
Stage Presence Quotes

There are 338 quotes

"Nobody gets on stage and does something they haven't done before."
"If I can get on a stage, I can be an idiot and perform."
"I walked in your recital, got right on stage, and danced with your Elite. Days later, they were kicked out. You want to watch your mouth cause I ain't the rest of these dance mamas."
"There's only one pop powerhouse whose stage presence is a little more elevated than her counterparts, and that powerhouse is Pink."
"Thanks to his unpredictable stage presence, any act he was a part of could get pretty wild sometimes."
"These are exciting times because even as I'm on stage, I'm in the audience."
"Every stage has a different feel to it, a different energy to it, and that should be okay because we can always make it better than what it was."
"Love the bomb means that you just embrace the absurdity of you being on stage."
"Phil Hartman had an outstanding ability to control the stage and captivate the audience."
"But then you'll see other acts that are so dialed in with exactly what they want to say, how they want to say it, like there's such a command of the crowd."
"The mic is like, 'Yo, what's gotta get me?' Cause even when you quiet, when you rocking your freeze, I'm the one to make sure you're Amplified."
"Freddie Mercury is legendary for his vocals and songwriting capabilities and his obvious ability to command a crowd like no other performer has."
"Travis Scott loved when the kids are there, Travis Scott would bring the kids on the stage."
"She is gonna strut out on that stage like she owns the strip."
"The only man who puts fear my heart on stage, Dave's mother [ __ ] repeal."
"When you have confidence on the stage, sometimes that's all it takes."
"She has great pasarela with commanding stage presence which will make her stand out in Miss Universe."
"He hypnotized his audiences, screeching like a shaman. He even invented an alter ego, the Lizard King."
"I walked on that stage that night and I knew right then."
"Astaire starts the routine by looking cool as a cucumber as he masterfully taps around the stage with a cigarette in his mouth. Suddenly, he takes things up a notch by throwing a firecracker to the ground in time with the music."
"He brought a whole new dimension to our stage in our performances."
"I just love hearing people scream with joy every time I walk out on stage." - EUGENE LEVY
"There's something visual about her that they want, like you're front and center, you're on stage, it's visual, visual, visual."
"He just loves the stage, he's a great performer."
"It feels good to be back on this stage once again."
"She's just so layered and complex and takes this power on stage which is so unusual for Shakespeare characters."
"You know, once upon a time, [__] I was on the stage. That was the biggest one I've ever been on, nobody knew me, so yeah."
"It's moments like this and we get back and I see people around and just feel a lot of great energy and fill in all the love so it's uh it's pretty amazing to be able to step up on that stage."
"I love the message behind the bamboo paper and how they executed that idea on stage... it captures your attention." - Commentator
"Women value Mike on stage telling people like what it is, people get wet for girls get wet for that because we're just like he's the leader."
"I look at Beyonce a lot in terms of stage presence, like being able to sing, dance, and act on stage at the same time. That's difficult."
"This build is gonna be like representative of what I should have for being on stages."
"People know she's genuine. She walks on the stage and you know it."
"I'm completely over any sort of stage fright or anything now, like I'm totally used to just embarrassing myself anyway."
"We're going to get on this stage and we're going to keep it real."
"You need the attention. You need the lights. You need the release of performance."
"Terrence looks massive on stage, he weighs about 180 pounds but his joints are small, his muscle bellies look full, creates an awesome illusion."
"Big Poppy... This is my stage. This is what I do." - David Ortiz
"When you have that anticipation of going on stage and you feel like an animal in a cage and they're about to open, I want to please. I was born to do that."
"She was great throughout with Gemma, but she got the feeling that she was this joke that she was always trying to upstage you."
"With a charming smile, he walked towards the edge of the stage and squinted into the dark seating."
"Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for the one, the only, Mr. Jim Gaffney."
"You look good as hell when you came on this stage and keep it that way."
"Gig might be my favorite... He just stomps out onto the stage and he's just like gig."
"For me, it's easier to do a big stage if I can tailor the experience."
