
Sentimental Value Quotes

There are 448 quotes

"I love and cherish this watch even though it's very beat up because my grandmother wore it, and I will never ever get rid of it because of that."
"I don't care that I could buy them off the market for 100k, but the meaningfulness of me getting an untradable rat means the world to me."
"Medals are something that are truly treasured with servicemen and women all around the world...medals are the thing that breaks my heart when you read that someone has been burgled and it's their medals or their father's medals that have been stolen."
"My grandma bear passed away a few years ago, and I thought it would be a really awesome gift idea for my dad to do something with the last letter she ever wrote to him."
"My daughter is wearing my shoes that I released...this is something that money can't buy."
"All that Michelle had left to remember her mother was a small wedding ring."
"My dad made it for my mom, and I have been obsessed with it ever since."
"This has been fun... we miss him we wish him well."
"You are giving them a piece of that memory they can never lose and they will always remember exactly what it meant and where it came from."
"I'm keeping the Box, it's a prop that I'm keeping."
"Thank you, Peppa, and you can have this. It's my most favorite plastic crown because you are so special, and so you don't forget me, and you must keep it."
"The real treasure is the friendships you made along the way."
"To always think of him when I look at this watch, congrats."
"I can always buy another phone... it's just the texts mean a lot to me."
"I'm gonna put that in the pocket closest to my heart."
"I think Dogecoin is gonna be a stock that continues to grow year over year solely for the reason that it has enough sentimental value that people are going to buy into the stock."
"It's made me so happy I think I'm going to cry."
"True love isn't built on expensive gifts, it's made up of little things like this."
"That's painful, that's one of our favorite videos we've ever made."
"Ultimately, it's just a keepsake and a relationship are just different things."
"I still have a special place in my heart for this movie."
"Naturally, it holds a lot of sentimental value for them."
"There really are things that money can't buy, and no matter how many hours I shopped, I would never be able to find what I found in you guys."
"What was it that you had? These earrings. I had a few experiences with the earrings."
"I wasn't a big fan of this car but it ended up becoming kind of like a mascot for the band."
"There really is no economic reason for it but it is purely a sentimental or intangible reason that exists."
"Once it held her image, he always wore it close to his heart."
"Our lives like a pearl necklace, a great mom. It's all strung together with the finest silk thread of memories."
"Sometimes the best gifts are about making memories, not about the item itself."
"Many believe it to be Zoro's most important sword since he's had it since he was a child."
"Keep the doll always with her and nothing will happen."
"She wants concrete things to remember me by... a wedding ring which she said she'd wear even after my secession."
"What a wonderful token of our friendship. This really means a lot to me, friend."
"This beautiful maple tree is the largest tree we have to take down now I'm a little bit sad because it's a beautiful tree but I can tell you if the homeowner lets me take it it'll make Beautiful Boards and it'll make a beautiful table someday."
"Oh my god it's so beautiful, I love it and I don't want to use it because it's so pretty."
"They're lucky to own our memories... they're lucky to own our crests."
"Number one, they'll think of you every time they wear it, and number two, it's kind of like a memory thing."
"It actually holds a special place in my heart."
"The best thing about this car for me is the history in it."
"It's not what's under the tree, it's who is around it that matters."
"It holds clearly a near and dear place in my heart."
"Getting you a piece of history that I know you'll cherish forever was very exciting for me."
"I've got loads of photos of my kids, but this book is amazing."
"The family heirloom part of it is real strong."
"Orlando will forever have a special place in my heart."
"Nobody takes a picture of a moment they want to forget."
"Guys, scrap personalized and sentimental because it doesn't mean anything. Yes, it do."
"Bayley named the teddy bear Daniel after Mr. Torney."
"Vintage comic books are a keepsake from a famous partnership."
"I want to end my days in Skalitz, beneath the Linden tree and by your mother's side."
"Looking at it, I'm flooded with just memories. That's the Big Bird, that's it, this is the one."
"The best thing you can do to honor your loved one's memory is to pass those things on for somebody else to love and enjoy."
