine, entirely managed behind the scenes for you."
"Wi-Fi 6 is like a virtual circuit or a virtual tunnel."
"Restoring my virtual machine right where I freaking left off, that's amazing."
"Virtual machines are like playing a video game, they're magic."
"If you like virtualization, you have to hit the like button."
"Virtualization technology support... run virtual machines... sandbox type environment."
"You can remove the physical constraints, replace it in a virtualized environment."
"Vimer defined virtualization and shaped the fundamental architecture of IT."
"That's enough CPU resources to run 16 virtual machines each with a quad-core processor off of a single chip in a single socket."
"Virtual machines are amazing, they're actually a computer inside a computer."
"With VMs though, my computer just DOESN’T slow down over time because I can segregate everything within a virtualized OS under my full control, and reset it in SECONDS."
"Virtualization is what allows us to take a Raspberry Pi like this and blow it up into a million pieces... well, maybe four or five."
"Never think that virtual machines are inferior; if anything, the world runs on virtual machines."
"Virtualization is the process of running multiple operating systems on a server simultaneously."
"A hypervisor is a small software layer that enables multiple operating systems to run alongside each other, sharing the same physical computing resources."
"Your application runs with its own secure, reliable environment that is independent of the hardware, operating system, or physical location of the server."
"I think it's enabled by default on this system because people get this system mainly for virtualization."
"pfsense provides a free firewall and form a software for your home or office that you can run on old hardware or virtualize."
"There are cybersecurity benefits to using a virtual machine."
"The main concept of virtualization is that you can run a child operating system under the host operating system."
"QEMU is a generic and open-source machine emulator and virtualizer."
"The right answer here is to utilize virtualization for the application. Virtualization provides a solution by creating a virtual environment where the application can run independently of the underlying hardware or operating system."
"Just overall I hope you're pretty stoked to create VMs in a really easy and lightweight way on Linux."
"One instance of Zen Orchestra can run many, many instances of the different XCPNG hosts."
"Yes, you can run Hyper-V to run VMs, but not all VMs are created equal in Hyper-V."
"ESXi doesn't care one bit what I run in a virtual machine."
"As such, the terminal lives on as a virtual thing these days."
"ESXi's web UI offers detailed information about hosts, VMs, storage, networking, and hardware, while Nutanix Prism Element provides cluster-wide information and management."
"If you're in vCenter, ESXi, or VMware in general, I highly recommend you consider getting a VMUG Advantage membership."
"Proxmox is ideal for turning these Mini PCs into your own custom server or just general VM server to access remotely."
"Virtualization is running a system inside of another system."
"Type 1 hypervisor runs directly from the hardware and is not dependent on any particular OS."
"Infrastructure as a service providers offer virtualized Computing resources such as servers storage networking and security services that can be used to replace or augment traditional on-premises data center infrastructure."
"If your proxbox CPU or your machine that you has prox you have your proximals ready do not support virtualization you still can have a fully functioning Samba server running in it."
"These things just virtualize into One Lake."
"It's really important to understand that. And it also is really easy to understand for a lot of people, because I'm used to the idea of a virtual machine on premises, be it on VMware, be it on hyper V, be on VirtualBox. Doesn't matter."
"Cuckoo Sandbox, so you can set up a Sandbox VM."
"Images are essentially a blueprint for building Docker containers. You can create your own Docker image or you can use someone else's."
"Compared to virtual machines, Docker containers are much smaller in size, they take up less system resources, and can be started very quickly."
"Virtual machines live as just files and we can save those and back those up in multiple locations for recovery purposes."
"Make sure you understand that virtualization uses a physical computer's hardware to run multiple virtual machines within it, that's kind of the definition of virtualization."
"The first thing we need to make sure is that you actually have something like virtualization enabled and vt-d."
"This means that the new virtual machine will work almost identically to the way that the physical machine does but now it's a virtual machine instead of a physical system."
"KVM is kernel-based virtual machine. It allows you to use directly the resources from your actual machine and if the processor permits, using the hardware utilization. This way, it's much faster to use KVM."
"This means generally we cannot take too many snapshots on the said VM until Zen Server has finished running the coalesce."
