
Object-oriented Programming Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"Object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm or a style of programming that is centered around objects rather than functions."
"Object-oriented programming is still very relevant today because it's a style of programming, not a programming language or a tool."
"It turns out that Python supports what's called object-oriented programming."
"And through all this we focus on the functionality. We're hiding the implementation details. It's kind of the ultimate promise of encapsulation from object-oriented programming but it's really taken to a higher level."
"The real power of object-oriented programming is that you can compose things together."
"The essence of programming is understanding object orientation in context."
"Inheritance is an act through which a new class gets created by acquiring the variables and methods which are defined in the previous or the parent class."
"Dynamic polymorphism occurs during runtime when the program is being executed."
"Static polymorphism occurs during compile time rather than runtime."
"The main benefit of dynamic polymorphism is that it allows you to write methods in the superclass without having to include ifs and elses to account for exactly which subclass is being used."
"Method overloading allows multiple methods with the same name to be defined in the same class."
"Polymorphic systems tend to be easier to maintain, understand, and extend. Those are all properties of things that we really like and we look for."
"Initializing objects with constructors" - Constructors are essential for initializing object attributes during object creation.
"Objects and methods: the foundation of creating complex systems in Python."
"So, that's the idea behind what I'm trying to show you, is that we have, you know, we can have different classes, we can have attributes with them, and we can program in an object-oriented style."
"Class methods act on the class itself, not specific instances."
"It's always forward. It's new. That's a good point."
"Using object-oriented programming, you can create objects that mimic real life."
"Object-oriented programming marries the operations with the data they're done on."
"Inheritance allows a class to inherit attributes and methods from another class."
"This is a really powerful tool in object-oriented programming."
"Java is a high-level programming language based on the OOP concept."
"An instance property describes the current state of that object, what they have is basically just data about that object."
"Creation methods are just simply methods that create an instance of an object."
"The object itself--this is the object, also often referred to as an instance."
"Could you make a clock out of this? Could you make this object oriented? Refine the code, make a design actually look like a nice seven-segment display?"
"Instead of calling each method individually what we are going to do is inside of our player class we are going to define an update method."
"We inherited the state and functionality which a vehicle has, and we inherited that in our car vehicle and in our plane vehicle."
"This hierarchy, this whole inheritance hierarchy can go as deep as you want it to be."
"There will be a parent class, and there will be a child class."
"Inheritance means, as you inherit your father's property, in the same way, you can make a normal class and inherit the properties of the parent class."
"A class should be open for extension but closed for modification."
"Parent class objects should be replaceable with objects of their derived classes without code breakage."
"The child class object should able to replace the parent class object without breaking that code."
"Subtypes must be substitutable for the base types, adhering to behavioral subtyping."
"In Excel, everything within an application is an object, including the application itself."
"If you declare any one of the destructor, copy constructor, copy assignment operator, move constructor, or move assignment operator, then you should declare all five of them."
"What is cooperative multiple inheritance? Cooperative multiple inheritance is where you design a tree of classes where everybody is cooperating."
"A constructor is basically a special method that we can put inside of a C sharp class, which is going to get called whenever we create an object of that class."
"JavaScript classes are great if you want to create many similar objects."
"Creating a self-contained class that handles all player functionality is a good example of the first principle of object-oriented programming called encapsulation."
"Encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism: the four pillars."
"Polymorphism: writes code that automatically works with all objects."
"Liskov Substitution Principle: Subclasses can be substituted for base classes without affecting correctness."
"Object-oriented programming is a very different way at looking at problems."
"The derived class inherits the basic properties from the parent class but also adds on new additional features."
"We are writing object-oriented code now because C++ is object-oriented, isn't it?"
"Objects should be able to be replaced with their subtypes without affecting the correctness of the program."
"Objects hide their data behind abstractions and expose functions that operate on that data."
"The Liskov Substitution Principle... if S is a subtype of T, then objects of type T may be replaced with objects of type S without breaking the program."
"Everything in JavaScript is an object and they all inherit from the global object prototype."
"It's time to bring out the big guns and talk about object-oriented programming in Perl."
"Object-oriented programming is a concept that is based on structuring your data and logic in objects."
"It's a way to take objects and model them as commands that execute actions."
"Inheritance, together with polymorphism, gives you the reusability, and that's what's making object-oriented programming so successful."
"Inheritance is the process by which one class takes on the attributes and methods of another class."
"The purpose of this talk is not to beat up on OOP, but to have everybody just take a step back."
