
Game Balancing Quotes

There are 149 quotes

"We balanced her (Mercy) pretty well... She's played, she's not played as dominantly as she was but she's super viable."
"Guild experience caps... may be adjusted so that smaller guilds can participate in that and unlock some of the perks on a more equal playing field."
"Bennett is a great equalizer and honestly why Yelan's personal damage being much higher than Xingqiu's is completely fine and balanced."
"It's awful balancing in the case of strike a Titan though it's borderline slapstick."
"I've always been very vocal and adamant that I believe that champions should get buffed instead of nerfed."
"The of4 TMT CA does belong at 9.0, but certainly no more than the leopard l44 or t-55a M."
"But I implore you guys to not let up on your request for proper decompression allowing better balance."
"From where I'm sitting whether they acknowledged it or not that barrier nerf was one of the best things they've ever done."
"Our goal is not to make you weaker, it's to make everything have more parity."
"Every tank has to be viable. You can't have tanks that are only good with X team comp or X map. Every tank has to work at minimum."
"Literally modding in certain Pokemon would add checks and balances to the global server to prevent you from like bringing like a level 100 Pichu with absolute blasted stats to wipe the entire competitive floor with."
"Wargaming, please in the future when you make vehicle balancing changes please explain why the tanks that you're nerfing are detrimental to The Meta..."
"I'm just excited because I'm always excited when things just drastically change."
"Will this actually balance the game though you guys that is the question."
"Balance isn't just about win rates but sometimes the player feel or the reward factor of the character, so he may be receiving a buff eventually that is less aiming to just straight up buff his win rate because Alec thinks it's fine."
"And then on top of all of that, the devs have done a good job of keeping the cards balanced making it to where there are several different combinations that are effective even in the highest ranks."
"Zed's pretty close right now. These little buffs we think get him really right in the range of what a good assassin in League can look like."
"I think there's so many small little things we can do to so many champions that could just make them all feel a lot better and like really wouldn't impact their win rates too much."
"It's a very minor buff, it's a welcome one for sure but it's not one that is instantly tipping Veigar into the elite super top-tier level champion volleyball."
"Holy freakin crap does it add a lot of content into the game and rebalances a lot of things and makes it frankly in my opinion more realistic and more challenging and therefore more fun."
"We're upgrading more than 15 of our lower performing exotic armors and rolling out balance changes to several others."
"If you had eight cards to buff in the next balance update what would you buff and how?"
"I'm honestly glad that we're getting some of these balances and these changes to the troops that we have now."
"I would prefer they gave the same love to weak cards as they did to strong cards."
"They really gave infect a power boost with a lot of these new cards."
"On-hit ADCs are buffed in 14.3 due to the Rageblade changes."
"The future of scum: plan to test out all features, adjust or remove if overpowered."
"Do you believe the OU council should consider un-banning Zamasu to see?"
"It's like this has been not balanced at all, Billy should have done long last time, everybody gets faked out by that."
"Balance changes on the 183 were completely needed and I feel that they're a good step in the direction to making this vehicle more balanced."
"I think it's still a fine item and I think that Riot actually much like Lissandra better tuned it to be intended for the champions that it was originally designed for."
"I think my biggest point is low skill champions should not be overpowered because pro players are gonna have use that to the super EXTREME and it just will take over the game."
"Farah is troublesome to a lot of players, so I don't mind if we start to tweak with her a bit."
"Gladiator now has... truly the best last drop of the game kind of card."
"He's not underpowered like Zhang Li, he doesn't have super hard scaling issues like Chichi."
"Consider B for balanced, that just means that I think that law of magic is exactly where it should be, it's neither overpowered nor underpowered."
"Lore of little wah and big waa are okay, exactly where they should be."
"I think it's cool. I don't want it to be nerfed, I just want it to be a choice."
"As much care as Celeste puts into balancing and gradually ramping up its difficulty, it's cool that the game acknowledges that everyone is going to have a different limit."
"But we need to talk about the gameplay too. I really hope that they limit this V-Trigger stuff, needs to be toned down."