"Interesting, he seems really, really nervous which is obviously gonna happen because you're literally singing."
"There's a time when you have to step onstage, you have to own it yourselves."
"Nick did everything he could... Nick fills a room... he's fun to watch on stage."
"He just walked out and looked like he owned the arena. He just comes out and absolutely soaks it in."
"It fit her and the like everything about her persona and her personality on stage like I just feel like it just connected with people so so well."
"Every comic is very confident, just prowling the stage like a tiger."
"What makes a champion a champion is someone who ain't afraid of the big stage, someone who stands tall against any opposition."
"Confidence is key. You have to believe that you're prepared and you're going to handle that stage."
"Big Daddy Kane did his thing... he brought grown man to the stage 30 years later."
"Comedians can be deep and then they can go on stage and be super funny."
"I think our kids are fabulous on stage. I just think they could use a little more personality, a little more divatude."
"I was walking on stage like this... you've done all the hard work, you deserve to be here."
"She totally commanded both the stage and the audience and performed through a dazzling production."
"The popular image of Angus Young crashing about the stage wouldn't seem out of place without that SG."
"It's difficult to find significant differences on stage."
"The cast really delivered in their roles from the ensemble to the lead roles."
"I don't want to think I'm drunk on stage because I'm having problems with mobility and balance."
"Her performance was stand-up. She owned every moment."
"I love being on stage, there's a difference for the performance for me, it feeds me more immediately."
"You got a really good stage presence, you should really stick this out."
"He made her feel that she could be beautiful on the stage."
"I'm all up on it, I'm controlling the jam. By the way, what's that orange thing you hold in your hand?"
"Eliminate the rage and start focusing on the stage."
"He was on stage, he was performing, you know, he was in his element."
"It's not about size, he goes, 'No, because you look different on stage than you do here. You look way bigger on stage because of the lighting, the cuts, the definition, everything, and it creates that illusion.'"
"Like a true professional she is, Asia receives a mic from her background singer."
"You look so comfortable up there."
"Ronnie Van Zant was a tough, blue-collar brawler who led Skynyrd from the front line with his powerful stage presence, distinctive vocals, and his gritty, honest lyrics."
"We have tremendous brain power coming to the stage."
"If you can bring a little bit more of the quirkiness of who you are onto the stage, you're going to connect with so many people."
"You know they're there and they make a huge impact and you know you can't take your eyes off the stage."
"It's authenticity, I think that's what it is. Like you're not faking it when you're on stage, you're not pretending to be."
"I'm comfortable enough on stage now that I can say anything."
"It's about the captivation, it's not about the stunts, the stunts add a little sprinkle, but to me it's about stage presence."
"David Lee Roth loved to improvise and clown around on and off stage."
"She's such a calm personality and presence off stage that it's so exciting to see her come to life on stage."
"Big man should never go to the ground; you need to take up the whole stage."
"I think both of them's important. Your stage presence, like touring and shows, is a very important part of the music business."
"He's one of those people that when we get up on stage, we have some charisma, we have positivity, we have fun, but he shows up there and it's like Jesus Christ is on stage!"
"Comedians delivering a joke, they might be running around the stage but when it's funny time, it's front and center. They step forward a bit, the voice comes up."
"No excuses I got to rock this spot once you step on stage the crowd is waiting on you and they're champ your name it's just like you feel the love and then all the fear goes because you know you can do no wrong."
"I get so nervous before every show, and she's such a pro. She just gets up there and [bleep]."
"That's the biggest rush... going on that stage... it's awesome."
"He's like an animal on the stage."
"Morning everybody, can I make a confession? I feel a little strange on this stage when there's so few of you. My inclination would be to come out there and just sit in a ring of chairs and have a great conversation about execution."
"Uwood took center stage with a voice that could soothe even the wildest of crowds."
"When I'm on stage, everything makes sense. As soon as I walk through the curtain, I can do no wrong."
"He was like this incredible ball of fire that can do anything with a guitar and he was the same guy off stage as he was on stage."
"I loved the fact that she was peopling the stage with nothing but words."
