
Archery Quotes

There are 1072 quotes

"Everything is going to be okay. The arrow won't hit anybody, it won't hurt you, if you miss you miss."
"We have so many archers firing into their flank, and there's nothing they can do because our infantry is about to advance on them."
"It's just a couple of guys trying to explore historical archery to see what can be done and having fun while doing it."
"What's even more impressive is that the arrow was falling downward from the sky when it perfectly pierced the line."
"The new carbon bows for 2022 are absolutely sick."
"The slider wheel is super fast and easy to adjust."
"The Venom Pro 33... the best aluminum bow I've ever shot."
"In a world of chaos, the archer stands firm, bending fate with every shot."
"I had come this far as an archer with only a bow and the journey was complete."
"The arcane Archer adds a blend of magic to the fighters ranged attacks."
"Archery: mounted archery Mongols employed it to great success."
"Mounted archers do is that they'll stand up in the saddle when they're shooting."
"It's rare for barebow archery to collect that many shooters."
"Barebow is decided with one arrow, it's guaranteed."
"Hunting deers with a bow and an arrow is a traditional and an effective hunting method."
"The Yumi is unique amongst War bows and stands apart from bows in the rest of the world."
"The Japanese bow takes its shape from a very early period."
"The Yumi is closely linked with many aspects of Japanese history and great care is taken to preserve its traditions."
"Oh that's so smooth how he's able to release that nature bow and just miss the tree by it like a couple pixels."
"He owns all of them, all of the barebow world records right now."
"That's 10. One of the best representations of the way an arrow and a bow work together."
"The type of archery I do, it's called instinctive archery."
"As we march closer and closer to the number one position, want to remind everyone that this year the payout for the Lancaster archery classic in Barebow Men is $8,000."
"The Yumi bow does have more punch for the same draw weight."
"Mounted archery is still held in high esteem, skills needed are extreme."
"The craftsmanship of Master Kaku Naga's bows is of supreme talent."
"The ume arrow flies straight, outperforming the longbow."
"The ultimate objective of bows is to disable an enemy."
"Archery had become a demonstration of mental strength, a truly astonishing feat."
"You can kind of tell from the angle of the arrows she might have got lucky there with that arrow, 100%."
"The phantasm will fire a lot of arrows at whatever you point it at and that makes it more or less the best or the ultimate general-purpose bow in the game."
"If I want to put an arrow in you, there's nothing you can do to stop me."
"If your adult broadhead is dull, it may still break the bone, but it's still dull."
"You always aim for the bullseye, but you don't always hit it, and that's okay."
"When you head out to face the wilds of nature, may your Swift arrows always find their mark."
"TowerFall Ascension: Easy to learn, hard to master. It's an archery-based combat game that's insane."
"If the comic characters Green Arrow or Hawkeye impress you, then get ready to be gobsmacked by this Russian teenager and her archery skills."
"It's not about how many hours you spend at the range, it's how many arrows you shoot."
"The whole point of archery is being able to repeat the same process every single time."
"If you recognize that you are doing something wrong, stop the shot. You are only doing yourself a disservice if you insist on shooting subpar shots."
"Setting a score goal can more often break you because you feel the pressure every shot. You know that to get your high score, you might need a 50 in every end, and when you shoot a 48 or 49, you start getting a little anxious."
"Match play is a little more entertaining, right?"
"William Tell: three-star arts DPS. He's a natural arts crit archer thanks to his dirty star bomb and star weight skill."
"The Yu Yen archers are highly skilled archers used for stealth missions."
"Archer's paradox: a misunderstood concept clarified."
"The evolution of archery: from war to sport."
"Accuracy vs. tradition: redefining the norms of archery."
"Biomechanics of archery: the impact of hand positioning."
"I flexed the bow string a few times, limbering up, and take a deep breath. Alright, I did well, I made my shot."
"Katniss Everdeen was lit bro, okay, I love some good bow and arrow action."
"Double archery range transition is gonna be the play."
"The Exotic gloves Oath Keepers these gloves allow you to hold a perfect draw forever."
"That is how you set up and fine-tune a bow right out of the box. It's quick and easy."
"If sin is missing the Mark, it's an archery term."
"If you did get the Polar Star, I'll probably add into this video some footage of the bow in comparison to other five-star bows."
"Every English boy upon turning the age of seven was required to be furnished with a bow and two arrows."
"It's good enough to get some Arrow shots off of it."
"Infinity bow is like the perfect thing to have."
"Let's appreciate that while we draw it back and release."
"These wrist guards were functional but could also be beautiful and were surely objects associated with the identity of an Archer."
"It's so empowering, watching an arrow fly and hit."
