
Impulsivity Quotes

There are 189 quotes

"I bought a wooden mug solely because I was somewhere with mugs, and I was like, 'that's cool.'"
"This disorder is associated with impulsivity, so sometimes people look at this particular disorder and say we really can't think of the behavior as coming from distorted thinking."
"If you're an impulsive person that has to be gratified immediately, you're probably not going to have a very good life."
"Trump was a basket of issues, he was an impulse."
"Don't make permanent decisions off of temporary emotion."
"Impulsivity tends to be one of the characteristics when we see criminal behavior."
"If it feels good do it, that is the motto of useful idiots."
"You rushed in impulsively about something in a panic and dramatically overpaid."
"Aries energy can be short-sighted, unaware of the bigger picture."
"You knew post-nut clarity is gonna show up and still you continue to throw your salami down the gutter."
"Rush into huge financial decisions without thinking them through and then you spend the rest of your life doing Penance feeling guilty about it."
"Social media kind of just puts that battery in our back real quick."
"So rather than going out and buying the next shiny new rare interesting looking plant that catches my eye."
"I usually open my mouth before I ever think about anything, so yeah, that's uh..."
"I was just like 'do not do anything stupid.'"
"It's not as common as one would imagine, particularly in serial killing, where you see it is people who are a little bit more disorganized or impulsive."
"ESFPs at their best are impulsive individuals who live in the moment."
"In borderline, impulsivity is a key feature."
"Pistorius reach for his gun and fired four rounds through a locked bathroom door."
"Impulsivity in somebody else might actually be attractive."
"This person has a softer side to them, they have a lover's heart."
"They're very motivated by those feelings and when they were younger they could have come across as quite impulsive."
"Doing things that gratify short-term impulses does not result in the best long-term outcomes."
"Perhaps the story of Aaron Hernandez is a story of the perfect storm - too much stress, too much damage to the brain, he was too young, too impulsive, and given too much power."
"Think two things before you do it, don't act impulsively."
"Think before you spend, especially with impulsive spending."
"Buying impulsively and not researching thoroughly... take some time, think about it, and whether or not it's the right decision for you."
"Sometimes you just get carried away saying reckless [__], trying to get a reaction."
"Give yourself 5 Seconds to make a decision. If you choose yes, just go and do it. Don't even think about it. No more thoughts about it. Just go do."
"Think before you speak, classic open mouth insert foot type energy."
"Trump's behavior has been so erratic, so impulsive, so out of control."
"Stop turning your worst impulses into content constantly."
"You have to have the self-control not to trade impulsively."
"My decision was this go, deal with the consequence later."
"You'd sack your manager every bloody week though. That's the problem."
"Almost every unkind word we've spoken or unwise decision we made could have been avoided if we had been more patient or less impulsive."
"While other people are just sort of aping into things and not really thinking about what they're doing."
"People do very occasionally snap and in a moment of madness they act completely out of character."
"We want to make sure that we're thinking things through and we're not acting impulsively."
"Fear of missing out is a long-term phrase for stupidity."
"Don't be so quick to act out of ego, rage, or anger."
"Just promise me you won't do anything stupid, alright? That's what I have you for, to stop me from impulsively starting armageddon or whatever it is I do."
"I saw the knife and the voice in my head just said attack, attack. I picked up the knife and I started stabbing my mum and Richard."
"I've never seen a person who's impulsive have their impulsiveness be a positive force in their life."
"Impulsive people act first and consider their options later, lacking self-control."
"No one in the history of cartoons has ever been as impulsive, selfish, and hard-headed as Cartman is."
"Never make permanent decisions in temporary insanity."
"They make impulsive decisions a lot because they're in their limbic brain."
"Sometimes I do struggle with impulsivity, and there have been many, many, many times where I just haven't really thought about it."
"Anything which is impulsive, sudden, where you suddenly decide to just move ahead and do things on impulse without thinking, can go dreadfully wrong."
"I'm kind of like an emotional person, and I wear my heart on my sleeve and kind of I'm always like, you know, shoot first, ask questions later kind of gal."
"Sugar consumption correlates with behavior problems in 5-year-olds - increased impulsivity, lack of being able to sit and concentrate."
"Never throw away a perfectly good sword in a fit of emotion because you might need it to save a prince and become a hero."
"The voice in your head tells you to tear down your wall with a sledgehammer. You don't question it, just do it."
"I just have really bad impulsivity because of ADHD and I usually act on them, but that's like the fun part."
"Sometimes you just gotta make dumb decisions sometimes sometimes you just gotta jump."
"A lot of people are like how could you leave but I get it because that's the that's the type of dumb [ __ ] I would do. I'm not gonna lie I do some very very very stupid stupid girl [ __ ] and I'm just like why the [ __ ] did I do that."
"Do you know how crazy and confrontational you have to be to pull up on somebody not ask any questions and just start swinging like the first thing just right out the gates you just start a fight?"
"This was retirement level money, and after seeing dollar signs in my eyes like a children's cartoon, I blurted out 'yes'."
