
Pilgrimage Quotes

There are 635 quotes

"This world is not where our reward is... we are pilgrims and strangers in this world."
"The religious pilgrimage known as 'Kumbh Mela' is the largest on the planet."
"O people, Hajj has been written for you to this blessed home."
"Jerusalem, Jerusalem, I've walked the holy path again."
"For Christians, Israel is a holy land where they can connect with their faith and deepen their relationship with God."
"This is more than a museum; it's a pilgrimage site for anyone with gasoline in their veins."
"We human beings are united as brothers and sisters on a wonderful pilgrimage."
"This is the land of Jesus, this is where Jesus walked, this is where Jesus was born."
"For Roseanne O'Connor, the pilgrimage was a transcendent spiritual experience."
"The core of the game's story is about a band of people going on a pilgrimage from one religious shrine to another."
"The Hajj journey is a microcosm of life's journey back to the divine source and the heart."
"Pilgrimage isn't just about churches, cathedrals, or chapels. It's about the natural world as well."
"One of the key things in pilgrimage is to go slowly and to stop often."
"Being a pilgrim means connecting to places that are bigger than me."
"I think that's the point of pilgrimage... all of life is an adventure."
"People were coming here as visitors and pilgrims 1,300 years ago."
"Pilgrimage was a chance to have a real adventure."
"The notion of people making pilgrimages is resurfacing."
"It's a staging post, a holy house, and it's the end of this particular pilgrimage journey."
"The Hajj is about tawheed, about stripping aside all of our other attachments."
"Blessed are those who walk with him, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage with Jesus. They see his glory."
"For Indian Sikhs, it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to visit Pakistan."
"For 1,700 years, pilgrims, believing Jesus climbed these stairs on the day he was condemned, have scaled the Scala Sancta on their knees."
"Santiago de Compostela remains an important place of pilgrimage with the famous Camino de Santiago leading pilgrims into the city."
"It must have been an awe inspiring site for pilgrims making the trip out to the chapel across the water."
"Sometime later, another chapel was built on the mainland at the same height, looking to the island with our reliquiae box at the altar for pilgrims to visit."
"All these thousands of years later, people still travel to the tomb every year just to experience it."
"All nations shall flow unto it, coming to the house of the God of Jacob."
"I went to this sacred pilgrimage site... it felt like the doors of my heart got completely blasted open."
"My concern is that people are almost viewing this like Mecca... you can serve Jesus Faithfully where you are."
"Mecca has a population of about 1.5 million people but during the Hajj—the yearly pilgrimage to Mecca—this triples to almost 5 million people."
"I've known in my heart for a very long time that I need to go to the Holy Land."
"The most powerful moment I had on the whole Camino was when I realized I myself had to walk across that unknown sea into my future."
"The people of God have to assume a pilgrim mentality."
"I've completed the pilgrimage, my sins have been washed clean."
"I carried my mother on my back for the entire Hajj."
"Huge blessing for Hajj, that fifth pillar of Islam."
"It is the most visited Marian pilgrimage site in the entire world with over 20 million people visiting each year."
"The spiritual consciousness in man is a pilgrim on the way to Mecca."
"Honestly, I was praying for years that one day to be able to visit the holy land."
"Every Christmas its steps are lit with torches in honor of the pilgrims who traveled there to pay their respects to San Colombano."
"If Jesus's Journey began here in the port of Jaffa and he was following in Jonah's footsteps it's clear where he would have been heading."
"...one of the twelve disciples followed in Jesus's footsteps he went to Spain and tradition holds he was buried there."
"The solitary pilgrim drawn up before it had traveled far to be here."
"Pilgrimage is traveling to some location in order to visit a shrine, and this was the most common form of what we would call tourism in the Middle Ages."
"Pilgrims came from all over Europe to worship at the shrine of St. Thomas."
"The Hajj really does have a very powerful transformation that occurs in their life."
"It's amazing given the amount of people, given the space, given the intensity, there are very, very rarely any incidents."
"We're making what I feel like is a pilgrimage up to Steamboat"
"Pilgrimage can still today be a lifechanging experience."
"Cathedrals are also often sites of worship. They'll have very specific relics of saints that people will go and pray to, and it might be somewhere that people go on pilgrimage, for example, the Canterbury Tales."
"That moment when a worshipper sees the Kaaba for the first time in all its magnificent glory, is one that they will never forget."
"He knew that this is the last time he is going to see the Kaaba as a resident. He knew he's going to be deprived of the Kaaba for the rest of his life."
"Some sources claim that Musa built a mosque every Friday, and then continued on with his pilgrimage."
"Upon entering Mecca, 12 days of the Hajj began with Musa following the custom of wearing a simple white garment and removing all jewellery."
"Literally touching the empty tomb of Jesus and to receive the Eucharist there was easily the most profoundly moving mass."