"We wanted to bring civilizations that were not quite pulling their weight in terms of the bonuses up." - Anton
"Most of our balance changes for sibs and leaders are improvements." - Anton
"The leveling zones are going to scale with your level so like if a person who's like level 102 wants to quest with somebody who's 105 they can play together and nobody loses everybody wins."
"Now it's like an even playing field for everybody. The enemies deal more damage and you also deal more damage."
"There's definitely some nice changes for tanks, so I think we could end up seeing tanks be significantly more viable."
"Luigi does way too much damage... he's [expletive] strong."
"I think this was honestly one of the most fair balance changes I've seen to a champion that definitely needed it."
"We want to be able to react quickly to balance."
"You won't have to wait all the way till 7 - and we're gonna nerf some of the meta gods real good."
"This should help ease the frustrations quite a bit."
"We're really trying to make Vamana play more aggressively."
"Cloud strike: players within the radius will still take damage." - Balancing an effective weapon while reducing collateral damage.
"They say we feel these special connections between Exotics are best kept rare and a little bit hidden, that being said we'd like to add more especially for hunters and Titans."
"Giant Quick Fix Medics... they effectively make themselves and whatever giant they're pocketing indestructible."
"Now, we can actually make it through, I'm pretty happy with the rebalance, hopefully you guys are as well."
"I think there are only two possible routes: the first one is to buff its Health, the stats of the wizard have barely changed since its release but the health is the one stat of the wizard that has never been changed."
"This is about raining in some unintended power creep that we saw over the last year."
"Exotic weapon tuning - massive changes this season."
"I think it's a good sign that they're individually rebalancing tanks now."
"Basically what Treyarch is doing is they want to make it so all the other snipers were viable."
"Bloody rose in their own right needs a nerf what I think is the best course of action is to take away their plus one attack just just remove it."
"This change has a massive effect on the game at large."
"We reduced the cost of his Berserker cancels during Instinct by 30%."
"Whenever you are trying to nerf a champion, you need to attack their strongest point."
"Yasuo should deal high damage to generate threat, but not tank damage."
"Developers overshoot when it comes to things like loot drop chance and difficulty."
"Having mid-patch balance changes means that there are things that they think are too powerful or too weak that need to be adjusted immediately for the sake of the game staying fun for everyone."
"Riot is doing a really damn good job of targeting the champions that are clearly in the league of their own."
"Prevent power-up abuse by ensuring Mario can't cheese levels."
"Sentinels are definitely going to take a hit. They're way too rewarding."
"Spells are generally tuned so they are the ones that one shot you."
"It's all about being better than you were yesterday."
"They need to do balance patches with the expansion if they want to release like this, yeah, exactly like without toning down old stuff if they release new stuff as like a half an expansion it's not going to be good."
"You can tell that they spend a lot of time play testing and balancing these games."
"The big roadhog rework has been a huge victory for the balance team."
"Since introducing the newly upgraded Bastion, we've tracked a general sentiment about his new kit being a bit too potent."
"These slight increases in power...every time people were crying that it was going to be overpowered and the game's doing just fine."
"Speed boost... famous for making Blaziken and even more so Mega Blaziken absolutely freaking broken."
"Skill-based matchmaking is meant to come in, but it can't be a perfect system."
"I think all of these are good changes, they make all of the cards feel better to play, competitive without feeling overpowered."
"Is lingering zombie too good? Is this an example of power creep? No, I don't think so actually..."
"The two people on earth that play Aurelion Sol play him so well that the only time that Riot remembers Aurelion Sol is to nerf him."
"The goal of balancing is to make the game fun to play in the sense that both sides can actually show their skill."
"This card is so disgusting in arena that they have preemptively banned it."
"People want closure. They want to find who did this, they want to end this madness."
"Despite the systematic nerf flash patch, Grievous Wounds are still a bit too impactful."
"I honestly think Grievous Wounds and healing are probably one of the most grossly misunderstood things in League of Legends."
"Buffing and nerfing inside video games... completely fundamental for creating a healthy balance."
