
Rescue Operations Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"Survivors are being found; here a child is pulled from the rubble."
"Any country or government that doesn't make every possible effort to rescue its own people is not a country that deserves to be."
"We're incredibly grateful for the brave rescuers who immediately rushed to the scene."
"People like the Red Cross are the first responders... rescuing people, animals, everything, and just doing whatever they can to try and get people to safety."
"Could she have survived, could she have made it back, could this operation have happened?"
"Our focus is on the search and rescue and saving lives."
"Sydney to Hobart '98 yacht race is Australia's biggest ever peacetime rescue operation."
"Fortunately, the girl from the rescue animal project found the poor creature and brought her home."
"Judging by the expression on the sloth's face, it liked the rescue operation and the trip."
"It's hard to put into words what we feel when we rescue a missing child."
"Look, 1995, Hurricane Aaron, when a 230-foot boat sank, the Coast Guard was there and pulled up members of the crew one by one in these cage-like harnesses."
"We have the ability to reassure them that we have the best search and rescue experts here."
"An extraordinary rescue that deserves to be remembered."
"We've got rescuers from the fire department, local fire department, sheriff's department, federal emergency, Coast Guard, Customs and Border Protections, and many others."
"Rescue swimmers don't just save people from the water."
"Is being reported that at 2 am local time on site that sonar detected potential tapping sounds at the location implying crew may be alive and signaling."
"No one is getting the two other Americans who are there."
"Abandoned ship orders were given because of the beating the ship was receiving, and the rescue was no walk in the park, but all 31 sailors made it out alive."
"Adrenaline kicked in as I shot into action, piecing together one thing: a survivor was in the well."
"From the moment Hitler heard of the coup against Mussolini and his arrest, probably two days later he began issuing orders for German intelligence to find Mussolini."
"We will continue search and rescue because we still have hope that we will find people alive." - Mayor
"There has been hope here for the last couple of days, and I just, you know, as time goes by, you become more skeptical that they will find somebody." - Tom Van Essen, Former FDNY Commissioner
"The process is very slow and we need to understand that it has to be done properly to respect all those that could be rescued."
"Every single rescue boosted the morale of all involved."
"Thank you all so much for your support. That made this auction rescue possible."
"We are working around the clock to find people and bring them out safely."
"Morphing robots useful for a wide range of rescue operations, from swimming like a sea lion to crawling like a gecko."
"The children must be rescued from pedophilia."
"Sometimes the battle cannot be won, and in those cases, a rescue bot's priority is to help as many people as we can."
"It was a textbook example of a successful rescue operation."
"I really don't think they could have done a better job."
"But more than anything, it is their willingness to risk their own lives to rescue others that sets the SEALs apart."
"We had 300 foot rope and we just about maxed them out to get down to those people. This was nothing short of a miracle."
"It's a fight against time to find survivors before it's too late."
"Those are the ideals of a true member of the rescue squad."
"We need groups like this. Without them, who knows when she would have been found."
"It's a story of heroism, courage, and global collaboration."
"Without pausing for thought, Rogers ran back into the crossfire determined to rescue the fallen soldier..."
"The rescue effort stalled; the first sign that Cisco had that Guillain made it out alive was the sound of a drill above him."
"That day we saved 20,000 people, and I think that's what we have to remember." - Fire Chief Joseph Pfeiffer
"Everyone was singularly focused on the goal of getting Ethan out alive." - Kyle Vowinkle
"Without the coast guard there, there would be no hope for him."
"The coast guard watches out for you whether you're on the deck in the water or going up the basket or in the helicopter."
"A desperate search for survivors amid fears of more aftershocks."
"That's it, we like to see it, search for survivors. I'm working one step ahead of this dude."
"Dubai's flying Rescuers showcase the true power of modern technology, a testament to how Innovation can make a real difference in saving lives."
"The Coast Guard doesn't charge for search and rescue, nor do we associate a cost with human life."
"Every single wind that we have is like a rescue job."
"You need to have the equipment for someone to find you rather than self-rescue."
"Every hour that passes makes the likelihood that Vicki Lynn would be recovered safely diminish."
"Rescuing isn't just about saving lives; it's about restoring hope."
"Rescue isn't just a word; it's a promise of hope and healing."
"The Fuel Rats have performed nearly 70,000 successful rescues, saving commanders from the bubble to the Milky Way's most desolate extreme edges."
"Thanks to them drones allow us to search areas that are difficult to access and within close range where a helicopter may not be able to get to, let alone people. This fella is very lucky to have come out of this alive."
"Aviation Rescue Swimmers: Ready to go into harm's way to complete the rescue missions in the most extreme environments imaginable."
"We're going to find you, we're going to bring you home, and if you ever get an opportunity, find a phone, find a safe adult, call 911."
"So as the firefighter continued to dig and look for you know rescue situations, the cat stayed on his back and shoulders and watched the whole team's progress."
"You have to save some of the people because you can't keep this thing a secret."
"The rescue of graveyard companies is an incredible business."
"Both times it was the dog's ability to follow a scent that led to her discovery."
"We expect to go out there to find someone and help them, you know. That's part of what we do."
"In a place known as the graveyard of the Pacific, Coast Guard crews risk their own safety so that others may live."
"Nothing's going to go wrong with the rescue."
"Spot can navigate through fire and smoke, potentially useful for various tasks."
"95 percent of all search and rescue people are volunteers."
"Our Focus over the next 12 to 24 hours is going to be making sure that those people that are In Harm's Way and need assistance that our search and rescue teams can get in there and assist."
"We're going to risk a lot to save a lot with this."
"They're real individual people and they deserve to be rescued no matter how long they've been at the bottom of these murky muddy waters."
"It was very frustrating hovering over the shore while they had to get him back out of those ropes."
"We're going to do everything in our power to get all Americans out and our allies out."
"Bees work really fast, but bee rescuers do too."
"Every time a parrot or duck or Crow was brought into the shelter the procedure was similar."
"Standard operating procedures are the best guarantee of a successful rescue operation."
"Using a simple ladder, a boom lift, or a scissor lift to retrieve the victim as long as it's the right tool for the job then that's perfectly acceptable."
"...we're here to help you guys on search and rescue, we got our boats, anything you need just let us know."
"You save a group, contact another team, and move on; you'll be both saving lives and benefiting Konoha."
"Make sure you like and subscribe to our channel because next, I'm going to be showing you some Canadian rescues."
"Cadaver dogs are good, they find surgeons, rescue, those dogs are sick."
"The faster we can get on scene, the faster we can get the search efforts started, more likely we are to have success."
"It's important to have wilderness first aid or wilderness first responders training... we're going to be the first ones to make the finds."
"It is going to go to Global rescue who has performed over 20,000 operations."
"The rule of thumb in vehicle stabilization is lift an inch, crib an inch with Para Tech rescue struts."
"They rescue people around the Matterhorn, do about 1,800 rescues a year."