
Twin Flame Quotes

There are 300 quotes

"They're very much feeling that this is a soulmate connection, maybe even a twin flame connection."
"This could actually be a soulmate connection for you, or a twin flame connection."
"Twin flame journey and soulmate is not easy to do... but if you're able to work through the challenges... there is a chance that you and this person can actually find love and come together with one another."
"If you accept that you're a twin flame, you also have to accept that the nature of your connection is eternal."
"One of the biggest signs of your twin flame is you might actually decide to marry this person."
"Only our twin flame will truly fully see us and understand us at all layers and levels."
"It's not a game, it's an energetic exchange of two people knowing that they have met the person that is their twin flame."
"Twin flame relationship is a catalyst for ourselves to spiritually evolve."
"Patience in the upright position. This person I'm channeling here I feel is a masculine energy who is most likely a twin flame."
"Your one, your twin flame, where you belong."
"Open up to those guides much more because they will help ease your heart and your mind about this union with your twin flame."
"It allows that twin flame energy to enter your life."
"You would be surprised at what they're working on for you because it is coming in as this twin flame energy."
"I don't want to lose you, you are my twin flame."
"Your twin flame is now beginning to connect the dots back to you."
"Twin flame connection is a catalystic relationship where you transform."
"Our energy is speaking to our twin flame and saying, 'I am ready to reconnect with you' because sometimes even if we are saying with our words 'I'm ready for my twin flame to come back,' energy does not lie."
"When you meet your twin, it's like looking in a spiritual mirror."
"Once the chaser takes their attention back onto themselves and stops thinking about their twin flame, that's when you call your twin back to you."
"A twin flame connection is not based on narcissism, it's not based on cruelty or manipulation in any shape or form."
"This is definitely a soulmate connection. Maybe a twin flame."
"When you take a step back from a union, twin flame union Pisces, you actually pull on the runner's cord and then they come seeking you."
"Twin flame connections: more than a love story, a powerful catalyst for change."
"The only person who truly is worth it is your twin flame."
"If you felt like your twin flame continuously came into your life and then chose someone else, they're showing up... there is someone who wants to invest in a future with you."
"You will always love the connection you had with your twin flame."
"It's your choice whether you're with your twin flame or not."
"Your twin flame is your greatest teacher. The time that you and your twin flame are apart is exactly what's written in your story of this lifetime."
"Your twin flame is going to be a sparkly new diamond by the time the spirit brings them into your reality."
"This person is your soul mate and your twin."
"Some of you might be connecting here with a twin flame."
"The more you commit to yourself the more you naturally begin to connect organically with your twin flame."
"They know that you are their twin, when you look at their cards it's all about you and them."
"Some of you out there are going to be getting with your twin flame."
"Meeting a twin flame felt like the absolute turning points of their life that nothing was ever the same."
"This is definitely a Divine partnership, your twin flame."
"A new beginning with a twin flame, a fresh start."
"Twin flame connection is there as a catalyst to trigger you to look at all the things that have not been healed yet so that both you and your twin can heal those things and then come together in Union."
"Your twin flame is you in another body and there they are the negative polarity of the soul and when you meet them it triggers your spiritual awakening."
"This is a soul connection... a soulmate twin flame."
"It's about acceptance and understanding that Twin Flame journey."
"Let this person, your twin flame, let them come to you, let them prove themselves to you, listen to them with an open heart and acceptance..."
"This person knows that you are their twin flame. They know that they love you, but there's a choice here."
"I'm already getting some twin flame energy... you guys mirror each other quite often."
"I'm just gonna tell you what these two cards coming out I for sure 100% there's a complete awareness, acknowledgment, and recognition even if they haven't communicated it to you yet that they know that you're their twin flame."
"This could be a twin flame connection, definitely soulmate energy."
"You are my twin flame, or you are my soulmate, or just someone I recognize myself in."
"The twin flame connection is actually about a twin flame activation, it's more about accepting your spiritual awakening."
"The Twin Flame is actually an activation relationship where it helps you spiritually evolve."
"A true twin flame does not ask you to compromise who you truly are; in fact, they want you to be more of who you are, warts and all."
"Heal your twin flame connection, magnetize yourself for your twin flame through clearing and opening your own heart center, your heart chakra."
"Twin flame union isn't a place we get to, or something that we attain; it is a state of being we align with inwardly."
