
Teasing Quotes

There are 308 quotes

"Tease somebody on their strengths, not on their vulnerabilities."
"So you're scared of mum. Little baby. Hahaa."
"I'm just now at this point just messing with her."
"Trent, you are a nerd. You are such a big nerd, Trent. I can't believe how big of a nerd you are."
"You are the pick me kid in class... but it's cute though."
"Teasing helps build character, and it's what friends do."
"Lucky for you, what a freaking idiot, freaking love it."
"Are you developing a little crush? Is that it, huh? Is that it, Catnap? Ah, Cat, I'm not a cat person! Help! Where's my dog? I want my dog! I'm a dog person!"
"There's nothing more fun than someone who blushes at the slightest bit of teasing after all."
"I've gotten a lot of messages calling me brave for what transpired, but I'm not sorry to tease and everything else."
"Did I just get joked on, guys? Don't pick on me."
"I always feel better when I'm not such a tease."
"Don't hate the player, hate your hairy milk mustache."
"If you play Janna, you're gonna die a virgin."
"You have more milk if you wanna be a baby, yeah. It's for you though, the milk is for you cause you're the baby in this case."
"I'm not touching you, so you can't do anything if I'm not touching you."
"Suddenly Haru teased her back and she got really flustered."
"It's all in good heart, isn't it? We all have a little tease and a wind-up."
"It's my god-given duty to make fun of you for it."
"Adrian and Pearl sitting in the tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g!"
"First you're gonna roast the other one, right?"
"Just cuz you're my teddy bear doesn't mean you can't be my dumbass."
"Kendrick is a [ __ ] and he got some small feet."
"Really? You're not the naughty one here, stealing my dirty panties"
"Collarbone? I'm making it difficult for you"
"Are you really a girlfriend if you don't roast your boyfriend when they don't do the best that they could have done?"
"Chill, throw things at you, she will."
"They enjoy teasing each other, and that's what couples do."
"No, I'm just doing this to brew you up, baby."
"Might get you on the jig in a minute, you a jig Kyle, Scottish jig."
"you all are like vultures oh my God best friend you better give me a piece"
"If you want to see sexy, come up his way around and show these boys a little something, huh?"
"You just don't want him to look at my amazing beautiful slime that I did with my... No, I already know you're going to win because he always gives you special treatment."
"We've been busting Chum's chops about having to work while we go to Sturgis with Adam."
"Top reason Brits are teased at work is because of their speech impediment, accent, dress sense, boldness, and ginger hair."
"You like to see me suffer for your own entertainment."
"It's fine. Don't worry. I'm used to being picked on by Chief aeno."
"Oh, you scared? Love the fact that you think that's bad."
"You're just playing with me now, huh? Well, you know what? Fine. You're just like my friends anyways, except a whole lot cuter. I can't believe I said that."
"Well, at least you guys didn't have your own siblings call you 'Jainal Anal' like they did for me."
"Probably just keeping you a virgin."
"Nick, who the hell dressed you in a hospital blanket?"
"He teasingly mentions saving the worst for last and swiftly eliminates them."
"Does he bug you? I'm not touching you. But you are in agony now, so that probably bugs you."
"Your future career as a flack would be as a shirt, Beast."
"If you really love Maya and you want to like also Excel with her, you just make her the butt of the joke, you know, instead of like, I don't know, like this team was, oh, like, like, like make us look like the like, like messy, you're messy coworker that's just a mess."
"Oh, like a fancy boy, yeah, like a fancy boy."
"Maybe you'll find out you still enjoy each other's company," Lily teased.
"Oh my God I love it, you're jealous, tiny bit."
"He gives him a box of chocolate before leaving taunting him that it will be bitter."
"Netflix updating cover art of a show that has been cancelled for years just to fudge with fans."
"One of my good friends, every time he walks in there... Stokey just punks his ass out."
"Shut up," I said, but still, he didn't stop. "Jaden jealous, Jade and jealous," he continued teasing me.
