
Goalkeeper Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"It's so important, especially for a Champions League, to have a goalkeeper you can rely on."
"Alisson is the best goalkeeper in the world. That save was absolutely ridiculous."
"He's obviously the best goalkeeper in the world!"
"There's no solution, there's no alternative, there is no money and there is no reserve goalkeeper to come in. He is the goalkeeper you're destructing our season by doing what you're doing."
"I like Casper, I like Robert Sanchez at Brighton, but I'm happy with the hair."
"Thibaut Courtois was underrated and won Real Madrid the cup."
"He's just the best keeper that we have ever had in my opinion."
"It's a good sign for Nick Pope... he's the best."
"He's one of the best goalkeepers in the world."
"On ability, Alisson is the best. I think Alisson deserves his props. He's a quality, quality goalkeeper."
"The greatest goalkeeper to ever grace together football in the world."
"I mean, we got so comfortable with him just making save after save after save."
"Anana at the moment looks like a north goalkeeper. He doesn't look intimidating in goal. He will improve, but right now, he's not living up to expectations."
"I think Edouard Mendy had the biggest impact of a goalkeeper this calendar year."
"He hasn't done anything wrong and I know Bernd Leno is a top top top goalkeeper but you know when you're number two who's waited so long for an opportunity he gets that opportunity and absolutely smashes it."
"Chelsea's trying to buy Mandy goalkeeper from Rennes."
"I think Allison is still the best goalkeeper in the world."
"Absolutely brilliant save, he made himself big and took it straight in the face."
"When he makes a save it doesn't shout on his defender. People, when they make a save and they shout on the defense, they are paid for before that. People stop being like gold."
"Yan Oblak has been quite possibly the most consistent and impressive goalkeeper on the planet."
"There goes that hype. I mean, back in 2019, don't forget this guy was the first teenage permanent goalkeeper since Joe Hart in 2006."
"It's about finding that balance: you want a goalkeeper that makes lots of saves but plays for an okay defense."
"He was tremendous, the greatest goalkeeper I've ever seen, he's in the same class as Gordon Banks, there's no question about it."
"Ram's Ramsey was never gonna play with freedom of course why, it's a goalkeeper if he was."
"I don't know why he's not changing the goalkeeper. I really don't."
"Gentlemen, meet Delosantos, the world's most fearsome goalkeeper."
"I really hope we change Keepers this summer. I really hope we don't put any more faith into Kepa."
"I wrote down every position, what I wanted to be in that position, and what I wanted to feel about what I want for my goalkeeper."
"He just had that confidence, and you need that from a goalkeeper."
"It's not just the shot-stopping, though. It's the command in his penalty area. It's long balls over the top. The back four know if Nick Pope's behind them, he will be out to sweep that up."
"One time you need them and they earn their money they save your career like a goalkeeper at a good team more just more Moody."
"Ollie Dixon, such a good keeper he might be able to save Reeve's football career."
"Well, all-time 11. In goal, Allison, yes. I don't think there's a better keeper from both teams."
"Leicester's goalkeeper was the best goalkeeper in the league. Schmeichel was the best keeper in the league, I think."
"So the goalkeeper is really involved in setting up the offense."
"Goalkeeper is kind of like the quarterback of the defense."
"The goalkeeper's got to have a cannon on him."
"He's the best Keeper in the league at the moment."
"Gordon Banks Stoke in England, the world's greatest goalkeeper tonight, this is your life!"
"He's the probably top three goalkeeper in the world right now."
"Joe Hart began the decade with an outstanding season."
"Petravic for me is the best goalkeeper to go for for this game week."
"A tremendous save from Alex Stepney from the shooting of Eusebio of Benfica."
"There's no way you can find one word that encapsulates what being a goalkeeper is."
"For most teams, the goalkeeper is the most important position."
"The goalkeeper is single-handedly the most important player on the pitch."
"It's almost a completely different sport within a sport."
"It's how you react and are able to shut out all the noise and continue doing your job."
"It's been a big difference, you need the top goalkeeper."
"Bosi somewhat of a magician, that save he made was outstanding."
"Neuer nearly won a Ballon d'Or, what are we talking about here?"
"That was a super save, Sam, as everybody had a chance to look at this one."
"Noya is timeless, what a goalkeeper."
"He's the best keeper in the world."
"He's the one, isn't he? He's the one if you're getting a keeper in."
"Absolutely no doubt that he's one of the outstanding goalkeepers."
"You can bottle up the feeling, the moment of between you know ball being struck and balls in mid-air and you know you're going to save it. It's euphoria. The whole world's silent, the whole world's still."
"Truly, Manuel Neuer is the only keeper who could pull off a move like this."
"We have the old German goalkeeper Oliver Kahn of Bayern Munich, very nice."
"He's top three goalkeepers in the Premier League, easy."
"He's clearly a Premier League goalkeeper."
"I think he's a really good goalkeeper."
"If you keep changing your goalkeeper, you won't have stability for your backline."
"For a goalkeeper, for a goalkeeping signing, I can't name many better than him in the last five years really."