"Being with your twin flame is not as difficult as people make it out to be."
"The magnetic pull between twin flames is a phenomenon that transcends physical presence."
"The dynamic of the chase is a hallmark of twin flame relationships."
"Synchronicities and coincidences often feel like signs or messages that connect you and your twin flame in a profound way."
"The sensation of completeness is a defining characteristic of a twin flame relationship."
"Being with your twin flame evokes a sense of safety and familiarity akin to coming home."
"This feeling transcends the physical space of a house or a familiar setting; it's about finding refuge in another person's presence."
"With your twin flame, there's an inherent sense of belonging and comfort that is deeply soothing and reassuring."
"This emotional and spiritual sanctuary that your twin flame provides is a rare and cherished aspect of the relationship."
"This person is your soulmate or your twinflame."
"Twin flame journeys are unique; they are not black and white."
"Twin flames are not about breaking up marriages; they are about spreading love and light."
"The love between twin flames will always bring us back together."
"You are the twin flame. You cannot understand this. You can't think your way there. You are that at the deepest core level."
"Your twin flame is permanently in my life. I figured out that at the level of the mind... Your twin flame are like completely polarized."
"I know I am my twin flame, I know they're coming back, that's inner Union."
"Twin flame love is very different from the kind of fairy tale romance love that we are presented with in movies."
"When it comes to being a twin flame, each of us has a unique soul blueprint. This soul blueprint contains all of the information of what we have pre-decided on a soul level that we are going to experience through this physical lifetime."
"Our twin flame always wants the best for our soul, whereas our soulmate always wants the best for our human physical self."
"This energy is definitely coming out scattered, it could be someone sitting with a false twin flame or someone who pretends to be something that they're clearly not."
"They know exactly what it means. They may not identify with twin flame. You know, they may not know the technical words for it, but they feel it."
"It's gonna be your soul mate or twin flame. It's gonna be your soul mate or twin flame."
"Remember, each step on this journey brings you closer to understanding the true depth of your twin flame bond."
"Your twin flame is your soul. You are simultaneous incarnations of the same soul."
"Each new opportunity presents a potential pathway through which your twin flame could enter your life, making it essential to remain vigilant and openhearted to the possibilities that unfold."
"Know that you have the ability to transmute this darkness and over time, you have the ability to shift yourself onto whatever timeline you want to experience with your twin."
"Can you be just friends with your twin flame? Yeah, or you can be romantically with them. It's completely up to you to decide."
"If you find yourself drawn to twin flame material and it resonates with you, it strikes some sort of chord within you, this is often a very clear indication that you have a twin flame or you are a twin flame even if you haven't met them."
"This is your soul's journey, guys. Your twin flame is your soul. That's all this is."
"The gift of being a twin flame is not only a wonderful reminder to shift our perspective, but focusing on the positives actually means our energy shifts to allow more of it in. That's how energy works: what we focus on, we get more."
"Whatever happens, if he or she is your true twin flame, love never dies."
"This is a highly soulmate type of relationship, this is even a twin flame for some of you."
"The love you experience for your twin flame is the deepest, most profound, most unconditional love you have ever felt."
"When you meet a twin flame, it will be easy, effortless, magic."
"The familiarity between twin flames isn't just like I know you from somewhere; you will feel as if your twin flame is literally a part of you."
"Your twin flame will cause you to see the world so differently, so quickly, that it will feel as if for a time your life is falling apart."
"Once you glimpse that core of yourself through meeting your twin flame, you will never be able to go back; you will never be the same."
"Meeting your twin flame is not just a matter of chance. It's a sacred event that requires a deep inner readiness."
"The twin flame journey is not just a romantic notion. It's a call to self-discovery and love."
"The twin flame connection is not for the faint of heart. It's a journey of profound transformation both individually and as a couple."
"Meeting your twin flame can trigger a spiritual awakening of unparalleled magnitude."
"Your twin flame is your soul. They are literally you."
"You're so mesmerizing, you're so hypnotizing to your twin flame."
"I'm saying something that's really obvious: You and your twin flame are the same soul. You have to align with your soul, not the person."
"This is basic stuff, guys. What I teach, this is spirituality 101. You and your twin flame are the same spirit. You're the same soul. You need to align with your soul."
"What is it like to be with your twin flame? That's what it feels like. It feels like Satori. You feel inner wholeness."