"Clothes are important. You want to feel very special when you go out on a stage before an audience."
"It's the best high ever, being on stage and making everyone laugh."
"Queen was very different from Smile. Their stage presence was very different. There was movement, there was color, there was dress sense. Everything was different, really."
"A testament to his ability to command audiences with a magnetic stage presence."
"Nobody commanded the stage any better than Elvis. The most exciting raw animalistic things I've ever seen."
"You don't see nobody else saying when they get on stage we gonna be quiet people are saying that for this that's what battle rap is supposed to be."
"...people always say I like to have air moving on stage."
"Whenever he was on stage, I could not take my eyes off him."
"He's pure animal on the stage, though, it's so cool."
"I don't try and be funny. It's just when I'm on stage, you know, I'm funny. But if I think of something funny, I say something funny."
"Bold stage presence and tough bass lines."
"Freddie's influence was such that his attention span was short in terms of what you could achieve on stage. He didn't play an instrument over much on stage, he was a great piano player, but his main thing was to give a performance as a front man."
"...if she doesn't have the moves on stage to have that Rockstar pop star flare then why not build just that."
"That's what I'm having the most fun onstage, is when I'm able to run around and hop around and spin around and go to the floor and [__] wiggle around and stuff."
"There's a comfort on stage for them, those three ladies are absolutely comfortable on stage. Oh my god, they're so comfortable, yeah. So second nature, it's natural, that wall between stage and crowd is not there, it is completely dissolved."
"To be a storyteller, you have to have certain attributes. In the first place, you have to know how to pronounce your words. If you can't pronounce properly, you can't be going on the stage."
"I personally feel as though once I've got the wig on and the dress on I just become her which is really nice when I'm out on stage just as if I am really her performing to my audience."
"Get on stage... Once you work through the nerves, being on stage is powerful."
"Sometimes on stage looks really good."
"For all the training and discipline, it was McQueen's raw and authentic presence on stage that began to catch the attention of both audiences and Industry professionals."
"Beyonce's got a voice. When she gets on a stage, she dominates."
"Bree just has the stage presence and the confidence of a star."
"People also find value in you being interesting on stage."
"I was definitely jumping off stage way too much in them shoes and I broke the lights."
"The relationship between Bowie and Mick Ronson on stage was very interesting... there was something pretty alluring about the way that they were with each other."
"If you're not going to have so much to say and do on stage, perform."
"He goes, 'Hey, don't be too down on yourself. I just want you to know you had really good stage presence.'"
"I'm not doing anything so fast with Tesseract that I can't just go straight onto the stage and play."
"Everybody, no matter how much of a veteran you are, you're going to feel some form of nerves. It's all about how you deal with it on stage that really shapes and molds you."
"Music critics have said, 'Sir, your stage presence is that of a truculent bricky'."
"Put me in front of a crowd, I'm going to rock it. You know what I'm saying? Put me on a stage with a mic, I'm going to kill it."
"...Chloe can put on a show boy I mean that girl does not play when she goes on that stage."
"He had an amazing on-stage presence."
"It's really fun to see, it's really fun seeing them smile and just kill it with their stage presence."
"You really have to have a connection with the people. If you get on stage and you just stare down at your shoes and don't do anything and expect people to adore you, you're not going to be around very long."
"She just works the stage and works the audience super well."
"...stand at the front of the stage making yourself as big as possible."
"...What you wear on a stage like this is really really important."
"...that first 30 seconds when you walk on stage is absolutely crucial."
"Every time I feel sick, every time I feel sad, every time something messed up happens in my life, I'm gonna force myself to go onstage that night."
"Well, you know in Show Business they have, uh, ladies and gentlemen whose shows are a little bit subpar but their stage presence is always felt."
"There's a moment of truth that you're going to have to show up on a stage and perform."
"Honestly, kind of shocked by him. His stage presence was insane."
"Bennington's a monster onstage. Amazing."
"I feel like everybody on this stage, we're all individuals with our own beliefs, opinions, and values."