"Compartmentalizing your activity inside a virtual machine will ensure that your host computer is safe."
"Cloning a VM allows you to make an exact copy and replace your currently used VM if needed."
"There's not a big effect on CPU load being on the VM for most common uses."
"...so you can actually use it to do like tenant isolation within VPC."
"Private switch: completely isolated, interconnected with the VMs, but not talking to the host. A good option if you want to build a lab environment."
"Wazoo provides users with a pre-built all-in-one OVA file or a virtual machine file that you can set up on your local network."
"Hypervisor is a software that can install virtual machines on your bare metal or physical servers."
"I've used hypervisors like VMware or Amazon EC2 in past jobs so I was familiar with the concepts of virtualization."
"Virtual Trusted Platform Module and VirtIO and cgroup version two are some of the enhancements there."
"The hardware support for virtualization that makes the cloud performant was introduced by AMD."
"...with virtualization I can set up a hypervisor server one server and virtu ize those other servers..."
"The original aim was virtualized network environments so you can basically use this to create a virtual network that is independent of all the underlying hardware."
"An image would be shared across containers. We would see how with a single Ubuntu image, you can run multiple containers of that."
"The idea behind cloud computing, which is where OpenStack fits into, is what if we could automate all of that management and provisioning of those virtual resources?"
"The secrets to running FSLogix and getting the most out of your virtual desktop environment are three key areas: performance, persistence, and protection."
"Virtual machines, you'll have your operating system great and you'll then have something like VMware virtual box which generically I guess or asperities hypervisors."
"You can spin up a virtual copy for any use for anything and have instant access to that without adding or provisioning more storage."
"We're virtualizing data in the same way VMware virtualized compute and Isara virtualized the network."
"Once we could bootstrap in the Kip's VM, we wouldn't need Sun."
"Hypervisors are software which allows multiple operating systems virtual machines to share the resources of a single hardware server."
"It acts as a virtual firewall of sorts for virtual networks and resource instances."
"Overall, I do think Unraid is an amazing hypervisor especially for beginners. It's super clean, it's super easy to use, it's super intuitive."
"But those are not really happening so I figured just we'll do our own like virtual version and hope that you guys enjoy it."
"Containers are more transparent than VMs. Even if you're not using containers on your machine, you still are in containers. Your whole machine is a container with no limits."
"So technically you can run docker containers on proxmox itself."
"But pretty much that's it again the whole thing will be invisible for proxmox besides the resource usage obviously."
"...a container doesn't need to virtualize hardware nor does it require a hypervisor."
"Virtualization is still one of those magical things to me."
"Use virtualization to keep your homelab footprint small."
"The future is going to be virtual. You're not going to have big companies with corporate hierarchies."
"Proxmox and PBS back up the VM differently depending on the storage type you're using and the VM state at the time that it is being backed up."
"VirtualBox is virtualization technology available for free and open-source."
"Virtualization comes in. If you're running a hypervisor or a virtualization engine, you're able to virtualize Windows 11 and give it a test drive before you actually move to it."
"Virtualize both desktops and apps with ease."
"Hope this was informative and it gives you a good look into what Windows Virtual Desktop within Azure Resource Manager can do."
"It's not like the early versions of ice guys he was, yeah we can have one address on this port do whatever you want with it, right? It really does act almost like virtual arrays on the front end and allows you do some very nice things."
"As we mentioned, Cisco's cloud services router is a virtual router."
"By starting virtual, it's going to give you the momentum to start profiting sooner."
"Virtual memory is one of the building blocks of modern computing."
"Virtual memory helps modern OS's divide up the physical RAM so that each process, each task, each app that's running has its own address space."
"It's a true type one hypervisor, you put person hardware on Zen which is kind of a microkernel in the end."
"The idea of NFV is that I can spin up and run a virtual networking function anywhere that I want on an industry standard server."
"Software-defined networking routes the traffic into these now virtualized or software-based services running on servers in the network."
"Instead of using the physical servers, the clients are going to use virtual servers."
"Virtual machines give us the ability to develop and manage a virtual computer environment."
"It is entirely possible today to construct within software a virtual representation of a physical building or piece of infrastructure."