"It was 2010 and I was visiting what is basically the mecca for fans of my favorite TV show."
"The holiest sanctuary of the Islamic world is the Kaaba, the black stone in Mecca."
"Going to Umrah was one of the most profound experiences of my life."
"When you see the Kaaba in front of you, you realize that this world is temporary."
"Pilgrims who made it safely to the island Chapel believed that Saint Michael would reward their bravery with time off purgatory."
"Sebring is more than a race, it's an annual pilgrimage for race fans to bask in Racing's Rich past and embrace the future."
"We're on pilgrimage here, like we're never home, this is the pilgrim church on earth, this is the valley of tears."
"Bringing these causes to St. Faustina's tomb is very powerful."
"This is a pilgrimage, this is not a home. We're not made for the earth."
"Ethelwolf set out on a pilgrimage to Rome, leaving his sons to rule in his absence."
"You have come to Mount Zion, the present-day holy mountain of God."
"All my life I've longed to visit Israel I could only imagine what a fantastic experience that would be to actually walk where Jesus walked and now for the first time I'm about to set off on that trip and I want to take you with me."
"The main point of Hajj: your soul is going to be reborn, you're going to be given a second chance at life spiritually."
"Many of us who have never been for Hajj, you think that you're going to be spiritually at an all-time high."
"Hajj is intended to completely change and restructure your life."
"So many younger people from all over the world make that pilgrimage to this little Railway just to volunteer and help out all because they read or watched the Scarlet stories as kids, and I think that is just beautiful."
"What started as a humble drugstore in a town of just a few hundred people has now become a pilgrimage site for travelers attracting over two million visitors per year."
"Whoever goes around the house [of Allah] seven times and his heart is conscious, he's counting those seven times, Allah writes for him a good deed and he removes a bad deed."
"The actual Aswad are small Pebbles inside of that black structure and if you look at any picture and if Allah blesses you to ever kiss the hajjad Aswad make sure you take a look inside and you will see small Pebbles."
"They know that going to [Mecca] insinuates change. They know going, so the people who do want change and the people are invited by Allah, they know that's the place of guidance."
"Leaving the house for obligatory prayer with walking to the Masjid, you get the reward of doing the Prophet said complete Hajj."
"Pilgrimage is a religious journey to a holy site or sacred place which is an act of worship and devotion."
"I had the opportunity to visit and pray at the Western Wall, one of the great holy sites of the world."
"It was a pilgrimage... all we had was music."
"Rusty fans make pilgrimages out here all the time."
"This is like a mecca for wrestling fans."
"Being a pilgrim on the road to Jerusalem came with huge risks, and many didn’t make it to their destination alive."
"Archaeological discoveries of numerous human remains near the site support the notion that Stonehenge was a place of pilgrimage for those seeking physical and spiritual healing across prehistoric Europe."
"It's a place where I think everybody who loves cycling or is a fan of cycling or follows the sport should go because it's unlike anything anywhere else."
"So dang cool. Now, if you ever make the trek, the pilgrimage, to the Pee-wee House, don't stop here after getting a photo."
"The hill of crosses now contains over 100,000 of them."
"So today, we are going to make the pilgrimage to go there and see if we can secure this cat for adoption or for our own keeping. We just want to save the cat, basically."
"The Latin sources emphasized the elation of the pilgrims at this first sighting of the holy city."
"Elijah traveled for 40 days and 40 nights to Mount Horeb, also known as Mount Sinai."
"Hajj was the most powerful god-given experience that I will ever have in my whole entire life."
"The pilgrimage gives you all this Grace."
"In 1994, God willing, if we can make this pilgrimage to the country of Ghana, where Kwame Nkrumah first opened the door and said, 'Africans in the diaspora, come home and help us to build Africa.'"
"The town will therefore remain a religious capital and a pilgrimage destination for Buddhists."
"God calls us to meet him in Hebron, the place of friendship."
"This is a pilgrimage of the soul."
"When he goes to India and China after his pilgrimage he should visit the mystics Three Brothers there and pass on his regards."
"The blessings of pilgrimages are many but most of all they encourage our faith. We meet holy people during these pilgrimages and are edified by their faith and by their prayers."
"The tawaf inside of Hajj do not have to be done back to back."
"All too often, the average pilgrim makes Hajj far more complicated than it needs to be."
"If you do not transform during Hajj, then you have not understood the goal of Hajj."
"There is no deed that should be more transformative than Hajj."
"Hajj is exactly what the doctor ordered man, no matter what's going on in your life you go make the Hajj and you'll come back with a renewed sense of Iman."
"This is the year to go. God's gonna open your eyes to things you've never seen and experienced before in the Holy Land."
"Millions of Muslims embark on the Hajj, renewing their spiritual commitment."
"Tip number 10... share what you have when you're walking the Camino."
