
Nation Quotes

There are 916 quotes

"This interview is critical to the survival of this nation."
"We won't just rebuild this nation, we will transform it."
"The life of the nation is secure only while the nation is honest, truthful, and virtuous."
"These long-standing inequities are compounded by the converging crises we face as a nation."
"We stand before our nation facing yet another crossroad, a path to be chosen by every American."
"What do I do to make this a better nation and to make this a better world?"
"America is a nation that believes in redemption."
"A true sense of kinship has developed between all of the citizens of our great star nation."
"Pray for justice in this nation. We need it to save this nation."
"But we also know this is the most noble nation that has ever existed."
"Finally, President Biden is giving a prime time speech on the battle of the soul for our nation."
"We must heal this country with an integrative approach."
"I will stand in this breach. I will defend this nation."
"Love the presentations, doing a service to our country."
"It's actually a nation truly governed by the rule of law."
"Let's start by being honest with ourselves as a nation."
"Thank you for blessing us with the gift of waking up this morning in a free nation, one that was conceived in liberty..."
"If there was ever a time our nation needed unity, it's right now."
"It still has the power to make us think again about our nation."
"What happened you know from the late 1920s by the time we hit the late 1940s right um we were a much more um communitarian Nation."
"The most generous, the most kind nation this world has ever seen."
"A nation must believe in three things: it must believe in the past, it must believe in the future, it must above all believe in the capacity of its own people to learn from the past that they can gain in judgment in creating their own future."
"How its glories are enshrined in the heart of a nation, how its failures are forgotten."
"The Bible says blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord."
"The health of a community starts at home; the home is the basis of the community, and the community is the basis of the nation."
"We're as a country... in Middle School."
"Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people."
"If you have a nation, you get to control your immigration flow."
"This is a moment of self-reflection; who are we as a nation? It is a time to heal, transform, and evolve."
"We're a great nation because we're good people who believe in honor, decency, and respect."
"We're all from elsewhere; it's a nation of immigrants, and that's what makes us great."
"As love and hope and light join in the battle for the soul of the nation."
"Isn't it nice in a way to get to be the people who get to reclaim our country?"
"Artists distill the best sides of their nation to make them more readily available."
"Like so many infrastructure projects around the world, it will undoubtedly leave its mark on this nation."
"The biggest advantage of this country, which is very clear, is that it's very affordable."
"John Adams wrote Thomas Jefferson a letter and said do you remember what it was like when our nation was being founded."
"This is indicative of the heart of our nation, this is indicative of our character. It's what causes me such distress."
"God is saying listen I can bring Revival all it takes is one person out there one one Josiah you know man or woman one Josiah generation that can literally alter the course of a nation."
"The Ukrainian question is very simple. It's maintenance. It's about whether Ukraine will continue its existence as a nation, as an independent state."
"Austria is a country famous for its mountains, the leading pool player from that nation is now appropriately on the hill. One more rack needed and Shane Van boning will be denied."
"Family is in essence a small nation, and the nation a large family."
"The best culture we've ever produced from this country."
"We have not just lost our monarch, but the matriarch of our nation, the figure who more than any other brought our country together, kept us in touch with our better nature, personified everything which makes us proud to be British."
"We cannot be a nation that is ruled by one religion. It's just not the way this country was created."
"Filmed across one 24-hour period, these are the stories of a nation and its Health Service."
"A nation is a large group of people who have a very powerful sense that they have certain things in common that binds them together."
"...the woman must play an important part in the development of the nation or the nation will go to hell."
"Our prayers and our activity speak before God, not just for personal breakthrough, but for the nation."
"We're living through the battle for the soul of this nation."
"When it was finally announced the queen had died, there was an extraordinary outpouring of grief among the nation."
"Courage is about using practical judgment, which provides the only path towards making this a much better and much happier nation."
"Westminster Abbey represents faith at the heart of the nation."
"Our mission is to fundamentally change our country."
"The debt incurred from the Olympics added strain to the nation's already fragile economic condition."
"The sins of this nation are mounting up to the high heavens."
"There's only two options for a nation: you either have a big God or a big government."
"We have been doing this for centuries. This nation was born in people who hated each other coming together and having these fights and arguments but also listening to each other."
"The importance of trust in a nation that values, indeed depends upon, a rule of law."
"Lord, you can save a nation in a day."
"The moral authority for the best changes that have come to our nation and from our nation to many other nations have come from the authority of the word of God."
"Any nation, even one built on progress and sanctuary, is at the mercy of its leaders and its people."
"The nation is more powerful than ever."
"To have honesty at the center of your being and at the center of the nation."
"Pop culture played a big role in shaping the nation during this time."
"The disappearance of culture will hurt the nation more than it is now."
"Our nation is lost because our language is lost."