"I'm going to be trying this all in a Linux virtual machine."
"Virtual machines refer to the idea of simulating multiple computers on a single piece of hardware."
"Welcome to the VMware ESXi 7.0.1 installation."
"Here we go, your first VM is running on your freshly installed ESXi host. You rock!"
"Kubernetes is a system... a group of virtual machines that are combined together to form a cluster."
"If one Hyper-V server fails, then you can start up the virtual machines on a different Hyper-V server very easily."
"The EC2 instance is a virtual server that makes it possible to develop and deploy applications without having to concern ourselves with hardware constraints."
"Being able to use this card to power two virtual machines at the same time makes it a much more enticing option."
"Remember, there are two GPUs on this card, both of which can be passed through independently to their own virtual machines."
"A container is a baby computer inside another computer."
"What high availability means is that if a node goes down, then the virtual machines are going to automatically start on another node."
"Docker has very high productivity when compared to virtual machines."
"Although Linux and Zircon could not be more different, Dahlia OS Linux blends security, efficiency, and virtualization compatibilities."
"You can virtualize whatever you need, whether that be containers, other virtual machines, or the actual Fuchsia operating system."
"A virtual machine is a computer inside your computer."
"Virtual memory is where things get fun."
"We can really use these virtual machines for all sorts of use cases."
"With a container, we're going to virtualize the operating system."
"Network virtualization is basically the ability of taking a network and virtualizing it in software."
"What is the cloud? It's a rented data center, that's a virtual private data center, that's it."
"All the things that cloud computing is doing is old; it's 40 years old. This is virtualization 30 years ago, pre-VMware even."
"Think of it as a virtualization but much more sophisticated and efficient way of doing virtualization."
"This is the bit that allows more than one virtual machine to run on a single piece of hardware."
"We can now move a virtual machine from one site to another site and it just works."
"You can literally right-click on a VM and move it from one site to another without having to configure anything."
"NSX allows you to have identical environments with identical IP addresses and VLANs on the same physical hardware."
"The cloud is just a term to describe the shift from individual physical machines to virtual machines that are practically no limits to scale and scope."
"The ability to create over 3,000 virtual machines is pretty good."
"We can replicate a virtual machine from one host or one cluster to another host or cluster someplace else for disaster recovery."
"The ability to quickly and easily move a virtual machine from one server to another is perhaps one of the greatest single benefits of virtualization."
"Resource sharing represents perhaps the most significant advantage of server virtualization because you can allocate resources based on the virtual machine's actual performance needs."
"When almost every aspect of life goes virtual, what will happen to the nation-state?"
"With virtualization, you don't necessarily need four different servers."
"We're using vSphere with vCenter server to manage the entire VX Rail as a single entity."
"VMware vSphere is the cloud virtualization platform capable of running full-scale virtual machines and Kubernetes instances for scalable cloud-hosted applications."
"Docker containers are not virtual machines; they're just regular processes running on the host system."
"We learned about how EC2 can replace the hardware system for computing and we can go virtual where we don't have to manage anything."
"With a virtual machine, you can snapshot the virtual machine and then you can feed the snapshot image through many forensics tools."
"Google Cloud or the offerings from Google Cloud Platform that is GCP VM instances enables users to build deploy and manage virtual machines in order to run different kind of workloads on the cloud."
"Compute Engine delivers configurable virtual machines which run in Google's data center with access to high performance networking infrastructure and block storage."
"Virtualization is an abstraction layer that allows the operating system to be abstracted from the hardware."
"If you want to run VMs on your server, then you need to have the CPU virtualization settings enabled."
"Virtualization is another really nice example of successful collaboration development in the RISC-V community."
"The shortcut to getting such a system up and running, at least as a proof of concept, is to do what's called application virtualization."
"We're showing you what you can do with the flexibility of virtualization."
"You can think of a virtual environment as a lens on how to look at our project."
"It is best practice to create a separate virtual environment for each project."
"Proxmox is terrific for several reasons."
"You can see how easy it is to spin up your own virtual private server."
"VMware Workstation Player, which is free virtualization software."
"Let's get into it and show you guys how to configure it, install it, and add a virtual machine at the end."