"This is a very holy place, a place where the Mother of God came to bring the world a message."
"The transformative journey of Hajj and umrah: shedding layers of worldly concerns and drawing closer to Faith's Essence."
"Over 30 million people have visited Medjugorje."
"Welcome to Tihaljina, among the pilgrims who come to Medjugorje, there are very few who do not visit this church."
"People walk Camino for many different reasons, some seeking spiritual pardon, others to reset their lives."
"The Camino is interesting because it structures your life in the sense that every day you wake up just about the same time, and you start walking."
"This location is also a place of celebration as, at 1,504 meters, it is the highest point on the entire French way. I continued through the mountains and descended the steep, rigorous terrain down to the lower elevations."
"The lyrics are steeped in symbolism, hinting at the idea of a spiritual quest or pilgrimage through the sands of time."
"This is the mecca right here, man."
"Thousands of pilgrims of the centuries have come here. For that reason alone, it is a holy site."
"In these serene surroundings is located the famous Shrine of Ash mukam."
"There's always at least a sad event in their life that brings people here."
"...may I do hedge on his behalf and the Prophet SAW said I'm said good John Abeka white Amir he added go ahead and do hedge and Amarra on behalf of your father..."
"God's gonna open your eyes to things you've never seen and experienced before in the Holy Land."
"...the pilgrimage becomes the essence of a story important for world history..."
"Join us in the Holy Land and continue to journey deeper into the scriptures."
"When journeying to these sacred places fear naturally transforms into great splendor and one remains perfectly at ease, a new spiritual awareness flares up in one's stream of consciousness, a conception free unity of bliss and emptiness."
"We are on a pilgrimage and the more souls we have with us, the merrier we'll be along the way."
"Now, after all that we have learned and seen in this video, and that this is indeed the place where Christ was crucified, buried, and rose again, I would like to meditatively read the Gospel of Matthew's account of what took place here."
"When you get up early in the ancient city and you start walking toward the way of the Cross you're going to be striking your feet in pilgrimage with your fellow brothers and sisters."
"Pilgrimage is not a trip, but pilgrimage is a way of life."
"Allah Subhanaw Ta'ala gives them permission to visit the grave of Imam Hussain only once in their lifetime because that's how heavy the traffic is when it comes to the angels descending on the grave of Imam Hussain."
"One hadith tells us from the Imam Ali, peace be upon him, that for every visitor who goes and visits the shrine of Imam Husain, four thousand angels will greet this person."
"The Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, says the one who visits my grandson Husain when he dies, I shall come visit."
"Imam Ali Salaam tells us that the time you spend in Siara traveling to go to Karbala, staying in Karbala, coming back does not count from your life."
"Some prayers Allah Subhanaw Ta'ala will not answer except under the dome of the Imam Ali's Salam in Karbala."
"There is still a way to experience the sights and sounds of the blessed land of Karbala."
"Day six of Hajj, the 13th of Dulhajja. On this day, a pilgrim will make their way from grounds of Mina to Jamarat..."
"Performing Umrah or Hajj is not a holiday. Clear your intention and come with a clear mind. Travel time, standing in queues, and the standard of hotels may not be of the same level, so avoid criticizing and observe patience."
"We've got one, Advent Pilgrimage, November 29 till Christmas Day, over 27 speakers."
"If you want to know everything about the umra rules, how you can plan your umra after somebody who has been writing about umra for 10 years and helped over a million people, then this is the place for you."
"What's happening around the world, we're going to pray first of all for this pilgrimage that we are surrounded by the angels of God all week long."
"Pilgrimages help to fill that hole, that emptiness that we've been feeling inside."
"Technically, when you're in haram, when you're doing your umrah, your first umrah, if you're doing hajj tamattu, so you're that umrah, you'll, if you want to take a shower, fragrance for you or don't use anything, um, it's a very short time that you're in ahram."
"Walking is the way to do a pilgrimage. It's the pace of conversation, prayer, and being in touch with God's world."
"This is a pretty special church because you can go in the inner rooms and be in the very House of Peter."
"It's a place I think a lot of Australians make a pilgrimage at some point in their life to Anzac Cove, and I certainly will on the to-do list."
"'Hajj is Arafah. Just like du'a is worship.'"
"The only real logistical challenge to Camino de Santiago and to making pilgrimage to Camino de Santiago is the initial sort of moments when you arrive in country."
"This is just going to be to help you learn how to use the websites for the trains and the buses, and I hope that that will be super helpful as you start planning that pilgrimage to Camino de Santiago."
"Every Muslim's dream is really to visit the Kaaba."
"A holy land pilgrimage that you'll long remember."
"You don't go to Lourdes because you are Catholic. You go to Lourdes because you're human searching for healing."
"That's the healing power of Lourdes, and the Blessed Mother."
