
Habituation Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"You actually get to a point where you don't even notice anymore. Yeah, like background noise."
"The Fox from this video had been feeding this fox regularly at the same spot for over a year."
"The more you do it, the more you're out, the more natural it's going to be."
"Amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas." - Aristotle's critique of Plato, driven by a quest for truth.
"Habit forming takes place when repeated actions become second nature."
"I think if people get used to you know scheduling being used like what is meant to be useful to let you know then I think they will get used to it."
"Even mundane pleasures can lose their excitement over time."
"The more you practice awareness and consciousness, the more natural it becomes."
"If it seems overwhelming, it gets much easier. Safety becomes second nature."
"It becomes so easy, people become so used to you being vegan."
"You get so used to it, you don't care after a while."
"It's all they know. It's all they've known for years and they can't leave it."
"Do the hard work now so you can really, after that, be second nature to you."
"None of the interaction between tourist and gorilla would be possible if the gorillas were not habituated to the presence of humans."
"The secret place does not become somewhere you go occasionally, but a habitation of God."
"We habituate ourselves in patterns that cause suffering."
"Every habit we have, good and bad, is a lie because basically, they are illusions."
"Excellence is not an act, it is a habit. Period."
"Once you get the hang of it, it's something that will just become second nature."
"Anything you can get good with, you can get used to."
"Once you buy a car once you start driving it daily and you're using it week by week by week you're used to looking at it the design becomes something you're accustomed to and you're not admiring the look of it anymore you're just using it."
"Hand-feeding wild bears is dangerous as it leads to habituation and increases the risk of dangerous encounters for both humans and bears."
"These deer were used to seeing the hedge on this property."
"Humans have this habit of just getting used to stuff."
"...the brain learns that's not important, it's not interesting, it's tuned it out."
"Most people are just fairly used to that, I think."
"Aristotle's theory of virtue depends heavily on the idea of habituation. You become virtuous by being trained in virtue as you grow up."
"Habituation is responsible for the greatest reduction in tinnitus suffering worldwide."
"But once I committed to acceptance and habituation, my life gradually improved. It took a couple of years and a lot of practice, patience, and persistence."
"We habituate, we get used to things."
"I think I've just been used to having a broken phone for so long that I forgot what a normal phone is supposed to look like."
"Well, it's like everything, you get used to it."
"...realize that the more you do it the less that fear will be around."
"Make sure you accustom your ear to listen to that which is good."
"You get adjusted to it and it becomes part of your normal."
"You get used to things. You get used to bad things."
"The more you do this the less on edge your body will be in similar situations."
"Once you're used to it, it kind of lulls you to sleep."
"It's very easy when you're doing this for so many years to forget that."
"The psycho jargon word for that is habituation. That's nothing to do with habituation to drugs, just habituation to an incoming stimulus. An habituated brain with no new stimulation to react to is a bored brain, and one that is not functioning at its best."
"The brain's natural process to reduce tinnitus is through habituation."
"It means settling your mind, settling your body helps your brain habituate and reduce tinnitus over time."
"Optimizing your life to be relatively low stress, sleeping well, having good health, this is going to set you up for habituation."
"I made a commitment to myself that I was gonna do that, and I have accomplished it. And guess what? Now it has become normal for me, so I'm gonna keep rolling with it."
"United Autosports have become a team that's kind of gotten used to winning."
"If you eat one marshmallow [ __ ] it, two marshmallows every day, eventually you're going to either want something else or you're going to want to add chocolate and graham cracker."
"I've been saying [__] for so long now."
"If you do it enough times, honestly, it's gonna be like you're not even thinking about it anymore."
"Once you begin waiting on God and you do this and you learn through deliberate waiting on God, then it becomes second nature to you."
"If you eat something long enough, your taste buds will recalibrate."
"Cultural evolution operates entirely by group selection, explaining the preservation of new habits within a group."
"Do things the same exact way every day for a month and it becomes part of you."
"Repetition is what creates automatic habits. Do the same exercise over and over until it pours out of your fingers."
"Default food environment. Set up the environment such that you don't have to exert willpower when you're in your home."
"Our sense of being gnarled and knotted is habitual according to Buddhism, it's not intrinsic, it's impermanent."
"You strengthen the connection between your neurons and your scenarios in your brain over time by repeating the same kind of habitual actions."
"With practice, it becomes easier and it becomes second nature eventually."
"After many years, the things that initially shocked us started to become routine."
"The only language the unconscious understands is repetition and training."