"Kim's lost her mind. Is there any chance I will be happily married to this woman who went and got a face tattoo and hid that fact because she knew we would all talk her out of it?"
"No, I can deal with those. My mouth said words all by itself."
"Your life could really be improved by just going for things more on impulse."
"Don't second guess Yourself In the Heat of the Moment."
"Mental illness also makes individuals with NPD more reactive and more impulsive."
"In individuals with borderline personality disorder, there is dysfunction in the prefrontal cortex's ability to regulate emotional responses, leading to impulsivity and emotional instability."
"In the best of times, borderlines cannot control impulses. They are so taken over by dysregulated emotions and moods that they don't have the energy needed to control urges and drives."
"He was someone who had good judgment and didn't act impulsively."
"Do something impulsive for once in your life."
"I get really bad f as well yeah cuz I just want to go there and like tell everyone what I think."
"ADHD itself has three components: the hyperactive impulsivity person, what we call that the hyperactive. But we also have inattentive, the former attention deficit disorder ADD. And then we actually have the combined type."
"These are basically behaviors that are inflicted upon the body and can be quite impulsive in the sense of people doing them without really thinking."
"Short-term gratification often overrides long-term well-being."
"What is going on inside of me that something is cresting and all of a sudden I prioritize the short term and I don't look at that."
"He impulsively and purposefully got into a car accident so that he would have a legit excuse for being late."
"They like to be the star of the group but also don't like seeing people left out. They're extremely impulsive, spontaneous, and motivational."
"Sometimes you've got to be very impulsive, very fast, no long thing. You leave your impulse and you might lose your pulse, you know?"
"Risky sexual behavior is an example, but not only spending money recklessly. Placing yourself at risk with, for example, criminals, or so risky behavior is a major feature of alcohol myopia."
"In our teenage years, people tend to be more impulsive and have more difficulty with executive problem solving, so they're more at risk of relapse."
"Action without planning. Because it's Mars, it's often consequential action."
"If the moon is in fire and you're impulsive and you're reactive and you find yourself saying things and you push your emotional body onto others, that is a big fat turnoff."
"...sometimes I lose it and I don't think clearly and I don't really realize what I'm doing until after it's done."
"When I leave here, I don't stop at no red lights, I run every red light."
"The natural human tendency is to seek the fastest and easiest way to get the things we want right now, with little or no concern for the long-term consequences of our actions."
"Risk-taking and managing impulsivity are two very important habits of the mind, and it turns out that we now know a lot more about the reward system for risk-taking than ever before."
"As soon as I get desperate, I get stupid."
"When you are impulsive, you are by definition a fool in motion."
"Impulsivity means acting before you've thought about something."
"I dragged us into some crazy adventure."
"He was always starting things without consideration of their full implications."
"You need crazy people and you need people capable of doing extraordinary things out of impulse or passion or or courage."
"I got caught with a firearm over Farrell, so... literally like, we're out in it, so I thought, 'Oh, let me take off my gloves in it.'"
"What are you gonna do about it? Probably something stupid."
"...people who have higher degrees of impulsivity hyperactivity and novelty seeking are at higher risk of developing a substance use disorder."
"I am clinically predisposed to impulsive decisions and this, my friends, this my friends is the result."
"One shot makes me say things I normally wouldn't say."
"Many of us need to stop acting on impulse and want to go kill a [ __ ] because he said the word taco or something. He's creating his own demise anyways, you know, with his reckless mouth. He's digging his own grave."
"Intrusive thoughts can just be like, 'I could just jump off that bridge right now.'"
"Public activities can be challenging due to impulsivity and blurting."
"He's just going to do it. He's not gonna think about like what the long-term repercussions are going to be."
"This is not the wild west where you just go beat up somebody because you feel like it or you're mad at them."
"Tim is his own worst enemy he doesn't know when to shut up he just runs you guys see me talk again I mean it's oh God."
"I'm deeply impulsive, so I mean, in my life, it's been quite a good thing. I've taken a lot of risks that others around me weren't prepared to take."
"Once you actually become angry, it's essentially put on kind of blinders."
"If he cannot control his impulsivity, if he's always ready to cut up, yell, fight, shut down at the first sign of discomfort, that man is emotionally immature."
"People who are both young and impulsive tend to make decisions that will cost them for the rest of their lives."
"If you're in a really impulsive mood I feel like taking the time to declutter your house is a really good move."
"But then they just couldn't help themselves."
"It's when people do things without even stopping to think."
"I think it's good to be able to be impulsive."
"I just did it. I never thought that I could level up in impulsivity but it's the fact that I show up to the airport and I've done this twice now and I just book a flight at the ticket counter."
"I don't like these people man punch them all in the face bro now it's like you know what do it"
"A really lovely crockery delivery and it was a humongous impulse buy."
"people are young and they do dumb things when they're in love"
"But then the first thing that I went and bought I bought a rose cash."
"If you just run up, you'll be just a dumbass."
