
Recharge Quotes

There are 240 quotes

"It is the one place on Earth where I can stand to be alone and in fact, welcome the opportunity to recharge, rethink, regroup, or just stare up into the sun until everything becomes white and peaceful, like in heaven."
"Introverts recharge very differently, requiring low stimulating environments, a lot of quiet, a lot of solitude."
"If you recharge throughout the day, obviously, through the day you're gonna have greater mental energy, greater physical vitality, greater stamina."
"Focus on giving yourself time and energy to recharge."
"This is your other golden opportunity to get perks and charge up a little bit."
"Spending time on my own helps me recharge my batteries."
"I just want to feel ready and motivated and recharged."
"Once a year I should take like a three week hiatus from my daily show and just recharge the batteries."
"Take some time for yourself and recharge your batteries."
"You're kind of incubating, hibernating a little bit to come back with charged energy."
"You are a battery, you are a rechargeable battery, and you might be a very good recharge battery."
"Home to me is like a Sacred Space... it's this place where you can come back and recharge and rest and regroup before you go out into the world."
"Home is a place that you come back to at the end of every day when you close the door I really feel it's important that you have a space where you can be at peace again and you can recharge."
"Take a step back, recharge your batteries, and renew your energy."
"Interacting with them will recharge you, not drain you."
"Take time to relax, recharge, and replenish your inner strength."
"Give yourself a wooa, because it's time for you to recharge."
"Talking with your therapist can serve as a respite from the outside world, a battery recharge before you're back out there."
"Never quit because I'm able to recharge myself by going through the process that I just walked through."
"Sometimes you just need to take a moment to recharge, check in with yourself."
"It's so important to recharge and relax after a long day."
"They like their quality time alone, sometimes they just need to reflect on things being on themselves to recharge."
"When you're a digital nomad and you're constantly traveling from country to country, even a simple thing as taking like a 30-second stroll around the block, that can recharge your battery a lot faster."
"I've missed you like crazy these past couple weeks but I really did enjoy spending some quality time with my family and just recharging my batteries a little bit."
"It's a selfless thing to be selfish because when you're recharging yourself, you then have enough power, strength, and capacity to not only look after your needs but for other people."
"It's good to get away from your normal, it's good to go recharge."
"By giving myself these breaks, it helps tremendously."
"It lasted me probably about, I don't know, five or six days at a time before I had to recharge it."
"The reality is sometimes the only way we can recharge is through connection."
"Sometimes the recharge comes in those small moments."
"I came back to my room to recharge and take a nap. It already was a lot of fun."
"Sundays are the day of the week where you can just slow down and do nothing and recharge."
"You can't pour from an empty cup, babe."
"I need a break, my social battery is done. Like, I already don't like doing much stuff and I did so much stuff, and now I'm like, I need a break."
"There's a slight feeling of needing to stop and sort of fill up or recharge."
"It's bearable. It's not too bad because you know your batteries are getting filled up."
"Introverts need to recharge. They need to be alone and have their alone time."
"I decided to retreat, recharge my batteries, and try to attack the following day."
"Generally if I haven't heard anything in like an hour in the night, lose interest you know it's coming right and then that sort of two free is always okay, it's hard it's like you want to be up 24 7 but obviously you need your sleep you've got to recharge."
"So my first tip is creating pockets of time or places for yourself where you can have some space and or quiet to recharge."
"The void is a time where you can rest a lot and kind of shore up your energy, charge your batteries."
"Silence is probably gonna be one of the best tools for you to come back to source and refill up your energy."
"I hope that this week you take some time for yourself. It's important to recharge."
"You know we're all for we love it but you always need that time to disconnect and recharge."
"I had a busy busy weekend and honestly I just needed a day to reset."
"I do need to recharge between things like that, especially now that I'm teaching again, yoga, where during a yoga class, there isn't much conversation, of course. It's just me having one long monologue."
"It's just me trying to really find that happy medium between staying productive but also giving myself the time and the space to recharge."
"It's just hit me now that we've got to the room, I'm like I'll power back up again in a minute."
"You have to figure out how to create moments when you're thinking about nothing, when you're doing nothing, because these moments help you refuel."
"It's okay to let yourself take a break and recharge because in turn that's gonna make you more productive."
"The evenings are huge for us... That time is so crucial for recharging."
"Sometimes Daniel would watch the kids so that I could just go out for one or two hours, which was doable for him with a newborn and toddler. Having that one hour as a recharge just totally refreshes you."
"Fives need alone time to recharge. That doesn't mean they don't love you deeply."
"Laugh more and harder, and you'll quickly charge your brain's battery."
"Have something on a daily basis that is your sacred space... A point in your life where you can release, reload, and recharge."
"Taking some time to recharge is not a waste of time."
"Profit from delights which can help us to reset, recharge, and then re-engage."
"Take the time to truly recharge, spend time with your family, engage them. That's where the value is."
"Willpower is like a battery after a while it runs out and needs to be recharged."
"I am definitely an introvert. I need to be alone to recharge."
