
Urban Legends Quotes

There are 176 quotes

"It felt like a collective effort of a community creating their own urban legend to scare the [__] out of little kids."
"Could an underground city have remained a secret for all this time?"
"None are as terrifying or as famous as Charman."
"I think every town has urban legends that float around."
"This urban legend might not be so much of a legend."
"The search for 'A Day with SpongeBob SquarePants' was a wild ride."
"One of the most persistent urban legends in Pokemon history was that Mew could be found in red and blue."
"If two people share a kiss on the roof, their love will be eternal."
"Slender Man, of course, is nowhere near the first urban legend."
"I'll never play Bloody Mary again, and if I were you, I wouldn't go taking any chances when to go or skin-walker."
"A Nancy story adds to the legend, is a distinct electric smell when in the presence of the goat men, and honestly, this creepypasta."
"We did talk about an urban legend of the black-eyed children previously, but we haven't really talked about a cryptid."
"There's a city underneath the airport... it's like a network of bunkers and tunnels."
"Throughout the years these tunnels have garnered a bit of urban legend status... chased out by some malevolent specter within."
"There was an urban legend behind the closure that gave inspiration for the haunted house that we see today."
"The tale of the Bulgarian curse phone number 888888888 has gained attention as somewhat of a modern urban legend, representative of chain of mysterious events."
"There may be clues that Washington DC, our nation's capital, could in fact be a city dedicated to goddess worship."
"Asian cultures are vast and ancient full of folklore... some of the creepiest urban legends and ghost stories come from."
"Apparently, there are some kind of creepy black-eyed children stalking the streets."
"Next up, we have the creepy legend of Ben's Playhouse."
"Rumor has it that the steaming exodus happened after a dodgy person moved to the town in the late 1980s others say that the town was never a town at all just a set of a movie which has been left to crumble."
"North brother island...eerily quiet...haunted lighthouse...coffin corner...just cursed land."
"A creature that is fast, a creature that is strong, and a creature that stays well hidden is something to scare the hell out of anybody traversing through these subway networks at night."
"Regardless of the tale's origins, the paranormal activity reported at the intersection suggests that spirits may still linger in the area."
"I've heard a rumor if you say that in front of a mirror at 3am, Shane Isaac is behind you."
"For years since the game's release, rumors have circulated that Bigfoot can be found lurking in and around the forested areas of San Andreas."
"As the urban legend goes, green M&M's make people irrationally horny so obviously the mascot for that color of M&M would have to represent sexuality in the most blatant way possible."
"55 sightings of Mothman in Chicago during 2017."
"It seems that even the advent of modern technology has not been able to determine just who or what is stalking this city."
"Have you ever heard of the Karen Snipe? If you've been on the GTA forums or just generally a part of the GTA community for a while, you would have probably heard some people talking about a supposed vehicle called the Caron Snipe..."
"The phenomena of the black-eyed children has been around for many years, with people claiming to see children that are still as a predator about to strike with eyes as black as the void."
"The line between urban legend and chilling reality can blur in an instant."
"Whether it was a hoax, hysteria, or something more sinister, the legacy of the black flash is a chilling one."
"Rumors of strange voices, distorted faces—'kamaitachi no yoro 2' was a cursed game."
"The mysterious disappearance has led to numerous urban legends and rumors."
"According to the urban legend, the YouTube user who uploaded the video, named Mister Peeper, claimed that this was found footage."
"Don't open the window if you've heard his story, you must hurry and tell someone who hasn't."
"A great premise, although I do wonder if the urban legends referenced are less familiar now."
"Creepypasta is the name given to the internet equivalent of urban legends and campfire stories."
"For a long time, there's been a rumor that some of the bones on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride are from real human skeletons."
"Legend states that if you stand alone in a dark room, look into the mirror and say 'I hate the Bell Witch' three times, she will appear in the reflection of the mirror."
"Forget the Black-Eyed Peas, meet the black-eyed children."
"One story is that if you drive your car out to the middle of the bridge and then turn off all the lights, the couple will appear in your car just sitting behind you."
"Coupling a history that's about as fascinating as it is utterly horrifying with a seemingly endless slew of paranormal phenomena and urban legends."
"So much of what they're doing with the candyman lore and the ideas behind him ties into those urban legends and those interpretations."
"Lavender Town and Polybius were cover-ups for Super Mario 64."
"Strange creatures are supposedly lurking in our sewers: tube effects worms."
"Video game burial site: the truth behind a long-running gaming mystery."
"Reports of Spring-Heeled Jack’s assaults even began to expand beyond their origins in London."
"Apparently going to multiple websites like this, the Beast is real."
"Centralia is often referred to as one of the gateways to hell."
"NC's legends, know where you'll find most of them. The Graveyard. Matters not where you're from. Matters not where you start. What matters here is the walk. You walk in Night City, the city of dreams."
