
Common Interests Quotes

There are 159 quotes

"You guys have a common interest or a common goal, makes it even more solid."
"We get this group of people around us that have similar interests and somewhat similar lives, and it feels normal to us."
"You want to have something in common with the person you're with."
"Socialize with people who have the same interests and hobbies as you. It's amazing how good conversations are when you do."
"No, no, not engagement, okay? But if we find a common interest, I have no problem."
"That's the leadership we are providing -- engagement that advances the common security and prosperity of all people."
"If I had to sum me and Dave's relationship down to, like, what's the foundation of our relationship, it's like gambling and watching Danny Boy KES, that's it."
"You have enough in common to be able to spend more time together."
"Golf was like the common denominator existing, and that was the thing that everybody's going, 'Oh yeah.'"
"We're talking about parenting, we naturally connect on so many levels."
"It's really awesome when I read comments and you guys are into some of the same stuff that I am."
"Being homeschooled, I have something in common with 100 of Civil War reenactors."
"The Nerds are just more down-to-earth and friendly, and more often than not, share more interests with you than the popular kids."
"We don't need to attack each other and find ways to divide ourselves when we have common interests in place that we need to fight for."
"Shared interests are the best way to do it as an adult."
"I love how they have a little speech bubble that says 'I like pizza and these are my favorite games.' It's like, okay sure, I trust your judgment because we share a mutual love for pizza, why not?"
"When people understand each other's ideas and motivations, it's easier to find common interests."
"You're learning to have more fun, connecting over common interests."
"Find a community of people who are doing your thing."
"Intimacy not just being physical or sex but also spending time doing things that you share in common, that's going to be really important."
"It's about workers having a shared experience and understanding that we have way more in common than anything that could ever divide us."
"People are voting for their interests, they're lining up behind people that they don't look like or get along with based on their interests."
"Imagine the guy, right, swipes right, matches a girl, she's into LCS... she comes over, she's asleep right now."
"Go work, go build these types of things and find mutual and common interests amongst people."
"Everybody thinks it's such a cut-throat judging world, but I've actually totally realized if you kind of have a lot in common and like you've got great style and everything they just totally accept it into their world."
"Relationships are forged in a sense of common interest, love, and compassion."
"You and I have more in common than you might think. You love chess, I love chess. You like to smell your absolute best, and so do I."
"You made something that you knew one person would like and it turns out there's a lot of people that also like the same thing so it was a success for that reason."
"We may be different but at the same time we're alike, we all love puppies, cheesy romcoms, and raspberry ice cream."
"What is the thing that you are passionate about? If you find a way to engage in that with other people, then the people you meet there at least have one thing in common with you."
"What do you care about? And when you have that conversation, suddenly they realize you care about the same things."
"We need to find what is Common Ground for all of us."
"Whether you're a fiend for all things chocolate or a red velvet aficionado, there's one thing we can all agree on, cake is great."
"Common interests are always a great starting point of each other period I guess or add the kiss I remember cuz we were just friends with each other I think that's a good thing is you were super friendly I liked hanging out and talking with you."
"Sometimes the people we have the most in common with become our best friends."
"The key to having a good conversation is to emphasize the things that you guys have in common."
"I like cheese because quite a lot of people like cheese anyway."
"Finding your people through things that you like doing rather than just for your sexuality."
"Mostly it's been quite positive, and I think the reason that it's positive is because everybody's played Tetris."
"It's like the one hobby everyone bonds over."
"Regardless of our differences let's at least all appreciate respect the fact that we all have a passion for automobiles."
"Their friendship swiftly blossomed as they discovered a shared bond."
"There is a lot of attraction to specific things that you're both interested in."
"My girl's so dirty, we have so much in common."
"I quickly got talking to another girl there who had exactly the same kind of badge as I'd made, and then that was that, I made a friend for the entire day."
"Surrounding yourself with like-minded people means from the get-go of meeting someone new you always have something in common to talk about and can actually become friends really quickly."
"Conversational warmup should center around a topic that everyone will be able to comfortably engage with."
"Go hang out with people that are doing the same kinds of things that you're into."
"Maybe we make some friends with people who like music."
"People that like the same things tend to like each other."
"I love our community and I love that I can share what I love with so many of you who love the same things."
"Find people who are interested in the same things that you're interested in."
"He's hilarious, he loves to do adventurous things, just like I do. We keep each other motivated."
"There are no friends in this game, just people with common interests."
"I've found people that like to talk about the same sort of stuff that I like to talk about."
"I loved being able to wear shirts for bands or video games that I like though, and I could meet other people in school that had common interests where I was wearing it on my shirt."
"Make friends who share the same interest."
"We also have similar interest in terms of Fashion Beauty and like even shows."
"People have something they have individual common shared interests with, that is your ticket to changing the world."
"These big names are just people with a lot of common interests that overlap with yours and who would only be too happy to talk with you about them."
"Nicely done and honestly, lovely to hear you're a fan of Bewitched as well."
"We both like to travel...we both love style."
"I met Rowan a few weeks ago when I was buying a vinyl of a very old album by my favorite band. It turned out that we both liked the same band and we instantly became friends."
"It's a great way to find a lot of people that like the things that you like."
"I wasn't the best at going up and speaking to people, so being in that environment where we all were doing something that we loved, it gave me something in common with people."
"We all started to notice that we like the same TV shows, books, magazines, etc."
"When it comes to maintaining a relationship it's usually a matter of common interest reaching out to them and where you can add value."
