
Holistic Development Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"Exercise, discipline, affection - body, mind, heart."
"TM is more than relief from stress. It's about the holistic development of the brain, the total development of the personality, the integrated functioning of the person - mind, body, relationships, behavior - and that is called in the literature 'self-actualization.'"
"Overwork is the antagonist of holistic development, and holism is the catalyst to exponential growth towards self-transcendence."
"Martial arts is about the journey of continuous self-improvement mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually."
"I want to make something so dope... focusing on leveling yourself up financially, spiritually, mentally, and physically."
"That process of head heart integration, Mind Body Spirit unification, I think is ultimately the evolution point of where we're headed as a human species."
"The whole package...very important for the youth generation."
"This program is designed to help you become more like our Savior in four areas: spiritual, social, physical, and intellectual."
"Work on yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually."
"I am truly trying to focus on me: Mind Body Soul."
"Don't use your energy to worry. Use your energy to believe, create, trust, grow, and heal."
"It's all about leveling yourself physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally."
"The envisioned education system nurtures well-rounded individuals prepared for real-world challenges, emphasizing critical thinking, innovation, and social engagement."
"Sanctification is when one is set aside mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually for the will of God."
"Self-improvement has to be physical, mental, emotional, spiritual."
"I really like how companies are now kind of focusing on the inside as well as the outside."
"Routinely use early mornings to strengthen your mind, your body, and your spirit."
"Invest in yourself, ladies and gentlemen. It's not always about the financial aspect. It's about spiritual preparation, physical preparation, having structure in your life."
"Investing in oneself - mentally, physically, spiritually."
"If we can all learn how to be that complete person then, you know, the world will just be a better place."
"Just take the time that you need to grow mentally, physically, emotionally, and in every way."
"When you make personal growth first, everything else grows."
"Align your head, your heart, and your hands."
"Getting your financial gain unlocked along with your body game all up in your spiritual getting a look really does help as well."
"Culturally, embrace ascension... minds, bodies, spirits."
"You have got to become better every day, mentally, physically, and spiritually."
"Combining all these things together into a complete package I think makes you a more well-rounded individual."
"You're going to restore passion within yourself and in every area of your life."
"Purification happens through the practice of karma yoga, bhakti yoga, and raja yoga."
"The more you can evolve as a human being, everything else will evolve in your life."
"Train hard, eat right, and continue learning and growing on your journey."
"Anyone who does all five of these things trains all five disciplines not just one, but five." - Michelle Carey
"Martial arts are more than a form of combat and competition, they're a way of achieving mental and spiritual development."
"Mastering each aspect of life... health, relationships, business, finances..."
"Take your time, learn, become a good all-around human being."
"It's about who that cross is for what future that cross will bring health education equality homelessness child poverty the climate crisis."
"Lean into personal development, financial development, improvements with health."
"A mentally spiritually physically serious young man."
"Increase your financial strength, emotional health, and mental strength each day."
"I really welcome change in my life. I really, you know, want to progress not just physically, mentally, financially, spiritually."
"Everything combined is what makes you better, not just one thing or the other."
"Addressing the whole child not just what they can do but all of them is essential."
"Balance your mind, heart, and soul for mastery."
"Men need to step up their game and be the example in both the physical and spiritual aspects."
"I've elevated physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, financially."
"Never stop looking for ways to improve, whether it's physically, mentally, spiritually."
"We have to address every aspect of self: political, cultural, spiritual, and psychological."
"Real education has to be the full cultivation of the human being on every level."
"The primary responsibility of school is to develop whole children, and the primary driver for whole children is whole adults."
"Liberal arts education has to help students develop the art of listening, expanded intellectual horizon, and spiritual horizon."
"We want to raise whole children that are whole people at the end of the day, that are able to go out in the world and be confident and impact Society in a healthy way and be able to manage themselves in a healthy way."
"I always want to be growing, mentally, physically, yeah, exactly, I love it."
"Work on yourself physically, intellectually, emotionally, spiritually to become the best person you can."
"Design and implementation need to focus on both social and emotional and cognitive development."
"This is one of the great joys of life: learning. So body, spirit, and mind are lifelong."
"Focus on myself growth, whether that's physically, spiritually, and mentally."
"Harvard students are really intelligent and really smart, but they know how to use their intelligence in not only study but also the things that are important for their life and their wholesome developments."
"When you become all four things: physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial, you really become this ultimate man."
"You're on a whole nother level now, not just physically but mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and wisdom-wise."
"The complete man and what is the complete mind: someone who is accomplished in terms of academical prowess, who's intelligent, who can produce philosophy and concepts, and who is physically fit."
"You're here to become a better person holistically."
"The goal is congruence; you want your vision, your identity, your values and beliefs, your capabilities, your behaviors, and your environment to be in congruence."
"Gross National Happiness is a holistic approach to development."
"You challenge me so much emotionally, mentally, and spiritually."
"Black belt encompasses so much more; there's mental aspects, psychological aspects, physical aspects."
"You have to work on all areas of your life; you get one shot at this."
"You work on your physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual self and try to make yourself the best that you can be."
"The whole school, whole community, whole child framework illustrates how a child's emotional, physical, and academic development requires multiple components."
"You have to try to better yourself physically, mentally, spiritually, in every possible way that you can."
"Physical development is more than physical activity."
"If you put the effort into trying to improve something, it's not just going to improve that one thing, it's going to improve everything."
"Reading is a strong tie that impacts all other areas of learning and helps improve friendships, mental well-being, and even physical health."
"We have to regularly sharpen four areas of our very nature."
"We try to cultivate the whole person, believing that the spiritual, emotional, physical, cognitive, and social interests and needs are all equally important and interdependent."
"Yes, grades matter, but it's not the only thing that matters. Skills matter, building relationships matters, trying new things matters."
"The educational system needs to teach us how to be happy, how to be healthy, and how to be a whole person."
"Work on yourself, work on your mind, body, soul, and be open to communication."