"Things can be old and dumb but still cherished in a weird way."
"For us, this place holds a lot of sentiment and meaning. It was a really pivotal moment in our discovery of our love of nature."
"A couple bought a tiny toy cat that reminded them of their own half Siamese kitty Cassie. The cat made a little cute mewing noise but eventually the batteries died and the toy cat stood decorative on a shelf."
"What truly makes a souvenir valuable is not the money you spend but the reason you buy it."
"I will treasure this forever. Thank you so much for the gift."
"The thought and the love and the energy that you put into it will mean so much more than maybe some other gift."
"I think they're just a priceless pair of shoes to me."
"I still wouldn't have traded it for anything."
"This jumper, which you guys know is my favorite jumper, I've just had it such a long time and when I put it on it feels like getting a hug from an old friend."
"I was meant to find this exact quilt at this exact time."
"Sentimental gifts can go a long way on a budget."
"As a car guy you invest so much of your love and emotion and passion into this inanimate object."
"Despite his wackiness, this plush makes for an amazing addition to our Soap Sonic family and is one of the most meaningful items I own."
"The memories people have with these plushies are their true worth."
"It's those movies where our childhood, we grew up on those sets so it has incredible meaning to all of us, I think."
"And now have a really special place in my heart and in my displays."
"This dress just holds the best memories and I just think it's beautiful."
"The note, a priceless reminder of their beloved son, Bryan, who died in an accident 15 years ago."
"This is our longest running unfinished project in the world and i kind of don't ever want to finish it just because of that."
"Memories are in our hearts, not in our storage units."
"Everything she's ever loved... right here with her."
"Watches can house something that I think can be a reminder for us as we continue throughout our lives."
"Give them a nickname, it's more sentimental."
"This is Miss Annie, a very sentimental bag for me."
"It's kind of crazy now that Pamela 2.0 has officially sold and left the building, there's a lot more space in here."
"He held a memorial service for a lock of hair yanked from his head."
"It's the little things, man. He knows they're my two favorite little things."
"He only cares about the money. Floyd Mayweather only cares about the money. And that's okay. That's okay. Nothing wrong with that."
"Keep everything, keep it because you'll look back and think Wow."
"The variety you get in this and the quality can't be beat and the quality is amazing."
"Did he grab that penny wanting Ellison close to him now?"
"Expensive gifts or sentimental gifts? I like me something expensive but I also don't mind the sentimental ones."
"This car holds a lot of special memories for me, my home and everything in it is gone."
"Never getting rid of any of the Hermès bags in my collection because they're just too precious to me."
"Her mother asks for a lock of her hair just as a keepsake."
"It does have more sentimental attachment to me than any other car would ever have."
"This top isn't, I'm not a very emotional person but not gonna lie the fact that she made something for me is just like so touching to me."
"Just every time I see them, even if I'm not using them, they just make me happy."
"It's that sort of warm fuzzy of owning the Fluke."
"This painting means the world to me to keep a piece of her creativity in my home."
"If it's about emotion, we stay. If it's about sentiment, we probably stay."
"I kind of like keeping things too, like my hair."
"This game always holds some kind of sentimental value to me."
"You wrote this? Yeah, I can be creative and sentimental."
"It is truly becoming an heirloom for us to pass on to our children's children's children."
"It's just that little extra thing in the day that makes them go 'ah, they're still thinking about me.' Oh, they still love me."
"I love that mug, my favorite thing ever – unexpected gifts mean the world."
"So pull back the curtain a little bit. This one's very, very special to me."
"A lot of satisfaction in this hobby for bringing stuff back to life and returning valuable things to people who cherish them."
"Sometimes when you connect with a watch, it becomes more than just a watch."
"You know, that means someone loves you, when they give you their last."
"This sounds like something my grandma would have in her jewelry box."
"I think those are some of the nicest gifts because it's something you don't think of you don't have to spend a lot of money and they can put it in their room like and keep it forever so I think that's really meaningful and a really nice gift."
"Nothing's more precious than the relationship between a child and their dog."
