
Uniform Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"There's no greater honor than wearing the uniform of the United States of America."
"Maybe I'm going crazy, but it was nice to put on the uniform."
"Police keeps us safe all day, wearing uniforms."
"Respect isn't gained by wearing a uniform; respect is earned by day-to-day living."
"You need a uniform, something that is consistent so that you know when you put that on you're in work mode."
"Your clothes always earn you, officers pay attention to that."
"Adrian Peterson is clearly just unbelievable feels so odd to see him wear a number that isn't 28."
"Yellow helmet, yellow sunglasses, yellow shorts, yellow jersey, yellow bike."
"I'm in a uniform doing the same thing for you for free."
"Uniform definitely is a social leveler, and it does create a sense of community that I think is very powerful."
"Remember, a smile is the best uniform we could wear."
"It's truly a gift to be able to put on any kind of uniform, let alone a Dodgers uniform."
"When I get ready for the day, it automatically makes me feel more productive because it's kind of like a uniform. When you put on your uniform for work or for something that you're going to, you feel ready, you feel productive."
"Don't you dare lump me in with Jessup and Kendrick just because we wear the same uniform"
"Nice to have a good fresh uniform to start the week with."
"In 2373, the uniform is again modified, retaining the same basic shape and division colors of the previous design, but reversing the colors on the shoulders and turtleneck."
"Women of the era would match the angle of their eyebrows to the angle of the stripes on their uniform."
"I thought we told you to come in uniform."
"So even though Jobs’ employees vetoed a uniform, he decided to adopt one of his own".
"Most children will probably say they hate the school uniform but his parents so simple so easy love it I like uniform you do yes yes today you'd be like which outfit should I wear."
"I can't resist a boy in a uniform, a soldier handsome and brave."
"Charcoal gray on a road uniform is never the answer."
"Both charcoal gray uniforms were way too dark and you could barely make out the names or numbers on the back of the Jersey."
"This uniform set from head to toe was awful, and I'm glad it didn't stick around for longer than it did."
"This uniform combo probably should have never left spring training or batting practice."
"The navy blue jersey, which featured baby blue sleeves and a baby blue drop shadow, might be the worst Jersey on this list."
"A good uniform can be restyled can be repurposed for a bunch of different occasions and that's what makes such a great uniform."
"Let's get this insole so we can make our uniforms absolutely."
"Isn't that the uniform for the Winter Games?"
"A little birdie told me you didn't have your uniform on."
"I love having a uniform. I loved having a uniform when I was a chef."
"Just because you put a uniform on, it doesn't change."
"Picard’s like, 'Oh, the uniform! Yes, totally inappropriate for this time period. I’m from the future where we all work in pajamas. It’s a utopia.'"
"Middle School was Catholic school uniforms but like the boys version boy."
"The uniform is to die for. I absolutely love this skirt over the pants and it's like so elegant. It just has it, it just does. I don't know what to tell you."
"When you put this badge and this uniform on, man, it's-it's--"
"They're making us wear these silly outfits."
"A slim figure and was always dressed meticulously in her kuo school uniform."
"...you're not gonna wear that uniform to the baseball game are you, and it's awful you know?"
"You can't just put on a uniform and pretend it changes who you are."
"Imagine you just join your military, your country's been invaded, and they don't even have a uniform for you."
"You're a soldier in a [ __ ] uniform. You're not a wolf."
"We were 20 years old, our uniform was a black shirt with black pants and black shoes."
"The Dodger white is the best uniform in baseball. I agree."
"As far as I'm concerned, any school kid can turn around and respect the man that they see walking down the street in the military uniform."
"My point is, tell me what's wrong with this, it's too tight. Am I bothering one of the uniforms? It's too tight. Oh yeah, I don't want to fit. Do y'all, come on, man."
"We have dungarees in the Navy. I burnt mine, I got rid of them all the way once I made it to the teams."
"It's the oldest ceremonial uniform in the regular army, and it has remained virtually unchanged since 1685."
"I realized the power of that uniform you know everything I did in that early career was because I was an adolescent I had no fear of being caught I had no fear consequences."
"Oh no ma'am, I don't work here. See my uniform is completely different from theirs."
"Give me the Chicago Bulls jersey. The Chicago Bulls jersey is just, it's something about it even when you match it with those shorts that they have, it's just a clean uniform, it looks so fresh."
"He's dressed in a scarlet gray Ohio State uniform."
"The most exciting thing about this uniform set is the baby blue version with the team name and a curve with some hints of yellow that's it."