"Because of their significant upper body strength, the bow would suit minotaurs beautifully well."
"Sylvan archer... makes it so you ignore half and three quarters cover when shooting with a bow."
"One month later, Ifheal has become a deadly Archer by combining the dragon King's blessing in archery."
"Maintain your distance, kill it with arrows."
"Every thing you gain initially from heat tempering the belly on one of these bows, you're not going to be able to keep all."
"Two arrows actually came out, that's pretty cool, myth confirmed."
"Hope you guys enjoyed make sure to check out Lancaster archerysupply.com for all of your archery needs."
"Archers are cool, look at them. I mean, I'm not gonna like use them or anything on a normal day but still, they're kind of cool."
"You need to take Joel Turner's course... it changed my life."
"If your brain wanted it, you don't surprise."
"This Archer can catch an arrow coming towards him while blindfolded."
"Embrace your inner Robin Hood. No, you have to actually shoot!"
"This might be one of my favorite bows to be honest."
"Some people have actually called me the world's greatest archer."
"Good alignment in shooting these bows is absolutely critical."
"The strength of the Mongol army rested on mobility and deadly long-range fire power."
"For those subject to the Mongol caracole, it was an immense psychological attack alongside the storm of arrows."
"I have 20 years experience in archery, and this whole time I was fooling you guys."
"It doesn't matter what you buy, as long as you can keep that arrow going exactly where you want it to go."
"If you're in the expansion phase and your shot just breaks, can that be a surprise release? As long as I'm into tension, there's a moment where your brain says, 'He is right freaking perfect'."
"If you're clearly into a second or two of increasing subtle precision tension to break, it can work really exceptionally well."
"The disguised King took a deep breath and aimed; the perfect shot went through the 12 axes."
"Archery is special. I've had the opportunity to travel amongst Hunter gather communities around the world who still use a bow to find their food on a daily basis."
"I'm really looking forward to this journey. Traditional archery was a very big part of my life for more than 30 years."
"These are reflex bows; their arms bend away from the Archer when unstrung."
"The Merry Rose bows provide incredible evidence of the true role of archery in Tudor warfare."
"Shoot the heaviest weight that you can shoot accurately... a well-placed arrow is much more important than draw weight."
"Mastering target panic is basically mastering your mind."
"This is the True Ball Stinger XT, the most sold release that Lancaster Archery Supply sells."
"Learn archery skills and apply them to hunting."
"Numenoreans took archery to another level with their steel bows made of hollow steel and renowned for their strength and fear-inducing reputation."
"...it's been my experience that 100 reps shooting bear shaft and getting that dozen set up right is way better than shooting half-assed arrows."
"The arrow comes out and it's so perfect."
"Perfect arrow flight is number one priority, it has to fly straight."
"I want arrow flight above all else."
"Archery doesn't have to be perfect, but it has to be repeatable."
"Arrow building is all a little bit different, everyone does it different. I just don't clean out the inside of my arrows. I used to, and then I stopped doing it and didn't notice any difference at all, so I no longer clean the inside of my arrows."
"I hope you learned something new and something that you can apply the next time you go out to the archery range."
"With a homemade bow getting within probably what a few inches of the bullseye on most the shots at 15 yards and only taking about 20 shots through this bow I got to say I think it's worth it to make your own bow."
"To give yourself the best chance of being satisfied with your first attempts at archery, you need to set your bow up so that it should be shooting in roughly the right direction when you actually release an arrow out of it."
"Focus on a process of shooting a good arrow is the key to shooting under pressure."
"She releases her arrow and successfully hits the bull's eye, her father and brother praise her, making her feel shy but happy that her family is proud of her."
"I think it's absolutely amazing that in a time in the war when everybody's using their guns and their rifles, this guy's still using his bow and arrow."
"Archery is incredibly therapeutic, active meditation."
"Getting a heavy enough arrow with a short broadhead and a quiet bow, that's what's most important."
"What's your favorite thing about archery?"
"There's something about recurves that just looks like a really amazing sports car to me."
"Legolas is easily the best shot in the series."
"You must learn to shoot a flaming arrow through a ceremonial ring. It's symbolic."
"You need speed... If people that argue well speed doesn't make a difference then why is there speed limits in archery tournaments?"
"This is your cheat sheet all right here we go Archery Talk you listening?"
"...I want to shoot archery till, you know, shoot vertical bows until I'm 80. If something happens to my shoulders, my elbows, or something, I couldn't... I'll go hunt with a crossbow."
"So it means that you can pick an arrow off the shelf at Walmart, Shields, Dick's Sporting Goods, Field and Stream, wherever you get your pre-fletched arrows."