"There's something about being on stage with a mic, it just felt more natural."
"It's great to still have that fear before you go onstage."
"He's incredible. Honestly, he's an incredible performer to be with on stage."
"When you go on stage with the feeling of love, the audience feels that."
"You're so elegant and effortless on stage. It's just like happiness and sexiness and class."
"What a way to grace the stage in the United States."
"You've earned your right to be up here on the stage."
"The Princeton is about the only practice amp I can think of that is so pro-level that you would see it on stage."
"The few that did really stood out; it just added a presence to their stage show that you just didn't see from a lot of other local acts."
"Freddie's performance style is preening and prancing and... it's primal in a way."
"He is so at ease on stage and I envied his ability to go up there and win a crowd over in seconds."
"Their live performances showcased their ability to enthrall audiences with Freddy's larger than life stage presence."
"On stage, you own this realm and you are the king there."
"Once I got through that stretch of self-consciousness, it was really freeing because then I could kind of do whatever I wanted on stage."
"Nia is a mini goddess on stage. She has the audience eating out of the palm of her hands."
"There is a lot of girl power on this stage right now."
"I walk on stage with the same mentality and the same urge to really do well."
"If I don't leave everything out on the stage, then I haven't done my job."
"She is a stage general, and she really does command the stage."
"Robert moved around and celebrated on stage like a rejuvenated star, giving a chance for everybody to shine as well."
"It's like switching the light on, here I am, and when I'm on stage, I'm this beast."
"Her unique blend of charismatic stage presence, vocal prowess, and fashion sense quickly made her a standout member of the group, endearing her to fans worldwide."
"Soon as I hit the stage, how you doing, a crowd lyrically impressive."
"When I'm on stage, nothing can bother me, nothing at all."
"He's an absolutely fantastic actor... on stage he's like very captivating."
"I usually don't experience stage fright."
"When you go on the stage, there is something that is coming to you, like another soul."
"For the first time in years, I could stand on stage without feeling I was cheating the audience."
"He's got such great stage presence, he's got such great presence in front of the camera."
"You have such charisma and charm on stage."
"He hypnotized his audiences, screeching like a shaman."
"Using your voice on a microphone, especially a head mic, and having presence on a stage is not really easy."
"They're all very professional dancers and they know what it's like to be on the stage with queens."
"His onstage presence is very intimidating and profound."
"They will actually put their whole soul on the stage, and I can feel it."
"He was known for his energetic and passionate stage presence."
"Confidence is important. How do you think you're going to be on the stage all day every day if you can't do that for about a minute?"
"The most confident step on stage is the most insecure."
"She could just step on that stage and have that charismatic presence in that crowd."
"For the A-Troupers, it's also important that they give a lot of stage presence, show their personality, character, have confidence."
"She used a lot more of her face and had better stage presence for me."
"For me, if something is stage-worthy, I think if it feels like both very old and very new at the same time."
"She comes on stage and every nerve ending is just vibrating."
"He was quite unique; he got on stage and you could not help but watch him."
"Ta-da! How do I look up on stage?"
"Nina has command of that stage, Nina is professional, honey."
"Big Daddy Kane crushed the stage."
"He gives a hell of a show; he's all over the stage and he never stops entertaining."
"Presence, legend, control the room when I step in."
"If they can execute those kinds of visual tricks, it could really elevate the performance."
"He's going to be able to sell the song during the performance and hopefully give it the best chance of success."
"I'm kind of a diva on stage; I want my entrance to be like, 'Whoa, what's going on?'"
"I have performance anxiety but like once I'm on stage, I feel the most me that I could ever possibly feel."
"I feel amazing. I feel electrifying on stage."
"The perception when Zig Ziglar gets on the stage is he's in command."
"You've got to admit, she does have a natural stage presence."
"She wants to leave something on the stage that they remember."
"The power we have on stage comes from music."
"That's a hot spot right there, that stage."
"The energy that she gives, the stage presence that she gives, it's like it's already a good show."
"There's something about you that people just genuinely like when you're on stage."