
Tipping Quotes

There are 234 quotes

"There should be no tipping in America. They should just pay waiters and waitresses a living wage."
"It's good to tip the people that are actually doing the frontlines work for you, incentivize them to care."
"Tipping is always good karma and it's good courtesy."
"I always tip massively... not for favors, because you have to, because if you can't, then you don't."
"I respect anyone who works for tips, like I will tip you, I'm a very generous tipper."
"I just left the champagne on the ground and left. One seriously effed up family, but they all tipped well."
"This is why you should always tip your bartenders, servers, anyone who waits on you or provides a service for you."
"Pay attention to the bellman. Tip them generously and they can help you in all sorts of ways. Consider them your one-stop shop for hotel services."
"Some people deserve zero tip; their customer service sucks. But some people deserve 100% tip when you meet somebody that's great."
"If you enjoy tonight's show make sure you hit the Venmo and the Cash App before I leave."
"The problem is every single American would have to stop tipping overnight to solve the issue, and that's like asking bears to stop in the woods."
"Shout out to the cashiers that don't make you tip for a basic task."
"I always tip mama raised me right, always tip."
"The customer surprised the bartender by leaving a massive 16 thousand dollar tip."
"Tips can be extremely generous, often tipping up to 22% of the charter price."
"You can rest easy knowing he got the fastest tip my college student bank account would allow for."
"Not understanding tipping etiquette... there are lots of places that you don't tip at all."
"Most consumers have no idea that every time you tip in a restaurant in most states, it cuts against the worker's wage rather than being something on top of the wage."
"I'm not flashing my money or anything... I'm going to do a couple drive-thru places... because I feel like the workers do deserve a tip."
"I love tipping in restaurants. It's hot when you can give something. When you can give like a good fat tip, it's sexy as [ __ ]. And they look at you and they go..."
"Your total is four dollars and fifty three cents, keep the change. Wow, a 45 tip, thank you!"
"Generously tip whoever's delivering your groceries."
"Tipping culture has roots in segregation and slavery, to be honest. It does."
"Respectfully asking for a tip is acceptable but abusing or harassing someone is never acceptable."
"I love over tipping because it's like, 'Oh, you showed up, you did your job right.'"
"Thirty bucks is pretty standard for me. And if we go to the main dining room every night like we did on the Mardi Gras, I think we tipped those guys twenty dollars each."
"Tipping is this really fun thing when it's your choice."
"You don't tip in Brazil because a 10 service charge is already been charged onto your bill."
"You deserve it. I hate that people have to tip."
"Thank you as always, yeah, two dollars, yep, he gets two dollars."
"It is a tip, it is a gratuity, it is not a legal obligation to pay for a service."
"Screw literally every single person that doesn't believe in tipping."
"Maybe we should just pay servers a livable wage instead of this weird awkward custom of tipping."
"Your experiences at restaurants and bars will be way better if you start tipping well."
"You have to close it out tip fat there is no way there's no way you're gonna be cheap with the tip right now or even regular with the tip right now and stand out in her mind right so I'm tipping whatever the bill is that's what I'm tipping."
"I've never experienced uh I left there and I felt like I was obliged to go back yeah and she sat there and convinced me that I need to tip her yeah I was like I got no I got no cash I was like but I can transfer you"
"Support the channel, please do tip. Information is in the description box down below."
"The highest tip I ever saw given, and I saw this, or I wouldn't have believed it... We were coming back on the transatlantic and this waiter received a tip of a Rolls Royce, which isn't that bad going, for a tip."
"Tips have become a de facto service charge on top of your bills."
"Tips are no longer voluntary demonstrations of appreciation but rather a requirement."
"If everyone avoided eating out because they couldn't afford to tip the full 21 every time, restaurants would go out of business."
"Can I just give a tip through the QR coding?"
"[...] even after having said some of these what might be considered logical arguments against the concept of tipping, it's such a standard nowadays that I bet plenty of you watching this video are just thinking you're such a cheap bastard, Grade."
"Tipping is more of a please-don't-spit-in-my-food-the-next-time bribe."
"Tipping is not expected if you had outstanding food or really good service then you can round the bill up to the nearest 5 or 10 Franks."
"Tipping is effing stupid. Also, you've been successfully conditioned to blame the customer for your employer not paying you more."
"Always say yes to tipping when you're given that option."
"When in doubt for how much to tip, my recommendation is to say 20. No one's ever going to be insulted by a 20 tip."
"You’ll be happy to hear that tipping in Japan is totally not a thing, so that’s one less thing to think about."
"I want to find a way to help I know that tipping here is not super common but when I can I will send an extra tip and it makes her day it it is really really hard to see."
"...tip well and integrate tipping into your budget or you can't afford the thing that's the end of that story."
"Tipping reinforces income inequality."
"Tipping now on stuff that I used to not tip on, like, if you're at a self-service place and you're paying at the counter, but then they'll... You pay with the credit card so they'll flip that thing over."
"Sometimes people will ask me if I take tips or if I have a tip jar or anything like that, and I am going to tell you this right now."
"We have a tipping-based system similar to Uber. Would you like to tip the driver?"