"I'd shoot all of them but my first choice would for sure be this pse drive nxt."
"Building arrows and building a bow and tuning that bow to get any arrow to fly is paramount and is really important."
"The eye is self-centering behind that peep."
"I reach in my quiver, draw back, and let one launch!"
"Archery hunting... it fits me better. I feel like archery is just so much more primal, so much more connected, so much more interactive, so much more skill-based."
"As an Archer, Ganyu knows to keep her enemies at a safe distance and avoid close-quarters combat. A constant barrage of frostflake arrows is what makes her strengths truly shine, leading her to victory."
"I'm not so deep inside the genre of archery that I knew that there were people that cared where you shot your animals at what yard."
"You can actually pull your bow back, make sure there's an arrow in it and you got your release on, have your buddy look at your timing."
"Most people that pick up a bow aren't really taught a controlled shot... it can completely change your life moving forward."
"Tuning a bow can be very easy, but if you keep the mindset of it simple."
"It feels really good. I went with this stand thumb release, got it dialed in finally, feeling pretty good for only a few shots with that."
"Essentially, we've already covered what we're going to be doing in this video. We're just going to be going outside in bear shaft tuning and doing slight adjustments to this arrow to make it fly perfectly straight both with fletchings and without fletchings."
"You want to bear shaft tune with that bear shaft, no feathers on that arrow, because we want to see what the actual arrow wants to do."
"The vast array of styles and materials used to make bows and arrows is captivating."
"Always on pressure fixes that. If you add three or four more pounds of extra pressure at full draw, you'll have enough residual to make your release fire and you'll avoid the dip bangs."
"...that's why I'm going to try this I want to see I like how they shoot and I had these arrows and I hadn't been shooting them out of my long bow but I'm going to try them on this one."
"Archery is about precision and attention to detail, even in crafting the arrow."
"Do not get caught up in all this stuff. Remember, there are two things you can feel, there are three things you can mess with: the bow arm, the release, the mental side. You solve what works best for you."
"Being overbowed really just causes a lot of issues that causes you to not necessarily have as much benefit from the shooting as you could."
"The archers took a deadly toll of those in flight."
"All that bear shaft tuning is doing is it's allowing you to see the actual true flight path of the arrow without having the stabilizers or the vanes on them."
"So if your arrows are weak, that means you have too much bow weight. You can adjust your bow weight down."
"Archer Jake Kinsky, former US Olympian and silver medalist, is talking about Sun Leader, a Chinese archery company."
"...I just want to have fun and shoot some arrows and enjoy archery."
"That's amazing that you even got that to full draw."
"The release hand and what the brain is thinking on activation really separates archers... trust a float and pull through."
"What separates the best archers in the world from the ones that just continue to struggle."
"The chief weapon of both the Mongols and the Comanche was the bow. They didn't just ride horses for mobility; they were deadly archers."
"The frontal shots always a point of contention among archery hunters."
"I started shooting competitively probably 5 years ago and did that for quite a few years and then just recently went back to hunting but I'm getting ready to change and go back to competitive archery."
"...hope you're able to get outside enjoy the sport of archery archery hunting if you so choose definitely enjoy God's beautiful creation and we'll get to see you next time."
"So to me, like, fixed pin wise, learning the cast of your arrow, all of those things, and being a... tournament Archer... 260 is the feet per second to me... 280 range... that's the range I try to achieve and that's the range I like."
"What am I gaining by going 300 feet per second? I'm not really gaining anything... You don't need that supposedly tighter tightness out there. You know, accuracy, quiet, forgiveness, all those things are gonna supersede..."
"...I want people to be accurate. You know, accuracy is going to make up for... you're slinging Hail Marys down there... You want to split hairs."
"...I'm shooting really good with this bow I'm shooting it as good or better as other bows um, but better specs faster and more therefore more energy of course the 80 PBS helps it that a little bit..."
"A 75 pound bow right now is probably as efficient as that hundred pound Safari was then."
"This is a bow that especially in a 60in bow if you can imagine a 60in bow that feels like a 64 or 66 uh most of the ilfs that I've shot lately have been 62in bows and this one feels just like them or even smoother than some for some reason."
"To have that fly off in the moment of truth at that moment or if you shoot it at a deer and flies off going home and reflecting it that does you no good because you just missed your opportunity."
"Confidence it comes back to confidence I can't make a shot if I'm not confident and everyone will tell you archery is 90 confidence 90 mental."
"It all comes back to confidence whether it be 20 yards or whether you're shooting just for fun out to 120 yards being confident in your build and having the equipment to do so."
"When I draw back and I anchor that bow comes to the same spot and it's level every single time."
"That arrow's going where it's going to go and again like Chad said I mean it all comes back to confidence."
