
Diversion Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"He's using the due process against itself to generate diversions, distractions, and delays."
"To take my mind off our accommodations, we headed straight to Universal Studios theme park."
"Enough about soulmates now, can we play a game?"
"That's enough about Peter, let's watch the trailer again."
"I think I'm gonna see some other forms of entertainment for a while."
"Thank god for NFTs, I bet you're real happy we're talking about NFTs instead of that dark stuff right now."
"These investigations are all a partisan misdirect."
"It's all a distraction. No one wants to get to the real problem."
"Justin Trudeau wants us to talk about anything other than the scandals."
"I had to find other things to divert my attention from the stress."
"War is the antidote to divert public attention from government corruption and incompetence."
"Arcade levels are used in games to break up the monotony of the main quest and provide a nice diversion for the player."
"A lot of split pushing is just pulling people towards you and then making a play somewhere else."
"I always try to ask something a little off topic January of this year the big topic was Ukraine that's what everybody was yelling about and so I just tried something else inflation uh so and this is what happened what a stupid song."
"The true purpose of their attack is merely a diversionary... they are sacrificial lambs."
"I took up sleuthing as a cure for wounded feelings, and it's really been great fun taking it all in all."
"The function of comedy is no different from any other form of entertainment: to help us forget about life for a little while."
"To take your mind off something is to distract yourself."
"If you're dealing with a Jezebel, if you go to talk to them about something, they're going to change the subject and set the agenda."
"The location change actually saves us an hour of driving, so we have time to kill, and we know what that means—time to find the nearest sports card shop!"
"This is like the jokes of where they leave the trail of food. Ooh, a piece of candy. And someone follows it, ooh, piece of candy."
"The thing about rocks is you can toss them and after you toss them it creates a diversion so you can run into the bushes."
"Now I'm just procrastinating so really I wanted my hair big mood."
"I would rather talk about the Blues Brothers than the field we just watched."
"It's nice that Caitlin is able to calm down and just go and play this game tonight."
"Well, that's enough about Windows."
"I feel like we're really off topic, so I'd rather talk about summer and childhood, which is fine. I understand. Literally, f*** paper straws."
"Give them something not to talk about."
"How did we get all these ill-gotten gains? Don't ask, play with the dog."
"Yeah, it is people who were expecting like some long drawn out dramatic war with Crabfeeder will be disappointed and that's kind of part of the point is that this whole war is like a dumb diversion that Daemon joins in on for shits and giggles."
"The diversion seemed to be working as intended."
"I have to distract them, even if it's with karaoke."
"Season 8 in general completely diverts from its usual to deliver something special."
"Distraction is key in every single circumstance."
"Follies and nonsense, whims and inconsistencies do divert me, I own and I laugh at them whenever I can."
"We are at a critical point, but we can still divert it and go to the Golden Age."
"At least if a bomb's going to blow up, at least you can stop it by having fun jumping on a trampoline, right?"
"This is honestly how it works. I'm going to put my pawn there. He's going to have to react because he knows I'm going to threaten his queen. Oh, by the way, girls and motorcycles!"
"Everyone was playing FIFA, but I was robbing cash boxes."
"It's like I feel like this person is just kind of focusing their attention and energy in other places."
"Basically, I just made this to give you guys a little escape from whatever's going on in your life."
"They created a distraction by setting fire to some of the woods a ways away so that the bandits would be focused on that."
"The enemy diversion you have been ignoring is their main attack."
"The wisdom of the world diverts man from God."
"There's lots of little offshoots on this trail that lead kind of to overlooks."
"Consider using personal insults if you're backed into a corner. This will force your opponents to try to defend their character, which will then derail the discussion."
"That was a chess move, because that argument went by the wayside."
"That was a hilarious distraction."
"What we need," said Hermione briskly, "is a diversion."
"Now, my dear Watson, I think we may dismiss the matter from our mind and go back with a clear conscience to the study of those Chaldean roots."
"Once you have like your fun with him and you play with a couple toys, you're like 'Alright, you want to watch some plane crashes?'"
"I'm having to go and um eat anyway."
"Senator, this is the mother of all smoke screens. You are trying to divert attention from the crimes that you supported, from the theft of billions of dollars of Iraq's wealth."
"Don't you worry about the meat. Just check out these dancin' feet."
"Anyway let's get back to Medieval peasants."
"We need a new hope for you later yeah we were you wearing this to sneak into the base that was our diversion to get on the base because we weren't sure if we're gonna make it in and be safe actually Ashley actually show showing your so guys escaped."
"Let's talk not about RFI, we're going to talk about antennas."
"That's crazy, can we play card games?"
"That was the greatest tangent ever."
"That's a huge issue, and not only are they stealing it, but they're diverting it."
"Let's talk about something cheerful."
"The more that you can divert your attention, the more scared they become."
"It's like dangling keys in front of their fans to distract from their messy partings."
"It's so good now because we got sidetracked with live entertainment."
"I feel like the system in this country is created to make people like us you come from our culture and our religion to easily get diverted into certain things."
"There's a lot going on in the world, but let's stick with fishing because that's a nice light topic to talk about."
