
Guardian Angel Quotes

There are 159 quotes

"The guardian angel in this story could have easily just looked the other way but instead, he chose to help."
"Your guardian angel is teaching you the essence of unconditional love."
"Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom is love commits me here, ever this day be at my side, to light, to guide, to rule and guard. Amen."
"Sometimes people do have even extraordinary experiences of their guardian angel."
"Your guardian angel is not going to abandon you. No, never."
"You shall see your guardian angel appear unto you in unequaled beauty who also will converse with you and speak in words so full of affection and of goodness and with such sweetness that no human tongue could express the same."
"Bob believed she was his guardian angel and was looking out for him."
"Your guardian angel knows about your talent, your skills and abilities, and the things that you're supposed to do while you're here in this world."
"Your guardian angel is more powerful than the devil himself."
"You will continuously have an angel that guards you and protects you from their harm and their evil."
"You've saved me so many times already, but you've become my guardian angel."
"If you died right now and you could be one person's guardian angel who would it be?"
"Guardian angel Marley, you're really special."
"Even if all hope seems lost, let not hope slip away, for I, your guardian angel, am constantly by your side."
"Looks like this man had a guardian angel watching over him."
"Your guardian angel... loves you unconditionally."
"Gratitude washed over him attributing his safety to a stroke of luck and perhaps a furry Guardian Angel looking out for him"
"I wonder exactly how I will describe the unequaled beauty of my holy guardian angel when the time comes."
"I am searching for my guardian angel."
"Well, unfortunately, you've died. But don't worry, it's my job as your guardian angel to guide you through the afterlife."
"I would like this angel to come and be my guardian for a couple of days or for a lifetime, that's everybody I think everybody needs their own guardian angel."
"Your guides come and help you. You have basically a primary guide who is kind of like your guardian angel."
"May your guardian angel be at your side looking after you."
"You definitely have an angel watching over you and lighting your path."
"Your guardian angel can send you positive energy, lift you up, send you red flags, and lead you to what's going to go right."
"Guardian angels appear in so many different ways, they send people and pets into your life when you need help."
"It's amazing how your guardian angel is always there, they truly want to help us."
"It's not just the big deals that our Guardian Angel is there, your guardian angel is there when you're taking too many grocery bags and you hear that inner voice say to you, 'take one at a time.'"
"Your guardian angel is warning you against certain people that are not good in your life."
"Your guardian angel can put people and things in our path, but we have to listen."
"I was getting ready to go up to New York City, so I reckon he thought I needed some kind of a guardian angel with me, and this guitar is definitely a guardian angel."
"You can always have your guardian angel ask the person's guardian angel to be interceding for the person to get off the drugs or the alcohol."
"Knowing I have a guardian angel may make living in this neighborhood a little less scary."
"His guardian angel had driven his car down the freeway ramp, put it in park for him, so that he wouldn't die in a crash."
"Pain is actually our guardian angel. It keeps us from hurting ourselves. Pain is also our teacher."
"You're my guardian angel, you watched over me and stood up for me when no one else did."
"You're never alone, your guardian angel is constantly watching over you. Surrender your expectations, a new path will appear."
"Dragon is a guardian angel for our protagonists."
"I never really was nervous or scared... I felt like I had a guardian angel watching over me."
"She's described you as a guardian angel."
"You've been like a guardian angel to me the one person who was there for everything the one person I feel my heart is safe with."
"I believe that little girl we saw was a guardian angel protecting us."
"Jupiter in the 12th house is also said to be the guardian angel placement, so sometimes out of nowhere, if you're going through a hard time, at the very last minute, someone or something comes in and saves you."
"Our guardian angel is our witness for good or for bad. He's seen everything."
"God has also given you a tireless spiritual bodyguard and companion: your very own Guardian Angel."
"Only one holy angel individually is assigned to us personally by God as our guardian angel."
"She's like my [__] guardian angel, keeping all the toxic [__] away from me."
"Your guardian angel will never ask you to do anything wrong, will never ask you to be spiteful or mean or to hurt anyone."
"Don't ride faster than your guardian angel can keep up with you."
"It's as if when his quirk started developing more and more, it was like this feel of being around a guardian angel made everyone feel comfortable, maybe at ease in the mind."
"Cultivating this relationship with our Guardian Angel is essential."
"You're kind of looking at your angel in disguise."
"Your angel guardian is really guarding you here."
"They are your guardian angel, and they're eager to hug you from the other side."
"Your guardian angel is watching over you."
"She's your angel. She's watching out for you."
"Calling your guardian angel is stronger than any dark force."
"We are religious and we firmly believe that I was saved by a guardian angel that day, it's not the first or last time that I've had a near death experience that couldn't be explained as to why I actually lived through it."
"You guys have a guardian angel that's trying to help seek out this justice."
"Asawa remembers the celebration they threw for the man who had cried with joy and proclaimed little analysis to be his guardian angel."
"You need to know there's someone watching over you from the other side."
"You didn't lose your guardian angel just because you grew up."
"We agreed that we had just met our guardian angel in human form, and honestly, we're just super happy we lived."
"Your guardian angel is sending you a lot of love and healing."