"Normally, y'all, I'm not super impulsive, but when it comes to hair dyeing, I'm the most impulsive person you'll meet."
"No matter the age, you always rush into things you do not know."
"One thing about ADHD is that it can make you quite impulsive and also make you very distracted based on your environment."
"I'm tempted to just go and go like sh, see what happens."
"The longer some people stay in that house, the more opportunities they have to put some ranch dressing on their foot before they put it in their mouth."
"It would be a bit like when one of my dad's friends buys a Supercar and gets a tattoo after a breakup midlife crisis."
"Sometimes you just press that button and you blurt the first thing that comes into your brain, and yeah, you're not listening, and you just win, and you just win."
"I did something a little bit reckless."
"Love is an impulsive act. It's free."
"...why you stealing her dog? Because I wanted to, just plain and simple."
"I don't act impulsively. You should know that by now."
"Thinking with the wrong head could and will lead to your death."
"Substance use and misuse is common, partly due to impulsivity and distress."
"I'll go viral if I break this glass on top of his head right now."
"Our lives are filled with more impulsive reactions than prayerful responses."
"Sydney surrendered to impulsivity and beat and stabbed her mother to death in a moment of rage."
"My brain just switches over so quick."
"It's a moment of impulsivity when the fire inside you, the need to be free, the soul that you drowned out through sorrow and a cold apathy towards life finally wakes up screaming urging you to make a move."
"The core of their films are the authentic behaviors of their characters, with the plot merely unfolding as a natural consequence of impulsive decisions."
"My first word of advice for my relatives, my friends, my family is always stop, wait a moment. Do not act immediately because that is always the beginning of a big problem."
"Mindfulness strengthens your self-control and reduces your impulsiveness."
"It's an impulsive decision today but it's a decision that I've been calculating for quite some time now."
"Nobody thinks anymore. They just do. They just react."
"Don't go searching after ghosts. Don't just act on impulse."
"It's almost like your mind says the worst thing you can think of at any given moment."
"My brother acted rashly and without oversight," said Hailstorm, "but he did so to save my life."
"It is critical never to underestimate the impulsivity of youth."
"CBD reduces anxiety and impulsivity."
"It kind of impresses on kids not just the stock lesson of 'don't judge a book by its cover,' but also the value in understanding things, of not acting impulsively or on your first instinct."
"Poverty, stress, trauma mess with the prefrontal cortex. It doesn't react the same way; it can be damaged and so it creates impulsive behavior, violence, inability to think ahead."
"People everywhere reacting without thinking, lashing out, they don't even know why."
"Imagine if a lot of boys thought before they just reacted."
"Impulsivity gone right is creativity."
"To be a better person, one of it is not being so impulsive and reactive."
"Emotional regulation is a key factor in ADHD as well as impulsivity."
"People are less impulsive, their brain is fully formed."
"I'm talking though I shouldn't be, I lost all sensibility."
"If you ponder something, you're probably going to come to a better decision than if you act impulsively."
"Don't make permanent decisions based on temporary feelings."
"You're smarter now; you don't do things impulsively here to keep you trapped in conflict."
"It's not about where you have a prototype in your fantasy and you go trolling for the victim; it's more that kind of primitive, animalistic thing."
"Don't act off them thoughts." - Advising against impulsive actions based on temporary emotions
"Sometimes the decisions that we make impulsively have consequences later in life."
"A teenage brain is like a car with a good accelerator but a weak brake."
"Present bias creates time inconsistency. When thinking about the future, we want to be patient, but when the future actually arrives, we are impatient."
"The courageous impulsivity of Aries is so marked and so admirable."
"We drink, we smoke, we destabilize a good job, a good marriage. These aren't decisions; they're impulses."
"Do not become conceited; when you act upon impulse, you will come to regret it later."
"The intermittent explosive disorder involves spontaneous impulsive acts of aggression."
"Refrain from acting off of impulse."
"That's the danger sometimes of getting so caught up in the heat of the moment."
"If you're a minimalist, you do less impulsive buying, so there could be some good financial ramifications."
"Don't make a permanent decision for your temporary emotions."
"When you're depleted of your brain serotonin levels, you become very impulsive, your long-term planning shuts down, you get aggressive, irritable, moody."
"Lockley! Lockley! Don't do anything crazy! Everything can be explained!"
"The ability to delay gratification is impaired because the time window between action and reward is very tight."
"Don't make any decisions in the heat of the moment."
"Don't be impulsive, just give things time, and eventually, it'll play out in a way that you'll be able to handle it."
"The hallmark signs of ADHD are inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and impulsivity."
"I don't think my brain has the part where it's like, 'Is this a good thing to say or should I keep it in my head?'"
"Don't do something impulsively if it's not an automatic yes, it's a no."
"The ID part of ourselves is the impulsive part that's driven by pleasures and repulsed by pain."
"A reaction is an instant, almost impulsive reaction to something that is happening. An action, however, is a conscious decision made after consideration."