"If I catch you outside that uniform, I'm gonna fold your ass like a district egg."
"If you're a Texas Ranger and you don't walk up into the vehicle with a leather holster on, I will send you back."
"I think a lot of people, whether they can necessarily verbalize it, I think that draw to service, that desire to want to be able to stand in the breach when others aren't able to, I think there's a large portion of that in the people's desire to wear a uniform for a living."
"These guys are killers and I was like damn and you pair it with the class A's I mean come on."
"In future, uniforms will be worn as you were trained to wear them at the Academy."
"People are frustrated with the system, but they see that green uniform and they're like, 'Right, help's here. Everything's going to be fine.'"
"Both of these officers appear to be female and are wearing these really cool tricorn hats with their long hair incorporated into them."
"Men that put on those uniforms, it's normal. This is the first of many. Things are changing around here."
"The NFL requires players to wear socks that are pulled up to a certain height typically up to the knees."
"Not all heroes wear a uniform, but in Cat's case, since she does, she gets a very special version of the coin."
"Creating a uniform does two major things when it comes to developing a personal unique style."
"Every day just turning up in your uniform can change the situation."
"The flight attendants all wear platinum blond pageboy style wigs with an optimal amount of skin exposure."
"The gala uniform... didn't appear to the public until May 6, 1915, during the feasts of the Pontifical Swiss Guard."
"I notice you're always wearing that uniform, which means you're always ready for the next mission."
"If you do these two first steps, you'll basically have a completed, recognizable uniform."
"I will feel immensely proud to wear the uniform."
"That is a fine uniform you're wearing, Charlie," Diana said, obviously wanting to put him at ease.
"I always feel it's such an honor to play anyone in uniform."
"Wear a uniform... it boosts your confidence and sense of pride."
"Uniforms command respect, like a Barrister's wig or a schoolmaster's gown."
"Madeline got released two years ago, and now to see that come full circle and her receiving her uniform just like her mother is really fulfilling for us."
"Just a really cool historic uniform that really came well together and to this day looks amazing."
"The mountie uniform is somehow super cool and very authoritative, and yet kind of friendly."
"A cop's first duty is to the uniform."
"The whole point of the uniform is to prepare for the real world with dress codes or so that no one is competing with each other for clothes; it's to prevent bullying and make it more affordable for students."
"If you feel like you look good in your uniform, and you look down at boots and you feel like you look good in what you're wearing, I think that reflects on how you truly feel."
"When you wear your uniform and you're standing there, it's just something you feel, it's in your heart."
"I thought I'd never wear this again."
"If you wore a uniform in school, please let me know, did you tie your tie every morning?"
"Your uniform is a sense of belonging, it's something to be proud of."
"A good tuxedo, a Bond one especially, doesn't feel like a costume, it feels like a uniform."
"At the end of the day, people forget they're in uniform, but you're still human."
"I came to ask that you would allow me to wear the uniform of a Musketeer."
"The first battle dress pattern introduced by the British Army, battle dress serge, is commonly referred to as 1937 pattern."
"It means so much to me to have this uniform on."
"This study shows that wearing a uniform causes kids to do better... if all the other variables are kept constant."
"It feels absolutely incredibly amazing to be holding my official uniform."
"The uniform is not functional, but it looks good and I love their history."
"It's a big deal when you're in that uniform. It's a big deal."
"Once I put on this uniform, I believe I serve the best interest of my people."
"I was so proud to wear that green uniform."
"I hope I'm making a difference every time I go out in uniform as a special constable."
"I put on my uniform and stood in front of the mirror with a huge smile plastered on my face."
"It gives everybody the chance just to be in school; you don't have to worry about do I have the best clothes or do I have the best shoes."
"It's become my uniform, it's everything I want in an outfit."
"I really, really, really respect the uniform."
"Honestly, you look pretty good in that uniform."
"I'm a Timber Scout. People can't resist a man in uniform."
"Uniform in this situation is a very powerful tool."
"It's amazing what a uniform can do."
"You're only in that uniform for the riches it brings you."
"This charming man in uniform could bring the heat."
"You put on that uniform, you agree to protect the person next to you no matter what."
"What is more attractive than a man in uniform?"
"You look at the uniform, and it does something to you."
"People in biohazard suits, policemen, council officials in uniform, they're authority figures."
"I'm going to have a new uniform soon."
"We use sock straps in the Marines to keep our shirts in our trousers."
"If you put on the uniform, you're 100%."
"You see the pride not only of their career but it's just putting this uniform on."