
Double Standards Quotes

There are 138 quotes

"Well aware of the double standard, Taylor even references Leo DiCaprio in the lyrics for her song 'The Man,' using him as an example to point out the hypocrisy in the media."
"I said to my colleagues one day in the editorial room, 'Why do we seem to have a double standard?' And there was a terrible silence. And I realized at that moment that I'd crossed a line. I had no idea what the line was or why I'd crossed it, but I realized I'd stopped being one of them, and I'd become one of you."
"The blatant double standard is at the heart of it."
"Men are quite tired of all the double standards."
"Double standards not only affect societal perceptions but also have a profound impact on personal relationships in the dating world."
"Racist language is okay so long as it is directed against one group but not against another group."
"If you were a left-wing comedian and you said exactly the same words about Christians... everything would be totally fine."
"How do you feel about America's double standard towards male rape victims?"
"It's a double standard and it's infuriating... I won't forget it."
"Carlson emphasizes the glaring double standards at play, questioning the apparent immunity afforded to the president's son while underscoring the erosion of accountability within the highest echelons of power."
"This is a story that has a double standard throughout history men practically had license to cheat and women were punished for everything if she seduced him if she was the lover and if you know there is no homewrecker in the masculine."
"It's funny how we were forced to accept the 2016 results but now Trump wants to complain."
"AOC lives in the world as it is, she expects everyone else not to live in the world as it is. That is called a double standard."
"I dare say Mr. Speaker that if a republican did what Mr. Bowman did that every single member on the Democratic side would be down here calling for censure."
"Dad bods... if a dad gains weight after just being a dad... ooh sexy dad bod."
"I don't care what facts are, I don't care what logic is, when Trump curses, it is, by definition, awesome. When Rashida Tlaib curses, it is, by definition, horrific and a crime against humanity."
"Resentment builds when there's double standards."
"What pisses people off... is the double standard."
"It's a different set of rules when he attacks a major leader of an allied country."
"It's okay to tell a man he's a fat loser or a bum but if you tell a girl you're you're a fat loser and whatever she's gonna be like you are an [ __ ] that you're gonna get canceled for that."
"Guys just have such a double standard and it's not fair. I will always agree with that."
"Our society allows for poor behavior by men but has little acceptance for anything but perfection by women."
"Madonna... aging... getting older but she's not exactly decrepit... people aren't mocking Joe Biden for being in his 80s..."
"You know what I'm saying? It's just that what I've come to realize is from having hundreds of discussions with women is they don't like double standards when it doesn't benefit them, you know?"
"So if you block me now, and that time you allowed me, it is double standards because that time you didn't know me. It's only that I was doing it not in the light."
"Don't women often find attractive men cute and romantic when an ugly one doing the exact same thing is creepy?"
"No censorship over Jack, but for Eliza, that's the difference."
"Just think about it, the double standards that society has."
"It's called a double standard and it's disgusting and it is destroying eviscerating justice in America."
"There is no outrage because there are double standards in the world. This is one of the main reasons that Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine - to get rid of these neo-nazis that have been tormenting his Russian citizens."
"Women know that shame works but don't want to be shamed for certain things they do."
"It's a massive double standard to oppose natural conformity of sexual orientation or identity while supporting unnatural changes."
"This is demonstrative of a massive double standard on the left."
"Comedians get held to higher standards than politicians but politicians don't get held to those standards."
"If a man says he hates a woman, he's called a misogynist. But you know, if a woman says she hates men or 'kill all men' or something like that, I mean, is she called out for that?"
"The left's pretext for this double standard, as well, Dinesh, is an obvious difference in one case, you have people who are fighting for social justice, and in the other case, you have people who believe the lie."
"I'm glad you stuck up for yourself. If an employer stips an employee $40, it's no big deal, but if an employee pulls $40 out of the till, then suddenly the cops get called."
"If Janet Jackson got banned for a wardrobe malfunction that exposed one nipple, he should be for purposely exposing both of his."
"I see the double standard, I see something that was introduced into the white American culture, not black culture."