"The only thing you actually have control over in trading is how much you're going to lose."
"Progressive desensitization: you doing something over and over and over again so that you're desensitized."
"When you love somebody for so long, you come to a point where you don't know if you love them or if it's just a habit."
"It's one of those things that eventually becomes automatic, and you'll do it without thinking."
"The mind can survive only through the constant demand to experience the same things again and again."
"The longer you do something, the easier it gets to keep doing."
"What you taught me in this program became so automatic, what I was taught is to do the next indicated thing."
"It's like driving a car; it can be really stressful at the beginning because you're having to think about everything, but later on, once everything starts to become natural, you just do it automatically."
"Practice it many, many times until it becomes like walking."
"Actions become habits, and the more something happens, it just becomes a habit."
"The more you do something, the less sensitive you get to it."
"There is a law of metaphysics concerning repeated actions and how it creates pattern responses in our brains."
"That's what we do. We get used to stuff."
"Life wouldn't be possible without [habit mechanisms]; even the action of getting out of this chair would be very complicated if you had to think through every movement."
"The right ways of thinking and behaving becomes your habit."
"By the time we get down to here, you have pulled off and stopped a thousand times; you're not even thinking about it anymore."
"If you lose time after time after time, it becomes a habit and you begin to accept it."
"Technique becomes instinct to you, that's why we practice."
"Spend time each day with the harness on the puppy so they get used to the feeling being on their body."
"No matter what safety route you take, you should be practicing that and making it muscle memory."
"It will eventually become second nature and you won't even think about all these steps we discussed today; it will simply become part of who you are as a driver."
"CBT stands for cognitive behavioral therapy, and that means when you change and rewire your thoughts and reactions towards tinnitus, you can promote habituation as well."
"I know it will become second nature to me."
"Habits are formed when you do anything repetitively; neurons that fire together wire together."
"We have to teach them slowly that grooming is part of their life."
"It becomes a this exhilarating experience the first few times they do it, but the effect wears off and they have to do it again."
"Something that is brand new to you and it's really really hard eventually becomes second nature and it becomes awesome."
"Go very slow and as you start becoming habitual to the newer trend, you would then continue to build confidence and move forward."
"The human mind actually gets bored if seeing the same thing for 14 days."
"People become resistant to changing their way of thinking because they get used to their specific outlook on life."
"Then after a while, those things become habits; they become part of us. Then we do the job or serve our neighbors or eat our vegetables not because we feel obligated to, or because we're going to get a hay cube if we do it. We do it because we want to do it."
"Embodiment is when something becomes so automatic that you don't even second guess it anymore."
"A habit is something you do without really thinking about it; it's a behavior which you have repeated enough that it's kind of second nature."
"They don't need any exercises for writing, but they need somehow to keep reading through those years until it just becomes self-perpetuating."
"I have grown accustomed to her looks, accustomed to her voice."
"Building muscle memory and having something become a little bit mindless is not a bad thing, in my opinion."
"Humans are just creatures of habit."
"When you look at something every day, you stop seeing it."
"Humans are pattern-finding, habit-forming creatures."
"It's quite amazing how quickly you'd get used to certain things."
"Unconscious competence is the goal, it becomes second nature."
"I fully habituated to it and no longer bothers me or causes me distress."
"Once you've got your head around what you've got to do, it just becomes second nature."
"The most important concept to remember is the power of repetition; your brain creates transformation more powerfully and more easily and automatically every time."
"If we can make learning English like that, you're gonna soon find that English becomes fun because it's going to be automatic; something that's not work — it's just a habit."
"The more you do this, the more it will just seem natural and will come together."
"If you're exposed to it over and over again, you'll get over it."
"It's like anything else, man, the longer you do it, it just becomes second nature."
"A habit is something that you do so often that it's automatic."
"If you're doing a skill 99 times incorrectly, then repetition doesn't make perfect, repetition makes permanent."
"Building that literacy of movement so that it becomes second nature is all that you're aiming to do really."
"This is starting to just become part of the way you ride your bike."
"It's something that you can easily get used to."
"The general method for changing character is to identify one's virtues and vices, select the next appropriate virtue to seek, and then repeat good actions until a habit is formed."
"Making sure that all of these little drills inside the car become muscle memory."
"If you do it regularly, there actually isn't that much to be afraid of."
"It's just things you used to, and then when they're not happening, your brain just kind of fills in the blanks."
"We're back, and I downloaded a book the other week called 'The Power of Habit,' and I'm actually really excited to talk about this."