"You are the greatest nation that was ever sent out to humanity."
"With all of the strides we've made, the nation still grapples with its legacy of racism."
"Our country is and always has been a great and good nation, but the best is yet to come if we all do our part."
"A war is what helps to develop the spirit of a nation, held up as the most glorious history because it manifests the spirit of a nation."
"I want to make it clear that it is the purpose of the nation to build now with all possible speed every machine, every arsenal, every factory that we need."
"The Russian nation is not God, but the strength of its soul is from God."
"Righteous people can awaken a nation."
"Obama stands there and delivers a remarkable eulogy rooted in America, rooted in the nation, rooted in the soul of the nation."
"In short, as a nation, we lack maturity of mind and the necessary conditioning to enable us to know when and what to sacrifice for the sake of our main goal."
"We will come together as a nation."
"...you have to take care of women because if you save a nation you save the women."
"Now America is built upon sacrifice."
"What is the will of Almighty God for our nation?"
"A nation that does not honor its heroes will not long endure."
"The rejected must lead the soul of the nation is at stake."
"53 years ago as a result of some major world events, one family was able to use these circumstances to create a completely new country that still stands today."
"A nation is defined best, I think, when we think of it in Augustinian terms. He wrote in the City of God that 'A nation is a multitude of rational beings united by the common objects of their love.'"
"The soul of the country is an amalgam... The most important sentence ever written in the English language was that we are all created equal."
"This is still the greatest nation in the world."
"The greatness of a nation and the moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." - Gandhi
"We're at a very, very important part of our country today."
"It's always been one of my favorite sci-fi concepts and there is a similar idea behind Starship UK, a Roman city of sorts in the same vein as Mortal Engines except on a much bigger scale since this is an entire nation."
"It's defend the nation, secure the future."
"She was the hero that the nation needed."
"Israel needs to be a light unto the Nations... a model Nation."
"Food security is also a national security issue."
"So many great stories like this from Pittsburgh's past can guide us as a nation as we move to the future."
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he has chosen as his own inheritance."
"I think the most important question is whether or not as a nation we will do everything we have to do to preserve the Republic."
"We must remember that we cannot abandon the truth and remain a free nation."
"This is us. This is who we are as a nation."
"Wars are not only won on the battlefield, but across the entire nation that's fighting them."
"The better the nation is, the better life I have."
"Space exploration is a long-term investment on the health and wealth of a nation."
"This nation was founded and built on compromise."
"We have a nation designed from the ground up to depend on character."
"The resurrection of a great nation in danger of extinction."
"We come from an unbelievable nation, and we're all together."
"Because the soul of this nation is strong, because the backbone of this nation is strong, because the people of this nation are strong, the state of the union is strong."
"This is one of the more interesting representations of the idea of the nation."
"Banished, the machines sought refuge in their own promised land, they settled in the cradle of human civilization and thus a new nation was born, and they christened the nation Zero One."
"And they christened the nation Zero One."
"what are the limits of compassion as a nation"
"The man who knows God can be the defense of a nation."
"it affects us spiritually as a nation that believes in Freedom."
"A nation cannot remain both ignorant and free."
"Our unique strengths as a nation - our optimism and work ethic, our spirit of discovery and innovation, our diversity and commitment to the rule of law - these things give us everything we need to ensure prosperity and security for generations to come."
"When we have leadership whose belief system is based in the word of God, then things go well for the nation."
"Trooping the Colour, the Queen's birthday parade, is fabric of a nation stuff; it's iconic, really, across the world."
"No one truly knows a nation until one has been inside its jails."
"We pray for a movement of your spirit in this nation, starting right here in this place."
"We are a nation of men and women and by definition we will be a flawed nation."
"The greatest challenge lies ahead of us: we are the only nation in the world without a king or an emperor."
"After five years of grit and determined effort, the United States is better positioned for the 21st century than any other nation on Earth."
"Our destiny is one nation under God with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
"My nation is the Lord's and the fullness thereof and all that dwell therein."
"I pray that my nation will submit to the rule and reign of Christ."
"This common loss brought our country together."
"This isn't just another superhero saving the day; this is royalty with the best interests of their nation always at the forefront of their mind."
"Ruling any nation is a tremendous task, particularly when left to one person, but ruling the most powerful and technologically advanced nation on the planet is a level above."
"Prayer changes things and prayer changed a nation."
"It is impossible to exaggerate the importance of science to this country historically and currently."
"Canada is known around the world as a strong and free country."
"Canada is often referred to as a land of immigrants."
"The birth of the country that we know today."
"May your blessing be upon this nation."
"The hope for a nation is the hope for every individual soul."
"The remedy for a nation is the same remedy for every single soul."
"Unity is the key to a nation, but it's key to the people of God."
