
Fraternity Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"The opposite of patriarchy is not matriarchy, but fraternity."
"Freemasonry is the world's oldest and largest fraternity."
"The way forward for Africa... the fraternity between Muslims and Christians is the way forward for Africa."
"It's not father son and holy ghost, it's equality liberty and fraternity."
"Similarities between Phi Beta Kappa and Freemasonry are easily seen."
"The fraternity also used many Egyptian themes such as the Great Sphinx of Giza."
"Dialogue is the way to peace and fraternity."
"One time for the pretty boys of Kappa Alpha Psi."
"That's the one thing about the NFL, it's a fraternity."
"It's a fraternity; we're all in this fraternity."
"Do you not remember what you are and over whom you rule, that they are kinsmen, that they are brothers by nature, that they are the offspring of Zeus?"
"Freemasonry teaches the universal principle of unselfish friendship."
So that was the heart of the rector. And a few days later, he asked us not to say hello rector, but to say to him, "Brother."
"It's like a Kappa, anybody could pay to be a Kappa, but if you want to be a Nupe, you gotta really go in, what they call being made."
"It's like the triplet that came out of the French Revolution: liberty, equality, fraternity. Those two were values secundum quid. When you try to make secondary values primary values, you lead your nation by a short route to chaos."
"Be your brother's keeper. Don't be the first to tear yourselves down. Be nice. Listen to them, be supportive."
"To be honest, this is my brother, man, like what's good for him is good for me, just there like as he grows, I learned what makes him grin makes me happy, this is my brother, so it's like I'm happy, man, I love to see what he is."
"You are now one of them. That patch comes before anything else. Right or wrong, that member is your brother."
You ever notice how Brothers can't really say no to other Brothers? You know what I mean? Like, did Brothers even need to punch the ballot? You just walk in and be like, "Alright, put me down for my man!"
"Freemasonry is a way of life that improves a man from the inside out and ultimately contributes to a better society."
"Freemasonry makes its members wiser, better, and consequently happier."
"The rewards of a fellow craft mason include physical and spiritual nourishment, refreshment, and joy."
"Freemasonry brings together men who, without its influence, would have remained at a perpetual distance."
"When you come into this fraternity you take, I mean you're not just joining you know, you're becoming."
"There's no way to leave the fraternity."
"Hey Mike, I was a frat man I know what it's like slow night, nothing to do, have a couple of beers, stealing mummy."
"The presence and the impact that I saw those group of men have in the east st louis community that made me want to pledge kappa alpha psi."
"I never managed to join your fraternity. Instead, I ask you to join mine. It's the only way you'll ever know peace."
"I remember getting into a situation in college where I ended up getting rushed."
"The White House got the White House looking like a frat house."
"That's some big brother advice. Just think of me as your big brother."
"Our lives as men shouldn't be any different."
"The Brotherhood is strong and it is alive."
"I thoroughly am pleased and thoroughly enjoy the fact that I can say, 'Hey, Larry Bird, oh man, I mean, I'm a fraternity brother, Magic. Oh man, hey, we can rub elbows.'"
"Do you need help resolving a question of fraternity maybe I can help."
"The key question is whether we are bound by a spirit of fraternity, that in the end we're all human beings. This is the only planet which is our home. It is a moral question."
"Without fraternity, there can be no Unity. Without fraternity, religious diversity is divisive. Without fraternity, a multipolar world cannot be peaceful."
"Labor by precept and example to elevate the standard of Masonic character, to enlarge its sphere of influence, to popularize its teachings, and to make all men know it for the great apostle of peace, harmony, and goodwill on Earth."
"Masonry not in any wise derogating from the differing duties which the diversity of States requires, tends to create a new people which composed of men of many nations and tongues shall all be bound together by the bonds of science, morality, and virtue."
"You know it's just it reinforces fraternity in your life and and really striving after virtue."
"If we can have fraternity and service, that will add up to witness to a world that desperately needs to know Jesus."
"True Masonic light was the solvent that would bring the brotherhood of man."
"Let noble Mason's health go round, their praise in lofty Lodge resound."
"Planning a wedding. I'm marrying outside the Greek system, but he's totally letterworthy."
"At the end of the day, Omega SciFi, that's friendship is essential to the soul."
"Freemasonry embodies that religion in which all men agree."
"We're all just brothers and sisters."
"Every person that's joining greek life are trying to fill a void in some kind of way."
"Seeking membership in a fraternity or sorority is akin to seeking a job; research and understand the organization's mission and values."
"Achievement through fraternity, knowledge, and fidelity."
"...did you love me or were you just hazing me for some sort of a fraternity stunt thing like."
"Supplement godliness with brotherly affection."
"It's important to have this content so that we are intellectually coming into a sense of what we are called to and then pursuing that with the strength that comes from fraternity."
"I hope that as you look at me you just see me as literally your brother an eternal brother."
"Their Works were in the dark and they knew every man his brother."
"I brought you a present, brother."
"It's the beginning of a new Brotherhood."
"I just want to see my brothers win. I love seeing my brothers winning."
"I wouldn't have never gotten a fraternity."
"Living with eight other guys, it was like a fraternity, you know? Pretty cool."
"It's an internal love, it's brotherly love."
"That's our goal out here: to make you feel welcome to the fraternity of amateur radio operators."