"A lot of the jokes are coming at his expense."
"Oh, I already did," she said laughingly. It has always made me crazy that she not only held her first but constantly rubbed it in my face."
"Despite the fact that I take the mick out of you all the time, and we are definitely not always getting along, I do love you."
"Are you my mom? Perfect little [ __ ] energy."
"You're still the same annoying kid that I've been trying to shake since 7th grade."
"You need to constantly be teasing when you tease a woman, okay? What that does is it heightens her emotions, it makes her laugh, it makes her want to qualify to you, right?"
"Sick, right? Is that real gold? Oh, yeah, I forgot. You're adopted, like, five times a day."
"I'm laughing at your shirt, for you please."
"Wow you guys see that's Maddie doesn't care about me clearly."
"You've got to mess with people, you know. He said you don't like them if they don't mess with you."
"I probably still make fun of you, but just know, like, I love you bro."
"Your hair today has been the best, Antonio's hairline is clapped and he's going bald."
"I love you now, why you was cutting up like that, Sahara? Anyway, let me stop playing."
"Look at you, you little pale-faced [ __ ]. You look good, p.a. ass. No, you know what I'm saying, like, do I make me laugh?"
"That's enough for me, I say they I say this [ __ ] unmuted just to [ __ ] with you."
"Friendship isn't about people that'll never tease each other, it's about people that do tease each other and get a stronger bond through that teasing."
"You laughin' a little too hard over there, Cory."
"Hearing this, the sect Master of the 10,000 sword sect teasingly remarked that Yun the Ling Yun Pavilion including the Pavilion Master didn't have a solution."
"I'm looking forward for all with all the teasing hopefully all of us will have a good laugh."
"I bet you want to see huh, too bad"
"You're going to wind me up or what?"
"This is where you learn to stop touching me. I'm not touching you."
"You know I brought up D SP Deep Space Nine to Andrew and he starts making fun of me call me nerd and all this stuff and like you know it's stupid can you just tell to him that it's good he he's embarrassing."
"You're really getting off on this, aren't you?"
"Are we going to get serious, or are you just here to muck around?" she teased with a smirk.
"My father been roasting the heck out of me, roast me like a roast chicken."
"We're just two men for each other, and even when we're teasing a living hell out of each other, it's always so fun."
"Are you going to puke? What? Let it out, guy. It's his hair. Oh, was it Helen Kell hair?"
"I thought Brena was teasing me since I'm the new guy and all, but when I checked, the woman sitting at the bar was gone."
"I'm just like we teasing right you know what I mean you know what I mean let's just you you have to I'm satirical."
"I think he's going to sprinkle a few details here and there... because he quite enjoys toying with people in that way."
"I'm giving you a hard time, listen, he knows how to rack the balls, he knows how to break the balls."
"Your partner always makes fun of you in front of people as an attempt to make everyone laugh, you don't think much of it in the beginning, but it becomes a regular occurrence."
"You're spoiling me, Pete," Betty teased, popping a jelly bean into her mouth.
"Mars in Libra loves to piss people off. They like to get a rise out of people. He likes to get a rise out of people. He'll probably love to...poke at people in real life and tease them."
"You are blushing, Amy. You have a crush."
"...there's a difference in like 'oh [__]' you versus we're having fun taking the piss out of it."
"Look at you all grown up, talking about real estate prices," Fletcher teased.
"You will not call me that again. It seems she's resorted to threats. My love, what are we going to do with this troubled child? I guess she's upset. Why does that make me smile?"
"Tamika, are you this old, crusty, stiff wig-wearing [__]?"
"If they all kind of came into the light, I'm gonna get my balls broken about XYZ for a little bit."
"Men treat the fat guy in their friend group, it doesn't matter if you're fat, skinny, tall, or short, we will find your weakness and we will attack it for decades, it's relentless, and it's glorious."