"One way of changing a nation is to find the music and change the music they listen to."
"That city, that nation, which had once been the chosen of God, His peculiar treasure."
"If people are willing to take the pain on the chin to hold the nation together, the nation can live for centuries."
"We as a nation seem to learn things best the hard way."
"America is the only idealistic nation in the world." - Woodrow Wilson
"One man's prayer affected the direction of a whole nation."
"No man has the right to fix the boundary of a Nation."
"A nation where Justice and opportunities are the birthright of all."
"No nation is greater than its mothers."
"Empower a woman, you empower a nation."
"Every nation bow, and we are given power and authority to bind and to loose."
"We have to come together as a nation, as a state, and as a community."
"Russia, as a nation, is fundamentally innocent."
"The nation is not God. But it draws its strength from God."
"We want to be that nation that lifts everybody up."
"The most powerful nation on earth is the United States of America."
"A nation is composed more of the Dead than the living."
"Love of country is really love of the institutions and the principles which make a country what it is."
"Blessed is a nation whose God is Yahweh. We want our nation blessed, so we must proclaim the one true God and call people to understand what it means to follow Him."
"America will reconnect to its covenant roots, they will produce righteousness that exalts a nation again."
"I pray God as we're moving into the times now when indeed the sun has risen and it is exposed a Battlefield and the battle the reset battle must now be fought the Battle for the soul of this nation must be fought."
"Our greatness as a nation has been our capacity to do what has to be done when we knew our course was right."
"This nation owes those people a great deal."
"You shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation."
"Lord, help us to wake up from our sleep and our slumber and to become the people and the nation you called us and made us to be."
"We're fracturing ourselves as a nation."
"To see the nation unified that's the tears... to see the nation coalesce in that way of like we don't even know what we're doing but we're going to try to do something."
"The true symbol of the United States is not the bald ego, it is the pendulum."
"You describe it at one point in the book as one nation under God, a modern phrase, but it's looking like something much more recognizable to the modern eye, isn't it?"
"What our nation needs more than anything else is the fresh baptism of the love of God."
"Half of the nation's opioid overdoses happen right at home."
"Anxiety is the most common mental health problem in our nation today. It's not depression, it's actually anxiety. Anxiety has skyrocketed and many people are suffering from different forms of anxiety."
"I think the nation is the place where we know what our constitutional values are, we know what we've committed ourselves to, what we're striving for, and then we try to make that real."
"That's the beauty of America. You know, this country is supposed to be built on immigrants, yeah?"
"A nation is only as strong as its families. If the families in a nation are strong, the nation will be strong."
"Our biggest challenge is to sustain this little miracle called Singapore for as long as possible."
"Exponentially affect this entire nation."
"A free Nation must not be ruled by generals; the sword is the last resort for the preservation of Liberties."
"It brought a sense of unity, the perfect balm for a troubled nation."
"This is what our nation had two to three hundred years ago. We lost it. Our world today is desperate for a new way. We need a kingdom focus that is built on Christian principles, that can consistently say this is how we love God, and this is how we love our neighbor."
"America remains the most powerful nation in the world."
"Christian marriage is where it's at. Christian marriage offers not just the utmost stability for the people involved but also for our Nations as a whole."
"Here you are, the dominatrix that brought a nation to its knees."
"What we need is a bit of a drastic change in the way that we think as a nation."
"Here they are together, here's the nation and the states. That's what we are, we're states that compose a nation, and the Army is the perfect reflection and embodiment of that."
"Prosperity across the whole of this country."
"I genuinely think that was probably one of the best performances we've done as a nation against England."
"The sweeping project will provide a new world-class airport that matches Prime Minister Motley's vision for a thriving, globally connected nation."
"...the only nation where Aes Sedai and channeling the one power was entirely outlawed."
"We live in a non-christian culture it's a Christian nation it was founded that way but it's not reflecting it at this moment."
"This church is destined to make a big impact, not only in this city, but for the entire nation."
"Your nation has your back and I mean it. Your nation has your back."
"Albania is not just a place, it is a people."
"It's not about the world. It is about the genesis of a people, of a nation."
"The prosperity of a nation depends on the vitality of its citizens."
"We're a people of an idea, and as long as that idea exists, we have a country."
"The power of the Constitution...how it welds this country together into what it is."
"As long as God was at the center of the nation, they were strong and victorious."
"One nation composed of two kingdoms."
"Each culture of each nation is really a reflection of that nation's attachment to a specific Force."
"God set His love upon that nation and the people within that nation that He determined He would love savingly."
"Our nation glorious in youth and strength looks into the future with eager eyes and rejoices as a strong man to run a race. - Theodore Roosevelt, 1900."
"To the extent a nation will follow the biblical principles of governance, to that extent the nation will reduce human pain, suffering, and poverty."