"Well, I would first of all, I want to thank our Morehouse brother for raising the question."
"You'll have to be affiliated to Lodge 341, brother McMurdo. We have our own ways and methods, different from Chicago," McGinty explained.
"I said when you're pledging a woman and you finish. Oh, okay, so you're an [__]."
"I think amongst the male comic fraternity you've got a group of male comics who are quite happy to compete in that arena and to elbow others out the way in to shout others down but also you've got a load of lovely sweet temper DeGeneres male comedians."
"A brother supposed to help a brother."
"And all the brothers too, and yet I know not"
"That type of fraternity is the Crux of a real friendship where we are recognizing ourselves as brothers with Christ under God the father and welcoming in his world in which we can enjoy one another more fully."
"At the core of their existence, the drive to be first of all servants of all and to transcend all is paramount in every man of Alpha Phi Alpha."
"Alpha Phi Alpha supported other African-American organizations emerging in the early decades of the 20th century."
"Sit back, relax, and get ready to explore this rare glimpse inside the connected worlds of Sufism and Freemasonry."
"The mission of Alpha Kappa Alpha is to be supreme in service to all mankind."
"The men of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity, many of whom are here today, including our regional vice president Terrance Robinson, will always lead the charge to fight the battle and win the war against injustice."
"He who findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and my sisters, you have been a good thing to the men of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity."
"The movie was about the most animalistic fraternity house on campus, and I guess you could see there that Belushi stood supreme among the animals."
"That to become a Mason makes you a better Christian."
"Greek life is pretty strong at Berkeley but at the same time again 80% of the student body isn't involved."
"As a master mason, I believe in the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man."
"The third thing I did in that fraternity is I read the scripture."
"I've come to see it as a civic fraternity that promotes moral self-improvement, personal integrity, and service to others."
"My Sunni brother who lives in the UK is my Muslim brother forever."
"He admired Chad and looked up to him like a brother would."
"It's a benevolent brotherhood," he said with a wink.
"Without justice, there will be no universal fraternity, there will never be social friendship, there will never be caring for our common home."
"The Nobel Peace Prize was first awarded in 1901 and most years since "to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses"."
"It's necessary really to work all around the world for this kind of culture of tolerance, that they start also for the capacity of knowing the other, for entering relation and building together. A new culture of human fraternity."
"Brady holds the esteemed title of an honorary member of the Phi Beta Sigma fraternity."
"Such an organization as Omega Psi Phi, created by Negroes in a Negro institution of higher learning, would cause a new awakening in Negro college life and blaze a trail for a common attack upon discrimination and injustices that are barriers to human progress."
"The Citizen of the Year award is an essential part of Achievement Week, Omega's first social action program, which was launched 100 years ago."
"It's the greatest fraternity on Earth, this is priesthood."
"When I meet sisters, even when I'm meeting them for the first time, I feel like we have that instantaneous connection."
"Our preference was for our two peoples to live together fraternally."
"May our third century be illuminated by liberty and blessed with brotherhood, so that we in all who come after us may be the humble servants of thy peace."
"Shriners International is a fraternity based on fun, fellowship, and the Masonic principles of Brotherly Love, relief, and Truth."
"Emancipation will inaugurate liberty, equality, fraternity."
"Liberty, equality, and fraternity, meaning brotherhood, you need the sense of kinship and brotherhood in order to maintain equality, and you need equality in order to have liberty."
"But this one is special y'all, this our big bro man, the first one to welcome us into the fraternity with open arms, a legend in the game, hall of fame, one of the biggest and best to do it."
"Justice may be a woman, but the law is a brotherhood."
"It is a practical thing to avert an atomic war, it is a practical thing to recognize the fraternity of the peoples of the world."
"Every man is a Mason, because you know, he's of a mother."
"We're all brothers and sisters and we're all equal."
"The most unique aspect of fraternity and sorority life here at Florida Atlantic University is a true sense of community."
"I always consider Indian brothers sisters as something very close to me."
"This year we set out on a valiant mission to save the historic Delta Epsilon fraternity house here in London, Ontario."
"Our bonds of African fraternity and solidarity continue to grow stronger and deeper."
"To stay united with all the French with the indestructible bonds of brotherhood."
"Be especially careful to maintain in their fullest splendor those truly Masonic tenets: brotherly love, relief, and truth."
"The aims of the fraternity: We exist, Monsieur, to keep alive the ideals that flourished during the last war among members of all resistance groups."
"We're a small fraternity, so there's no reason why we wouldn't band together and be on each other's side."
"It is in the mason's lodge alone that they can kneel down together without feeling hatred, without professing contempt against their brother worshippers."
"Religious scripture talks about human fraternity and brotherhood, compassion and mercy between people."
"Sports is the greatest fraternity ever."
"To promote among them all fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the nation."
"You go into it thinking you're gonna party and drink and meet girls, but at the end of the day, it's like you spend most of your time with some of my best friends from my fraternity."
"Honor all men, love the Brotherhood."
"It's a great model... they help each other out, they all are like a fraternity."
"I'm always gonna feel like we are equal, we are brothers, we are sisters."
"I didn't find a fraternity that I felt shared the same values, so I made my own."
"It's just a game of football won, but what was interesting inside the Spurs fraternity... within 15 minutes, one brother went, 'Well, we're back in there.'"
"It's like fraternity, a family that there's so much into it."