"We have what is called a hypervisor that takes that single server and creates multiple virtual machines that can run different applications and various users can all share the compute power of that single server."
"We can talk about virtualization in terms of virtual machines, the QNAP wins for me."
"You can provision storage and bring high speed storage into the various virtual machines."
"It's cool to see that we do have a working NAS in a virtual machine on the Raspberry Pi 4."
"By being able to image the machine and then use that image as a virtual machine, you get to run a computer within a computer."
"Docker is the ultimate solution for hosting multiple applications on a single virtual machine without any impact on the virtual machine itself."
"Docker containers can run in total isolation just like a virtual machine."
"Docker has come as an evolution of technologies that started with virtual machines."
"Next week we're going to look at how you can use something like a virtual desktop environment."
"Every cluster gets a VxRail Manager VM and that's how we're able to do the cluster operations of scaling it, replacing drives, upgrading."
"A VLAN is a virtual local area network; it defines a broadcast domain in the layer 2 network."
"Try Hack Me actually gives you the option of having your own virtual machine on your browser, so that's really cool."
"VMware vMotion allows for live migration of virtual machines between compatible ESXi hosts."
"I'm leveraging a lot of virtual devices and having to get pretty creative."
"Things with virtualization have been great; many new doors have been opened for advanced learning."
"Virtualization has become a critical component in most enterprise networks."
"VDI is virtual desktop infrastructure. It's the hardware and software that makes desktop virtualization possible."
"Use your imagination; I've always kind of wanted to do something with virtualization and like two gaming rigs running off of one computer."
"Firecracker is an open-source VMM, a virtual machine monitor, that is purpose-built for creating and managing secure, multi-tenant container and function-based services."
"Because of the virtualization, those workers can move anywhere, so there is no point in you giving a very fine location."
"We're going to go ahead and create a new virtual machine."
"The world as a whole will become more virtualized."
"Cloud computing is about using the concept of virtualization to create a complex and dynamic infrastructure."
"Templates and cloning are techniques that we can use to rapidly provision a virtual machine over and over and over again."
"We are basically taking a virtual machine, making a photocopy of that virtual machine, with the option to be able to customize it to give it uniqueness."
"Virtualization results in higher utilization of computing and network resources by sharing and allocating them on a temporary basis."
"The ability to create multiple virtual SANs from a single physical SAN increases the scalability of SAN."
"GraalVM, in one sentence, is a multilingual, embeddable virtual machine."
"App-V packages applications so that they can be run without installations."
"To understand what Microsoft offers related to desktop virtualization, you first need to understand what they call RDS."
"Creating a virtual machine in VirtualBox is a very easy-to-do step."
"It's essentially a containerization mechanism that lets you provide the capabilities of a virtual machine without the overhead of it."
"I never want people to think that they have to go and buy like this huge server just to get into virtualization."
"You can use any virtualization software that you wish."
"We have successfully installed Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 in a virtualized environment."
"I highly recommend using QEMU and Virt Manager."
"You should be ready to start using virt-manager now."
"Think of it more like a virtual local area network with encryption."
"Welcome back, so today I want to do an introduction to virtualization and why it's important in the cloud computing infrastructure."
"The big reason that a lot of people use virtualization is simply for testing purposes."
"By using virtualization, it's very easy for you just to go through and do basic things like web design testing to verify everything is going to look how you think it should look."
"Virtual devices can come and go, and users can have any kind of hardware functionality they need at the time."
"This is an incredible level of virtualization that we have today."
"99.99% availability, which is very difficult to obtain in physical or virtual VMs."
"VMware's compute, storage, networking, and security is delivered as a cloud service."
"A virtual machine is a separate operating system that runs independently but side-by-side with your host operating system."
"Any changes made within a virtual machine will not affect your host operating system."
"We've tried to make containers a core primitive much the way people think about VMs."
"Templates are the cookie cutter that will allow me to create as many virtual machines as I want from that template."
"In Cubes, you have this thin layer called Dom0, it runs a hypervisor called Zen, and basically everything else is run inside of virtual machines."
"An EC2 instance is basically a virtual server hosted in Amazon's cloud."
"You have really good virtualization, really good performance."