"Procedural memory is just the memory of how to do things and tends to be automatic due to repeated practice."
"I'm starting to get more accustomed to going to the gym and like actually working out."
"Virtues are when those qualities become your second nature."
"Once they started using that trail, it became second nature to them."
"Dressing well is an effort in the beginning, but as I practiced it more, it has become second nature."
"Muscles that repeatedly fire together will permanently wire together."
"What you do is you keep on practicing, you keep on learning, and then all of a sudden it becomes like second nature."
"You will just get used to it; it should be a standard for you."
"Once you've learned how to tie a shoelace, it becomes a reflex."
"I had become accustomed to his companionship."
"It's not that God isn't calling us; it's that we've grown so accustomed to ignoring the voice of God that it does not make any impression on our minds anymore."
"Words are sounds combined with diverse vibrations of articulation whose association produces in our mind the force of habit."
"Tinnitus retraining therapy works, it made me fully believe in habituation, it showed me that tinnitus can reduce in the perception."
"Disciplined spirituality is a whole facet of what it means to be people who become like Jesus through the habituation and practices of holy habits."
"The more you lean into something, the more you tend to like it."
"Habits, they say, can take up to 30 days to really nurture."
"I was so accustomed to it that it wasn't in my nature to be so afraid."
"Problems in habituation are related to a whole range of mental health problems."
"Habituating to something that is virtue... getting accustomed to something that is virtuous, something that is wholesome."
"I think after you play 10, 20, 30 games, they'll start to become second nature."
"With practice, you will start to get the hang of it and it will become like second nature."
"The more you practice, the more it becomes natural."
"Anything practiced for 21 days straight becomes a habit."
"Once you get used to it, it can really help in terms of the creativity."
"The more that I practice, the more those small adjustments and routines happen automatically."
"When you do an activity repeatedly, that forms a habit."
"Virtue is precisely what you don't have to think about; once you've acquired the virtue and it's become woven into your character, it becomes the disposition that characterizes who you are."
"After you do it for a long time, you start to get used to it, you don't get as tired."
"It's like normalization in your head. The more you do something, the more you're used to it."
"The more you repeat it, the more you'll get used to it, the more you begin to like it, every time you do it you like it more and more and more until it becomes your new nature."
"Travel your brain when you're in a certain place for a long enough time it just starts like categorizing everything and it stops being stimulated."
"A luxury once enjoyed becomes a necessity."
"The purpose of this is to drill into your mind the easier parts to make them second nature."
"The brain doesn't like to change its formation, so it likes to hear the same thing and process the same thing over and over."
"Techniques acquired through countless hours of practice eventually become habits."
"It's becoming natural, that's roughly the idea, isn't it?"
"It's more like muscle memory, something you have done enough times you don't even think about it."
"Remember when anything in your environment becomes a normal part of your environment, it becomes a necessity."
"We are so used to it that we don't notice."
"It's possible for you to get so used to dysfunction that you choose dysfunction."
"You know you can get used to anything in the course of time."
"It's not a waste of time; we want this to become second nature to us."
"She's not concerned by us and that's because of lots of very gentle habituation of these animals over many, many years."
"They are habituated to the vehicles so they are relaxed with our presence."
"It's so crazy how fast your body starts to get used to stuff."
"You'll never have to think again, and with a little practice, you can become a monster of habits too."
"It's like the whole thing where you tie your shoes; you don't actually think about every motion you do to tie your shoes because you've done it a million times."
"If you can get captive bred, always go for the captive bred animals because they're going to be more habituated, they're going to be more socialized, they're going to do better in captivity."
"We're very blessed to see leopards that are so relaxed with vehicles in the presence of people."
"Leopards and lions, they're quite used to being followed by vehicles and even during a hunt, even with cubs, they are pretty comfortable."
"He is an absolutely perfectly wild leopard but very habituated, very relaxed with the vehicles."
"When you practice a lot, it becomes second nature."
"Even when it starts to feel easy, you need to keep repeating it until it's so automatic you barely have to think about it."
"Training something just means to develop a habit of doing something so that you can do it automatically."
"Are you used to the sound of this wind chime?"
"We spend a lot of time with wild animals, and a lot of it's got to do with habituation."
"As time goes on, they get used to us much like the lions and leopards when they're small cubs."
"It's super easy; once you do this a few times, it becomes second nature."
"We all get stuck from time to time in a thought, a belief, a feeling, a practiced habit."
"It's crazy how when you start something, you notice everything, and then it becomes routine."