
National Healing Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"No nation can get past their past without correcting it."
"Advancing equity is a critical part of healing and of restoring unity in our nation."
"I believe we all rise or fall together. Advancing equity is a critical part of healing and of restoring unity in our nation."
"Out of our collective pain, we're going to find a collective purpose to control the pandemic, to save lives, and to heal as a nation."
"May we pray to Our Lady of Guadalupe for healing of our land and the forgiveness of sins, especially those against human life."
"What our nation needs is not hatred and anger and division, what we need is love."
"He'll build back better, he'll cross the river of our divides, and unite this country."
"We cannot move forward together as a nation until we begin to grapple with the sins of our past."
"There's a real way this country can come together, can unify."
"My fervent prayer for our country is that after all we've been through, we'll come together as one people, one nation, one America."
"We need to start healing our country, spiritually, mentally, emotionally."
"This is the biggest challenge we face as a people: healing the divisions and the wounds in our country."
"We all want healing for this country, but you have to start with the pedestal of Justice."
"Ultimately we need Jesus the only way to fix the brokenness of America is Jesus."
"We ask you to forgive us all...and heal our nation."
"I think it is important for our nation to heal and to move forward... the failure to pre-select candidates in an orderly timetable hurt our election prospects."
"This is about healing the nation. It's not about business. This is what we do. It's about love."
"We really cannot heal as a country without a fuller understanding of what happened."
"Nicole and I are running to help heal the symptoms of an ailing America, to heal our divisions, to heal our economy, to heal our mental health and our spiritual and our physical health."
"The healing of America comes from the forgiveness of the sin of the church."
"God is exposing corruption in America and we should ask him to continue that process."
"They fought for France's survival and helped heal her soul all at the same time."
"This country, there's a lot of healing that needs to happen. There are elements that are really pushing polarization for political ends, and I'm concerned about where it's leading."
"He said in Second Chronicles 7:14, 'If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.'"
"Repent of your sins and seek his face, God promises to heal your land."
"A big dose of forgiveness would fix America."
"Tonight we activate the angel armies of breakthrough in this nation."
"God says I'll cause my goodness to pass over this country United States and I will bring Vindication"
"Talking reparations: America won't be great until they give us compensation."
"We are here with fresh ideas, innovative ideas, ready to mend the broken country."
"May we your people who are called by your name humble ourselves and pray and seek your face and turn from our sin that you would hear from heaven and heal our land."
"The answer to healing the nation is to prosecute the criminals to the fullest extent of the law."
"If his people... will humble themselves and pray... he'll hear from heaven and he'll heal this one land."
"You heal the country by holding Trump accountable."
"You heal the country by actually seeking justice."
"I believe it's time to unite the country, to come together as a nation."
"We must heal this country with an integrative approach."
"An enormous moment for the country to finally heal."
"There's a healing move coming to the United States and to the world."
"This is a time to heal our nation and to recommit ourselves as working men and women to come together and restore America to the country we all need and want it to be. God bless America in solidarity."
"This moment calls for restoring trust within our country and with each other."
"Truly, the Lord's people doing that and humbling ourselves and praying is what's going to cause the Lord to heal the land," emphasizes the speaker.
"How to heal as a nation... I think the first step has to come from Joe Biden."
"Political books are healing the soul of America and the politics of love."
"It's time to reconcile with our history and actually create an America that works for all of us."
"God is faithful to forgive your sin and heal our land."
"Our country is in desperate need of it I pray this has been a blessing to you."
"Unity is the power that takes this nation back."
"We worked to heal and restore the soul of our nation."
"People are afraid to make others self-evaluate. We need to address the skeletons in our closets to heal as a nation."
"A functioning nationalism requires moving beyond past atrocities, not getting mired in the hatred that the people who came before you held."
"If my people will pray, if you will seek my face and turn from your wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and heal your land."
"We have to bring people of all races together we have to secure their economic rights if we're really ever going to be whole as a nation."
"Let's make peace between left and right America and help the people who are really in trouble in this country."
"May God bring healing and peace to our nation."
"Think about putting your ego in check for the first time in your life. Not because you're not right about a lot of this stuff, but because for the health of the country and for true healing."
"God is calling his men to get in the game, so that he can bring healing to a nation and a culture in crisis."
"He will once again hear from heaven and heal this land."
"He needs to get on TV and say something. Seriously, you can't heal the country if you have no empathy."
"That's how you heal a country, ladies and gentlemen."
"So the question is, you know, what kind of Truth and Reconciliation can we have to set the country straight?"
"Give this world a God hug, give this nation a God hug."
"Don't back off, continue to believe God for a miracle in your country, in the name of Jesus, complete completion of God's plan on this earth, in the name of Jesus, amen."
"If my children humble themselves, God will heal our land."
"God is providing an anointing for the reformation and for the restoration of the United States."
"A divided church cannot heal a divided nation."
"God is forgiving this land, healing us, and redeeming us from destruction."
"We truly do believe the day will soon come when we will heal our land and I will be able to reopen America and put this great nation back to work."
"If we're going to heal as a nation we have to repent."
"We need that kind of a person I think to come along and bring the country together."
"We can learn from Joe Lieberman's life some critical lessons about how we might heal the rancor in our nation today."
"...let us strive to finish the work we're in to bind up the nation's wounds and care for him who shall have borne the battle."
"This is the time for change and this is the time for healing our nation."
"Now it's time for America to bind the wounds of division, we have to get together."
"Malice toward none and charity for all about coming back together as a nation and repairing those wounds and moving forward."
"My whole soul is in this: bringing America together, uniting our people, uniting our nation."
"Love and reconciliation will heal the nation."
"We've got to go forward right now and out of this in an unprecedented way to address the terrible pain that so many of our fellow Americans are feeling."
"Romania is looking away from the horrors of the past and heading toward a bright future in the long run."
"We set up a national reconciliation commission for that purpose."
"The spirit and power of Elijah is coming to this nation to turn the hearts of fathers and mothers to their children, and to turn the hearts of children to their parents."
"The Holy Spirit living inside of you instead of you living inside of you will heal this nation."
"We need to heal and unite this country not through a referendum of yes or no, it needs to be through truth telling and healing."
"I want to appeal for healing for the whole country."
"Watch very closely, for I am bringing forth a uniting to the United States."
"We ask of your compassion, your goodness, your mercy, and your grace that you will look kindly upon the people of this land."
"We are a nation in need of healing."