"I'm still every day I shoot a bow I'm learning something."
"When it comes to buying a bow for a kid, you want low poundage. Starting out with a low poundage is very important, regardless of your age group, but in particular with the kiddos."
"If you're going to draw too short or too long, it's going to ruin your form and you're going to hurt yourself."
"...reflexing the arrows to make sure I don't hurt them."
"...so even for this budget bow that's made by Diamond Archery, which is a sub-company of Bow Tech, the draw is...I mean, six inches after you start your draw, it just comes back with ease, honestly."
"...you know, this is just a really high-end bow for somebody who's starting out or a younger person. It's a great bow."
"...I think one of my favorite things about these Octane packages was, it seems kind of weird but I love these wrist slings from Diamond Archery. It's just this little fabric band but they're really comfortable."
"...because it makes it so your string never twists, never adjusts, your peep never twists, never needs adjustment, it just stays right there. So, that's kind of cool too, something unique that we haven't seen much of."
"an ultralight arrow loses momentum when it hits anything it's just not carrying anything"
"When you're looking into recurves and long bows, you'll find that the bows themselves are as personal and individual as the person that's actually shooting that bow."
"There are about a million different ways to refer to broadheads."
"If you can shoot a fixed blade broadhead at 100 yards and it hits the same as your field tips, I mean, come on, man."
"A bear shaft arrow is not a fletched arrow. I get it, a broadhead with fletchings is not a bear shaft, nor is it a fletched arrow."
"If I can get a bear shaft to fly true, then the bow's pushing the shaft straight, the fletchings are in the back correcting for any mistakes, and the broadhead can't take over."
"If you want a bow that you want to stick with for some years, I think this is a perfect bow."
"They're Black Eagle executioner shafts with the dragon claw logo on them. The veins on these you've got the shield style veins."
"That's his first ever animal with archery equipment."
"Every archery shot is an anxiety attack."
"Understanding shooting these tournaments is of utmost importance, so that you understand where the stress hits you. Then you can tune your bow accordingly, you can tune your mind accordingly."
"I'm proud of all my deer because I shot all of them with archery equipment."
"Archery is something you can do irrespective of your chronological age whether you're six years old or you're 76 years old."
"When you're not tuning, you are hyper tuning the stick to you. So you don't release like I do, no one does. So when you bear shaft and then you knock tune, the arrows are shooting your bow like you shooting, that's what I think."
"One thing I would encourage you guys to try to shoot your bow every day, I mean, set it in a place you gotta walk by it, you gotta look at it, you gotta see it, it's front of mind."
"...and I can't remember NFA they call it senior or basts or I don't remember cuz like USA archery senior is actually adult and Masters is now 50 plus..."
"What's the best crossbow you can get for the least amount of money?"
"Archery over firearms, yes for me. I love archery hunting."
"The thinner it is, the better. The less bulky they are, the less damage they do to your finger tabs."
"Full disclaimer: there is no wrong way to shoot a bow as long as you can do it the same."
"We're at the point now, well, she's at the point now to where she definitely needs some arrows she can consistently hit targets at up to her point on distance, right?"
"Once you get to full draw and you've transferred and you're ready to go, you commit with blind faith that you're gonna execute."
"My target panic, my inability to aim in the middle, would cause me to have way worse scores than the little bit of torque I'm inducing in the bow grip."
"The main thing that unites both types of archers is that you should stay focused in the process."
"Understanding aeroflight and dynamic spine ulcer stuff is definitely incredibly important but it's only half the equation. Remember this is the thing with all the giant moving parts that actually shoot the arrow down range."
"To recap I guess is don't keep up with the Joneses don't worry about what your buddies are shooting make your bow fit you like a glove so you got total control over your bow through the whole shot process accuracy is going to beat poundage every time."
"I no longer shoot a modern string under any circumstances on a primitive bow."
"A short string is going to be usually about three inches shorter than your bow."
"It seems like everyone's always asking you know like what buddy shoot and everything um so what I'm going to do is I'm going to run through this real quick and then we're going to shoot some 3d targets..."
"Be there but it won't work for them to go, 'There's no crying in archery! Why are you crying? We're supposed to have fun!'"
"If aiming is a step, you're not shooting the bow, you're aiming the bow."
"...it definitely brought my archery game up i paid more attention to the fletchings."
"The options with this bow are almost limitless in the tuning and shooting department and it costs less than 500 bucks."
"Good shot," I yelled out at Grant as I let my second arrow fly.
"... it's just a clicker just like I shot on my recurve."
"Pro for the glove: you can wear it and do almost any basic activities, doesn't get in your way when pulling arrows or writing on your scorecard."