"Let me get this straight: the guy only tips women he finds attractive?"
"So please for the love of God tip your servers because that happens so much not the kicking thing that only happened to me once but you get stiff so often."
"You had already pre-tipped me $20 on your $60 order. That is one of the most generous tips I could ever hope for."
"The syndicate. Did they tip well? Oh yeah."
"When it comes to tipping, it's important to note that tipping is not a common practice in Italy."
"Ugh zero dollar tip on a 700 bill guys oh my goodness, that must have been a slap in the face for the person who was waiting on their table the whole night."
"When you transport them, they always want to tip up."
"If you'd like to be able to tip the staff a few dollars here and there, we'd suggest bringing your small bills onto the resort with you."
"And finally if you really liked what you saw you can head to btcsessions.ca/tips and that's where you can drop me a Bitcoin tip."
"The equivalent to tipping a drag queen probably."
"I love that Australia doesn't have a tipping culture. I blah love it so much."
"Tipping is a scam that pits customer against wage worker to the benefit of the business owner."
"Tipping is wack. They're doing it at sub-checkout, they're doing it for things that aren't providing a service."
"I always try to Michael, I worked as a bartender, my friend runs a restaurant, I always used to do a big tip appeal when I worked in clubs."
"Until next time tip your waitresses or don't cuz tip culture's gotten out of hand anyway peace out"
"I feel so awkward like those people at fast restaurants where you're like, 'I needed to tip you, you guys needed to tip me.'"
"America should not forget their tipping culture, but servers should also get a set minimum wage."
"I literally don't understand modern tipping culture."
"In America, we don't notice how nuanced it is until a European comes here. Europeans trying to understand how we tip is kind of hilarious."
"The Square iPad just makes us feel like a cheapskate if you're not tipping when there is a tip option."
"Tipping historically has been a way to reward really good service. But now, it's turned into just a way for employers to get away with paying their staff less."
"Customers tip better for Electric cars."
"You're expected to tip even if you don't think there's anything worth tipping for"
"The next few customers left us $20 tips."
"He was arguably the most generous tipper ever."
"Regardless of why we tip, the practice doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon"
"And finally, according to a new survey, 76% of Americans believe that tipping culture has gone too far, which, incidentally, is the new recommended amount."
"But check this out; when the server gave two mints with the bill, the tips went up by 14%."
"But when you're tipping just the coffee at a Starbucks you know that seems to me to go too far."
"No tipping...kind of this unspoken rule you have to tip."
"It's seriously like giving me a $5 tip each time, $10 just in case you're wondering."
"I also didn't get a tip from that table. Big surprise."
"I think I'm going to tip like the waiter 1,000 bucks."
"20 service charge is not a tip, service charge 20 percent."
"The envelopes really are just for you to tear off and hand to the various people to say thank you the automatic gratuities are going to happen even if you don't do anything with the envelopes I always add additional gratuity I know Adam does as well."
"It's such a small thing. I'm so glad we talk about that. My wife and I added that to our line item of expenses the same as gifts, charity. We added tipping and we added a number that was big enough that we have to go out of our way to tip larger."
"If you claim you want to be generous, can we just tip an extra 15 and just start being known as generous? Because we are generous."
"$23 for a burger, I tipped $2.57."
"Personally, we've seen like a 10k tip."
"Do you tip if there's no service?"
"The moral of the story kids: if you can't afford to tip a delivery driver or can't come pick up a pizza you shouldn't be ordering in the first place."
"If the cafe has a machine like the little scan your card machine and it asks for a tip, I will tip them a dollar per visit."
"You don't have to tip. We do get tips but again it's not mandatory. For us if you leave a nice comment is just as good."
"You don't have to tip. People in hospitality roles and customer service are getting paid a base salary."
"You should leave a tip, I definitely do."
"It's fascinating that when they say a generous tip, a 10% tip now here at least is not generous anymore. A 10% tip is greedy, it's cheap, it's inconsiderate if you think about it."
"...tipping in America is a must do you cannot go to a restaurant and not tip the waiters a nice amount of money you know because they're making most of their money from tips..."
"People should tip based on service, not just because it's expected."
"Big facts though, cause this isn't the first time we heard something about somebody getting the big tip and then either not being the management not neglecting allowing them to accept it or trying to force them to share it with the whole staff."
"Become a 'two-quarter person'—always go for the higher amount when tipping."
"...if you really loved what you saw, you can always drop me a Lightning Network tip at my Tippin page."
"If you pay for dinner on a credit card, then tip in cash, is that classy or trashy? It's classy as it gets, right?"
"I just go in I get two honey mamas it's like $12 or whatever they literally like it seems like I'm annoying them to buy something I buy it they pound it up and they turn the screen and it's like yeah how much do you want to tip"
"...you never know what's going on with your server... sometimes people are just having really bad days and frankly me not giving them a good tip isn't going to make their day any better..."
"Don't always tip... tipping isn't required in Australia and that's mainly because their minimum wage is the highest in the world."
"Thank you so much, sweetheart, and thank you to all you folks who tipped me on Venmo."
"I was like, 'Freaking out about that, didn't know how to pay half the time. Apparently, you don't tip in France. That stressed me out so I just tip anyways...'"