"Moments like this are so important for mental health, for the soul, to recharge, to be even more present and good for the moments where you're doing things."
"These are the moments I live for, my heart's full now, gotta recharge."
"There is times where you just want to be alone."
"It actually is so rewarding too, to just take a step back and just like listen to yourself when you need rest and you need to just take a few hours or take the whole day or take the whole weekend to literally just like do nothing and recharge."
"You have every right to know what recharges you."
"Sometimes it's important to take a break and recharge."
"Recharge your energy, self-care is very important."
"Just being around my children recharges a battery."
"Taking a break right and resetting is super important."
"With an estimated range of 25 to 48 miles, you'll be exploring far and wide before even needing a recharge."
"I just feel like I need to be very, very protective of my time when it comes to taking time away to literally recharge my batteries."
"Taking random pauses throughout the day charges your atmosphere."
"Remember we are made of energy and it's essential for us to restore and recharge our energy when it is low."
"It's fascinating to think because some people have said he needed food for energy he got to recharge the part."
"Introverts remind us that we all could use a break, a reprieve."
"thank you for loving me right now, I have to recharge my battery"
"I always get out of the car feeling more relaxed, recharged."
"I think that time that I take for myself is so important because I recharge, I reset, and I come back home with like my cup full."
"You're supposed to just be here and chill and recharge... you need to shut off, like, to recharge."
"Sometimes you need to recharge the batteries and all of that and you've got to look after yourself. It's important."
"Sketching at the end of the day after a busy work day is a really important way for me to recharge spiritually and also mentally get ready for the next day."
"Being alone and recharging does definitely contribute to being a better partner."
"I wanted the room to be a place where I can literally zone out and just really recharge and prepare for my day."
"Those 15 minutes were what we needed to just kind of recharge and head back into the reception and have the time of our lives."
"Sometimes you have to back up and go within, pray, meditate, and recharge your batteries."
"You can't pour from an empty cup. You need to take a nap."
"So in San Jose with a 3000 watt solar array I can fully recharge from zero to one hundred percent a six battery completely maxed out AC 500."
"Absolutely love this and uh, yeah, so now we're at 5%, we're halfway to getting us back to the charger."
"I knew something was taking place with me. There was an exchange of energy. I was getting recharged in a different way, not physical so much but spiritual energy like a solar panel."
"There's no point having a massive battery bank if it takes you 5 days of driving to recharge."
"When you think about the last time you really took a step back to rest, you really took a step back to rejuvenate, to refresh, to recharge yourself."
"When we rest socially, we give ourselves time to recharge and maintain our emotional boundaries."
"Recharge emphasizes deliberate rest through diverse activities that promote rejuvenation."
"Slowing down doesn't mean that you're failing, and slowing down doesn't mean that you're giving up anything. If anything, it's just a way to recharge so that you can get up stronger and better than before."
"When it rained all day on Saturday, I stayed inside and read my books and drank my tea, you know, that's total recharge time for me."
"Social batteries are real. If you don't give yourself time to recharge it, what happens to a battery? When it runs out, you die. So maybe it's not that dramatic, but it can feel similar."
"As a person with social anxiety, I'm so ready to just have time to myself. I feel like I have a social battery."
"Give yourself a little bit of boundaries, give yourself a little bit of breaks, rest, recharge."
"Recharge your spirit and tell somebody you love them."
"It's important to know and accept this about high sensitivity: that we need downtime to recharge ourselves."
"All the H troops can recharge their strength when their performance starts to decline by using Kazuna's physical touch."
"We do not have a home base, and so because we don't have a place where we can go back and take a break as a family and recharge, even individually, that is what we utilize."
"You have to have days off. I think you have to mentally recharge to physically recharge."
"It's been a great trip. I feel so tired. I definitely need to recharge my batteries because we have some more exploring in London."
"I wish I had known how important it is for me to recharge in town."
"...the sun just seems to give me lots of energy... like a human rechargeable battery."
"You need to do some isolation away from people, a little bit of separation."
"Our homes should be our sanctuary, the place we go to retreat and recharge."
"When we gather together in a church family, we restore our spiritual batteries."
"Why don't we allow ourselves to recover? We've lost that ability, we've forgotten how to recharge."
"You're recharging. You are in a pit stop because you yourself are a high-performance machine."
"Mental health is allowing you to recharge your batteries."
"Give yourself the time and the space to recharge your energy."
"Embracing solitude is fine; it's the time to recharge and relax."
"There's great wisdom in taking a day and resting, just recharging your batteries."
"You need a good night's sleep to recharge yourself and rest yourself for the burdensome day ahead."
"Sleep is what really rejuvenates me and recharges me."
"It's just, it's so important to go home and recharge and see your family."
"I took a long break over December. It was a little longer than I had planned, but it felt good. It was nice to kind of step back, recharge, reset, and you know just kind of hit 2021 running."
"I want you to get very good at knowing when your battery feels low so you can actually dismiss yourself and recharge."
"What nature does is it provides a natural recharge."
"You can discharge the lithium iron phosphate battery to empty and then recharge it and you don't suffer a large penalty."