"Since the early 1990s, there have been stories about black-eyed children."
"It's not deadly to drop a penny from the Empire State Building."
"Every place has their urban legends."
"Believe these sightings or not, they're sure to have you jumping at every creaking and cracking sound out in the woods."
"I saw a YouTube video on urban legends recently that mentioned sightings of dog-headed people and it sparked my need to know about what it was I really saw."
"I told the story of the New Jersey Devil, the horse bat that haunts these woods, but there are also a bunch of ghost stories."
"If this tape is real and correctly dated, then this would mean Slenderman has been active for over 20 years."
"Does anyone here know what you're meant to do if you're stung by a jellyfish does anyone know pee on it is exactly the right answer yes if you get stung by a jelly for sure meant to pee on it."
"New York City may be breeding a new kind of super rat."
"...urban legends, they're usually quite fascinating, usually quite interesting, maybe a little silly but that's okay, maybe a little scary, that's all right, disturbing even, but that's why we're here."
"I decided that once Rachel fell asleep I was going to row out there to check it myself. It probably was just some urban legend her dad had concocted to scare the kids but part of me wanted to know if it was real, wanted it to be real."
"...there is literally Indian burial grounds all over the U.S. and the overwhelming vast majority of places associated with Indian burial grounds have no paranormal activity."
"I'm terrified. I'm back here by myself and I'm terrified. I hear people talk about hunters shooting hogs and the bigfoots rush in and get it."
"I'd already heard about the basement rumor from Brandon earlier, but I, along with many others, had no clue about the whole urban legends surrounding the depths of the school."
"Someone left a seven-foot statue of the Hamburglar in the middle of the forest."
"I just want to say before Karina is officially done, that there is a crypted called the Houston Batman."
"It is said that there are some nights when you can see lights going on inside that abandoned building and maybe even faces of children peering out the window."
"...we have lots of stories around here of things that appear down lonely lanes that are oddly shaped, huge, can shape-shift and we call them boggles..."
"What if one of the principalities or Gods actually uh actually manifested in New York City not far from where we are right now?"
"Kind of cool story. This park was actually originally created as a potter's field, okay?"
"Just how SlenderMan became such a prolific urban legend remains unknown."
"The belief that the place is haunted is due to the grim conditions and traumatic events that occurred within its walls over the years."
"The stories and sightings of black-eyed children are a bit of a rabbit hole that is sure to keep you up late at night."
"...the legend of the ghostly hitchhiker of Blue Ghost Tunnel adds an air of mystery and spookiness to Ontario's urban legends."
"Allegedly it's a Bigfoot nestled in the heart of Ohio."
"Apparently, if you threw a glass bottle at the back of the church wall, Satan would appear and drag you to hell."
"There's also been sightings of a little girl spirit and a beast on the Hyde Park trails."
"In addition to the Jersey Devil haunting the pine Barons, the pine bearings are a well-known body dumping location."
"Richard Ramirez, the Night Stalker, used to come to what they believed to be this part of the cemetery to conduct animal sacrifices, satanic rituals, and he would even sleep here overnight in the cemetery."
"At least three eyewitness reports swore they saw dark figures loping and shambling in the dark near the border suburbs."
"This story is about a supposedly haunted copy of the game The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask."
"Here is another road I suggest you add to your list of places not to visit, and there's a good reason for it. Hogsback Road is said to be home to a strange monster that is half man and half goat."
"One of my favorite urban legends is the Mothman."
"Freaknick, the wildest party never told."
"Legend says that if you're looking for an audience, you park your car in the middle of the bridge, flash your headlights three times in a row, and call out into the night 'Pigman,' and he'll make himself known to you."
"The tale of the charm man just south of Ohio's Camp Comfort County Park, full of urban legends and ghost stories."
"The challenge with being an SCP Foundation field agent is often separating the genuine leads from the urban legends and spooky stories."
"There is a Reddit thread on No Sleep called never buy a house with a walled up room... there have been so many instances of people tearing down false walls and finding bodies."
"The Hollywood Roosevelt is rumored to be haunted by the ghost of Marilyn Monroe."
"This little legend that comes from within the exclusion Zone claims that after the Chernobyl disaster we of course know that unfortunately people lost their lives but what happened if those who did then became the undead."
"In actuality, the corpse is just a big bird that was borrowed from the Los Angeles Zoo and allowed to roam the set to give it a more authentic appearance. Regardless of the truth, there's no denying the staying power and inherent creepiness of the suicidal munchkin legend."
"For unsuspecting viewers, it's enough to make you scream and to an urban legend quickly spread, claiming that the figure was the ghost of a young boy who ended his life in the house."
"In 1992, five MIT computer science students held a séance in their dorm."