"Not everybody wants to sit alone in an empty room beating off the murder manuals. Some folks enjoy community, common good."
"He loved all the same stuff I did... James Taylor, Simon and Garfunkel... those guys were the best guys in LA."
"It's staggering. You look around here, how can there be this many people with common interests?"
"Honestly, I think it's been really good because y'all like I feel like have a lot of the same interests and like y'all like understand each other super well."
"You meet people in the hobbies that you enjoy, that's how you make friends."
"People are like-minded, people are liking the cars."
"They got along really well, they liked the same stuff, they liked to go fishing and Christopher liked race cars."
"They hit it off instantly and have a lot in common."
"Move to New York. Move to a place where you can find people who have those common interests."
"You want to be with someone that has a common interest but also is gonna get you in some way."
"We don't really care about that; we are both actually studying the same thing, so it's not like University is going to pull us apart."
"I'm still friends with the guys that I went to high school with, we have the same interests, we reconnect on nostalgia, watching Dragon Ball Z."
"We have two powers which have a common interest in building an international order that works."
"I'm gonna do the thing that most people do when they want to meet people of similar interests. Online dating."
"If you put yourself alongside other people who share an interest, that's a really good place to start."
"If you have a hobby that you're really into, you might meet someone with that common interest and build rapport through that."
"The overwhelming majority of Muslims around the world are peace-loving, are interested in the same things that you and I are interested in."
"I nearly do a spit take. You follow soccer?"
"...it's a point of reference and you can go all over the world and mention... and people know they're like oh yes I love queen and you have nothing else in common yeah but the music."
"The best way to network is to join a group with people that like the same things as you."
"This becomes a much more conflictual world, where we may not share necessarily anymore the same values, but we still have long-term common interests which we share."
"I think I really like connecting with people on common interests."
"You had to meet somebody who you have something in common."
"That's the thing, they bond, they have some sort of common interest here."
"If your checklist matches, if your attachment style matches, if your love language matches, and you have at least five or seven things that you actually like that are in common, you got a pretty good shot."
"They had a love of video games; they liked similar music."
"You try to find common things you guys are doing... that's a moment you're gonna spend with other people, you're gonna create bonds, find out what each other likes, and you're gonna make friends like that."
"We have the same interests and we have fun together every day."
"Of course, everybody has something in common, we all like aviation."
"Yeah, geeky minds think alike and all that."
"The more you can get them to talk about themselves and open up, the greater the chances are of you finding someone that you share similar interests in."
"Tony and I are like brothers; we like the same things both on the track and away from the track."
"After a few minutes of generally quite awkward social communication, you find a topic that you can both talk about."
"Who cares if two people like the same thing?"
"We often bonded over our mutual love of anime and video games."
"I really loved their chemistry, I loved their shared love of books."
"They're going to have similar interests, her and Jungkook, and hobbies."
"We bonded over our love of snobby movies, bad roommates, and the struggle of keeping our house plants alive."
"She even asked to be taught a card game that she knew the King liked to play so that they would have something in common when she arrived in England."
"We chatted about our favorite bands, shared our festival experiences, and quickly discovered that we had a lot in common."
"Everyone there has your same interest, they're all just waiting to be new friends."
"If you can just find one topic or subject that you are both passionate about... I think that's a great start to an actual respectable friendship."
"It's like instant friends with people... you had something in common that was something that everybody put time into."
"Among all the qualities that Zara and Anne have in common, uppermost is their enduring love of horses."
"We build up a relationship but have a sense of humor and talk about football, find something in common."
"Find The Sweet Spot, something that you both have in common, something that you both want to talk about."
"I liked Ember, she and I laughed at the same things, we like the same kind of music, hard rock, and we like the same food too."
"You never know who you're going to meet, who's going to share the same interests as you."
"Their shared fondness for horses and horse racing brought them together."
"I felt brave enough to speak to her since I too liked reading."
"I mean we met about... we became buds because you're just rad."
"If you like freedom, fun, and you know good coffee, we're going to be friends."
"Whether you like video games, whether you like anime, whether you like comic books, or whether you like to get real weird and cosplay, that's something that all of us share."
"We both fancy creatures, we're very much alike."
"Like when you're trying to play a game with a friend, you want to find a game that you both enjoy playing."
"That's pretty phenomenal to think that that many people that do the same thing have the same interest."
"I'm actually having interesting conversations with people who clearly are kind of into the same stuff as me."
"You both like the same place; you've both got a lot in common."
"Orange in the distance, we both love that, and I love that we have that in common."
"I'm inspired because I'm around people that all have a similar interest to me."
"Thank you, these are adorable, everyone seems to know what we love."
"Both countries have realized that they do have certain common interests at stake here, freedom of navigation."
"We had very similar tastes in music and liked the same kind of films."
"I'm just glad that everybody has some common ground and generations of people can enjoy the same music."
"Izuku and Mei hit it off really well because they both like inventing a lot."
"Alice and Isca discovered their mutual love for Ben kataposta and other types of pasta."
"I love pizza too, so maybe me and you could be friends."
"Community is a unified body of individuals, people with common interests living in a particular area."
"I love that conversation about social media and how in order for you to have an attraction to someone like or to be in a relationship like you don't have to have the same things in common."
"I'm glad that we get along on the human lock thing, that's interesting, that's an interesting thing to bond over."
"We have similar taste in music, that's literally what drew us together."
"We quickly bonded over all the geeky stuff we both loved."
"Make friends that have the same interests or the same goals or dreams or hobbies as you do."