"Objects are all about keeping state to yourself and you receive some messages from other objects then you respond as you see fit."
"Good inheritance needs to have an 'is a' relationship."
"TypeScript starts talking about classes now, so we have a class UserAccount."
"State design pattern is perfect for changing how the object behaves depending on its current state."
"Inheritance is an important concept of object-oriented programming and it allows us to easily manage groups of similar objects."
"By using inheritance we can manage these attributes in an organized way."
"Once the inheritance relationship is established, the scooter, the bicycle, and the car will inherit the attributes and the behaviors of the vehicle class."
"ORM is a technique that allows us to query and manipulate data from a database in an object-oriented way."
"C plus plus is very similar to C, except that they've added lots of stuff on top of it, like object-oriented programming."
"A constructor is a special method that is automatically called when an object is instantiated."
"Inheritance is when a class can receive attributes and methods from another class."
"A class is a template, a blueprint for creating objects."
"Class attributes are attributes that have the same value for all class instances."
"It allows us with object-orientated programming to model something but just once."
"Make data members private for classes."
"Specialization defines components as being special cases of other components."
"Closure's creator Rich Hickey fused traditional object-oriented programming with skepticism."
"An object relational mapper is going to let you treat rows in a database as you would treat objects in an object-oriented programming language."
"That's really what object-oriented programming is designed to allow you to do effectively."
"Unravel the concept of inheritance, the pillar of code reusability in object-oriented programming."
"We're going to work on a small project with object-oriented programming."
"Here we would have classes like bank, like customer, like bank account, like credit card, like debt, like loan, like interest rate."
"Constructors can be used really for any purpose, but typically they're used in order to put that new object into a valid state."
"Instances on the other hand contain real data."
"The fundamental purpose of OOP: data and functionality right there next to it."
"We're going to use this object-oriented programming, typically to create something called data abstractions."
"The key idea here is to bind together the data and the functions that operate on that data as a single thing."
"This combining of data and functions on that data is the very essence of object-oriented programming."
"Encapsulation... think of it as we got a capsule, like a pill or something, and in that capsule we've got data and a bunch of functions."
"A class is a collection of objects with characteristics in common."
"Magic methods are a special kind of class method which you don't call yourself."
"Polymorphic objects are the shape-shifting superheroes of object-oriented programming."
"You can combine multiple attributes on the same object."
"Let's make a player class and we can define our human player as a subclass of that and our enemy player as a subclass of that."
"Life is good, three lines of code to modify, that's the beauty of object-oriented composition."
"Private for fields, public for constructors and methods."
"Inheritance increases reusabilities and is a key OOP concept."
"A class defines what the object is in the sense that what the properties are and the actions that the object can have."
"Subclasses should be substitutable for their base classes."
"The object manager is a very powerful tool in Magento that helps you stick to proper object-oriented programming practices."
"Object-oriented systems are great when you're trying to model systems that consist of a large number of units that interact in very specific ways."
"The idea behind classes and methods is a natural extension of Chambers's original idea of allowing someone to cross from the user to the programmer."
"If you can understand classes and objects, then that can take you very far."
"I really like const correctness now. The fact that we can say this member function will leave the object unmodified when you call it—it's brilliant."
"When you want to do something, some noun take some action, which is a verb, which is some class has some method that operates on that class."
"Each object will have variables and functions associated with them called attributes and behaviors."
"A Constructor is a special method that is used to initialize an object of a class."
"Inheritance allows new classes to be created based on existing classes, thus inheriting their properties and behavior."
"We don't send messages because we have objects; we have objects because we send messages."
"Special methods always come from the type and never from the instance."
"Encapsulation is the idea of making things private so outside classes cannot interact with the private things inside of this class."
"Inheritance allows you to inherit... every method defined in the superclass is also available to its subclasses."
"The biggest gift from object-oriented programming is polymorphism."
"Java is composed of objects that you create, classes that you define, and everything revolves around this idea of us making these objects and manipulating them."
"Polymorphism is awesome from a standpoint of software development; it's one of the most powerful tools you have in an object-oriented language."
"So happy to be here kicking things off this morning with this introduction to ABAP objects, object-oriented patterns."
"The factory design pattern is an interface for creating an object in which you let the subclasses decide which class to instantiate."
"These pom files can get rather large, and in object-oriented programming, we know the concept of inheritance."
"Whenever you're introduced to OOP, I want you to see it as a great thing and not something that's complicated or burdensome."
"The principle for deciding which is the parent class is that which maximizes raw code reuse."
"Inheritance and polymorphism are the most important features."