"Each one of our children has a guardian angel we can ask to protect them."
"The guardian angel is here to save him, it's freaking awesome, it is a great sequence."
"I think I gained a guardian angel in her, no matter how crazy that might sound."
"You have an angel that has been assigned to you."
"As a Catholic child, I was brought up believing I had a guardian angel."
"According to the plaque, it was supposed to depict the guardian angel of the graveyard."
"We are the ones who through these magical practices can unlock the union with our Guardian Angel."
"She has been the angel on my shoulder that has kept me out of trouble."
"He's my spirit angel looking after me from heaven."
"You have a permanent guardian angel."
"For each individual, there is an angel... one angel is for one human being forever, for eternity."
"For years the kids have called me their guardian angel."
"Your guardian angel is your companion in all the circumstances of your life."
"My guardian angel came down and helped me whenever I needed help."
"Russell isn't a plucky kid; he's actually a guardian angel."
"Every single human born into the Earth has an angel."
"Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom His love commits me here."
"He's my guardian angel, and I was so happy that he saved me, and it was amazing."
"She deserve the world, man, this my guardian angel."
"Your guardian angels are protecting you and your assets."
"I'm like his guardian angel, watching over him."
"He was my guardian angel; he was there when I was at the wrong place at the wrong time."
"He has been replaced with a true Guardian Angel type of spirit, someone that watches over me and protects me."
"She truly was a hero and a guardian angel."
"The thought of a little fluffy guardian angel makes me smile."
"She has a guardian angel or somebody was looking over her too for that to happen at that spot."
"He's my guardian angel anyway, and giving our four-legged best friend a second chance makes it all worthwhile."
"You guys are protected, look, an angel, a guardian angel was protecting y'all."
"I felt like my guardian angel had taken control of the steering."
"It's my job to save you. I'm your guardian angel."
"Did you know that you did not lose your guardian angel just because you grew up?"
"You always had a guardian angel watching over you, honey."
"Everyone has a guardian angel who has been with them since their soul's creation."
"I believe that I have a guardian angel."
"Pluck up your spirits, be cheerful; I have resolved to appear to you as your guardian angel."
"I don't know if he was a guardian angel or what, but I'm really glad I got to meet him."
"Dear guardian angel, help me to believe that all is possible through love."
"Ultimately, it wasn't a person who saved this boy's life; it was a very special guardian angel."
"We certainly feel Ethan Elmo certainly is Ethan's guardian angel."
"You always hear about your guardian angel, and I think that everyone that responded were just my guardian angels."
"My guardian angel was the person that stopped me on that side of the cliff and brought me back up to the top safely."
"Every time I think of my dad, I see a dragonfly, so I know he's my guardian angel."
"Everybody has their own guardian angel, and whether you see it or whether you don't, it's there."
"Please, whatever you do, let me be your guardian angel. Do not drink and drive."
"The demon that had taken advantage of her was actually her guardian angel."
"Your guardian angel wants you to be okay and also wants you to develop your talents, skills, and abilities that you were born with."
"What could it be? Some people think it might be a guardian angel, suggesting it's a benign presence."
"Is it a guardian angel or something more sinister?"
"She's like our guardian angel. She must have been sent to us for a reason."
"My guardian angel, love of my life."
"I tell my family and friends as my mother told me it was a guardian angel."
"I know without a doubt that there's a guardian angel watching over us at all times."
"Ivy had an angel on her shoulder, an angel that changed her life forever."
"You're going to be my guardian angel."
"Having created a sacred space, we ask in absolute earnest for the presence of our Holy Guardian Angel, and thereby establish and nourish your relationship."
"The Holy Guardian Angel is ‘Holy’ because it comes not from the celestial world but from God directly."
"Once the connection is established the Holy Guardian Angel will use ‘thought transference’ to communicate with you using symbolic language."
"Having the knowledge and conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel is like the difference between having to scan around and accidentally stumbling across the signal, and being able to dial in the frequency straight away because you know exactly where it is."
"I often consider that my guardian angel is always by my side."
"It's a really nice little kid, this lady comes in just out of nowhere and really for a lack of better, she's a guardian angel."
"I've gained a wonderful guardian angel and she will look down on both of you guys."
"She was the guardian angel of the family and that she was basically as close to perfect as can be."
"Dad was the best; he was my most trusted Guardian Angel."
"You're not my personal bodyguard, you're my guardian angel."
"Every single one of us has a guardian angel."
"You're being protected by a guardian angel."
"Your guardian angel is always serving you, reminding you of your power, and also reminding you that love is the truth, love is the answer."
"She's our angel watching over us now."
"I believe everybody has a guardian angel that helps you through."
"You have a guardian angel that is watching over you at this particular time."
"Somebody has a guardian angel watching over and protecting them on this journey."
"We each have at least one Guardian Angel who lovingly oversees all the events of our lives."
"Their love for each of us is unconditional, so no matter what you do or don't do, you are always worthy of their love."
"Call on your guardian angels whenever you need help, they can't interfere or intervene until you ask."
"I woke up at one o'clock in the morning and rolled over and I saw my guardian angel above my bed."
"You have a guardian angel that is surrounding you, protecting you."
"There really is a guardian angel by your side."