"You always make your buddy put the short ones, you have to, there's no gimmies, and then when they miss it, you rub it in, you drive it into their soul, you make them feel as bad as they can about it."
"Tina, you fat lard, come get some dinner."
"Poor old Gordon, you can never get away from dirty trucks, can you?" James taunted.
"She's always been prodding at him, teasing him, joking at him."
"Getting roasted is like a constant, somebody's shooting your ass and you just keep getting shot."
"Cats don't love you, they tease you."
"We always made fun of him for that."
"Relax, I'm just messing with you."
"I guarantee you nobody ever got laid with you around."
"I have been teasing for literally probably years."
"Laura shows up and started teasing them."
"You've always been into cherries, why are you acting like this is some brand new phase? Get out of here, you goof, you're so silly."
"Congrats, they float, they dance, they tickle, they tease, and you sneeze."
"I'm going to do it more because it makes you so mad. If anything, it's like, 'Hey, if you let somebody know you hate your nickname, that nickname ain't going away.'"
"Teasing Master Takagi is the one for you. Yeah, yeah, that is it."
"Check your friend zone first! Haha!" - Sir Sam
"I only talk [__] because I'm so fond of you."
"I know, I'm judgy, you're a little rat."
"You look so cute when you're mad."
"It feels like everyone's just making fun of you, but at the end of the day, it's like out of love, but it also like is just kind of rude, you know?"
"Miller claims he got teased about Debbie."
"Oh, grab it like a regular person, Daryl. Sometimes his brain don't work properly."
"Certain groups of friends are the best because they're the ones that can pick at those things."
"I'm just playing around. I like it when you get cocky."
"Yeah yeah laugh it up, bee brain."
"My Kitty's wide open, what if I were to tease you a little? What could you really do about it?"
"I was just pulling your leg into the disc, that's all."
"You could put me in a hostage situation any day," you kept your grin, enjoying the light blush that appeared on Hawks's face.
"You're quite the thirsty one, aren't you?" Hawks teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Ray, you're bald. There is karma after all."
"You're so, so corny. Eat your heart out, Robert."
"Oh, isn't he calling you Santa? No, well you're dressed like one."
"You clearly don't understand something, okay? I only bully the people I like."
"Danny is totally hysterical just busting her chops."
"You're a bit of a clever clogs, aren't you?"
"You're gonna roast each other, but it turns you on."
"You mess around way too much when he... and he knows it."
"What's this? Didn't you have enough dye to make it all one color?" he said.
"You lucky I been gettin' wedgies."
"I do like a bit of flirting but my flirting is being mean to people."
"It's like whenever with him when I really want to make him mad I go, 'Oh like it's just it's so like like I'm starting up a car.'"
"She goes 'You're fat' and then she goes pulled out big fat boobs."
"Girls want what they can't have, they want a guy that pushes their buttons, teases her, flirts with her, doesn't treat her like she's on a pedestal."
"'You're a hot topic once again,' she said, batting her eyelashes, which was the most adorable thing he'd ever seen, even if she was teasing."
"There's nothing wrong with a little bit of playful banter and uh taking the mick out of your partner."
"You're full of yourself, Dax Allison," she said teasingly.
"You're the face man, you're naughty person here buddy."
"He was emotional, but also, he would tease you for being emotional. So, he's like a textbook great Dad."
"You make people curious, flirtatious, and tease with your words."
"Damn Paulina, I always knew you two losers would end up together."
"Come on, you aren't chicken, are you?"
"They feel like you're teasing them, like a very playful kind of tease."
"Obviously, Hailey always calls me a hoarder."
"'Are such things not discussed in those books you are always reading?' he teased."
"Christina started calling the guy a Dan stinker."
"I'm really gonna push her buttons, y'all not funny."
"Oh dear, look at this little princess in her new pickup truck with a big poop eating grin on her face."
"You really gotta appreciate what lengths older brothers go through to torment the little brother."