"I need that time to fill up my cup and to recharge myself."
"This is how you recharge your batteries."
"It's a time for me to recharge a little bit and just recalibrate."
"Asia has really fine-tuned the introvert part of me that recharges by doing nothing."
"It's important to just distance yourself sometimes and just kind of recharge your batteries."
"Getting outdoors really recharges me."
"There comes a point where it's better to recharge."
"I've become very protective of my time alone and my time to disconnect and recharge."
"Your videos are part of my recharge after long days of work."
"Intentional meaningful activity is more recharging than letting the Netflix autoplay do its work for an evening."
"That's the best place to recharge everything."
"The purpose of a vacation is to recharge, refresh, and relax."
"We're going to take a break, need to recharge."
"Our home is peaceful and it's a safe place where we can all recharge."
"I think it's always important to rest and recharge the batteries."
"I'm gonna spend a little time with my nephew, put this on the charger, I'll talk to you all later."
"Her lower City family was her hidden room, a place where she could go to recharge."
"It's a perfect place to recharge your batteries."
"At heart, I am still an introvert, and it's just how I recharge."
"I love having alone time; I recharge when I'm by myself."
"We're gonna recharge, everything's like slowly dying, we're gonna get right for tomorrow."
"Definitely recharge with my family."
"I was doing the thing that helps me recharge the most."
"It's overwhelming at times, definitely surreal. I'm just a country boy at heart, and I need quiet nights on the ranch with my family to recharge."
"It's time for a little breather, and then I want to come back recharged."
"Just focus on resting and recharging, and getting your mind and body in a place where you just feel happy and comfortable."
"Be like a battery, recharge, take your time, you work better if you can take some time for you."
"I charge up some people take like they need 30 minutes to themselves; I need three whole days at home to charge up."
"I love people, but I tend to recharge doing stuff solo."
"I just stayed in the house, I stayed in bed all day. I needed a recharge; it's been a hell of a week."
"Recharge your batteries, make sure you charge your battery, that's the biggest takeaway."
"It's time to get my Tony Stark heart recharged."
"Life is like a battery, sometimes full, sometimes drained, but always ready for a recharge."
"Sunday tends to be a more relaxing day, we're kind of recharging a little bit and taking it easy."
"What you really need is a recharge."
"The battery charges pretty quickly."
"Sundays are just such a great day to just relax and recharge for the week."
"You have to let the other person have their own alone time so they can recharge."
"We began searching for a new hobby that would let us explore and recharge."
"I love the people in my life, I just need to give myself some self-time to recharge."
"It's time for you to spend time for yourself, just relax and recharge your battery."
"When I come back home, just to disconnect a bit from Motorsport and to recharge the batteries."
"Every now and then you need to recharge the batteries, take a little break, enjoy some time with family and friends, and most importantly, just relax and recharge."
"That's like a nice recharge from the week, taking that extra step to just make sure that you are good."
"Sometimes the best thing that you can do for yourself is actually just to take a break, let your brain recharge."
"We need to take more time to do things that we enjoy because that's gonna recharge you."
"You're going to be so much more efficient right because it's going to absolutely recharge you."
"It's equally important for you to be able to relax and recharge so that you can keep going and not burn out."
"It helped charge up my social battery."
"It was actually quite relaxing and it recharged me."
"It gives everyone some time off and a chance to recharge to get ready for the next part of the season."
"Your home is like your charger; if it doesn't fully charge you when you go home, you're not gonna make it through the day."
"It's definitely time for a little recharge, gonna grab a little bit of a nap."
"This is where I come to recharge my batteries."
"Your home is something that is so incredibly special to you, it should be somewhere that recharges your batteries."
"I recharge by being alone, which is wild because I am a mom of four kids and I'm very busy."
"Sometimes you just want to take the batteries out, huh?"
"Your energy is going through a bit of a reset, much like recharging a battery."
"I took some time out, needed to recharge, you know, all that good stuff."
"I like being alone a lot, I recharge that way."
"Your home is actually a place where you can recharge yourself."
"I'm here on vacation just to recharge and reset."
"It's okay to pull back to recharge now and then."
"It feels so nice to recharge at home."
"Love recharges your love battery's low."
"I'm going to go and sit on a beach for five days, you know, to recharge the batteries."
"It's got a nice fast recharge time on it, which was good to see."
"I need 45 minutes of silence to get back my social battery."
"Make sure to go do something to recharge your batteries."
"It's good to just take the time and to just let go, recharge, and do whatever."
"It's giving us time to relax and recharge before the new year."
"Resting doesn't mean you're giving up or not doing enough; it means you're recharging for what's to come."
"Retreat time alone or in nature is helping you recharge."
"You're coming in with a recharged kind of an energy, where it feels like maybe that's why you took this time, maybe you needed some time to disconnect."
"Allow yourself time during this winter season to really recharge your energy."
"Spend some time near water, such as a lake, river, or the ocean, to recharge your batteries."
"Take time out from the world, recharge your batteries."
"Take a step back in order to recharge your batteries, to relax, to simply relax."