
Pixel Art Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"The pixel art, the style, the overall fun, this is a deep game, and there's a lot more to dive into."
"Modulating contrast is one of the most important principles in top-down pixel art."
"It's pixel art, but it's done in a not overused pixel art way. There's a lot of frames in the animations that look, make it look very much fluid."
"Ion Fury nails everything you would hope for in this genre tight controls, smart level design, killer boss fights, tons of variety, gorgeous pixel art, and a killer soundtrack."
"Procreate is a raster-based program, meaning it works in pixels."
"Parodius demonstrates what can be done with classical pixel art."
"Now, on paper this sounds silly - but thanks to how Tribute tends to conform their sprites to a traditional pixel grid, all it took was an extremely talented group of hackers to make this work."
"Possibly the best pixel art in the strategy genre."
"I genuinely feel sad for a pixelated creature."
"Despite being just a few pixels, that is some vivid ass [ __ ]."
"Let’s make something hardcore, ultra-niche, with pixel art and ridiculous difficulty."
"Basically, you can write anything you want because every pixel represents a little dot on your pixel art."
"I love pixel art style. I think it looks so cool, and the coromon in the game look so cute."
"Undertale continues to stand out due to its compelling story, memorable characters, its simple and yet charming pixel art, and innovative gameplay mechanics."
"Stardew Valley offers deeply relaxing gameplay and wholesome social interactions, accompanied by stunning pixel art."
"Celeste blends gorgeous pixel art, a moving story, and some of the finest platforming yet seen in any video game."
"The aesthetic of the game is wonderful, the pixel art is really great quality."
"I like this one a lot better. The pixel art is great, the automation is better, and it feels like the whole thing was intentionally designed."
"Momo Dora easily boasts one of the most impressive pixel art styles I have seen."
"So there we have it, pixel perfect parallax."
"There was also something about pixel art that really grabbed me and right then and there I knew I wanted to make some sort of pixelart rpg game."
"The sprite and pixel animation that came with the Super Nintendo era and some of the titles that came out of that era are just to this day some of my favorites."
"The art style of this game is one of the most detailed and authentic I've ever seen in a pixel art style."
"This is really really cool uh level design using pixel art though very impressive."
"Cross Code is simply a pixel art masterpiece."
"I like the artwork. I like the retro style pixel art. It's very pretty."
"A defining feature was the use of dithering, a technique using patterns of pixels to simulate shades of grey to get around that binary colour limit."
"By starting with a few pixels and gradually adding more while repeatedly upscaling and blurring, we get an interesting sort of terrain."
"Pixel art is severely under-appreciated, so eat my shorts."
"It's exactly what you expect when you think pixel art."
"Details don't necessarily equal closed shapes."
"When talking about pixel art specifically, what's important to note is that details don't necessarily equal closed shapes."
"So essentially this is the answer, this is the way that you should do it and the way almost all modern pixel art indie games do it because it's just the sweet spot."
"Hope you'll continue to embark on your journey in pixel art."
"Pixel art is still a very awesome modern form of artwork."
"Good pixel art requires bias. Pixel art detailing is about choosing which pixels matter, not just down sampling. Style has a role in this process. Style appears when we make choices about size, shape, color, contrast, and complexity of an image."
"Intent guides choices in pixel art. The artist decides what they want the image to say."
"Pixel art: an extension of traditional art."
"I love pixelated things so it's right up my alley."
"With pixel art, you're already blocking things out because pixels are blocks."
"I realized just how fun making pixel art actually was."
"I kept working on pixel art the next day and made this tree which I really liked."
"Hello there, my name is Brandon, and I make pictures out of tiny squares."
"I'm going to show you something a little bit more advanced: how to create pixel art using WLED."
"Don't worry, I'm going to walk you through step by step so you can make awesome pixel art like I did."
"You now have the 16 by 16 freedom to create whatever you want."
"This revolutionary tool could save so many problems in the pixel community."
"I make pictures out of tiny squares and post them online for fun."
"Nice, we can make our 8x8 sprite."
"In this video, I'm going to be making some pixel art using a program called Clip Studio Paint."
"Seeing what it's capable of has inspired me to try creating my own comic book but in a pixel art style."
"With pixel art, we spend a lot of our time zoomed in super close to the illustration."
"Pixel art is one of those things where it's a limitation that enhances creative form."
"I think what I want to say is that you can be creative with pixel art like no matter what your skill set is."
"Indexing in colors is actually really important for pixel art."
"I decided I wanted to try to learn pixel art for fun."
"It's clear that the developer not only wants to provide a simple and intuitive tool for making pixel art, but they also have a deep appreciation for the art form itself."
"This is brilliant, so there is just a world of love going on for pixel art."
"Terraria, beautiful pixel graphics, skill-based action, unique boss patterns, and Minecraft clone out of ten."
"Welcome back to another video; today we're talking all about pixel art visualizers."
"The most important settings for pixel art is going to be to change the filter mode from linear to point and the compression quality from normal quality to none."
"Usually for Pixel Graphics, you want point or no filtering, otherwise the pixelated style kind of gets blurred, which we don't want."
"If you're an indie game developer and you're really into pixel art, then this is the standard."
"Almost all those Commodore 64 games that you love were pixel by hand with far greater skill and detail than what I'm doing here."
"Tips on pixel art: watch my videos, practice a lot, pick a project that you want to do."
"I loved the puzzle-like nature of working in 16 by 16 and 32 by 32 pixel icon grids and the marriage of craft and metaphor."
"...they created a blank grid... and all of Reddit's users every five minutes could color in one of the pixels any color they wanted..."
"It took about an hour to create all of the pixel art that I needed."
"Whenever I see gorgeous pixel art, I just kind of go into a trance."
"We wanted to have pixel art in our game but not just pixel art, we wanted something more."
"Some games needed like that pixel art needed to be on CRT TVs, those tube TVs, because there's a like the way it blended together, and it actually made it look like art with shading."
"It almost reminds me of a video game, like it's almost pixel art video game."
"When you're doing pixel art, it's completely fine for the person to see the pixels."
"The 16-bit era is like a really inspiring kind of style for me doing pixel art."