"It was never about the money for Miss Coking. It was about the memories inside the walls of her home and also about what's morally good."
"How could you hand over Kai's dying gift to someone else?"
"The scarf she wears has become her only treasure."
"Items with personal sentimental value are priceless."
"Cherish your gear, it's funny how a lot of these pieces hold sentimental value."
"It holds a little special place in my heart, man."
"This is probably one of my favorite gifts because it just came from the heart and I love it."
"Ringo writing octopus garden was the sweetest moment in the whole thing."
"It's a priceless item, you can't buy it because the meaning wasn't going to him, it was going to the legal fees."
"This jacket is the very same one that Chris wrapped her in when Ethan sacrificed his life."
"Are you okay? I was more broke up about it than I thought I'd be."
"That excitement paled in comparison to his when he saw the little statue."
"The best decorations are the friends we made along the way."
"It's the little things that count, like finding a charm still on a cane."
"I'm gonna miss all me Megalosaurus I'm gonna miss Rockstar The Rock Drake he was just an absolute Legend."
"It will grow over time, and when I look back in the future... I'll be an old man who still has this model car collection to remind me of the good old days."
"It's a kind of like a next generation in the legacy of your... not only for your family but your watch collection. It's quite poetic. I love it."
"There's so much sentimental value with this Murcielago. If we finally get it running and started, that me and my dad have rebuilt this and get it back on the road, it's going to mean so much to me."
"This right here is a love that's this one right here is the one that launched the channel pretty much yeah this one's where we started."
"There are things in life that are more important than money those three people in that picture and who made that frame are more valuable than a necklace."
"All houses are unique; that's what makes them special, that's what makes a house a home."
"Ancient sandals with a heartwarming message."
"You sent me the most beautiful things. I've kept every single card, letter, and everything that all of you have sent."
"This is our favorite house that we've ever owned."
"But when a thing takes on meaning because it becomes an avatar for a person, a memory, or a place, well then it's not replaceable."
"I've got to stop attaching this fear to clothes where I'm like I'm keeping this because I love the thing that it stands for."
"Even if it never functions as a scientific instrument again, I think it would be a real shame."
"It's been a long run my friends I've spent more than a third of my entire life on this game and I I wouldn't trade it in for the world guys I really really wouldn't."
"Before Vera died, she left her daughter one last gift which was found inside the pocket of her hoodie. The gift was a handwritten note from Vera to her daughter."
"Every time I put it on, it makes me smile, and I still... I'm trying to understand why."
"I'll put this into my collection of all mailed I've received from my viewers my supporters everything that I receive I keep everything."
"You're inside something that came from my old Pizzeria."
"I think it just makes it so much more special when you can keep mementos from certain days and certain memories."
"I didn't care about all the TVs and all the clothes and everything else that I lost. Losing the letters from my mother and photos, that was the most upsetting."
"My childhood home because it's like one of the more beautiful places I've ever paid."
"This one just meant a lot because it's just the memory on it is beautiful."
"I'm not in any rush to add tons and tons of pieces it just makes it more special."
"For his entire life he kept a toy bear that was given to him by Lyuda just before he left the expedition."
"Kind of sentimental value...what helps people feel so connected to their Pokemon."
"Kingdom Hearts will always be special to me."
"So, this was kind of my special pen, so when I had something important I was writing, I would turn to this one, and it's just nice to have, you know?"
"Tradition. There are four carrot dangling earrings. And they're worth a lot. I felt very honored to be given them and it made me feel closer to my grandmother."
"What does it mean to you that Paris is here with you?"
"brings back memories like a time machine for sure"
"She won't give up on love, no matter what. She swears this on the ring given by Sid."
"Sometimes you have sentimental things that you just want to make sure that they look proper for longevity."
"The big Thomas is a great piece in my opinion, so there's that and it was the first one that I got so you know it's kind of got a special place in my heart."
"I love surprising people with things but when it comes to something more sentimental rather than expensive it just hits different."
"I know that these are just things, after all, there's something to be said about unpacking all of these boxes and finally making this place feel like home."