"Good job by wargaming for filing down these op tanks."
"Pogo Hopper going to one mana instead of two, that's a 50% mana discount and a pretty big deal."
"Riot has done a phenomenal job at balancing the game."
"I'm having a very difficult time understanding from the perspective of the developers how nerfing characters like Darth Vader, Jedi Luke Skywalker, General Anakin Skywalker, Wat Tambor... is meant to create a healthy meta for the future."
"Damage is easier to nerf and tone down rather than to add back into the game."
"Syndra received a massive buff to her Q and E. Syndra has received a lot of damage buffs in the previous patches as well which has placed her into our S tier in the mid lane."
"There's no promises that like all of those cards will suddenly become meta but uh there is a much more I would say like there's a much better approach to looking at buffing cards."
"Yeah, no I mean it feels like the kinds of like talks that I've been seeing from the community are like addressing mostly a lot of cars that are just like very safe buffs right."
"Zenyatta's ult can generally negate two to three ults with a single trance."
"Constant Fireballs was getting way too much."
"It is a massive puff to already crazy good vehicles in this game and it sees an issue they have to figure out somehow."
"Now, buffs are by their very nature much less controversial, and as these changes are less controversial, they are almost guaranteed to be going through."
"It's like literally like they're taking a theme of clay and stuff like that and they're just literally just saying okay this is banned in this tier."
"Aphelios is going to have less lifesteal, less minion damage for pushing, and straight up less damage to champions."
"The most alpha champion on the rift, Draven, will be receiving a buff this patch."
"Morgana is also receiving a buff this patch with her movement speed increased from 330 to 335 and her E shield amount increased from 60-300 to 80-300."
"Fun is a key factor in balancing characters."
"Exoskeleton needs to be removed from the game... it's just far too overpowered."
"Teams just couldn't do this, they couldn't keep up."
"Yes, I want to be able to create powerful and cool and unique builds and all that sort of stuff but it shouldn't be something that is so disruptive to the gameplay experience."
"The graveyard nerf that was a huge buff is gonna be reverted... so stay tuned for that."
"Regigigas literally had less attack and speed and to balance him out they gave him Slow Start, but Zacian? Not only do they not give him Slow Start, they gave him an attack boost!"
"Balance changes they've done a really, really, really good job."
"The balancing the game doesn't come down to you know who has played the most who's got the most stat points unlocked it actually it allows you to tailor the character as you see fit which is kind of a unique idea."
"Steel doesn't matter. At least not as much as some of these other things."
"I think that as we look at the Paladin and the Druid if we scrape away the things that we don't like and look at the design intent behind this I actually think we're moving in a pretty good direction for balancing the game."
"I think they have made it hard for themselves where they can make the core faction strong but not boost Divergent chapters to be kind of overpowered levels if they still want to keep the Divergent chapter units relevant."
"Releasing something OP is easier to adjust downward than to adjust upwardly."
"I think slows good... I really like this one, I think it's balanced."
"Legacies and hacked weapons will no longer be a problem and will be brought down to reality."
"Thankfully, the balance team was aware of how unforgiving he used to play and gave him a slew of buffs over several patches."
"There's a very big difference between pushed power level and grossly broken."
"I think it's really nice to see CM get buffed on something else than her ultimate finally. She's just seemed underwhelming in most situations."
"A hundred percent magic immunity was really disgusting for the game because it left no counter play options outside of red buff."
"I think support needs to lose power in some way."
"In the process of overcorrecting and trying to make the game as balanced and accessible as possible in one Fell Swoop they made the game boring and lame."
"What is new in the game: new map Samba palace, new characters toxic citron and breakfast brains, 1200 new customization items, character balancing and gameplay improvements."
"I feel like the balance changes were pretty on point I actually feel like supercells doing a really good job at coming up with really unique ways to balance brawler's while also keeping them fresh and exciting."
"Changes to towers - some nerfs, some buffs. Let's dive in."
"Slowest close range ttk we've ever had in Warzone."
"If you want to balance a game with a nightmare amount of data, finding the strongest elements of your game will help you."