"So, what would a 20% tip be? That would be 16 bucks. Nice!"
"I'm sorry, there is nothing more embarrassing to me than being rich and not tipping. It's like probably the worst crime against humanity you can commit. Well, okay, all right, I'm exaggerating, but it's pretty up there."
"Gratuities are not expected or accepted, reflecting the Japanese custom."
"Please consider tipping generously all those that provide you great service."
"You need to chill and enjoy life and tip generously."
"Tipping though, it helps with people's income."
"It's 2023, does the $20 tip still work? Absolutely, and it's not going anywhere."
"Maybe we should just pay servers a living wage instead of making weird awkward custom of tipping."
"Those people are working really hard and they deserve a tip."
"People here are so genuinely appreciative when you tip and give a little extra."
"Tip your tour guides... it's a nice gesture but two, they really appreciate it."
"In Japan, you might be considered rude if you tip."
"He was one of the biggest tippers in the history of Hollywood."
"Believe it or not, the dealers want the patrons to win because we collect tips. So the more they win, the more I get."
"Everybody knows a taxi driver likes being over-tipped, but you can't blame him for not liking being tipped over."
"If someone is working in the food industry or service industry, they're primarily working for tips, so you should tip people."
"Everyone gets tipped... it's such a unique cultural quirk."
"Don't forget to tip 15 to 20% at a sit-down restaurant."
"Always tip... it's not going to make a big difference to you but to them it will make all the difference."
"Tipping is a good idea to show your thanks to the server."
"Tipping in the U.S. is traditionally between 15 and 20 percent at a sit-down restaurant."
"Always tip. It's a sign of gratitude that your waiter did a good job, even though they're probably tired, their feet hurt, and they've got a bunch of other tables to tend to."
"I like being generous. I've always been a big tipper."
"For every $1 the bill amount increases, we would expect the tip amount to also increase by about 15 cents."
"When you give her a 200 peso tip, you're giving her roughly a day's wage."
"Keep the change. Wow, a 45 tip, thank you! You got it, man."
"You can send anybody in Discord a tip to thank them for their contributions."
"Did you know our servers survive on your tipping kindness?"
"You always have to tip your Baristas, man. That's the power of persuasion; you just have to say things with the right inflection in your voice, and you can get anything."
"I like to always tip 20% because the person needs money so that they can eat and live."
"Listen, travelers, this is part of the culture here: you tip 15 to 20 percent."
"I'm a really good tipper. I tip 100% of the time."
"I tip really big because of everything that's going on."
"Tipping in America... it wasn't even required, but it was just more of a thank you for doing a good job."
"People remember you if you tip good."
"The manager lied because Leticia had given him huge tips to get the VIP room without any reservation."
"I would say 80 to 90% of at least my food delivery customers leave a tip."
"I always tip. I always give more than what I think 20% even is."
"Is there anything more embarrassing when you valet a car and you don't have cash to tip the dude?"
"Everything has become a tippable service now."
"...he tipped generously and was quite liked by the staff."
"If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to eat here." - Sean
"Honestly, in the United States, regardless of the amount, it's very much expected that you tip."
"You can leave a tip here and record it on the blockchain."
"You guys are great. Do me a favor, be patient with your wait staff. You're going to settle up with them at your table. Please tip your wait staff, be safe on the way home, and please come back."
"Bartenders, staff, pretty much all crew will gravitate towards Americans because they tip."
"I still tip them five dollars because I'm a nice person."
"He was always very polite to the staff who used to fight to serve him due to the tips he would give."
"I've always wanted to just give a hundred dollar tip to one of my waiters, and I feel like this is the time to do it."
"Wherever you go where there's tipping, tip them well."
"Thank you all for tipping so well, you guys are so kind."
"For every one unit increase in total bill, the tip that the person can expect will increase by essentially fourteen point three cents."
"His tab was $40, he left me a $40 tip on a $40 bill."
"Thank you so much, can I tip you?"
"Meta last year began a broad rollout of tipping and paid subscription services."
"At minimum, if you sit your tail in a seat, you got served by a bartender or a waitress, you should at minimum tip that person 10% of your pre-tax bill."
"If you got great service, you tip 20 or more."
"Start tipping your housekeeping lady at these hotels that you stay."
"If someone gives me good service, I don't see a problem in tipping them well."
"New Yorkers tip relatively generously... it's about twenty-two percent on average, with a startling spike at 4:00 a.m. of thirty-eight percent on average tips."
"For every dollar increase in the meal bill, we would expect an increase of about 15 cents in the tip."
"Don't be cheap, you guys, give her a tip."
"I had to rely on the customers tipping me. People would tip me 10 cents, 20 cents, and it meant the world to me."
"You're gonna bankrupt us leaving tips like that. No worries, right? From now on, we're first class."
"The delivery fee is not a tip. Please reward your driver for outstanding service."
"Actually, the presence of Mr. CK is not a bad thing. He tips us a lot."
"Always tip your delivery drivers."
"I would tip in cash instead of doing it on my card because I like for the waitress to actually get the money."
"When you give a big tip, it hit different when you hand it to them."