
Oral Tradition Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"We've likely witnessed forms of cataclysm and then the way that we preserve that knowledge is through stories and oral traditions."
"We are not talking about manuscript preservation. We are talking about the preservation of a spoken recitation."
"The Quran has been preserved through an unbroken chain of narration, not merely through manuscripts."
"The oral tradition isn't just the telephone game story... those traditional storytellers are chosen from birth... they're trained this way because they cannot add a word to a story and they can't take one away."
"Yezidism is primarily an oral religion. This means that they passed down their sacred history and teachings by word of mouth over the course of centuries."
"The idea that these stories of real geological events could survive transmission to become some of the world's oldest stories."
"Thus showing the flood account could be an oral tradition handed down to the Hebrews it goes back to an ancient time in the region of Sumer instead of it just being a copy of other Mesopotamian flood legends."
"The Quran was not revealed as a written word; it was revealed as a spoken word."
"Muhammad didn't have the ability to write, yet he would recite the Quran."
"The preservation of the Quran is based on the oral transmission, which has epistemic primacy."
"The Homeric poems were created orally, passed on orally, not written down, so what we have reflects centuries of bards passing on bits of the poem, always creative."
"Oral traditions match the archaeological record quite well."
"Love of language catches on as you know, and ordinary people at the time started writing down the tales that they'd grown up hearing."
"Through the coming generations, the last woodcrafter lives on in the words the wild chatters affectionately whisper to each other..."
"The common argument that an uninterrupted and completely reliable oral transmission has miraculously preserved the text of the Quran from such errors falls flat."
"These Tales could at last be written down and preserved, this is the origin of the great stories of Irish Legend."
"Throughout time, people across the world told each other tales of how they came to be, of heroes and monsters, romance and tragedy, death and rebirth."
"When the Gospels are written down, that was after many years of oral tradition."
"Indian knowledge has been disseminated and transferred from generation to generation through the narrative mode."
"The story of the hero king Rama comes from an epic poem known as the Ramayana. Like many other stories of antiquity, this one started as an oral tradition and was only written down later."
"Folklore and these oral traditions have reality to them."
"If Bigfoots are in fact a real animal, there should be stories of them in the native oral traditions, and sure enough, there are."
"Some of the mythology that was written down in the Middle Ages had a significant oral longevity."
"Those stories are what are held as being the foundation of an understanding of where you have come where you are and where you may go in the future."
"Imagine for a moment ancient Mariners passing down stories of distant lands and seas."
"Everything we know about Mohammed, everything we know about Islam, everything we know about the emergence of Islam, everything we know about how the Quran was put together all comes from oral tradition."
"Masai Society is organized into assets and they have a strong oral tradition that passes down cultural values and history through storytelling."
"You can't trace the words of Jesus back to the lips of Jesus and that's the problem that we have now."
"You did have at least in the interim oral tradition that would later be you know that was always true and then Vindicated by God's word."
"Our culture is an oral culture and everything that we say and do is passed on from one generation to another."
"The singers of the forest had no books, no ink, no parchment, no written language. Instead, they had the trees and the weirwoods."
"It's a profound thing to think about because there are no recording devices nobody's writing this down nobody's memorizing this Dua and passing it on."
"In a matter of a few generations, the cataclysm becomes a verbal legend."
"He did this with his memory, and he did not write the stuff down."
"Stories should not be written, they should be told."
"Critical interpreters believed that the Pentateuch had grown out of oral traditions, just like all other ancient religious writings."
"The Quran can be studied from both oral tradition and from text."
"I feel like oral history is so important when it comes to reconnecting and reconstructing mungan culture."
"Oral traditions are the truths of a people."
"The truth of their experiences that's been handed down orally."
"In oral transmission, there is both stability and change from location to location, town to town, family to family."
"...oral tradition is a bit like a game of telephone for anyone who's ever played it."
"...oral tradition serves a certain purpose in trying to traverse again that gap of those generational gaps between historical Jesus and the period in which you actually find the writing activity of the gospel authors."
"The idea was that Shakespeare channeled all these stories that they considered oral traditions of the 'low-lieb'd Elizabethan.'"
"I do think that it's possible that there are oral stories that are incorporated into these texts."
"There are different ways of attaining knowledge, oral culture, centuries of accumulation often belittled by written culture."
"The genius of oral storytelling is to be in a room where 60 or 400 or 500 people are having different pressure points activated through the telling."
"Somali has a very, very strong oral culture."
"Stories are always wonderful ways to convey points in the oral medium."
"The Stark history is an oral history, passed down from generation to generation."
"For forty years, the Christian community did not have these written documents, so how did they think about Jesus, how did they recollect his words, how did they preach about him?"
"It's all about the oral Quran anyway? No, it's also about the written Quran and they really cared."
"It's less about it's not like Star Wars... instead it's just you're around a campfire and this is the legend of Mad Max and it's like almost like oral tradition."
"The Quran seems to show a level of sophistication and some instances precision that is beyond what we generally would find from oral tradition."
"The Iliad and the Odyssey... weren't written down for a very long time and instead it was memorized and performed."
"They inspired a wealth of literature and art but because the Druids were an oral culture and left no written records of their own, comparatively little is known about their beliefs and practices."
"How do you communicate with an illiterate society? Stories orally delivered and representations of scenes from the Buddha's life."
"Without writing to communicate and codify these stories, the storyteller was of utmost importance."
"I'm very fascinated by the return to oral tradition. It's the rebirth of a very intimate oral tradition."
"The texts were originally passed down orally from generation to generation and were finally written down and preserved by Indian priests."
"For most of history, the word of God was always spoken, and revelation was given through people to other people, and it was not written."
"If there was a break in the custody of the Quran and that it had to be entirely passed on by oral tradition, that would impress me to no end."
"For a very long time, predating any written records, stories were told orally, meaning that the tale of Sleeping Beauty may have origins even further back than I'm going to be able to share today."
"We are now trying to salvage some of the knowledge that primitive societies have amassed over thousands of years and passed down from father to son orally."
"The oral tradition is as important as any in the early church."
"Much of our literature is unwritten, in the form of proverbs, songs, folk tales, and parables in our local languages."
"Many oral traditions can maintain their veracity for not just a few generations but literally for thousands and thousands of years."
"If you talk to them, you'll be able to find out what life was really like 150 years ago."
"For thousands of years, Homer's Iliad and Odyssey were the oldest epic narratives that Europeans knew of."
"...oral transmission is something that's more natural to humans and it's happening all the time."
"If there's an oral tradition and then it transferred into a written one, which one would be more authentic?"
"Oral history consists of cultural memory, which is traditions, customs, language, behavior, and all kinds of social meanings."
"It really benefits from being read aloud actually, particularly when she's speaking the Potawatomi language."