"What seemed just teasing and ragging to them meant losing a job to somebody else," they realized.
"Look, I know people don't like it when it's like that little brother thing. It's like if it's your little brother, you're allowed to pick on it. But if anybody else does it, no, no, you're getting a knuckle sandwich right? That's kind of how I feel about this."
"You're so weird, you're so, you're so strange. That's like not even that bad. He said Casper looks like a sperm cell. He does."
"Hey, Pie face Kinkle! What do you call that piece of junk? Last chance for losers!"
"You're just one of them like, 'Oh, you naughty little boy.'"
"You guys are unbelievable. I once wore a tie with a splash of purple, you guys called me Mr. Grapes for two years."
"Flirting is playfulness, slightly teasing, not in a mean way, but in a playful way."
"Nice six-pack. Well, I haven't got past his lunchbox yet."
"Well, I have to admit it, that was great. There's no doubt about it. I'll pick on those losers every day."
"In a year's time, it's my teasing that you're gonna miss."
"You dropped something. What? Your wig."
"Can I even call you rug head now? You're kind of like a man now, bro; you got an LS swap Colorado, boy!"
"Training bra you training for what I say I think homies training for when Jess get a new okay he training to me."
"Our most intense sexual activity is when there has been a day or two of build up because you've teased me you've made me wait."
"You're a doll. Now you're a liar is what you are, girl."
"Sometimes I think you really just might be the devil."
"'He is only teasing you, milady.'"
"How can I torture my friend by asking questions about this super PG kid-friendly non-triggering book?"
"Jordan has news but I'm not going to give it away here."
"He's a bit touchy about his height."
"Stop, we're supposed to be mean to each other."
"You're making fun of me. He shook his head but that playful glint in his eyes was not fooling me."
"Daniel, it's fun making music with you and roasting you sometimes."
"Amberlynn, I don't know what you're expecting to do when you tease her like this when you tease her out to your audience like this."
"I love driving her crazy, I love driving her nuts."
"I started telling him he's a simp and he forgot his best friend over her."
"I called them all troglodytes, expecting them to get riled up. Everybody's like, 'Nah, we're fine, we know Greg's [ __ ] around, it's fine.'"
"None of this has been malicious or mean, it has just been bitey in such a fun way."
"No, you don't get to take this joy away from me. I will forever remember this as the day when Liam ordered the same drink as the woman he likes," she pointed a finger at me.
"I love that you have that hard line. Like sometimes you say things to me, you tease me a lot, and depending on what emotional mood I mean, I don't want to be teased. And so sometimes if you tease me and it's just hit me wrong, I don't want to be teased."
"In this delicate and electric moment, the boundary between playful teasing and genuine intimacy blurs."
"Delighted by his artwork, Nagatoro playfully offers Senpai a reward, teasing him with the promise of another prize."
"Roosevelt liked teasing people, you know, and the sort of people who tease people and say it's just a joke are often very unkind."
"I just want to torture people with."
"I make your mouth water, you're welcome."
"If you don't stop, well I might have to wreck you. Oh no no, that ain't a threat, that's a promise, baby."
"June on the other hand, wrap that fabric around her and low-key gave me a whole Cinco tease."
"i think you guys are gonna really like this next one too"
"Wouldn't love teasing you so much if I didn't love you."
"You're crushing pretty hard, huh?" Crystal grinned.
"Do you have a friend in your life that will compliment you and shade you at the same time? 'You look beautiful but you got big eyeballs.'"
"You were infatuated by that corset," Griselda said rather smugly.
"You're such a cute one, aren't you? Especially when you're flustered or embarrassed. Just like that, perfect."
"You're getting punked by your woman."
"You really like losing to me, don't you?"
"16, a little [__] bro, I thought you was going to be like this tall, bro, I don't know why you that tall, it's 'cause you off T legs, you're not thinking he fat right or right or right."
"I got banned from the school bus because we kept calling the driver a pedo relentlessly."