"What if I told you I could give you a piece of him that remains alive and well in his legacy?"
"Legacy Box helps you preserve memories in a unique and wonderful way."
"That car was with me from early High School all the way until I finished high school and then all the way through college and it was the most reliable car ever."
"The necklace Damrin wears throughout the movie actually holds his mother's wedding ring on it."
"This is one of those pieces I keep forever because it's iconic."
"My first one probably carries the most meaning to you."
"She always wore her dad's dog tags; they made her feel close to him."
"Sentimental value is a real value; it just doesn't have a dollar amount to it."
"We all wish we had that one trusty do-it-all watch that is always with us on those momentous occasions in life that define us."
"Sentimental value: lasting quality."
"First time driving any Mero and it's my one that I've rebuilt with my dad. This is special."
"It's not just about how much does it cost or how fast does it go, it's about what the car means to the person that I'm preserving it for."
"The bureau was the last thing my father ever gave me before he died so it means a lot to me."
"It just reminds me of kind of where I'm at in life, you know? Each bag, I like things to have memory to them."
"If it had taken four weeks or four months, I would have still been out there because this was my father's heirloom piece."
"Just because you're downsizing or you're trying to declutter doesn't mean that you have to get rid of everything that's special to you. It just means that you have to identify what is special to you and worth keeping, and what's not."
"I value the sentimental value more than anything, where money ain't no dollar amount."
"But Anthony assured me, he said, 'You know what? It's totally fine, I don't have a use for it. I'd rather you have it because, you know, so you could make a video that I could watch to remind me of my stepfather, you know, he used this laptop.'"
"But I know those are going to mean a lot more to him than me."
"This car will mean something to him for the rest of his life."
"It has the kind of heart that you don't find in many other cars, and despite its age, you can trust it to get you where you want to go, so I absolutely adore it."
"This car means a lot to their family."
"This jacket was very special to me because in one of my Thrift videos a lady just handed it to me."
"This movie was a pleasure to watch, it's why this film has a special place in my heart."
"They took all her jewelry melted it down and made an anchor out of that jewelry."
"The sentimental value of this cupboard is definitely worth more than the monetary value."
"Memories truly make the best gifts."
"This stained glass was made by my grandmother, Mimi. She always called me her sunshine."
"Physical books are material objects... and they become a thing of sentimental value as much as they do the value that comes from the words inside."
"One of the big differences between Swedish death cleaning and normal decluttering is that a lot of these items have been in family members' lives for a really long time."
"Joy the watch on your wrist unlike your iPad will mean something to someone one day if it doesn't already something that will make them smile walk a little taller surely at some point cry but it will mean something"
"My husband passed away five years ago, and half of his ashes are sprinkled over there in the woods, so this is a very special, I think it's here now, very special sight to me."
"I will hold it dearly to my heart for the rest of my days."
"...enjoy the ones we have much more. I get far more value from the few sentimental items I kept than by watering them down with unlimited numbers of tchotchkes."
"That white jacket has a lot of emotional connection with me because it was just kind of like exceeding expectation moment."
"This shoe is very special to me because it is the shoe that Kobe wore when he won his first ring without CH."
"If any guitar is like my guitar, it's this one. This is the one I've owned the longest, played the most."
"This is a forever piece, this will be my daughter's when she, if she wants it when she's older."
"The only thing I ever would have sold this for was to buy a house. I bought a house, so now I'm keeping it. My kids love this truck more than anybody else could ever love this truck. So it's priceless."
"This is my favorite art piece in the entire apartment and it always will be. This is something I've had for six or seven years. I've had this since College."
"This Kettle is more than a kettle to me, it's that link with my mom who's no longer with us and having something that I am able to pass on to Generations to come."
"Truly I think this is a treasured item that you're going to want to hang on to for years."
"It holds a really special place in my heart."
"I want to say that I've knit this pair of socks over eight years ago and they still look amazing."
"Getting my own ring to open and get to look at for forever and get to remember that moment it's something that I'm going to carry with me for forever."