"If anything, if there is a disruption and a diversion, you might actually find that the disruption and the diversion actually ultimately brings you something that will contribute to your ongoing success."
"Corn is also a maze. Corn is also known as maize. That sounds like it's time for a break."
"We're not actually fishing this pond today even though there's a little bit of activity."
"The only thing that consoles us for our miseries is diversion, and yet it is the greatest of our miseries." - Blaise Pascal
"...as I said, Netanyahu loves to change the subject to Iran. Now he can change the subject to Syria."
"We weren't here to talk about Batman, but now we are."
"We're seeking to entertain you, to give you something to do while you're killing time or dying right here."
"You're our baby, now let's talk about something else."
"But he also got the Aussies a [__] win on Saturday, yeah, and that provided the rest of us here in Australia a brief bit of happiness from our other lockdown sad pathetic lives."
"I'm not here to team up with you. I need a diversion, and you're it."
"In between like the outbreaks and stuff I just make the contestants tell jokes to each other."
"I played soccer since I was three, so I think sports really kept us out of the streets and out of the bedrooms."
"We're going to take some detours, waste your time. I'm sorry, invest your time."
"Do you want to talk about baseball? Talk about baseball. Talk about anything else."
"Writing has been a wonderful diversion during these times."
"So fun, keeps you out of mischief, it keeps me out of mischief."
"The fight wasn’t really about Disney."
"Their appearance had come at precisely the right time, diverting mankind from the impending war."
"The art of distraction is the best way."
"Games are such a great escape for all of us right now."
"We'll just call this one 'the distractor'."
"Suppose we change the subject," the March Hare interrupted, yawning.
"They encourage you to distract yourself, be amused, and have fun."
"We did plenty of running, so now let's talk about something else cool."
"That was uh incredible times for me foreign to me you know if you are blessed with the ability to sort of write music um film scores were kind of an interesting um diversion."
"Music was what kept me out of trouble."
"'The diversion is something that we always have to have on the table as a pilot. It's a tool, a very useful tool for increasing safety.'"
"The wreckage blocked the entire highway, and it just so happened that the route occurred in between two streets that allowed the Queen to take a diversion right around the accident scene."
"I just used her going potty back there as an excuse."
"I can find diversion here to keep me entertained."
"Suppose we changed the subject," the March Hare interrupted, yawning. "I'm getting tired of this."
"...if you let me right so like maybe we should talk about something else because you know I know it's not just bikes but it's not just trains either..."
"As far as lines to be taken out of context, 'All right, everyone, general diversion power,' yeah, yeah."
"Sorry, I'm getting a Japanese deal."
"I'm all for you guys playing basketball instead of getting in trouble."
"I'm not even going to talk about our team. I'm going to talk about the weather."
"There's nothing like a few stories to take your mind off things."
"Change, of course, can't be contained; it can only be diverted for a while."
"...what we were expecting is for this to do exactly what it was supposed to do: to be a distraction."
"Once the Colorado River passes through the Imperial Dam, 90% of it is diverted into irrigation canals."
"We've been diverted to Exeter; please accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience."
"It's important to take your mind off of business stuff sometimes."
"Thanks for watching, I hope that's been a diversion from whatever else you could have been doing."
"That's enough news for now, let's talk about what video games we're playing this week."
"Not for ourselves. But we can give Frodo his chance if we keep Sauron's eye fixed upon us."
"Someone or rather something took me that way that night, diverted me from my normal route."
"It was refreshing to see some of the queens divert from that and try to take us on a little bit more of a journey."
"That's the thing about diversions, they're always divine."
"The whole purpose of this was to give people something to do other than watch the news and focus on what's wrong, and to create a community and connection."
"Some of you may know there is a Broadway show called 'Not From Here' that is the story of all the planes who got diverted to the little town in Nova Scotia called Gander."
"Having a nice guy Frieza would have been a really nice diversion from the norm."
"I've taken notice that some prominent figures... have begun to record some works that they consider meaningful to them as a diversion from current events."
"We live in a world that's seeking a distraction, a diversion from the everyday activities of life."
"The conversation is set back on track before the two can get too far off the rails on a Charlotte tangent."
"If you obey the majority of people on earth, they will divert you from the path of God."
"When you are starting your own attack, you are deflecting your opponent from his plans."
"Let's talk about something more fun."
"Your diversions are always educational."
"We just wanted something light-hearted this week, and we figured this is, you know, let's just talk about other people's problems, not ours."
"Every moment occupied in viewing with pleasurable emotions the beauty of the surroundings, the growth of a tree, the sweetness of a flower, is a diversion of the mind from the sad condition of the patient."
"You turn to sports, that's what I do, you turn to sports."
"He wants to talk about something completely different than what the debate topic is actually about."
"Many things have been tried, but my hope is that with a body like the voice drawing from expertise and experience across the country, we can find better ways of diverting children from that sort of exposure."
"Put it aside and then go do something creative in a way that is unexpected."
"Diversionary has the capability of being reality; it has to have the ingredients of reality to be diversionary."
"Safety in numbers, right? So if I give them different options to shoot at, then this guy can do some bits for me."
"I needed some kind of like hobby or thing to throw myself into."