"I think it's perfectly fair to say that there is a huge double standard in reporting on crimes committed by left-wing groups and crimes committed by right-wing groups."
"Why is it okay for women to sleep around but not exchange cash?"
"This double standard needs to be talked about."
"There's a crazy double standard in this world right now."
"The double standard here is so painfully obvious that I can't not talk about it."
"Why do people get away with these things? Why do we hold so many people to one standard and then hold all these other people to a different standard?"
"So, there is a double standard when it comes to being a person of color, when it comes to being a woman."
"There's a huge double standard when it comes to dating preferences."
"When a guy like strips it off and he goes full frontal or whatever it is everybody's like how brave of him and when a woman does it it's like they're stigmatized for it it's just a totally imbalance thing it's a screwy."
"He's showing the double standard, he's showing the hypocrisy."
"Twitter has double standards—gross double standards for independent voices versus authoritative voices."
"Imagine if a dude chemically blinded a woman. We wouldn't hear the end of it. The double standards are ridiculous."
"There is a double standard, there is a resentment for white people there and it sucks."
"It's one of the biggest double standards out there."
"Think of how many male artists gambled all their money away, how many had substance abuse or mental health issues. No one tried to take away their control over their bodies and money."
"If he was in a mosque he would have been removed quicker."
"Rules for thee but not for me," right?
"I'm just saying that like having sex on a first date just means you wanted to have sex on a first date. That's all it means. To be a slag these days, you're going to have to do so much more."
"People are policing her vagina, and it's unfair. Men date younger all the time."
"Why is it that Britney gets so much hate when she's doing the exact same thing?"
"Men were more interested in a woman's body count than women being."
"What about if that was Eric Trump smoking crack with a hook? You think he would've gotten in trouble?"
"It's like, 'Why is the Muslim guy doing that?' But a Christian content creator could do the same thing, but it's just, 'Oh, my man did the same.'"
"That's not called cheating if you do it, it's called cheating if I do it, it's called being a man."
"But then the same guys will turn around and get upset if a woman wants you just for your money."
"Sometimes the Press can be one-sided. As you mentioned all during the election they would ask things like, is Obama black enough? Is Obama too black? It's never the other way around. Is John Boehner orange enough? Is he too orange? We never hear that."
"Context matters. When Bill Maher says it, everyone's like 'okay,' but when she says it, people are like 'oh hell no.'"
"It's you know absolutely fine to dro over semi naked naked BLS right in Hollywood or whatever it may be but the moment a man does it over a woman they have to be canceled expunged and arrested."
"Women can't change their bodies in any way without the world's permission."
"I think the double standard that really benefits men is sex. Y'all get to have so much sex with whoever you want. You don't have to stay in a relationship with somebody who you don't [ __ ] like."
"If they do it, it's terrorism. If we do it, it's counterterrorism."
"Why is it okay for women to be sexualized on a beach, in our movies, or in magazines, but we can't gently feed our children?"
"If a woman has sex with 40 guys, she's a hoe. If a guy has sex with 40 women, he's the man."
"I think it's the men because if a man wrongs and the woman does equally the same mistake, the man is more likely to get in more trouble."
"We got to stop the stigma of like 'oh y'all can't do it on the first day or else she's a hoe'."
"Black men cannot take what they dish out, y'all. They cannot take what they dish out. This only proves that they are just as upset as everybody else when they feel rejected."
"I need feminism because when Jesus does a magic trick it's a freaking miracle, but when a woman does a magic trick, she gets burned at the stake."
"I think people are casting maybe focusing on the cat tossing because it's such a parallel and people are I think they're just trying to prove that's which has a double standard and they want to know why."
"It's just how Society views it: women promiscuous is just viewed like it's disgusting, a promiscuous man is like you had to do something right, you know what I'm saying?"
"Guys don't care about being a hoe and that's cool. Girls don't want to be a hoe and that's cool. I get that. But you can still be alone."
"It's unfair that she's praised for covering up while Muslim women are constantly insulted."
"We hold black women to a different standard. We want them to be strong, black, independent."
"Women are held to a different standard."