"Pilgrimages were already very well known in antiquity... It was a method of getting closer to the absolute, to God."
"Pilgrimage is like going out into the desert. You don't have to pretend anything to anyone anymore."
"...I do think if you eat well enough and there are lots of opportunities to eat well especially on the popular Camino Routes..."
"Discover the Camino of Santiago Pilgrimage as my absolute happy place."
"...a place of pilgrimage and monks are now being asked to develop the virtue of hospitality..."
"The cemeteries and memorials became places of family pilgrimage for those who had lost a relative or for those who had no grave to go to."
"The increasing fame of the goddess brought larger and larger numbers of pilgrims from afar to worship at her shrine, and they carried back to their homes wonderful tales of her power."
"The Camino de Santiago is a fantastic trip to do by yourself or as a family."
"While Steel, Gunpowder, and full coffers have maintained Middenheim’s position amongst the greatest of the Empire’s cities, FAITH is its beating heart, wreathed in Flame, a site of pilgrimage and reverence with few equals in the Old World."
"The holy mountain invites you to go on a sacred pilgrimage to acquire vision and perspective."
"You and I, well, we are on a pilgrimage, you and I, from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City through many dangers and difficulties."
"Most Hindus believe that the effort and exertion of a long yatra purifies your mind and heart, preparing you to receive abundant blessings when you reach the temple."
"You really are gonna go home feeling like you've made a pilgrimage."
"An important place within Mustang you must visit at least once in your lifetime."
"Mission trips are spiritual pilgrimages. We need to go as pilgrims, not tourists; receivers, not givers; listeners, not talkers; learners, not teachers."
"The greatest purpose of Hajj is to affirm your belief in the Oneness of Allah."
"Hajj is about renewing your commitment and relationship with Allah."
"Holy places are centers of pilgrimage."
"You can do the Hajj without coming anywhere near the Blackstone, it just marks a position, the stone itself has an ability which God has given it but it's nothing, itself is nothing, you understand?"
"Despite the dangers, people continued to make pilgrimage to the site hoping to catch a glimpse of the supernatural or to satisfy their curiosity about the dark history of the building."
"If you want to read into the fifth gospel, which is the land itself, you have to come to Israel, come smell and touch."
"It's like a pilgrimage. We're still on the road. It's never going to end."
"When you go on pilgrimage with Rinpoche, it's not sightseeing. It's heartseeing."
"We reached our highest point of the pilgrimage. The air was thin, and the light had a quality of another realm."
"Rinpoche had given us the gift of pilgrimage and its true power, showing us how to walk in the footsteps of so many extraordinary men and women who attained enlightenment in the holy land of Tibet."
"People came from all around the world to be healed at the temple of Serapis."
"Santiago de Compostela was probably the most important pilgrimage site of all of Western Europe."
"Definitely worth making the pilgrimage."
"Corvettes at Carlisle is a pilgrimage for GM Geeks that is only vaguely related to fiberglass bodied V8 sports cars."
"People seem to be drawn here through their own personal search or brought here by some strange twist of fate."
"St James is what draws them there whether he's really there or not people are drawn to Santiago but getting to Santiago or Santiago the place is not as important as Santiago the journey."
"When somebody goes on a pilgrimage, you can see, okay, ninth house becomes activated."
"Visit the house of Allah. Perform Hajj and Umrah."
"If you have a firm intention to go see God's house, it doesn't matter what state you're in when you're going. It's about what state you return, and the return will always be good because you've seen the truth."
"I pray that Allah gives each one of you the opportunity to visit here."
"I pray you all get a chance to come to Riazole Jannah and make your prayers to the Almighty."
"Many ages ago, thousands traveled it on pilgrimage to the shrine of worship."
"Christ people are never so happy as when they can put their feet down where Christ put his feet down."
"By the end of that pilgrimage, my heart started to feel again. What had happened was my heart had turned to stone with barriers all around it, and on that pilgrimage, it began to beat again."
"The fundamental theme of the poem is the encounter of a pilgrim, an ordinary man... imagines this journey to God."
"Kevin assumes the highest authority in Jarden which is now opened to the world as a destination for thousands of religious pilgrims and Kevin has finally become the pillar that his family and community needed all along."
"Elvis fans but the thousands still come to Memphis as many as 3,000 a day pass through the gates of Graceland."
"Close to thee, close to thee, close to thee all along my pilgrim journey."
"The poet is like a pilgrim looking for rest, inspiration to complete his journey of the epic poem."
"This is a place of pilgrimage for people from all over the world professing different religious faiths."
"He always had this desire to go on a long hike up some path and reach the home of God."
"I felt myself opposite the House of God, spiritually speaking."
"...when you have brought the people out of Egypt you shall serve God on this mountain."
"These visits were very personal, they were there to see the grave of a son or a husband or a father and they're always the most poignant part of the pilgrimage."