
Houdini Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Houdini was one of America's first celebrities, rising from abject poverty to extreme wealth and from obscurity to international fame."
"Harry Houdini was extraordinary, the ultimate entertainer. He perfected the art of illusion and was the master of self-promotion."
"I believe that he was quite simply the greatest showman of all time."
"Houdini is perhaps the most famous illusionist and stunt performer in history, with his name being basically synonymous with magic."
"I think that right there is why I love Houdini so much."
"He was, by now, one of the top celebrities in America and for sure the most famous stage magician slash master lock picker."
"Thanks for coming, this is the 42nd episode for Houdini Algorithmic Life."
"Using Houdini, so that's the goal here."
"What I'm going to use is the triangular remesh component node."
"You can easily create a triangular remesh in Houdini with the default component."
"...Houdini impressively stays still for a few minutes and signals to be let out."
"They enjoy how to use Houdini to its fullest, creating simple yet controllable setups."
"This is probably one of the most powerful things inside Houdini because it basically allows you to procedurally generate models."
"We'll see how we can use the power of Houdini shops in general to manipulate our grooms."
"I educate on various Houdini and Unreal related topics."
"With Houdini, it's best to just pick a really focused area and dive in at the deep end."
"With Houdini, you know that if you think of an idea in your head, you know that there will be some way of achieving it."
"Be lazy, work smart not hard, you know that's what Houdini is all about."
"The true underlying power of Houdini is being able to use these VOPs and VEX wrangles to really modify things on a per point."
"The power of Houdini and working with attributes is that you just have complete control over the physical properties of all the individual points of your simulation."
"Congratulations, Teller just broke Houdini's record."
"It's been said that the only thing Houdini couldn't escape from was his own death."
"People all over the world are still fascinated with the myth and drama of Houdini."
"You can make rocks very easy in Houdini; you create a geometry, draw in the sphere, draw in a mountain node, and you can play with the parameters."
"That is one way to generate procedural random buildings in Houdini."
"The trick was popularized by arguably the greatest magician of all time, Harry Houdini."
"During his lifetime, nobody could ever figure out how the great magician Harry Houdini had escaped that milk can."
"Hey everybody, General Sky here, and today I'm gonna be showing you how to make cliffs like this in Houdini."
"So we're working on Houdini volumes, but at the end, we can always just convert and export if we need to."
"By the end, we can pretty much get our final image without leaving Houdini, so perfect for trying ideas and developing concepts."
"You have to acquire a solid understanding in Houdini and then you can specialize."
"If you want to go the extra mile and if you are serious in learning professional Houdini, I have a very great recommendation."
"Hello everyone and welcome to this workshop about Advanced Road editing using Houdini and Side Effects Labs."
"Houdini was the stuff I was looking for."
"Houdini can help you build the ideal pipeline, pipeline in a box."
"Everything in Houdini is about building these networks, building these recipes."
"That's how we can manipulate the data and create procedural animation in Houdini."
"The main purpose of this exercise is really to demo Houdini a bit more and to show what we can build procedurally without sims."
"CG wiki is one of the most incredible resources for Houdini; it's maintained by Matt Estella who's a legend."
"SideFX Labs Toolset is a completely free, open source toolset, geared towards assisting Houdini users with a variety of tasks, commonly used for digital content creation."
"We've introduced a new concept in Houdini called Packages, which is a much easier way of managing your Houdini environment and installing plugins like SideFX Labs."
"Houdini was one of the greatest showmen to ever walk the face of the earth."
"Houdini's most impressive was his ability to turn himself into a metaphor that will last through the ages."
"I hope this gave you a gentle introduction on how to work with physics in Houdini."
"It's so easy and it's so accessible inside Houdini."
"The power of Houdini is that you can make anything."
"Hello friends, my name is Theo, and today in this exciting recent media tutorial, we'll be taking a look at doing some simple procedural destruction inside of Houdini."
"One of the powerful things about Houdini is that we don't make tools for one purpose, we want everything to be able to interact with each other."
"Crafting real partition landscapes in Unreal Engine 5 using Houdini."
"The Massive Worlds Toolkit is a Houdini-based framework for open-world construction in Unreal Engine 5."
"The toolkit is empowered by a couple of Houdini assets that can both run in Houdini and the Houdini engine."