"Everything is spontaneous and in the moment and beautiful. That's what it's like to be with your twin flame."
"You're the only person telling you the obvious thing. You and your twin flame are the same soul. It's soul stuff that's going on."
"You are your twin flame. It's that simple."
"Will your twin flame soul mate, your beloved, be coming back soon? Now this is especially relevant for all of you who are in some form of struggle or separation in this connection."
"Someone here could be your twin flame or someone's bothered about you being with your twin flame."
"Your twin flame is your soul, your twin flame is you. The question is, what is you?"
"Your twin flame is your soul. You met another incarnation of your soul and it activated your spiritual awakening. It activated the ego death. This is the first step of your forced Spiritual Awakening. This is the very first step, guys."
"Some of you guys may feel like this is your twin flame, not just your soulmate."
"The separation in the twinflame journey is an illusion, teaching the lesson that we are all one."
"You and your twin flame are the same person experiencing the same things."
"Twinflame journey rarely follows a romantic path; it's about growth and soul purpose."
"The twinflame journey teaches unconditional love and resilience."
"Your twin flame would never hurt you; they respect and protect you."
"When you're with a twin flame, you feel magic, not depletion."
"A twin flame journey is rare and instant, marked by an unexplainable feeling and pull towards each other."
"Your twin flame is your soul, and the soul is not out there somewhere."
"Your twin flame is a simultaneous incarnation of your soul."
"Let go, surrender, know that there's a purpose. Your twinflame obviously is in some type of relationship... but know that you have been gifted this beautiful gift of being a twin flame."
"Everything happens for a reason. If there is a situation where your twinflame is choosing to stay in that marriage or that relationship, your life doesn't stop."
"Twin flame surrender moves you, it shifts you into what we call union energy."
"The number 222 is simply confirming one thing: yes, this is the right one, this is your person, this is your twin flame."
"Next to 22 and 222, 1111 is the most commonly experienced twin flame number, and this number is extremely powerful."
"The number 404 is a very beautiful number to see as a twin flame because it's a sign of deep connection."
"Don't become too distracted or hung up in the details of what happens with your divine masculine within this twin flame connection in the physical."
"Your twin flame is you. They are your soul. It's one soul and two bodies or the soul splits."
"The only tried and true proven twin flame test is to do the work and see if they come back."
"Once you've been called or once you've heard the call of your ultimate lover, your sacred twin flame union, suddenly you're going down a rabbit hole. Suddenly all of this new information arises."
"The sacred call of your twin flame, it's the call of love. It's the answer to the problem that we're having on earth today."
"Twin flames are the sacred call of the new earth, of the heaven on earth that you can have, that you can experience."
"It changes the energy of everything else, that's alchemy, twin flame alchemy."
"Your twin flame is nearby. Whoever I'm speaking to, someone here could have the Chinese zodiac sign of a snake, or this is your sign. Flip it where it needs to go."
"You could be trying to figure out who your twin flame is."
"This connection actually may be a twin flame or a very ancient soulmate connection that has had a layer of karmic patterning on it that needed to be released."
"This person sees you as their soul mate. Not only do you have a soulmate but you're also getting twin flame. This is so beautiful. You know, this is very rare."
"Your twin flame... they have the exact same core frequency."
"Every time you choose yourself, your twin flame is choosing you more and more."
"The key to getting through these periods of time where there is some space or distance from the so-called twin flame runner is realizing that this whole running and chasing dynamic is all just something we label from the ego. It doesn't exist energetically."
"Your twin flame doesn't deserve to have to experience your moods, your self-pity, your self-indulgence."
"I call for the love of God to enfold the twin flame, whoever, wherever he or she may be."
"They recognize you as a soul mate or a twin flame."
"This person is going to feel like a soulmate, like a twinflame."
"If you've been really wanting that live reading, this is the best time because you will get the Twin Flame Oracle for free, only for the first two people."
"You are their soulmate, you are the twin flame, this is a soul connection."
"It's like finding a twin flame in a friendship."
"Soul mate energy here, could be twin flame energy as well, but just like a very intense connection between you both."
"You have a strong effect on people. They might think you're their Twin Flame or soulmate."
"Once you find your twin flame, it's so much love, so much respect, so much admiration, and so much connection that it's crazy."
"A twin flame becomes a mirror or reflective of who you really are."
