
Childhood Innocence Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"It's so sad that we have to lose that as we get older, but that doesn't mean we can't still have it."
"This conception of childhood innocence... has real ramifications, as it provides fertile ground in which to manifest social anxiety and moral panic."
"Kids are completely innocent; they do not have any power."
"Children believe in angels and most of the time people never really lose that belief."
"Taylor was a sweet little girl, her big brown eyes twinkled out of every picture."
"It was like the sun is just rising and I turn and I'm like, 'Santa came all over my presents.'"
"That little boy didn't ask the question why does a bubble take the shape of a ball, why not a square or triangle? That little boy got his answer. That's God."
"Why would the baby leap? Because the baby is really alive."
"The kids still stand with the belief that what they saw was real even though it's hard to come to grips with it they know what they saw."
"Children playing, this is what childhood should be."
"They all take a concept that we associate with childhood, innocence, and security, and they contort it into something horrifying."
"Kids are young, they don't know what's going on."
"Approach life without fear, like a child, and let go of future thinking."
"She's a little girl who just wants to be loved."
"You have a six or seven year old inside you that wants to make the world a better place."
"Children playing in the frost, a reminder of the innocence amidst chaos."
"Kids have innocence, and the fact that they are innocent is what makes them so charming."
"The magic, the wonder, the mystery in the innocence of a child's heart are the seeds of creativity that will heal the world."
"Be yourself and embrace your inner child." - Gary
"Sometimes I think you must have been the sweetest kid when you were younger, then your empathy just ran out."
"The last thing that children should have to worry about is Santa packing heat."
"The fact that Jack is sort of so in touch with his inner child and he's the one adult who has not forgotten what it's like to be a child."
"That was actually Santa. Who wouldn't believe in him?"
"It tells the story of a little girl who lives in a small island with her grandmother peacefully until an evil corporation shows up."
"It's not okay... breaking down gender barriers and destroying the binary... no kid understands any of that or cares about it."
"I had a student tell me Dora and Diego were famous explorers."
"These guys make the cutest babies, I swear, literally any of these angel children could have played Cinderella."
"Babies are the purest because they haven't been programmed yet."
"Parents were all over teachers for setting forth expectations; now teachers are taking away kids' innocence."
"Kids don't care about color, that little girl just noted that girl was her friend."
"I once babysat this seven-year-old who asked me why I am fat LOL it hurts but it was true."
"The smallest, most innocent child is always the one to be watchful of."
"In life sometimes you really need that naivety of a child to truly grasp how simple things truly are that you make difficult."
"Richie Rich just wants to be a kid. All he wants to do is just be a regular normal kid."
"I just sent your letter to the North Pole Daddy I don't care which side to post these on."
"They were playing and making faces at each other through windows."
"Nobody cares nobody's going to look at little kids little kids don't care what exactly they all look like in kindergarten."
"Children are as innocent and sensitive, but when the situation demands they can often be the most courageous person standing in the room."
"No kid is born hating somebody because of their skin color. It's taught behavior."
"Racism is taught. You can all argue with me on that because when we're kids we make friends with everybody, we don't judge anyone for how they look."
"Don't rip childhood wonder away from children."
"A child's smile captured the hearts of the community."
"Children are precious in God's sight and their precious to parents."
"That childlike wonderment is one of the most key disciplinaries."
"I'm not one to judge anybody. That is a horrible feeling when a third grader brings it to it, you're like, 'Let's have a look.'"
"It was absolutely adorable and it totally rekindled any of the festive spirits me and his mom had lost over the years."
"Just this past Tuesday I got some kids at an elementary school into the argument of the century over why they thought a carpet was draped over a park bench."
"When I grew up, I became a tree hugger."
"The soft whisper of a young girl at first, followed by a much louder command: 'Let's play now.'"
"It's like almost like armoring up, it's like you start like as a kid, like naive to just your circumstances, like every child is, and then it's like you suddenly are aware."
"I was on my own, yeah, and what on one of the fireworks? I think it was the sparkles. It said 'not suitable for indoor use,' which at that age makes you think, 'Ah, that means they're okay.'"
"That's so funny, it looks like a skeleton, mommy, mommy, did you see the skeleton?"
"She was seven years old, she'd seen nothing in this world. We wanted to make their lives better."
"Your child is born, enters this world, sent from above, like freshly fallen snow, a child is the purest pristine form, then life will take over."
"Dear Editor, I am 8 years old, some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus."
"Never to lose that sense of innocence and fondness that we may have had as a child."
"Especially as a kid, because there's something about kids and innocence that people go after first."
"I don't want to lose my childhood self. That innocence."
"I just hope I can hold on to that as long as I can because it's like the best lens to have as a parent."
"I've tried watching those movies, but I just get horribly depressed, and I think about how they were all kids once, and they all have mothers."
"See what happens in life, you are like this beautiful children, happy, joyful, free."
"When you're a kid, you don't realise that people could deceive you."
"You're my favorite. I want to be a butterfly when I grow up."
"What's cool about really little kids is that they don't say stuff to try and hurt your feelings."
"As my three-year-old would say, 'Thank you very much, thank you very much, fantastic!'"
"Dedicated to be a gentle reminder of what childhood is supposed to be."
"We as parents, we got to try to keep all this stuff out all kids' way, bro."
"Children are optimistic, they have a natural sense of trusting their environment because they have a natural sense of 'I am-ness'."
"Daddy, won't Santa burn himself if he comes down the chimney?"
"Be therefore imitators of God, as beloved children."
"Look at the joy in that simple moment of just being with a child, seeing that child's purity."
"You've never seen a child say, 'Forget it, I'm not gonna try to walk anymore.' They just get up for more and they come back for more."
"It's so much easier to deal with him and he's fun and he giggles and he smiles."
"Kids are so innocent and just so pure and sweet."