"I do want to believe it, I also thought Bigfoot was in like Washington."
"Urban legends can turn out to be real."
"The legend of Roswell and Area 51 have seeped into American culture like ink on a blotter, stories, theories evolving with each generation."
"That might mean that Bigfoot, the Jersey Devil, Mothman, they could all be very real."
"As the weeks went by, the story of the bird-man spread beyond Point Pleasant…"
"Sit back, relax, and get ready for these allegedly true and downright creepy horror stories from the state of Utah."
"Russian sleep experiment? Yeah, right. That's totally fake but awesome."
"People wondered if they had seen the ghost of someone who had once drowned in the canal."
"Supposedly this ghost is extremely well known throughout the hospital by various people."
"Did you know that there's an area of Hollywood that appears to be cursed with murders and untimely deaths?"
"Whether they be major city roads or country lanes steeped in darkness, there are many chilling stories surrounding England’s highways."
"New York is filled with ghosts, noisy and frustrating like when they were alive."
"Like many of the other colleges we've covered in the past, Queens is no stranger to campus ghost stories and classic urban legends."
"Listen to this: 'New York rats can swim. Actually, they can swim.'"
"It's a remote area infamous for alien abductions, Bigfoot sightings, paranormal phenomenon, and vanishing airplanes."
"Long before the Clown Motel opened its doors, this corner of town was reserved for the local graveyard."
"As we close this video out, let me leave you with just a few interesting urban legends that, trust me, you're gonna want to know these about Pyramid Lake if you decide to come here."
"Cats don't always land on their feet. It depends on the height they fall, and it turns out the higher they fall, the less injuries they get."
"Mostly true stories: urban legends revealed."
"I bet there's a few city underpants out there."
"Yeah, there's a lot of folktales going on out there huh, that's crazy, we got the donkey lady, we got what, we got a donkey lady, you ever been to a donkey show? No, no, no okay, um, but what, what'd the donkey lady do?"
"The Creian Slug encounter was notably witnessed by four young boys in Ukraine, adding credibility to their account with consistency in their descriptions."
"The Sandown Clown encounter in 1973 on the Isle of Wight involved two young children encountering an entity that blended elements of a clown, a robot, and an alien."
"True or false: The size of your goldfish will grow too is influenced by the size of the bowl you keep him in."
"They said there were things that lived out there that I didn't want to know about apparently people who live in Globe have to deal with this kind of thing a lot based on more stories the guy told me about living there."
"Residents of these areas have been sharing stories for years about encountering these strange creatures."
"An officer responded to a call about children claiming to have seen a Bigfoot or werewolflike figure."
"The lottery mansion is the most haunted place in all of New Orleans."
"The hospital and its mysterious tunnels had been the source of local rumors and legends for years."
"Every area in all parts of the world has those areas specific urban legends just refused to die."
"I made up stories about haunted pizza parlors in New York, my cousin's encounter with the Jersey Devil, or how my grandfather encountered a feral human-like demon creature in the woods of Colorado."
"These stories take the form of urban legends and eerie tales that wield over our collective imaginations."
"I thought that thing about his head being frozen when he died was an urban myth."
"Space aliens found living in Miami? That's ridiculous."
"There has never been a single recorded instance of a child being killed by a stranger's tampered with Halloween candy."
"Cryptids in the city, I feel like there's cryptids in New York."
"Urban legends, more modern forms of folklore."
"Mimi's Tales of Terror... has six true tales that are based on Japanese urban legends."
"You can learn a lot about a culture from its urban legends."
"The angel would then appear to turn just as their car passes by."
"Let's get into these creepy, allegedly true middle-of-nowhere stories that'll keep you in your city tonight."
"What we do know is that urban legends are usually based on something in reality, sometimes a lot more terrifying than the stories themselves."
"Every small town has their fair share of creepy urban legends to keep their residents in line."
"It's almost harder to escape these terrifying urban legends because the Internet just has them everywhere."
"Have you heard of urban legends? They float around the computer."
"I don't know what it is, there's just something about especially like Japanese urban legends, Japanese horror stories, I get so freaked out."
"In the land of urban legends, you will see three stories; two of them never happened, but one actually did."
"I never did Bloody Mary, but I did Candyman because Candyman was more scary than the Bloody Mary."
"We're on our way to investigate the creepy urban legend of the Bunny Man."
"You are about to enter the world of urban legends, where fact is often stranger than fiction."
"I'm not big into unicorns, to be fair, like urban legends these kind of mystic creatures fascinate me endlessly."
"Living in the town of Finley, you hear a lot of urban legends, scary stories, and rumors."
"Urban legends from different countries are so fascinating."
"We have tons of urban legends here in Montana."
"Cursed films... it's like all the stories of movies where there were tragedies behind the scenes and these sort of urban legends of an actual curse behind the horror movie."