"The twin flame journey with its emotional and energetic intensity often ushers in a remarkable paradox: the emergence of a profound sense of calm and a mysterious harmonization of heartbeats."
"You don't fall in love with them but remember the deep love you've always had for your twin flame."
"You continue to choose your twin flame, your ultimate lover, and you're genuinely unable to reveal them as anything but your true twin flame."
"Your best friends instantly, even if you don't realize it yet."
"This connection is very deep, this could be a twin flame."
"You're going to connect with your twin flame."
"Twin flame, confirming that this is a twinflame connection."
"You're somebody that it's like a twin flame connection here."
"The twin flame energy will return to you, for you are the twin flame and you attract to yourself that which you are."
"You are not just my soulmate but my twin flame."
"Twin flame telepathy is one of the most profound and easily recognizable signs of a true twin flame connection."
"This instantaneous telepathy, not just through the thoughts but through emotions, this energetic transference of feeling between you and your twin flame."
"An unbreakable bond between our heart center, our heart chakra, and our twin flame's heart center that is always magnetically pulling us together through all time and space."
"Being with a twin flame in the same physical space on this planet is one of the most energetically and emotionally intense things that you can experience as a human being here in this life."
"When your twin flame reaches out, it stands as one of the clearest signs of their thoughts about you."
"The journey with a twin flame isn't always smooth; it's a dynamic that forces you to confront your innermost vulnerabilities and encourages transformation."
"The relationship with a twin flame can be a catalyst for becoming the truest version of yourself."
"When your twin flame appears in these nocturnal narratives, it might be more than just random images; it could be a subtle hint that they are thinking of you."
"In the world of twin flames, dreams can act as a bridge between two souls, allowing emotions and thoughts to travel through the subconscious."
"A twin flame represents a unique bond, often described as two halves of the same soul."
"Upon the meeting of a twin flame, you realize there is a place within yourself where all acceptance is possible."
"When we fall in love with the Twin Flame, what we experience is the return back to our own souls."
"The twinflame relationship reveals that there is no part of you that is not lovable."
"The deeper aspect of the twinflame union is that finally, when this person allows us to feel complete, we're able to see where we have not been completing ourselves."
"Our twinflame dismantles all of those egoic blinders."
"Your twinflame can never stay in your reality unless you choose to be fully vulnerable, fully open, and fully loving towards all aspects of yourself."
"Twin flame, this is a divine counterpart connection."
"As you are nearing Union, your dreams with your twin flame are going to actually increase."
"You can have 20 different soulmates; there's only one twin flame."
"Your person definitely does feel like this is like your soul mate, a twin flame, or divine counterpart."
"Our true soulmate, our true twin flame, is within us."
"I choose to be in harmonious union with my true twin flame."
"The essence of the Twin Flame relationship is such that the two Souls were at one point United."
"Speak to your twin flame in your heart and feel them within your own body and soul, for they are with you."
"The twin flame journey is incredible, it is so special and it is so amazing."
"This relationship in the twin flame dynamic is bringing unconditional love back to self."
"What you truly desire is to feel love in this twin flame the way you love yourself."
"The Twin Flame journey is about balancing out and neutralizing that fear."
"Blaze, the idea of this strong twin flame type of love."
"The Telltale sign of a twin flame is that this person is there to teach you to come back home to your soul."
"The Twin Flame; your yin yang, zen balance, union, dualities."
"Feel the palpable force of a magnetic pull drawing you closer to your twin flame as the conclusion of separation approaches."
"Embrace these visions with an open heart and a receptive spirit; they offer a deeper understanding of the soul bond that exists between you and your twin flame."
"This is a soulmate connection, possibly even a twin flame."
"You are preparing for union; you have a twin flame coming up."
"Soulmates come and go, but your twin flame is forever, sharing with you eternal life and they mirror God's divine love for you the most clearly."
"A harmonious twin flame union is coming together between two halves of the same soul in compassion, understanding, and empathy."
"For some of you that may even connect and meet with a twin flame."
"This could be a soulmate or a twin flame for some of you."
"Your twin flame is your divine counterpart, your ultimate lover, your ultimate mirror, and divine guru."
"You're the divine feminine here; you're the Twin Flame."
"You might be dealing with your twin flame or higher vibrational soulmate."
"A twin flame connection is a mirror of the deepest parts of ourselves."
"This person is a soul mate, or they are a twin flame."