"Isn't it always interesting to notice gentlemen how they only seem to want equality when it benefits them?"
"The Venn diagram of men who judge women for wearing too much makeup because they prefer a natural look and men who judge women for not shaving because their natural body hair is gross is a circle."
"That's outrageous! Those kind of traditional gender expectations are disgusting when it's coming from a man. Of course when it's coming from a woman, it's absolutely fine."
"Call out double standards when confronted with them."
"It's sexist to me that there are double standards around dress."
"Men can get away with doing things that a woman has to work twice as hard in order to be considered relevant, worthy, beautiful."
"Why do women, if they have a one-night stand they're a [ __ ], oh yeah, but all these guys that [ __ ] every waitress on the road are were just like cool no no problem."
"Many members of the upper classes were happy to preach God-fearing, temperate lifestyles for lower orders while living their own lives in debauchery."
"A woman, she had, you know she has a couple Affairs or she has a couple of kids and everybody oh she's she's a whole this that and the other thing but dude got 19 Kids and I'm like hey you know what I mean you can't just tag the woman."
"Your biggest fear as a dad forever was that my my kids my especially my daughters because of course it's worse somehow if a woman has sex than a than a young boy or a young man."
"There is a hatred of women. Men can just mess up, the double standards, all that stuff is too real. A woman does one little thing, it will mess up her whole family name."
"Okay me and Mike have this quote me and Michael have this quote okay when a guy cheats on you yeah he's horny he's horny when a girl cheats on you she's not in love with you anymore well that's kind of true yeah I'm afraid that's true it's a sad double standard."
"If a woman cheats, it's different. Like a woman cheats, it's different. Honestly, men with these sexist views, like it's so outdated."
"She is held to a different standard than any male athlete ever would be."
"flip the genders and say the same thing i guaran damn t you would not be suggesting a woman is selfish for turning down a man she had no interest in"
"I think women should have standards, but if a man has standards, suddenly we have a problem."
"People won't buy and are banning Michaela Nera over some mascara, but they're still fully supporting and selling out James Charles."
"She knows so many people that could just have sex. Yeah, and she expects man to believe that she's not a hoe."
"If a female says, 'I don't care for dark-skinned dudes,' that's okay. But if a dude says, 'I do not care for dark-skinned women,' you don't like dark women? What's the problem with melanin?"
"Women want to be treated equal when it benefits them, but they also want to be treated like a lady when it benefits them."
"If a girl shaking ass in a video it shouldn't be a problem."
"We should be applying a virtuous standard to women as well, and we just don't do it because men have lost their own virtuous standards."
"Everybody benefits and suffers from double standards equally."
"It's so crazy how men get put under a microscope for what we like, but then when women can say all the things that they want to say, live in a fairy tale."
"It's a double standard I think I would be and that's when I realized I'm like no yeah it's a double standard like check yourself [ __ ]."
"Let me say something real quick about double standards: they're gonna happen."
"There are double standards that males benefit from and there are double standards that females benefit from."
"When a woman is emotional, she's hysterical and she's penalized for it; when a man does the same, he's outspoken and there are no repercussions."
"What's comical is that people love to say body hair is gross on women but never say anything about men's body hair."
"Look around the world, all I see is double standards."
"Women and men benefit and suffer equally from double standards."
"People are quick to try to humble women and tell women that they shouldn't have any desires, they can't have any preferences, but when it comes to men, it's okay."
"It's a tale as old as time, the double standard between men and women in our society."
"The expectations placed on celebrities were scrutinized with many pointing out the double standards and the unrealistic standards of perfection that fans often impose on their idols."
"It's true that we are essentially framed for the double standards, we start it, we make note of it, it bugs us, and then we let go."
"I think it's wrong to think like that because why is it men are allowed to sleep with 10 people and not be judged, but a girl is?"
"The approach sparked never-ending discussions and outrage and highlighted the double standards in the entertainment industry."
"There have been a few things concerning the double standard when it comes to gender."
"It has created a massive double standard between the level of accountability that we as citizens are held to by law enforcement and the level of accountability that law enforcement insists upon when the shoe is on the other foot."